Sacramento TSCA - Traditional Small Craft Association

Sacramento TSCA - Traditional Small Craft Association

Sacramento TSCA - Traditional Small Craft Association


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<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>First Issue 2007January 2007Richard Geiger, EditorPresidents’ Day Weekend Row — Korth's Pirates LairSaturday, February 17, 2007This is an 8-mile row from Oxbow Marina onGeorgiana Slough to Korth’s Pirates Lair.Korth’s has permitted us to camp on the grounds.Or people may stay first come, first served onboard Richard and Susan Geigers’ vessel or Billand Wendy Dolls’.Please call Bill Doll at 415-681-8117 for informationand to RSVP.We will meet at Korth’s at 0800 and caravan upto the Oxbow marina, launch the boats and thencaravan vehicles and trailers back to Korth’s.Then caravan back up to Oxbow Marina and rowdown the Georgiana Slough (with the current)and then on to the Mokelumne river, finishing atKorth's.After the row, we will convene for dinner at theRivers' Edge Restaurant in Isleton. The ownersare making a special dinner for us; we expect thecost will be from $11.00 to $20.00.Just above: A photo from last years’ Oxbow toKorths’ Row with the Geigers aft and Don Rich at theforward oars. Top of the page: The DeLapps glidingalong on a beautiful Tomales New Year’s Day.

Page 2<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Petaluma River RowSaturday, March 31Here's the plan:Meet @ Petaluma Marina 10:00.Ferry cars to take-out @ Lakeville or Highway37.Leave @ 11:30, row to Lakeville for lunch@ Papas Taverna around 1:00.Optional row/sail to Highway 37, arriving@ 4:30— 5:00.Petaluma Marina is @ Hwy 116, two blockseast of Highway 101.For further info, call: Don Rich @ 707-766-9602Lake Natoma RowSaturday, April 14th / Launch 1000Lake Natoma is a jewel of a lake east of <strong>Sacramento</strong>.To get there, take US 50 East out of <strong>Sacramento</strong> toHazel Avenue. From the Bay area, take 80 East, then50 East. From 50, turn North, to your left, on Hazel,and then take the right turn into the Nimbus Flat RecreationArea.There is a ranger station, and the parking fee was$5.00 last year. There is a big parking lot, and a newramp and dock where we will launch. We will launchabout 1000.Bring a picnic lunch. Depending on conditions, wemay raft up for lunch or find a beach.Across the bridge to the north, and within easy walkingdistance, the California State University at <strong>Sacramento</strong>has a big Aquatic Center, with many on-thewaterprograms available to students and to the public,and information about the nationally ranked competitiverowing events held on this lake.There is a Canoe Challenge at the Aquatic Center onthe 14th as well, for added entertainment.(see csusaquaticcenter.com)Also in the area is the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, thesalmon and steelhead fish hatchery just across Hazel;there is a great visitor center and pens of fish to lookat.More information —Call Jim Lawson or Sunny Foster at 530-753-5449,snail mail at 1642 La Habra Court, Davis, CA, 95618,or jimsunny@omsoft.com.The Petaluma Row is very popular — check out thisturnout!— Photo by Sheryl SpeckFrom your editor: Please email me a favorite pictureof your boat for addition to a “Fleet Page” we are beginningon our <strong>TSCA</strong> website:http://www.tsca.net/<strong>Sacramento</strong>/My email address: rggeiger at comcast.net

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong> Page 328 th AnnualInformal Grand InternationalCircumalamedan Rowing RegattaThis mind boggling event will officially start at 0800from the Royal Aeolian Yacht Club on Sunday,April 22, 2007. However, for those who wish tosleep in, or those with boats too big to launch byhand (there is no ramp at the Aeolian,) 0900 at theGrand Street ramp should be sufficient to permit arrivalat Jack London Square by 1000, where all areencouraged to stop for a brief layover, coffee break,what-have-you.At about 1015, chits will be distributed from thedock at Jack London Square for those who wish toparticipate in the Golden Sip Challenge of 2007.This challenge is a 3.5+ mile, white-knuckle, noholds-barredrace from Jack London Square to theCircumalamedan R&R boat anchored just south ofthe Head of the Estuary, and participants may commencerowing as soon as they have chit in hand.*There is no handicap in this event. Quite simply, thefirst participant to arrive at the official R&R boat byoar or sail — with chit in hand — will be declaredthe victor and will be recognized as same and receivea sumptuous reward during the banquet at theRoyal Aeolian Yacht Club later that day.Departure from the R&R boat is estimated for about1130, allowing for the rounding of Ballena Bay atabout 1230 and arrival at the Aeolian around 1330.The banquet will be potluck. Currents should befavorable for the main event. After lunch, though, itwill be “uphill” from the Aeolian back to GrandStreet, and the GRUNWALD will be available forthose who wish a tow.For directions to the Aeolian or to the Grand Streetramp, or any other questions, call:Pete Evans (510-652-2034) or send an e-mail to hissecretary at qtule at yahoo.com.————————————————————* It has been rumored that in past years Briberyhas greased the Palm of Power and sullied thepurity of this event. It is earnestly hoped that suchwill not be seen this year!<strong>TSCA</strong> Annual Meeting and MessaboutJune 8-10The 2007 annual <strong>TSCA</strong> meeting is going to be inSan Francisco, the second weekend in June. No registrationneeded, all <strong>TSCA</strong> members are welcome.Daytime meeting, opportunities to play in boats on theBay, etc. Proposed activities (subject to change)hosted by the <strong>Sacramento</strong> Chapter of <strong>TSCA</strong> and theSan Francisco Maritime National Historic Parkinclude:Friday, June 8•1700 - Tour of the Alameda Warehouse – The SanFrancisco Maritime National Historical Park's storagefacility on the island of Alameda on the East Bay.• 1800 - Cocktails and dinner at the Aeolian YachtClub in Alameda.• An after dinner row.Saturday, June 9• 0900 - Morning row from Ballena Bay, Alameda,across the bay to the San Francisco Maritime NationalHistorical Park at Aquatic Park (9 miles). ETAAquatic Park: 1200.• 1300 - Afternoon sail on the Museum's historic scowschooner Alma.• 1800 - Reception and dinner in San Francisco at anhistoric site.Sunday, June 10• 1000-1200 - <strong>TSCA</strong> National Annual Meeting at theMaritime Education Center (The old Sea Scout Base)at Aquatic Park in San Francisco.• Council Meeting immediately following AnnualMeeting.For further information contact Cricket Evans at emevans@calmail.berkeley.eduor510-652-2034.The meeting is scheduled to connect with the SanFrancisco Maritime National Historic Park's annualgunkholing trip, which immediately follows thatweekend.

Page 4<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Planning Meeting 2007Our annual planning took place at Aeolian Yacht Clubin Alameda with our new president Todd Bloch leadingus. Check out the schedule on page 11 for theresults of our labor.Many thanks to Pete & Cricket Evans for arrangingfor the use of the club as a venue.

Page 6<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Cosumnes River Scouting TripBy Francisco HernandezJim Lawson, Todd Bloch and I scouted the CosumnesRiver at the Preserve in mid-January. We werechecking it out for the <strong>TSCA</strong> row planned forSaturday, May 26.You might recall the headlines at the time about recordfrosts and the loss of citrus. It was the coldestweek of the new year. At the dock side we encounteredquarter inch thick ice and could not put in.However we walked on the trail along the river’sedge and found a refreshingly unlevied stretch of water,tree-lined and teaming with birds. Sandhill craneswere visiting and doing their odd hopping courtshipdance. Tall gray birds with a bright red cap, they arequite a sight.Everyone we talked to said July was unbearably hothere and therefore we are proposing May 26 as anearlier date for this trip.Sandhill cranes — photos taken in the Midwestabove, and Florida, below.The facilities are really only suitable for light carryableboats or those with very (with and emphasis onvery) light trailers. There is a quarter mile paved trailfrom the parking lot to a small dock. Boats must bewalked or carried from the parking lot. The visitorcenter has a few dollies available.This will be a wonderful addition to our calendar.The town of Locke is just a 20 minute drive away sowe can round the day off with warm food at Al theWop’s.More information and driving directions visit thePreserve’s website http://www.cosumnes.org/ oremail me at fhernandez@sfschool.org.

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong> Page 7A Report and Pictures from the Sausalito RowNovember 17Most of us launched from Clipper Cove's ramp androwed a ways south to Schoonmaker Beach where wemet several local 'native guides' and the organizers. EdMcGrath showed off his new dinghy from North BayBoatworks, and we ran into one of the builders and invitedhim and friend in for lunch.A bunch of kayakers from Redding were on the beachgetting ready to paddle out to Angel Island. Too bad itwas foggy and cool, as yesterday's sunny weatherwould have been nicer.We rowed back north and toured the houseboat areas,particularly the Yellow Ferry section. Those of us withsail rigs hoisted them and everyone went back waysouth to the dock at the Sausalito Yacht Club for lunch.Most everyone rowed back into the wind for the returntrip, except the Drascombe which sailed acrossRichardson Bay and got a nice reach back to thelaunchramp.David "Thorne" LuckhardtMy Chamberlain dory skiff restoration page -http://www.luckhardt.com/dory1.htmlPics & QuickTime movies of Stone Lagoon boatingevent near Eureka -http://www.luckhardt.com/pics.html

Page 8<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Dock Dance!Sheryl Speck and Don Rich perform the launchingdance that we all know so well! At Tomales Bay.Below: A cool picture on the AmericaFlyFishing.com website.Reminds me of our Marshall Beach campout.

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong> Page 9Non-Motorized Boating in CaliforniaActive-User SurveyQuestionnairehttp://newpointgroup.com/dbwsurvey/SURVEY BACKGROUNDThe California Department of Boating and Waterways(DBW) is conducting its first-ever study of nonmotorizedboating in California. DBW is a Stateagency whose mission is to provide safe and convenientaccess to California’s public waterways, and leadershipin promoting the public’s right to safe, enjoyable,and environmentally sound recreational boating.A major focus for DBW is to provide grants and loansfor boating facilities such as launch ramps and marinas.While DBW has supported several non-motorizedboating initiatives over the last few years, DBWfundedfacilities are typically directed toward motorizedboating.As non-motorized boating activities have become increasinglypopular in California and elsewhere, DBWis considering providing more support to this growingboating community. As a first step in further planningand potential support for non-motorized boating,CLASSY ADPiantedosi Row-Wing and spruce sculling oars(9'8") Like New -- asking $ 7506'8" Pram, designed by Murray Peterson (WB#28) One was built as a tender for the canoe yawl"Annie" (WB #41) Occume plywood & mahogany,with oars. Adorable. Never used. Asking $ 750Steve Najjar650 856-6209 (h)650 387-0891 (c)415 536-2020 (w)snandsr at earthlink.netGREETINGS & SALUTATIONS FROM THENEW TREASURERS!Please notice the numbers after your name on themailing label. These represent the status of yourmembership dues. If you see 06 or earlier (05, 04)after your name, your dues are due! You can pay bywriting a check to: <strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>; and mailingthis check to: Wendy Doll, 3222 Santiago Street, SanFrancisco, CA 94116-1541$15 per year or $40 for 3 years. Note: You may rememberthat at the January 2006 planning meeting, itwas voted to have dues due in January of each year.Also, please let us know by email:wendydoll at sbcglobal.net or phone (415) 681-8117,if you have an address change.— Wendy & Bill DollDBW seeks to understand how many non-motorizedboaters there are in California, the boats they own,and where and why they boat.The results of this study will be used to help the Departmentto (1) understand how many, and whattypes, of non-motorized boats there are in California,(2) understand how economically important nonmotorizedboating is to California, and (3) plan futurefacilities to meet the needs of non-motorizedboaters. This study is not associated with CaliforniaDepartment of Motor Vehicles boat registration enforcement.Relatively little is known either nationally, or withinCalifornia, about non-motorized boats and boating,and we need non-motorized boaters’ input. As partof the overall non-motorized boating study, we areconducting this “active-user” Internet Survey of nonmotorizedboaters. Those who boat regularly willhave a better awareness of facility needs, will spendthe most money on boating, and will have the bestperspectives on how to improve non-motorized boatingin California.

Page 10BoatUS offers benefitsto <strong>TSCA</strong> membersBelow is an email received from a BoatUS representativein the Northwest sent to John Weiss, oneof the <strong>TSCA</strong> national board members. The benefitsthat he mentions apply to everyone in the nationwide<strong>TSCA</strong> organization. I’m sure that BoatUSprovides benefits focused towards other regions.——————From: "BoatUS Member Services"MBainbridg at BoatUS.comSent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:10 AMSubject: BoatUS Cooperating Group BenefitsThank you for being a BoatUS Cooperating Groupliaison. We appreciate your affiliation with BoatUS.As fellow boaters, we recognize the advantages ofworking together to increase all of our enjoymenton the water, and the safety of all of us.My name is Michael Bainbridge, and in the PacificNorthwest, I'm your local BoatUS Membership andVessel Assist Towing contact. I want to remind youof some of the benefits of being a CooperatingGroup and ask if I could come to your next meetingto introduce myself and meet your group members.Your BoatUS Cooperating Group Benefits Are:-- Half-price BoatUS Membership: Your membersare entitled to a full Membership in BoatUS foronly $12.50 - that's 50% off the regular $25 annualdues! Just use your Cooperating Group numberGA84393B when you join or renew your BoatUSMembership. BoatUS Member benefits include rebatesat BoatUS and West Marine stores, discountsat marinas nationwide on fuel, repairs, and overnightslips, on-the-water towing services, highlyrespectedmarine insurance, and much more.-- Discounted Boat Show Tickets: As a BoatU.S.member, you are eligible to purchase 2007 SeattleBoat Show e-tickets and NMMA produced boatshows tickets at a special discount rate. The Seattle<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Boat Show is now offering BoatUS Members a22% discount off their 3-day Flex Pass and 30%off their one-day tickets if you purchase the ticketonline! Included in the ticket price is a day of freeparking, one free cup of clam chowder from FXMcCrory's, and a 1-year magazine subscription toYachting, Motor Boating or Salt Water Sportsman.Visit www.boatus.com/tickets/ to purchase yourticket today!-- Boating's Largest Speaker's Bureau: As a CooperatingGroup, you'll have access to guest speakersand boating videos for group meetings - andmany are free of charge. Over 350 experts are registeredwith the Bureau (including me!! I am availableto speak to your group about BoatUS, towing,fishing and general recreation in the Pacific Northwestwaters). For a list of additional speakers inthe Pacific Northwest, please call (800) 678-6467.-- Web Link Exchange: Link towww.boatus.com, and we will link to your websitein exchange atwww.boatus.com/links/yclinks.asp.-- Participation in this unique program will allowyou to offer additional benefits to Members ofyour boating group, including discounts and servicesthat increase the value of your organization -and best of all, it costs your group nothing to participate!I would like to meet with you to discusswhat benefits we offer, and which are most importantto you.I hope to meet you at the Portland or Seattle BoatShow! Please stop by the BoatUS/Vessel Assistbooth or contact me directly if you need anythingfrom me or would like to coordinate a time when Ican meet with your group at your next meeting.Thank you,Michael BainbridgeBoatUS Membership and Towing - Northwest(206)276-4147

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong> Page 11<strong>TSCA</strong> / <strong>Sacramento</strong> Chapter / 2007 / Coming EventsSat-Sun Feb 17-18Korth's Marina/ Delta Row & Campout-- Bill Doll 415-681-8117Sat Mar 31 Petaluma River Row -- Don Rich — 707-766-9602Sat Apr 14 Lake Natoma — Jim Lawson — 530-753-5449Sun Apr 22 Circumalamedan — Pete Evans — 510-652-2034Sat-Sun May 5-6Sat-Sun May 12-13Sat May 26Sat-Sun June 9-10Mon-Fri June 11-15Sat-Sun June 23-24Sun July 22Sat-Sun Aug 11-12Sat-Sun Aug 25-26Sat-Sun Sep 15-16Sat-Sun Oct 6-7Sat Oct 27Sat Nov 3Sat Nov 24Tue Jan 1, 2008Sat Jan 5, 2008Elkhorn Slough & Campout — Jake RoulstoneFall River Row & Fishing Trip — Bill DollCosumnes River Row — Francisco Hernandez<strong>TSCA</strong> National Meeting at SF Maritime Museum w. boatingevents TBA — Cricket Evans, Bill DollSF Maritime Museum Gunkhole — Bill Doll & Al LutzMaster Mariner Meet/Sausalito Row— Barbara Ohler & Alice CochranDrakes Estero Row — Tom KremerBig River Row w. Lost Coast Chapter <strong>TSCA</strong> — Lee CaldwellChina Camp Row & Campout w. Master Mariner— Bill Doll, Al Lutz & Barbara OhlerMarshall Beach Row & Campout/Annual Meeting — Don RichBolinas Lagoon Row & Campout — Pete EvansRedwood City Row — Al LutzDelta Meadows Row — Lynn DelappWet Turkey Row — Jim LawsonHair of the Dog — Tomales Bay — Lee CaldwellAnnual Planning Meeting — Aeolian YC — Pete Evans

<strong>TSCA</strong><strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Small</strong> <strong>Craft</strong> <strong>Association</strong><strong>Sacramento</strong> ChapterPresident: Todd Bloch (415) 971-2844todd.sb at comcast.netTreasurer & Bill & Wendy DollMembership: (415) 681-81173222 Santiago StSan Francisco, CA 94116-1541wendydoll at sbcglobal.netChapter dues: $15 year (3-years $40)National dues $20CalendarSat-Sun Feb 17-18Korth's Marina/ Delta Row & Campout— Bill Doll 415-681-8117Sat Mar 31Petaluma River Row— Don Rich 707-766-9602Sat Apr 14Lake Natoma Row— Jim Lawson 530-753-5449Sun Apr 22The Circumalamedan— Pete Evans 510-652-2034Inside This issue: Sausalito Row,Cosumnes River Scouting Trip, AnnualPlanning Meeting<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>TSCA</strong>Richard Geiger, Editor & Secretary3719 September Ct.Castro Valley, CA 94546(510) 582-8593 rggeiger at comcast.netFirst Class Mail

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