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Ci SannolcrooRERAMaria delrmineV. delV. PallaV. del CarmineV. CiovassoLauroV. dei Bossin o V. PorroneShoppingV. BreraV. MeloneV. dell’OrsoV. Mercantirari V. SpadariV. LupettaP.zaS. MarcoQuadrilatero Pinacoteca della moda(Quadrilaterodi Brerad’oro)The di Brera so-called “Quadrilaterodella moda” Osservatorio is situatedAstronomicoa short di distance BreraOrtoon footfrom the Duomo. Botanico This iswhere all the big designernames and most Ex Monte luxuriousstores in the di world Pietà cluster.Although the two mostfamous streets are viaMontenapoleone S. Giuseppe andvia della Spiga, all theothers located in the“Quadrilatero” also offera fabulous array of shopTeatrowindows alla that Scalawill literallymake you catch your Leonardobreath.V. ClericiV. BreraV. A. BoitoV. OreficiV. MauriV. San MarcoP.ttaPalazzoCusaniV. T. GrossiV. HugoV. dell’UnioneV. ZebediaV. Fiori OscuriV. Mazzini V. MazziniV. G. VerdiV. FilodrammaticiV. SanDalmazio26 WHERE MILAN I JANUARY 2011V. Fienoo ItaliaV. Monte di PietàV. S. PellicoV. CernaiaV. Santa MargheritaV. GonzagaCorso di PortaV. AndegariMissoriV. FatebenefratelliV. dell’AnnunciataV. BorgonuovoV. Flli. GabbaV. VelascaV. MoroneV. BigliV. Alessandro Manzoni V. Alessandro ManzoniV. FoscoloV. RastrelliV. P. CannobioTorreVelascaV. PantanoQuesturaP.zaS. ErasmoV. San RaffaeleV. dei GiardiniMontenapoleoneV. RadegondaV. Palazzo RealeV. De MarchiV. HoepliV. LargaV. ChiaravalleV. MontenapoleoneV. Sant’AntonioPalazzoBorromeod’AddaV. AgnelloV. San PaoloV. delle OreV. BorgospessoV. P. VerriCorso Vittorio Emanuele IIV. San BergaminiV. PattariV. Festa del PerdonoV. F. TuratiV. Santo SpiritoCorso MatteottiUniversitàdegli Studidi MilanoV. S. Pietro all’OrteV. San BernardinoV. LaghettoP.zaCavourV. D. ManinV. del Vecchio PolitecnicoV. della SpigaV. GesùV. Sant’AndreaV. BaguttaCorso EuropaV. CavallottiV. della SignoraCentroSvizzeroP.leMorandiV. SenatoV. Francesco SforzaGiardini PubbliciV. PalestroV. DuriniV. MarinaV. San PrimoCorso VeneziaV. BorgognaV. CervaV. GuastallaV. CervaV. MarzialeV. RonchettiV. Andreani V. ZaccariaGiardinodella GuastallaPalazzodel SenatoV. BoschettiV. San DamianoV. MarinaPalazzoSerbelloniP.tta M.CasaPalazzoBossiManzoniPisa Orologeria ●● LarusmianiFontana-PalazzoSilvestriBelgioiosoTeatro SanTeatro deiCasa degli P.zaGiorgio Armani BabilaFilodrammaticiOmenoni Belgioioso● Boutique S. BabilaP.zaP.za dellaL.goMedaP.za S.o Scala MattioliBabilagnolaPal. MarinoMunicipio S. FedeleS. Carlo TeatroGalleria P.zaal Corso Nuovo GalleriaVittorio S. FedeleGalleriaS. Babila S. BabilaEmanuele IIdel ToroGalleriaOdeonL.go A.LongobardiToscaniniGalleriaP.za delPassarellaP.zaLibertySkorpion ClubordusioPalazzoPal. deiGalleria DuriniGiureconsultiGalleria del Corso S. Vito StrasburgoCordusioPalazzo dellaDuomoGalleriassaggio RagioneAscensore Pattarientrale P.zaMercantiP.zaP.za delDuomoBeccariaPassaggioDuomo Duomo DuomoP.za VigiliP.zaFontana UrbaniPio XIP.za MuseoL.go deiL.goReale del Duomo Palazzo Bersaglieri AugustoPisa Orologeria Larusmiani Arcivescovile FaraoneV. Dogana PalazzoV. VerziereRealeA watch lover’s L.go paradise L. J. for over 50 years. S. Gottardo An expression of timeless style and a S. BernardinoFaraone was known to safeguard theP.za S. M. Prestigious Borges timepieces V. with Giardino particular in Corte leitmotif of sophisticated elegance in the alle secrets Ossaof wealthy Milanese families.Beltrade attention S. Maria to the latest innovations. P.zanow completely renovated historic storeMarriages, births and other events inAssistance presso centre and specialized Diazopened in 1954. A concept boutique P.za the life of affluent customers were oftenS. SatiroS. StefanoCorso di Porta Vittworkshop. (p. 34)extending over 700 sq.m. on three floors,celebrated with a visit to this paradiseGalleriaBasilica diTorinoit oozes simplicity and understated luxury,of shining objects. Today customers Biblioteca will ComunaleGalleriaSanto Stefanoreflecting the subtlety of its sumptuousfind a reserved ambience and Centrale spectacular (PalazzoMazziniMaggioreSormani-Andreani)Galleriaapparel. (p 28)jewellery. (p. 34)dell’UnioneTeatrowww.pisaorologeria.comLiricoVia Verri, P.za corner ofwww.larusmiani.it S. AntonioS. Alessandro via Montenapoleone, Missori V. Albricci 9Via Montenapoleone, Abate7via Montenapoleone, 19T: 02 762081T: 02 76006957T: 02 76319153azzoulzioeatroDS. MarcoLuxury shoppingMuseo delRisorgimentoEMuseoPoldiPezzoliStazioneCentraleArchi di PortaNuovaGalleriaManzoniS. Francescodi Paola● Rolex FlagshipStoreFTeatroManzoniQUADRILATEROD’OROFaraone ●Museo BagattiValsecchiMuseo Civicodi MilanoGTeatrodi VerduraBiblioteca diVia Del SenatoMuseodi StoriaContemporaneaGalleriad’ArteModernaS. PietroCelestinoCorso Monforte CV. Uberto Visconti di ModroneSinagogaV. Cesare BV. San BarnabaPAC -PadiglioneContempoCopyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2011. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot acceptresponsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originallydesigned and produced by CM Cartographics.V. FilippoV. FregugliaV.DaVVV. ChiossetV

ShoppingCDs, DVDs, sheet music, magazines, videogames,new technologies, graphics, stationery and gadgets,talks and live music, bar, ticket office. Two locations inthe city (piazza Piemonte, corso Buenos Aires). OpenMon noon-9pm; Tues-Thurs 10am-9pm; Fri-Sat 10am-11pm; Sun 10am-8pm. www.lafeltrinelli.it. PiazzaPiemonte, 2. T: 02 433541. M1 Wagner. Map B4MONDADORI MULTICENTER—A chain of megastoresscattered throughout the city, offering a wideassortment of books, CDs, DVDs, videogames,phones, electronics, IT, café, foreign newsstand andInternet Point. www.negozimondadori.it. Severallocations in the city (piazza Duomo, corso VittorioEmanuele II, via Marghera, via Berchet). Mon-Sun9am-11pm (Newsstand, Coffee Bakery and FineFoods from 7am). Piazza del Duomo, 1. T: 02 4544110.M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PANTON’S ENGLISH BOOKSHOP—Spread out overtwo floors, Panton’s offers a vast selection of booksin English: narrative, history, children’s books, cookery,art etc.; but also books on antiques, travel guides,maps and multi-media products. Open Mon-Sat9.30am-7.30pm. www.yesplease.it. Via L. Mascheroni,12. T: 02 4694468. M1 Conciliazione. Map C4Children Clothing & ToysCITTÀ DEL SOLE—A chain of shops boasting a widerange of games and toys for all ages inc famousinternational brands and beautifully handcrafteditems. Tactical and strategic games, board games,draughts, backgammon, chess, architecturalmodels, building kits, boomerangs and countlessother fun items originating from all over Europe.Several locations in the city (via Orefici, via Solari, viaSpallanzani, corso Lodi, via Canonica). Open Mon-Sat10am-7pm. www.cittadelsole.it. Via Orefici, 13. T: 0286461683. M1 Cordusio, M1 Duomo. Map F5PUPI SOLARI—Located in one of Milan’s mostcharming squares, it is one of the most elegantand traditional Milanese shops for little “lords”and “princesses”. It has been making and sellingchildren’s clothes for more than 40 years. Toys toplay with and a small tea room inside the shopguarantee a high class shopping experience forthose who enjoy being pampered. Though stockinga number of brands, it offers a classic selection,almost giving the impression of being a monobrandstore. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Piazza N. Tommaseo, 2. T: 02 463325. M1Conciliazione. Map C4Clothing - Men & WomenAGNONA—Since 1953, its philosophy has been basedon the quality of its raw materials which are alwaysand only the very best. Agnona’s expertise in textileshas resulted in the creation of chic, easy-to-wearwomen’s knitwear and prêt-a-porter collectionswhich are always enhanced by new and surprisingvariations. In addition to accessories, it also producesa home collection which includes throws, blankets,cushions, housecoats and slippers all made fromthe finest textiles. Open Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. www.agnona.it. Via Montenapoleone, 21. T: 02 76316530.M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4ANIMAL HOUSE—Contemporary menswearstocking a wide selection of international brandsat this store created as an offshoot of Host (seelisting). Animal House is gradually becoming a newdestination address for men in the know. OpenMon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Via A.Saffi, 7.. T: 02 4694900. M1 Conciliazione, M1-M2Cadorna. Map D4ANTONIA BOUTIQUE—In the heart of Milan, AntoniaGiacinti offers a tasteful, elegant selection of thebest clothing and accessory collections. A perfectblend of renowned luxury brands and emergingdesigner labels. A real reference point for those insearch of simple, sophisticated garments featuring acontemporary though timeless look. Two locations(Boutique and Accessories: via Ponte Vetero, 1 cornerof via Cusani; Man: via Ponte Vetero, 9). Open Mon3pm-7pm; Tues-Sun 10am-7pm. www.antonia.it.Via Ponte Vetero, 1. T: 02 86998340.M2 Lanza. Map E4ASPESI—Likes to define its style as “ basic, with atwist”. The cult brand, created in 1990 by fashionveteran Alberto Aspesi, features quirky, tailoredlines, elegant details and natural materials. Hiscurrent collections are still based on the original“no-frills” philosophy and will appeal to all thosewho like their outerwear without flashy labels.Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.aspesi.it. ViaMontenapoleone, 13. T: 02 76022478. M1 San Babila,M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4BARDELLI—Founded in 1941 as a hat shop, Bardelli’sgradually grew to become the elegant emporiumthat it is today. Specializing in “cashmere, cotton andsilk”, it is housed in a nineteenth century palazzoand offers a range of beautiful men and women’scollections including suits, shoes, knitwear, textilesfor the home and marvellous accessories. OpenMon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. www.mbardelli.com. Corso Magenta, 13. T: 02 86450734.M1-M2 Cadorna. Map E5BEL BOUTIQUE—This elegant, centrally locatedMilanese boutique stocks international designerlabels. Clothing, footwear and accessories forwomen and children. Always in search of newstyles, it anticipates fashion trends to offer itsclientele unusual garments that make the difference.Designer labels sold inc Ermanno Scervino, Herno,Michael Kors and R.E.D Valentino. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Fri 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7pm. Via S. Damiano, 2 corner of corso Monforte.T: 02 794489. M1 San Babila. Map G4BOGGI—“Being elegant and feeling at ease onany occasion, expressing one’s personality withdistinction”. This is the philosophy of Boggi, a realinstitution in the panorama of male eleganceworldwide. It also boasts numerous sales pointsscattered throughout the city (piazza San Babila,corso Vercelli, corso Buenos Aires, Porta Romana,corso Como, largo Augusto, via Maddalena, GalleriaPassarella) and at the airports (Linate e Malpensa).Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm. www.boggi.it. PiazzaSan Babila, 3. T: 02 76000366. M1 San Babila. Map G4BRIAN & BARRY—Despite its name, this is a whollyItalian brand. It has a series of multi-brand boutiqueswith various sales points in Milan (via Durini, corsoVercelli, corso Buenos Aires). It carries classic andcasual men and women’s wear. Open Mon-Sat10am-7.30pm; Sun 10.30am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm.www.brianebarry.it. Via Durini, 28. T: 02 76005582.M1 San Babila. Map G4BROOKS BROTHERS—The symbol of male elegancesince 1818, this American clothing and accessoriesbrand is distinguished by high quality and sartorialtradition. Known since its inception for its shirting, itall began in the early 20th century with a new lineof button down shirts, inspired by those worn byBritish polo players and currently one of the hallmarkfeatures of the brand. For men and women in searchof a total look exuding casual elegance. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm. www.brooksbrothers.com.Via San Pietro all’Orto, 10. T: 02 76018081.M1 San Babila. Map G4BROOKSFIELD—Established in 1971, by UmbertoMaria Montasterolo as a brand of men’s trousers,in just a few years it achieved total look statuscombining the quality of Made-in-Italy with a refinedBritish-style imprint. Its flagship store for men andwomen was founded in 1995, in the heart of thefashion quad. Open: Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.brooksfield.com. Corso Venezia, 12.T: 02 76006242. M1 Porta Venezia. Map G4DIESEL—A wholly Italian cult brand, invented byRenzo Rosso and famed throughout the world forits quality, creativity and slightly quirky air. A favouritewith young people of all ages. Among its severalsales points, worth particular note is its giga-store inSan Babila. Open Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. www.diesel.com. Piazza San Babila, 1/3. T: 02 76396762. M1 SanBabila. Map G4ELEONORA SCARAMUCCI—Starting with its shopwindows, the Eleonora Scaramucci store delightsthe eyes of passersby with its selection of refinedwomen’s wear. Also stocks its own “total look” brandname. In September, 2009, Scaramucci opened herown outlet, just a short distance from the store. Shophours: Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm. Outlet hours: Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7pm.www.eleonorascaramucci.com. Via Dell’Orso, 1.T: 02 8052216. Map F4ELIANE—A fashion store dedicated to original, edgyfashions for the younger woman. It carries all thebest brands popular with the under 40’s but notonly. Its other shops are located in via Monti, viaLorenteggio, corso Genova. The courtyard adjacentto its via Belfiore location houses an outlet forbargain hunters. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sun10am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm. www.eliane.it.Via Belfiore, 7. T: 02 4692121. M1 Wagner, M1Pagano. Map B4GEMELLI—Established in 1927, this upscale shopis a part of Milan’s history. Over the years, it hasstocked every major designer label and now offersits own collection which reflects Milanese style toperfection. Famed for its cashmere knitwear, Gemelliboasts a women’s and men’s fashion boutique withtwo adjacent shops for children and sportswear.Just across the road, you can find the Kid’s storeGemellino and “Country Club”, a shop specializedin sportswear, a “country club” boutique and onededicated exclusively to socks. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm. www.gemelli.it. Corso Vercelli, 16. T: 02 48000057.M1 Pagano, M1 Conciliazione. Map C4GENIALI—One of the best-known men’s shops inMilan, located in an elegant area just a short distancefrom piazzale Cadorna. For the elegant man whowishes to look impeccable both on formal or morecasual occasions. This upscale boutique offerswww.wheretraveler.com 27

ShoppingCDs, DVDs, sheet music, magazines, videogames,new technologies, graphics, stationery and gadgets,talks and live music, bar, ticket office. Two locations inthe city (piazza Piemonte, corso Buenos Aires). OpenMon noon-9pm; Tues-Thurs 10am-9pm; Fri-Sat 10am-11pm; Sun 10am-8pm. www.lafeltrinelli.it. PiazzaPiemonte, 2. T: 02 433541. M1 Wagner. Map B4MONDADORI MULTICENTER—A chain of megastoresscattered throughout the city, offering a wideassortment of books, CDs, DVDs, videogames,phones, electronics, IT, café, foreign newsstand andInternet Point. www.negozimondadori.it. Severallocations in the city (piazza Duomo, corso VittorioEmanuele II, via Marghera, via Berchet). Mon-Sun9am-11pm (Newsstand, Coffee Bakery and FineFoods from 7am). Piazza del Duomo, 1. T: 02 4544110.M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5PANTON’S ENGLISH BOOKSHOP—Spread out overtwo floors, Panton’s offers a vast selection of booksin English: narrative, history, children’s books, cookery,art etc.; but also books on antiques, travel guides,maps and multi-media products. Open Mon-Sat9.30am-7.30pm. www.yesplease.it. Via L. Mascheroni,12. T: 02 4694468. M1 Conciliazione. Map C4Children Clothing & ToysCITTÀ DEL SOLE—A chain of shops boasting a widerange of games and toys for all ages inc famousinternational brands and beautifully handcrafteditems. Tactical and strategic games, board games,draughts, backgammon, chess, architecturalmodels, building kits, boomerangs and countlessother fun items originating from all over Europe.Several locations in the city (via Orefici, via Solari, viaSpallanzani, corso Lodi, via Canonica). Open Mon-Sat10am-7pm. www.cittadelsole.it. Via Orefici, 13. T: 0286461683. M1 Cordusio, M1 Duomo. Map F5PUPI SOLARI—Located in one of <strong>Milan</strong>’s mostcharming squares, it is one of the most elegantand traditional <strong>Milan</strong>ese shops for little “lords”and “princesses”. It has been making and sellingchildren’s clothes for more than 40 years. Toys toplay with and a small tea room inside the shopguarantee a high class shopping experience forthose who enjoy being pampered. Though stockinga number of brands, it offers a classic selection,almost giving the impression of being a monobrandstore. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Piazza N. Tommaseo, 2. T: 02 463325. M1Conciliazione. Map C4Clothing - Men & WomenAGNONA—Since 1953, its philosophy has been basedon the quality of its raw materials which are alwaysand only the very best. Agnona’s expertise in textileshas resulted in the creation of chic, easy-to-wearwomen’s knitwear and prêt-a-porter collectionswhich are always enhanced by new and surprisingvariations. In addition to accessories, it also producesa home collection which includes throws, blankets,cushions, housecoats and slippers all made fromthe finest textiles. Open Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. www.agnona.it. Via Montenapoleone, 21. T: 02 76316530.M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4ANIMAL HOUSE—Contemporary menswearstocking a wide selection of international brandsat this store created as an offshoot of Host (seelisting). Animal House is gradually becoming a newdestination address for men in the know. OpenMon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Via A.Saffi, 7.. T: 02 4694900. M1 Conciliazione, M1-M2Cadorna. Map D4ANTONIA BOUTIQUE—In the heart of <strong>Milan</strong>, AntoniaGiacinti offers a tasteful, elegant selection of thebest clothing and accessory collections. A perfectblend of renowned luxury brands and emergingdesigner labels. A real reference point for those insearch of simple, sophisticated garments featuring acontemporary though timeless look. Two locations(Boutique and Accessories: via Ponte Vetero, 1 cornerof via Cusani; Man: via Ponte Vetero, 9). Open Mon3pm-7pm; Tues-Sun 10am-7pm. www.antonia.it.Via Ponte Vetero, 1. T: 02 86998340.M2 Lanza. Map E4ASPESI—Likes to define its style as “ basic, with atwist”. The cult brand, created in 1990 by fashionveteran Alberto Aspesi, features quirky, tailoredlines, elegant details and natural materials. Hiscurrent collections are still based on the original“no-frills” philosophy and will appeal to all thosewho like their outerwear without flashy labels.Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.aspesi.it. ViaMontenapoleone, 13. T: 02 76022478. M1 San Babila,M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4BARDELLI—Founded in 1941 as a hat shop, Bardelli’sgradually grew to become the elegant emporiumthat it is today. Specializing in “cashmere, cotton andsilk”, it is housed in a nineteenth century palazzoand offers a range of beautiful men and women’scollections including suits, shoes, knitwear, textilesfor the home and marvellous accessories. OpenMon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. www.mbardelli.com. Corso Magenta, 13. T: 02 86450734.M1-M2 Cadorna. Map E5BEL BOUTIQUE—This elegant, centrally located<strong>Milan</strong>ese boutique stocks international designerlabels. Clothing, footwear and accessories forwomen and children. Always in search of newstyles, it anticipates fashion trends to offer itsclientele unusual garments that make the difference.Designer labels sold inc Ermanno Scervino, Herno,Michael Kors and R.E.D Valentino. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Fri 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7pm. Via S. Damiano, 2 corner of corso Monforte.T: 02 794489. M1 San Babila. Map G4BOGGI—“Being elegant and feeling at ease onany occasion, expressing one’s personality withdistinction”. This is the philosophy of Boggi, a realinstitution in the panorama of male eleganceworldwide. It also boasts numerous sales pointsscattered throughout the city (piazza San Babila,corso Vercelli, corso Buenos Aires, Porta Romana,corso Como, largo Augusto, via Maddalena, GalleriaPassarella) and at the airports (Linate e Malpensa).Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm. www.boggi.it. PiazzaSan Babila, 3. T: 02 76000366. M1 San Babila. Map G4BRIAN & BARRY—Despite its name, this is a whollyItalian brand. It has a series of multi-brand boutiqueswith various sales points in <strong>Milan</strong> (via Durini, corsoVercelli, corso Buenos Aires). It carries classic andcasual men and women’s wear. Open Mon-Sat10am-7.30pm; Sun 10.30am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm.www.brianebarry.it. Via Durini, 28. T: 02 76005582.M1 San Babila. Map G4BROOKS BROTHERS—The symbol of male elegancesince 1818, this American clothing and accessoriesbrand is distinguished by high quality and sartorialtradition. Known since its inception for its shirting, itall began in the early 20th century with a new lineof button down shirts, inspired by those worn byBritish polo players and currently one of the hallmarkfeatures of the brand. For men and women in searchof a total look exuding casual elegance. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm. www.brooksbrothers.com.Via San Pietro all’Orto, 10. T: 02 76018081.M1 San Babila. Map G4BROOKSFIELD—Established in 1971, by UmbertoMaria Montasterolo as a brand of men’s trousers,in just a few years it achieved total look statuscombining the quality of Made-in-Italy with a refinedBritish-style imprint. Its flagship store for men andwomen was founded in 1995, in the heart of thefashion quad. Open: Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.brooksfield.com. Corso Venezia, 12.T: 02 76006242. M1 Porta Venezia. Map G4DIESEL—A wholly Italian cult brand, invented byRenzo Rosso and famed throughout the world forits quality, creativity and slightly quirky air. A favouritewith young people of all ages. Among its severalsales points, worth particular note is its giga-store inSan Babila. Open Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. www.diesel.com. Piazza San Babila, 1/3. T: 02 76396762. M1 SanBabila. Map G4ELEONORA SCARAMUCCI—Starting with its shopwindows, the Eleonora Scaramucci store delightsthe eyes of passersby with its selection of refinedwomen’s wear. Also stocks its own “total look” brandname. In September, 2009, Scaramucci opened herown outlet, just a short distance from the store. Shophours: Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm. Outlet hours: Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7pm.www.eleonorascaramucci.com. Via Dell’Orso, 1.T: 02 8052216. Map F4ELIANE—A fashion store dedicated to original, edgyfashions for the younger woman. It carries all thebest brands popular with the under 40’s but notonly. Its other shops are located in via Monti, viaLorenteggio, corso Genova. The courtyard adjacentto its via Belfiore location houses an outlet forbargain hunters. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sun10am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm. www.eliane.it.Via Belfiore, 7. T: 02 4692121. M1 Wagner, M1Pagano. Map B4GEMELLI—Established in 1927, this upscale shopis a part of <strong>Milan</strong>’s history. Over the years, it hasstocked every major designer label and now offersits own collection which reflects <strong>Milan</strong>ese style toperfection. Famed for its cashmere knitwear, Gemelliboasts a women’s and men’s fashion boutique withtwo adjacent shops for children and sportswear.Just across the road, you can find the Kid’s storeGemellino and “Country Club”, a shop specializedin sportswear, a “country club” boutique and onededicated exclusively to socks. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm. www.gemelli.it. Corso Vercelli, 16. T: 02 48000057.M1 Pagano, M1 Conciliazione. Map C4GENIALI—One of the best-known men’s shops in<strong>Milan</strong>, located in an elegant area just a short distancefrom piazzale Cadorna. For the elegant man whowishes to look impeccable both on formal or morecasual occasions. This upscale boutique offerswww.wheretraveler.com 27

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