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DiningInternational & Ethnic CuisineALACENA—The best of Mediterranean cuisine andSpanish gastronomic tradition at this restaurantlocated inside the Hotel Meliá. €€€. www.meliamilano.com.Via Masaccio, 19. T: 02 44406. M1Lotto. Off MapBBQ—A perfect choice for those who love char-grilledor barbecued meat: rib roasts, chops, lamb andsteaks. The starters, chalked up daily on a blackboardand varied each day, are also definitely worth aA cosy elegant ambienceoffering a selectionof prime quality char-grilledor barbecued meatbut also Mediterranean dishesand an array of home-bakeddesserts to suit all tastes.BBQVia Sottocorno, 5/A20129 MilanoT: 02 76003571try. Signature dishes: “pappardelle with porcinimushrooms and “bistecca alla Fiorentina” (T-bonesteak) with potatoes. Great choice of desserts. Closedon Sat and on Sun at lunch. €€€. Via P. Sottocorno,5/a T: 02 76003571. Map H5BOCCINO—Located in the new fashion and designdistrict amidst photographic studios, showrooms,fashion and advertising agencies, it has an intimate,welcoming atmosphere and a magnificentspacious terrace on the first floor. Menu includesmeat and fish dishes. Closed on Sun. €€€. www.ristoranteboccino.it. Via Tortona, 21. T: 02 89415562.M2 Porta Genova FS. Map C7CENTRO ITTICO - RAW FISH CAFÉ—A highly originalatmosphere for a great fish restaurant. Excellentraw fish inc all types of shellfish and seafood andtop-notch grilled and fried dishes. Closed on Sun.€€. www.rawfishcafe.it. Via Martiri Oscuri, 19.T: 02 26143774. M1 Rovereto. Off MapCOMPAGNIA GENERALE DEI VIAGGIATORINAVIGANTI E SOGNATORI—Japanese-styleambience and cuisine. Savour sushi, sashimiand a wide variety of uramaki (rice, fish andalgae rolls) while sitting on Tatami mats. Anovelty this year are: harumaki shrimps, i.e. fivefried shrimp and vegetable rolls served with ahot sauce and a special teryaky-based sauce.Open evenings only, closed on Mon. €€€. www.compagniageneralemilano.com. Via P. Sottocorno,27. T: 02 5516154. Off MapDENZEL—One of the few truly Kosher restaurants inMilan, serving an international fish and meat menuof delicate contrast. Traditions of the Middle East, America, Asia and South America are combinedin delectable, tasty dishes, served againstthe backdrop of a warm, friendly, welcomingambience. It uses only the finest ingredients andrigorously follows the rules of Kashrut. Closedon Friday evening. €€. www.denzel.it. Via G.Washington, 9. T: 02 48519326. M1 Wagner. Map B5DON JUAN—Not far from the Navigli, Don Juanis considered one of the best places in town toeat Argentinean cuisine in Italy. The setting isan elegant reproduction of a “casa de campo”featuring the classic “Parrilla”, an open barbecuegrill. Meat obviously features big but so dofabulous hors d’oeuvres, empanadas, cold cuts,sweet-breads, various potato side dishes andtypical desserts. Closed on Sun. Booking required.€€€. www.ristorantedonjuan.com. Via Altaguardia,2. T: 02 58430805. M3 Porta Romana. Map G7EXEDRA—Young, trendy restaurant featuringgood International cuisine with creative housespecialities including dishes such as Catalan lobster,fillet of sea bream with a sweet pepper sauce,pumpkin tortelli and creme brulée. Closed on Satat lunch and on Sun. €€€. www.exedramilano.it.Piazzale Cadorna, 2. T: 02 72000251. M1-M2 CadornaFN. Map D4FUJI—One of the best addresses in Milan forJapanese cuisine, this restaurant is the brain-childof an Italian and Japanese business venture. Oneof the first in the city to offer oriental food, itcontinues to provide light, contemporary dishes.There is also a sushi bar. Closed on Sat. at lunch andon Sun. €€€. www.ristorantefujimilano.com. VialeMontello, 9. T: 02 29008349. M2 Moscova. Map E2GIACOMO—Thanks to its impeccable serviceand fabulous food, this is one restaurant thatwould not know what the word “crisis” means.Top-notch fish dishes with particular attention toseasonal ingredients. A favourite VIP haunt. Greatwine list. €€€€. www.giacomomilano.com. Via P.Sottocorno, 6 corner of via B. Cellini.T: 02 76023313. Map H5GIARDINO DI GIADA (IL)—Experience andimpeccable service are the strong points of thislarge, luminous restaurant. An oriental ambiencewith design undertones, the lower floor housesthe modern, Jade Café “noodle bar”, featuringcocktails and an Asian buffet. In addition totraditional, mouth watering Asian fare it also offersreal Cantonese cuisine. Only the finest ingredientsand the freshest products, prepared in the stir-fryversion, on a hot griddle, steamed or with tofu.The best Chinese restaurant in Milan. Closed onMon. www.giardinodigiada.it. Via Palazzo Reale, 5.T: 02 8053891. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5HONG KONG—Chinese cuisine. An elegant,evocative atmosphere boasting good food andimpeccable service. Try the chef’s specialities likeKong Pao chicken, i.e. chicken pieces with nuts,chilli pepper and a special sweet soya-basedsauce; the fish dishes; Pekinese, Cantonese andsmoked duck and rice puffs for dessert. Closed onMon at lunch. Via G. Schiaparelli, 5. T: 02 67071790.M3 Sondrio. Off MapMAMA CAFÉ RESTAURANT—Something goodat all hours of the day. This is the philosophy ofthis restaurant which stays open from the earlymorning till late at night. In the morning, a greatbreakfast with lots of mouth watering treats. Atlunch, dishes and sandwiches made from the bestItalian produce. In the late afternoon, Happy Wine,a wine aperitivo. Brunch on Sundays and, at dinner,typical Italian regional dishes. Closed on Sunevening. €€. www.mamacafe.it. Via Caminadella, 7.T: 02 86995682. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D6MISTER ANGUS—Formerly an old seventeenthcentury convent, this warm, welcomingrestaurant, featuring open brick work and largewindows, is spread out over two floors. Some ofthe best Argentinian food in Milan. Prime qualitymeat, a key player on the menu, and beautifullyfresh fish. If you’re in the mood for some reallygood beef, then this is the place to go. Judging bythe pictures on the walls, you might even run intosome famous soccer star. Closed on Sat at lunch.€€. www.misterangus.com. Via Bandello, 22.T: 02 43982638. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map C5RICCIONE (A)—One of the most famous fishrestaurants in the city. Formerly patronized byjournalists and celebrities, nowadays, though stillexpensive, it continues to offer first-rate fish disheswith a large assortment of raw fish. Worth a try areits mixed seafood fry and its Catalan-style shrimpsand prawns. Closed on Sat at lunch and on Mon.€€€€. www.ristoranteariccione.com.Via T. Taramelli, 70. T: 02 683807. M3 Zara. Off MapRICERCA VINI—The winning formula of thisrestaurant are its wine and Italian delicacies. Youcan choose from a selection of about 2500 labels,the perfect accompaniment to oysters or sashimi.Closed Sat evening and on Sun. €€€. Via V. Monti,29. T: 02 48193496. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D446 WHERE MILAN I JANUARY 2011

TASTES OF THE CITYMISTRALOriginally established as a delicatessen in the 60’s and latertransformed into a trattoria, this small charming venue in theheart of Milan offers a traditional menu based on the besthome-cooked cuisine. It has a good selection of fresh fish andan interesting assortment of vegetarian dishes. For a real tasteof Milan, its risotto dishes are an absolute “must”. Pasta, breadand desserts are all home-made and the restaurant has a smalloutdoor dining area. Closed on Sat at midday and on Sun. M3Porta Romana. Map H7www.ristorantemistral.itViale Monte Nero, 34 – T: 02 55019104More info: www.wheremilan.comTheWHERE MILANMENUwww.wheremilan.comCENTRO ITTICO-RAW FISH CAFÉOriginally a wholesale fishmonger, the restaurant has a trulyoriginal atmosphere and is a favourite with regulars and fishlovers. Special features include a twin-level loft, a ground floorrestaurant and a lounge bar open until 2am. Fabulous raw fish,including all types of shellfish and top-notch grilled and frieddishes. Smoking room. Open daily. M1 Rovereto. Off Mapwww.rawfishcafe.itVia Martiri Oscuri, 19T: 02 26143774More info: www.wheremilan.comSARLASarla in Indian means “virtuous simplicity”, the underlyingphilosophy of this famous Indian restaurant which is also thebest in town. We suggest trying: “Aam Baadam” (chicken piecesin a mango, almond and cashew nut sauce), “Punjabi Kadhi”(vegetables and chickpea patties in a delicate yoghurt sauce,flavoured with aromatic Indian spices), “Lamb Korma” (lambcooked in a delicate cashew nut sauce) and “Chicken Balti”(chicken breasts in a hot tomato sauce). Open daily for dinner,Mon-Fri for lunch. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F6www.sarla.itVia G. Stampa, 4 – T: 02 89095538More info: www.wheremilan.comIYORecently enlarged and refurbished, Iyo is one of the mostpopular Japanese restaurants in Milan, offering authenticsushi dishes and teppan, lovingly prepared by Japanese chefIchicawa Haruo. High quality, traditional, creative cuisine,boasting a touch of western philosophy. Open Tues-Sun12.15am-2.45am/7.30pm-11.30pm. Map B1www.iyo.itVia Piero della Francesca, 74T: 02 45476898More info: www.wheremilan.comwww.wheretraveler.com 47

TASTES <strong>OF</strong> THE CITYMISTRALOriginally established as a delicatessen in the 60’s and latertransformed into a trattoria, this small charming venue in theheart of <strong>Milan</strong> offers a traditional menu based on the besthome-cooked cuisine. It has a good selection of fresh fish andan interesting assortment of vegetarian dishes. For a real tasteof <strong>Milan</strong>, its risotto dishes are an absolute “must”. Pasta, breadand desserts are all home-made and the restaurant has a smalloutdoor dining area. Closed on Sat at midday and on Sun. M3Porta Romana. Map H7www.ristorantemistral.itViale Monte Nero, 34 – T: 02 55019104More info: www.wheremilan.comThe<strong>WHERE</strong> MILANMENUwww.wheremilan.comCENTRO ITTICO-RAW FISH CAFÉOriginally a wholesale fishmonger, the restaurant has a trulyoriginal atmosphere and is a favourite with regulars and fishlovers. Special features include a twin-level loft, a ground floorrestaurant and a lounge bar open until 2am. Fabulous raw fish,including all types of shellfish and top-notch grilled and frieddishes. Smoking room. Open daily. M1 Rovereto. Off Mapwww.rawfishcafe.itVia Martiri Oscuri, 19T: 02 26143774More info: www.wheremilan.comSARLASarla in Indian means “virtuous simplicity”, the underlyingphilosophy of this famous Indian restaurant which is also thebest in town. We suggest trying: “Aam Baadam” (chicken piecesin a mango, almond and cashew nut sauce), “Punjabi Kadhi”(vegetables and chickpea patties in a delicate yoghurt sauce,flavoured with aromatic Indian spices), “Lamb Korma” (lambcooked in a delicate cashew nut sauce) and “Chicken Balti”(chicken breasts in a hot tomato sauce). Open daily for dinner,Mon-Fri for lunch. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F6www.sarla.itVia G. Stampa, 4 – T: 02 89095538More info: www.wheremilan.comIYORecently enlarged and refurbished, Iyo is one of the mostpopular Japanese restaurants in <strong>Milan</strong>, offering authenticsushi dishes and teppan, lovingly prepared by Japanese chefIchicawa Haruo. High quality, traditional, creative cuisine,boasting a touch of western philosophy. Open Tues-Sun12.15am-2.45am/7.30pm-11.30pm. Map B1www.iyo.itVia Piero della Francesca, 74T: 02 45476898More info: www.wheremilan.comwww.wheretraveler.com 47

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