Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand

Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand Smart Arts - Creative New Zealand
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When LoveComes Calling,choreographedand performedby Raewyn HillSoapboxProductions

IntroductionThere must be as many marketing guides as there are Shakespeareanquotes on love. This publication, Smart arts | Toi huatau, differs frommost marketing guides because it is written specifically for the artsenvironment in New Zealand.Smart arts | Toi huatau5I was approached by Creative New Zealand to write this guide, drawing on my experienceas a local arts marketer. I have worked in arts marketing for more than ten years and myknowledge is based on firsthand experience. I studied theatre, film and psychology atVictoria University but my knowledge of marketing is from the street. Intuition andpractical experience carried me to a certain level and as I began refining my knowledge,I turned to marketing books and courses to fill in the gaps.The purpose of this guide is to offer an introduction to marketing an arts event, aimed atartists, entry-level publicists and producers. Although my experience is mainly inperforming arts, much of the information in this guide is relevant to all artforms andanyone trying to reach audiences for their work – whether it’s a writers’ festival, a gallerypromoting an exhibition or a jazz concert.Marketing the intangibleOne of the hardest things about marketing in the arts is that we are often asked topromote an event or product that is not yet in existence.One of my favourite sayings in marketing is: “You’re not selling the drill, you’re selling thehole.” Nobody actually wants to own a drill. They want to make a hole. This is particularlytrue of the arts where you’re not selling a dance or theatre work – you’re selling anexperience. Similarly, you’re not selling a canvas with some paint on it – you’re selling aperson’s attitude, perspective or an image.Although this is a general principle of all marketing – whether you’re selling an energydrink, a car or a show – it is especially relevant when marketing an art product that has yetto be created. Understand what it is that motivates people to connect with art and sell thatto them.Understand your audienceMarketing considers an event from an audience’s point of view and guides the way youcommunicate to a potential audience. What do they want? Why, when and how do they

When LoveComes Calling,choreographedand performedby Raewyn HillSoapboxProductions

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