English - Putzmeister Solid Pumps

English - Putzmeister Solid Pumps

English - Putzmeister Solid Pumps


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Transportation of Biomasswith Hydraulically Driven Piston <strong>Pumps</strong>Nowadays the treatment of biomassto produce methane gas forenergy production is becomingincreasingly popular due to therising costs of primary energy.There are now a number of processesavailable for the methanisationof biomass, and there isalso an increasing range of biomasssources such as corn, woodenchips or food waste that can betreated.Biomass231Abheften unter: A 1.00, A 4.00, IP 4.05<strong>Putzmeister</strong> has more than 20 years experiencein transporting biomass, andthe unique design of our pumps makesit possible to convey various types ofbiomass mater ial, including those thatare contaminated with foreign objectslike knives, spoons, bottle-caps or glass,which can dramatic ally disturb the fermentationprocess.Wrapped foodBy using hydraulically driven pistonpumps it is possible to convey biowastethrough the treatment process whilstguarantying reduced life cycle costs comparedwith other transportation methods.You are also guaranteed a completelysealed system in between the points thematerial enters and leaves the process.Furthermore <strong>Putzmeister</strong> has also developeda process to separate out foreignparticles during the pumping process.Operational site for producing electricity and heat out of biomass4KOS 25100 with hydraulic power pack and twinscrew feeding device, transporting biomass to thefermentation tankIP 4083-3 GB

Different pumps for different kindof biomass5 6For biomass and biowaste collected fromhouseholds, restaurants, supermarketsor other sources, it is necessary for thereto be no obstructions to the flow of materialthrough the pump or possible feedingdevices. This design is required asbiomass material is inconsistent, and willbe prone to blocking if there is anythinginterrupting the material flow. To avoidthese problems PIT has developed arange of different pumps to enable troublefree operation.The EKO single cylinder pistonpump is able to pump bulky wet materialas well as stiff sludges with large grainsizes. With the EKO 1060 PP it is possibleto separate foreign particles fromthe bio mass to enable better digestionin the fermentation process. Some EKOpumps have been pumping for more than60,000 hours without interruption.8Corn stover and straw will be chopped and dampened prior to pumpingEKO single cylinder piston pump710Separation of packaging from expiredfood with an EKO 1060 PPThe pump will be fed with material.EKO 1060 PP at the biomethanisation plant inKössen, Austria for the transportation and dewrappingof expired food9The delivery piston moves forwards anddrives the material into the perforateddelivery cylinder.The delivery piston compresses the materialand the liquid fraction is squeezedout of the perforated holes. Foreignpart icles remain in the pump.The gate valve is opened.The delivery piston pushes theforeign particles into the delivery line.Piston head imbedded with knifes, forks and nailsThe gate valve is closed.IP 4083-3 GB

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