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Museums & AttractionsHouse Museums in MilanA cumulative Card is availablefor the four historic housemuseums, all situated in thecentre of Milan (adults €15,reduced €10). The MuseoBagatti Valsecchi, the BoschiDi Stefano House Museum,the Villa Necchi Campiglioand the Museo Poldi Pezzoli(see also pages 71, 72, 74)are fascinating places that allhave one thing in common,namely the generosityof their founders, whoopened their homes andart collections to the public.Visitors will have a chanceto learn more about thepersonal stories and tastesof their owners – a reflectionof the evolution anddocuments and private letters. Open Tues-Sun 9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Free admission.www.museodimilano.mi.it. Via Sant’Andrea, 6.T: 02 88465933/76006964. M1 San Babila, M3Montenapoleone. Map G4FONDAZIONE ARNALDO POMODORO – TheFoundation, which was established in 1995 andin 1997 officially recognized by the Ministryof Culture obtained definitive recognition asa museum from the Region of Lombardy in2007. According to its statute, the purposeof the Foundation is to guarantee correctinformation concerning all the works of theItalian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro, and topromote detailed information regarding thefounder’s oeuvre, for both the general publicand as an educational tool for art schools. OpenWed-Sun 11am-7pm; Thu 11am-10pm. Admissionfree the second Sunday of the month. www.fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it. Via Solari, 35.T: 02 89075394. M2 Sant’Agostino. Map C6FONDAZIONE FORMA – Instituted by the historicItalian photographic agency “Contrasto”, in just5 years this multi-functional facility has becomea reference point for important photographicexhibitions. Open daily from 11am-9pm and till11pm on Thurs and Fri. www.formafoto.it. Piazza T. L.Caro. T: 02 89075420. M2 Porta Genova F2. Off MapFONDAZIONE PRADA – This is a space dedicatedto innovative projects by contemporary artists,transformation of Milanesesociety.www.casemuseomilano.itMuseo Poldi Pezzolivia A. Manzoni, 12T: 02 794889/796334M3 MontenapoleoneMon, Wed-Sun 10am-6pmClosed on Tuesestablished in 1993 by arts patron Miuccia Pradaand her husband Patrizio Bertelli, heads of oneof the most famous fashion brands in the world.Home to installations and temporary exhibitions,Prada’s mission is to make it a temple of “accessibleculture” for the city. Opening times and informationvary according to the exhibitions on show. www.fondazioneprada.org. Via A. Fogazzaro, 36. Off MapGALLERIA CAMPARI – A vibrant, multimedia andinteractive venue which traces the history ofCampari through the expressions of modernand contemporary art from 1860 to today. Worksand advertising campaigns by internationallyrenowned artists of the calibre of FortunatoDepero, Bruno Munari and Ugo Nespolo. Campariposters and memorabilia can be purchased fromthe Gift & Book Shop. Free admission. Open Tues,Thurs, Fri 10am-7pm. www.campari.com. VialeGramsci, 161. Sesto San Giovanni (Milan). M1 Sesto1° Maggio FS. Off MapGALLERIA D’ARTE MODERNA –Boasting 2,700 paintings and 700 sculptures,this Galleria inaugurated in 1921 is above all a“nineteenth century museum” hosting mainlyItalian and French works of art. Set against thebeautifully elegant backdrop of the Villa Reale,with its magnificent English garden. Open daily9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Closed on Mondays. Freeadmission. www.comune.milano.it. Via Palestro,16. T: 02 76340809 (10am-noon/3pm-4pm).M1 Palestro, M3 Turati. Map G3GIANNI COMENCINI MUSEUM OF CINEMA –Set against the evocative backdrop of thehistoric Palazzo Dugnani, this inspiring journeythrough the magic of cinema allows you todiscover the secrets of motion pictures with allits multi-faceted cultural, historical and socialaspects. Contains memorabilia and importantdocumentation regarding the evolution ofcinema in Milan and the rest of the worldincluding film excerpts and equipment used bythe Lumière brothers and George Méliès. OpenFri, Sat, Sun 3pm-7pm. Full ticket price €3. www.cinetecamilano.it. Via D. Manin, 2b. T: 02 6554977.M2 Moscova, M3 Turati. Map G3HISTORIC CIVIC ARCHIVES AND TRIVULZIANALIBRARY – Hosted inside the Castello Sforzesco.The library can be accessed to examineparchments, documents, records and prints.The Historic Archive preserves all the acts of theMunicipality of Milan and of the Duchy dating backas far as 1385. Open Mon-Fri 9am-noon/1.30pm-4.30pm. www.comune.milano.it. Piazza Castello, 1.T: 02 88463694. M1 Cairoli. Map E4LEONARDO DA VINCI NATIONAL MUSEUMOF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Found in a16th century monastery, this is one of the mostimportant museums of science and technologyin the world. Its collections, featuring cars, aircraft,ships, scooters, trains, reconstructions of ancientworkshops for metalworking, clock-making rightthrough to electronics, textiles and astronomy,explore the relationship between men andmachines starting from the ingenious inventionsof the world famous Leonardo da Vinci who livedin Milan between 1482 and 1500. Open Wed,Thurs, Fri 10am-5.30pm; Sat, Sun and Holidays10am-6.30pm. Full ticket price €8 + Guided tourinside the Enrico Toti submarine €10.www.museoscienza.org. Via San Vittore, 21.T: 02 48555558. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map C5MANZONI’S HOUSE – Former home of the author,Alessandro Manzoni, second in Italian literatureonly to Dante, he lived here for about sixty yearsuntil his tragic death in 1873. Beautifully restoredin the ‘70’s, its wonderful interior is still preservedwith all its original furnishings. The house alsoboasts a large library with over 30,000 books,including the complete works of Manzonihimself. Open Tues-Sun 9am-noon/2pm-4pm.Free admission. www.museodimilano.mi.it.Via G. Morone, 1. T: 02 86460403. M1-M3 Duomo.Map F4MILAN MUSEUM – Dedicated to the urban andsocial development of Milan between the 17thand 18th centuries, at the beginning of March2010, the collection was enriched with collectionsof historic garments originating from the CastelloSforzesco’s Applied Arts Collection. Open Tues-Sun 9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Free admission.www.museodimilano.mi.it. Via Sant’Andrea, 6.T: 02 88465933/76006964. M1 San Babila;M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4MUSEO BAGATTI VALSECCHI – Located in the heartof Milan, this museum/house is one of the bestpreserved in Europe. Its evocative rooms houseprecious Renaissance collections: paintings,sculptures, weapons and armour, ceramics,jewellery and tapestries. Open Tues-Sun (exceptholidays) 1pm-5.45pm. Full price ticket €8 (€4 on58 WHERE MILAN I JANUARY 2011

Museums & AttractionsWednesdays). www.museobagattivalsecchi.org.Via Santo Spirito 10/Via Gesù, 5.T: 02 76006132/76014857. M1 San Babila,M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4MUSEO DEI POPOLI E DELLE CULTURE – ThePeoples and Cultures Museum, founded in 1910,is devoted to Oriental art and ethnographicobjects. On display, numerous objects linked tothe world of Asian religion, collected by Catholicmissionaries over the centuries. Open Mon-Fri9am-12.30am/2pm-6pm. Free admission. Via M.Bianchi, 94. T: 02 48009191. M1 Lotto. Off MapMUSEO DEL CASTELLO SFORZESCO –Antique art, paintings, period furniture, sculpturesand musical instruments are housed in CastelloSforzesco’s precious treasure trove. The buildingalone is well worth a visit. Rooms 9, 10, 15, 23, 24not accessible to the disabled. Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm (admission until 5pm), closed on Mondays(holidays included). Full price ticket €3. Freeadmittance: every day except Fri after 4.30pm; Fri2pm-5.30pm; always free for children under 18.www.milanocastello.it. Piazza Castello, 3.T: 02 88463703. M1 Cairoli. Map E4MUSEO DEL NOVECENTO – Four hundredmasterpieces of Italian and international twentiethcentury art at the newest Milanese museum,inaugurated on 6 December 2010. The displayarea extends over 4,000 square metres at Milan’srecently restructured Palazzo dell’Arengario, alsoa stunning example of 1930s-style architecture.On-site facilities include a well-stocked store and arestaurant which stays open until late at night. Freeadmission until 28 February. Mon 2.30pm-7.30pm;Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun 9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs, Sat 9.30am-10.30pm. www.museodelnovecento.org.Piazza Duomo. T: 02 88444061. M1-M3 Duomo.Map F5.MUSEO DIOCESANO – This museum of religiousarts, whose new headquarters were inauguratedin 2001, hosts 600 works dating back to the 4thcentury A.D. By maximizing their historic andreligious meanings, it preserves and promotesthe valuable art treasures belonging to the“Diocese”, with smaller pieces collected fromChurch museums and treasuries across Lombardy.Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm. Full ticket price€8 (€4 on Tuesdays). www.museodiocesano.it.Corso di Porta Ticinese, 95. T: 02 89420019.Map E7MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI – Formerly the aristocratichome of its founder, Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli(1822-1879), it houses a remarkable collectionof Italian Renaissance masters: from Botticelli toMantegna, from Piero della Francesca to Tiepolo.It also displays weapons, ceramics, glass, textiles,clocks, watches and jewellery. Open Mon-Sun10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Full ticket price€8. www.museopoldipezzoli.it. Via A. Manzoni,12. T: 02 794889/796334. M3 Montenapoleone.Map F4MUSEO TEATRALE ALLA SCALA – Foundedin 1913, it recently underwent an importantmakeover and is dedicated to the historyof the famous Milan Opera House with avast collection of musical instruments anddocuments dedicated to famous musicians,including Verdi and Toscanini. Visitors canlook into the theatre, provided there are norehearsals, or admire the “machine” that gives stagedirections. Open Mon-Sun (except holidays) 9am-12.30am/1.30pm-5.30pm. Full price ticket €5. www.museodimilano.mi.it. Largo A. Ghiringhelli, 1 cornerof Piazza della Scala. T: 02 88792473/7423. M1-M3Duomo; M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4MUSEUM OF CRIMINOLOGY AND ANTIQUEWEAPONS – Housed in 12th century towers,in the Sant’Ambrogio area, at the old entranceto the city, this small museum is the perfectplace for those who are fascinated by torture. Ithosts a fine collection of weapons, armour andhorrifying instruments of torture from Medievaltimes right up to the early nineteenth century.Open Mon-Sun 10am-1pm/3pm-7.30pm. Fullticket price €6.20. Via G. Carducci, 41.T: 02 8053505. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM –Home to valuable mineral, botanical andzoological collections. Highlights include alarge fossil collection, reconstructions of extinctanimals and dioramas with stuffed animalsshown in their natural habitats originating bothfrom Europe and other exotic places. It containsthe only dinosaur skeleton existing in Italy. OpenTues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Full price ticket €3 (freeadmission on Friday afternoon). www.comune.milano.it. Corso Venezia, 55. T: 02 88463280.M1 Palestro. Map H3PAC–CONTEMPORARY ART PAVILIONS– Completed in 1996, this 1,200 sq.m. spaceis the most important exhibition centre forcontemporary art in Milan, boasting a gardenarea for sculptures, a raised floor for paintingsand a balcony for photos and graphic works.Fully accessible by the disabled. Openinghours and ticket prices vary according to theexhibition on show. www.comune.milano.it.Via Palestro, 14. T: 02 88446359/360. M1 Palestro,M3 Turati. Map G3PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE – Built in the 13thcentury as a courthouse, the palazzo is located inone of the oldest and most picturesque squaresin the city. Renovated in the Eighties, it is now aprestigious exhibition space. Opening hours andticket prices vary according to the exhibition onshow. www.comune.milano.it. Piazza Mercanti, 1.T: 02 875672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PALAZZO REALE – Formerly the residence of allthose who governed Milan, from Napoleon to theRoyal House of Savoy, the Royal Palace is currentlyone of the most important cultural centres in thecity, hosting exhibitions of international renown.Opening hours vary according to the exhibitionon show. www.comune.milano.it. Piazza Duomo,12. T: 02 875672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PINACOTECA DI BRERA –The Brera Art Gallery is one of the most importantmuseums in Milan. Its permanent collectionsoffer a wealth of exceptionally good Italian andforeign masterpieces including Mantegna’s“Dead Christ”, Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin”,Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus” and, for a littlelight relief, “The Kiss” by Hayez. Open Tues-Sun8.30am-7.15pm. Full ticket price €11. www.brera.beniculturali.it. Via Brera, 28. T: 02 722631. M2 Lanza,M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3RISORGIMENTO MUSEUM –Located in the Brera district, the museumdepicts the Unification of the Kingdom of Italywith prints, paintings, sculptures, drawings,weapons and other memorabilia. The veryfirst Italian flag is housed here. Open Tues-Sun9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Full admission fee €2.Free for children under 18 and every Fridayafternoon. www.museodelrisorgimento.mi.it.Via Borgonuovo, 23. T: 02 88464177. M2 Lanza,M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3ROTONDA DELLA BESANA – Formerly usedas a cemetery and subsequently as the city’shospital, this evocative venue is currently anexhibition centre with porticoes and gardensopen to the public. Opening hours and ticketprices vary according to the exhibition onshow. www.comune.milano.it. Via Besana, 15.T: 02 5455047. Map H6. M3 Crocetta.STUDIO-MUSEUM FRANCESCO MESSINA –Located in the old deconsecrated Churchof S. Sisto, just a few steps from the Duomo,Francesco Messina, twentieth century Italiansculptor, chose the venue himself, consideringit an ideal spot to display the works that hehad donated to the city. Tues-Sat 2pm-6pm.Free admission. www.comune.milano.it. ViaSan Sisto, 4/A. T: 02 86453005. M1-M3 Duomo.Map E5TRIENNALE DESIGN MUSEUM – The Triennaledi Milano is one of the most vibrant, popularand important exhibition centres in the city.Featuring annually changing exhibitionsof note, it also owns the most importantpermanent collection of design works. Thisfantastic museum is brimming with endlessinstallations originating from brilliant minds allover the world. It has a superb media library ondesign, art and architecture. In 2006, in additionto the historic headquarters, a branch was alsoopened in the emerging Bovisa district. OpenTues-Sun 10.30am-8.30pm; Thurs-Fri 10.30am-11pm. www.triennale.it. Viale E. Alemagna, 6.T: 02 724341. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D3ULRICO HOEPLI CIVIC PLANETARIUM –Planetarium activities include events,conferences and meetings on all subjectsrelated to astronomy: guided star-watchingtours for beginners, scientific lectures forexperts and various events for children andyoung people including musical performancesand plays. Open Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Fullprice ticket €3. www.comune.milano.it. CorsoVenezia, 57. T: 02 88463340. M1 Palestro. Map H3VOLANDIA – A flight park and museum, situatednext to the International Malpensa airport.The exhibition space is divided into five areasdocumenting the conquest of the sky, fromhot-air ballooning right up to twentiethcentury inventions. Located on the borderbetween Milan and Varese, known as “thewinged province” due to its longstandingassociation with the aeronautical industry,the museum includes a play area for children,a store and a café. Full ticket, 8 euros, freeadmission for children under the age of 3.Open Wed-Sun 10am-6pm. Via per Tornavento,15 Somma Lombardo(VA), T: 0331 230642.Off Map.www.wheretraveler.com 59

Museums & AttractionsWednesdays). www.museobagattivalsecchi.org.Via Santo Spirito 10/Via Gesù, 5.T: 02 76006132/76014857. M1 San Babila,M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4MUSEO DEI POPOLI E DELLE CULTURE – ThePeoples and Cultures Museum, founded in 1910,is devoted to Oriental art and ethnographicobjects. On display, numerous objects linked tothe world of Asian religion, collected by Catholicmissionaries over the centuries. Open Mon-Fri9am-12.30am/2pm-6pm. Free admission. Via M.Bianchi, 94. T: 02 48009191. M1 Lotto. Off MapMUSEO DEL CASTELLO SFORZESCO –Antique art, paintings, period furniture, sculpturesand musical instruments are housed in CastelloSforzesco’s precious treasure trove. The buildingalone is well worth a visit. Rooms 9, 10, 15, 23, 24not accessible to the disabled. Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm (admission until 5pm), closed on Mondays(holidays included). Full price ticket €3. Freeadmittance: every day except Fri after 4.30pm; Fri2pm-5.30pm; always free for children under 18.www.milanocastello.it. Piazza Castello, 3.T: 02 88463703. M1 Cairoli. Map E4MUSEO DEL NOVECENTO – Four hundredmasterpieces of Italian and international twentiethcentury art at the newest <strong>Milan</strong>ese museum,inaugurated on 6 December 2010. The displayarea extends over 4,000 square metres at <strong>Milan</strong>’srecently restructured Palazzo dell’Arengario, alsoa stunning example of 1930s-style architecture.On-site facilities include a well-stocked store and arestaurant which stays open until late at night. Freeadmission until 28 February. Mon 2.30pm-7.30pm;Tues, Wed, Fri, Sun 9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs, Sat 9.30am-10.30pm. www.museodelnovecento.org.Piazza Duomo. T: 02 88444061. M1-M3 Duomo.Map F5.MUSEO DIOCESANO – This museum of religiousarts, whose new headquarters were inauguratedin 2001, hosts 600 works dating back to the 4thcentury A.D. By maximizing their historic andreligious meanings, it preserves and promotesthe valuable art treasures belonging to the“Diocese”, with smaller pieces collected fromChurch museums and treasuries across Lombardy.Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm. Full ticket price€8 (€4 on Tuesdays). www.museodiocesano.it.Corso di Porta Ticinese, 95. T: 02 89420019.Map E7MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI – Formerly the aristocratichome of its founder, Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli(1822-1879), it houses a remarkable collectionof Italian Renaissance masters: from Botticelli toMantegna, from Piero della Francesca to Tiepolo.It also displays weapons, ceramics, glass, textiles,clocks, watches and jewellery. Open Mon-Sun10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Full ticket price€8. www.museopoldipezzoli.it. Via A. Manzoni,12. T: 02 794889/796334. M3 Montenapoleone.Map F4MUSEO TEATRALE ALLA SCALA – Foundedin 1913, it recently underwent an importantmakeover and is dedicated to the historyof the famous <strong>Milan</strong> Opera House with avast collection of musical instruments anddocuments dedicated to famous musicians,including Verdi and Toscanini. Visitors canlook into the theatre, provided there are norehearsals, or admire the “machine” that gives stagedirections. Open Mon-Sun (except holidays) 9am-12.30am/1.30pm-5.30pm. Full price ticket €5. www.museodimilano.mi.it. Largo A. Ghiringhelli, 1 cornerof Piazza della Scala. T: 02 88792473/7423. M1-M3Duomo; M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4MUSEUM <strong>OF</strong> CRIMINOLOGY AND ANTIQUEWEAPONS – Housed in 12th century towers,in the Sant’Ambrogio area, at the old entranceto the city, this small museum is the perfectplace for those who are fascinated by torture. Ithosts a fine collection of weapons, armour andhorrifying instruments of torture from Medievaltimes right up to the early nineteenth century.Open Mon-Sun 10am-1pm/3pm-7.30pm. Fullticket price €6.20. Via G. Carducci, 41.T: 02 8053505. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM –Home to valuable mineral, botanical andzoological collections. Highlights include alarge fossil collection, reconstructions of extinctanimals and dioramas with stuffed animalsshown in their natural habitats originating bothfrom Europe and other exotic places. It containsthe only dinosaur skeleton existing in Italy. OpenTues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Full price ticket €3 (freeadmission on Friday afternoon). www.comune.milano.it. Corso Venezia, 55. T: 02 88463280.M1 Palestro. Map H3PAC–CONTEMPORARY ART PAVILIONS– Completed in 1996, this 1,200 sq.m. spaceis the most important exhibition centre forcontemporary art in <strong>Milan</strong>, boasting a gardenarea for sculptures, a raised floor for paintingsand a balcony for photos and graphic works.Fully accessible by the disabled. Openinghours and ticket prices vary according to theexhibition on show. www.comune.milano.it.Via Palestro, 14. T: 02 88446359/360. M1 Palestro,M3 Turati. Map G3PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE – Built in the 13thcentury as a courthouse, the palazzo is located inone of the oldest and most picturesque squaresin the city. Renovated in the Eighties, it is now aprestigious exhibition space. Opening hours andticket prices vary according to the exhibition onshow. www.comune.milano.it. Piazza Mercanti, 1.T: 02 8<strong>75</strong>672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PALAZZO REALE – Formerly the residence of allthose who governed <strong>Milan</strong>, from Napoleon to theRoyal House of Savoy, the Royal Palace is currentlyone of the most important cultural centres in thecity, hosting exhibitions of international renown.Opening hours vary according to the exhibitionon show. www.comune.milano.it. Piazza Duomo,12. T: 02 8<strong>75</strong>672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PINACOTECA DI BRERA –The Brera Art Gallery is one of the most importantmuseums in <strong>Milan</strong>. Its permanent collectionsoffer a wealth of exceptionally good Italian andforeign masterpieces including Mantegna’s“Dead Christ”, Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin”,Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus” and, for a littlelight relief, “The Kiss” by Hayez. Open Tues-Sun8.30am-7.15pm. Full ticket price €11. www.brera.beniculturali.it. Via Brera, 28. T: 02 722631. M2 Lanza,M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3RISORGIMENTO MUSEUM –Located in the Brera district, the museumdepicts the Unification of the Kingdom of Italywith prints, paintings, sculptures, drawings,weapons and other memorabilia. The veryfirst Italian flag is housed here. Open Tues-Sun9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Full admission fee €2.Free for children under 18 and every Fridayafternoon. www.museodelrisorgimento.mi.it.Via Borgonuovo, 23. T: 02 88464177. M2 Lanza,M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3ROTONDA DELLA BESANA – Formerly usedas a cemetery and subsequently as the city’shospital, this evocative venue is currently anexhibition centre with porticoes and gardensopen to the public. Opening hours and ticketprices vary according to the exhibition onshow. www.comune.milano.it. Via Besana, 15.T: 02 5455047. Map H6. M3 Crocetta.STUDIO-MUSEUM FRANCESCO MESSINA –Located in the old deconsecrated Churchof S. Sisto, just a few steps from the Duomo,Francesco Messina, twentieth century Italiansculptor, chose the venue himself, consideringit an ideal spot to display the works that hehad donated to the city. Tues-Sat 2pm-6pm.Free admission. www.comune.milano.it. ViaSan Sisto, 4/A. T: 02 86453005. M1-M3 Duomo.Map E5TRIENNALE DESIGN MUSEUM – The Triennaledi <strong>Milan</strong>o is one of the most vibrant, popularand important exhibition centres in the city.Featuring annually changing exhibitionsof note, it also owns the most importantpermanent collection of design works. Thisfantastic museum is brimming with endlessinstallations originating from brilliant minds allover the world. It has a superb media library ondesign, art and architecture. In 2006, in additionto the historic headquarters, a branch was alsoopened in the emerging Bovisa district. OpenTues-Sun 10.30am-8.30pm; Thurs-Fri 10.30am-11pm. www.triennale.it. Viale E. Alemagna, 6.T: 02 724341. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D3ULRICO HOEPLI CIVIC PLANETARIUM –Planetarium activities include events,conferences and meetings on all subjectsrelated to astronomy: guided star-watchingtours for beginners, scientific lectures forexperts and various events for children andyoung people including musical performancesand plays. Open Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Fullprice ticket €3. www.comune.milano.it. CorsoVenezia, 57. T: 02 88463340. M1 Palestro. Map H3VOLANDIA – A flight park and museum, situatednext to the International Malpensa airport.The exhibition space is divided into five areasdocumenting the conquest of the sky, fromhot-air ballooning right up to twentiethcentury inventions. Located on the borderbetween <strong>Milan</strong> and Varese, known as “thewinged province” due to its longstandingassociation with the aeronautical industry,the museum includes a play area for children,a store and a café. Full ticket, 8 euros, freeadmission for children under the age of 3.Open Wed-Sun 10am-6pm. Via per Tornavento,15 Somma Lombardo(VA), T: 0331 230642.Off Map.www.wheretraveler.com 59

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