DIARY OF OMAR EARSLEY - Town of Caroline Historian

DIARY OF OMAR EARSLEY - Town of Caroline Historian

DIARY OF OMAR EARSLEY - Town of Caroline Historian

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Wednesday, July 24, 1878Father, Theron & I bound wheat in the forenoon. Afternoon we helped M.Rounsvell draw & stack hay back up the creek & draw some into the barn. We set ourwheat up first night. Pleasant.Thursday 25Father finished raking our wheat up with the horse rake & he & Theron & I boundit in the forenoon. Afternoon Wm. Rounsevell & J. Haynes helped us get it all in thebarn. Got Mr. Rounsevell's all in but part <strong>of</strong> a load.Friday 26We worked at Mr. Rounsevell's drawing in hay in forenoon. Afternoon Father &Wm. R. went to Besemer's Depot & to Mr. Rice's to look at reapers. Mr. Haynes,Theron & I drawed 2 loads <strong>of</strong> hay into barn then it began to rain.Saturday, July 27, 1878Father & I went to Richford with M. Rounsevell's horse to see Mr. Corey about areaper he had none so he & father went to Newark to see the agent there. I staid at D.Yaples till nightSunday 28A pleasant day. Fred Earsley was here & he & I went up to H. Crums, spent theafternoon. Miss Tyler came back just night. Father drove the colt to Ithaca this P.M.Monday 29William R. & I spread out some hay in the morning, then he went to Richford toget the reaper. Theron raked the wheat scatterings up. Father got home Ithaca aboutnoon then we drawed in the hay. The ag'ts [agent] set reaper up & began work.Tuesday July 30, 1878Rained nearly all day. Father & Will Rounsevell went to Speedsville to see Mr.Blackman about reaper & Theron & I got grist ready & I went to Mott's Corners to mill.Wednesday 31The agent Mr. _____ from Newark was up and they tried the reaper & Father &Mr. Rounsevell bought it together, they gave $75 for it. We reaped till most night whenit began to rain.Thursday, August 1Father reaped & Jackson Haynes, Will R. Theron & I bound until noon, then Will,Theron & I set them up, when it began to rain. William & I fixed reaper someafternoon.PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0http://www.pdf4free.com

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