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Exploring Milan and surrounding areasThe “Navigli”,a Waterway to the SeaA “NOT-TO-BE-MISSED “STOPOVER. Are you lookingfor a unique way of discovering Milan? Then take alook at it from the water. Although there is no sea inMilan, between 1179 and the Napoleonic era, it boastedhundreds of kilometres of Navigli or canals (most ofthem were built by Leonardo da Vinci) connecting it toLake Maggiore, Lake Como, the Ticino river and, finally,through the river Po, to the sea. Today, the only traces ofthat enormous network of waterways are the NaviglioGrande, the Paderno Canal, the Bereguardo Canal, thePavia Canal, and the Martesana Canal. The Darsena(Docks) is one of the most picturesque districts in Milanand its basin is one of the few remaining evidence ofthe vast system of canals and waterways in Milan. Takinga walk or bicycling along the Navigli is a truly enjoyableexperience. Conversely, another option is to immerseyourselves in the old-world atmosphere of times goneby taking a boat trip on the Navigli.REMNANTS OF HISTORYThe Navigli were highly strategic and used to irrigatethe fields, for trade and to transport the enormousmarble blocks required to build the Duomo. In 1482,Leonardo da Vinci was commissioned by the Duke ofMilan to solve the problem of the differences in levelwhich he did by devising a system of sluices that canstill be seen today. His sketches for the project are preservedin the Museo dei Navigli (Brera, via San Marco40. Map F2). Several of them can also be seen in hisfamous Codex Atlanticus (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, seeThe Guide – Museums & Attractions). The Navigli werecompleted centuries later by Napoleon, only to fall intodisuse when the train system took over.Lombardy waterways (XVIII century)20 WHERE CITY NAME I JANUARY 2011

Living the “Navigli” DistrictVENUES AND EVENTS. The Navigli districtis one of the most vibrant in the city boastingrestaurants, wine-bars, and live music butalso painters’ studios and a slew of interestingshops. You can start your exploration from PortaTicinese, a highly original “quartier” alternating“banister houses” and artisan workshops withtrendy addresses. Beyond piazza VentiquattroMaggio, the Naviglio Grande, the oldestnavigable canal in the world, begins its outwardjourney to the countryside. The approximately10 kilometres that separate the Darsena (MapD7) from the town of Gaggiano offer statelypalazzi, small towns such as Abbiategrasso(a charming “slow city” ), wrought iron bridges,fishing boats, and churches from a number ofdifferent periods. Their orange, yellow, and redfacades are reflected in the water.BIKING EXPERIENCE. The Naviglio dellaMartesana is a fabulous biking experience(starting from the area near M2 Gioia, Map G1).On the otehr branch of the Navigli, if you havetwo hours on hand, you can hire public bicycles(www.bikemi.com) from the M2 Porta Genovaunderground station (Map C7). Festivals and openairmarkets are often held in the Navigli area: on 30January, the Antique Market takes place on theAlzaia Naviglio Grande. Ask your hotel for updates.TAKING A BOAT RIDE. Take a trip into the pastwith a boat ride on the Navigli: until 16 January, onSat, Sun, and public holidays, four daily excursionsby boat leave from the Alzaia Naviglio Grande, 4(11.30am, 2pm, 3.05pm, 4.10pm). The trips last 55minutes (8 euros, free for children under the ageof 3) and take visitors on a tour of the charmingVicolo dei Lavandai, the church of Santa Maria delleGrazie, the old bridges, and the sluice designed byLeonardo. Ask your Concierge to book tickets or visitthe www.naviglilombardi.it website.JAZZING IT UP. Along the Navigli you can findnumerous characteristic night spots, that havealways been synonymous with Milanese night lifeand good music: the most famous is Le Scimmie(see The Guide p.52)Right: Le Scimmie big boat,housing up to 120 people.Bottom: rock and jazzat the traditionalwaterside venuePHOTO © ISABELLA PINGITORE-DAF. DE LUNAwww.wheretraveler.com 21

Living the “Navigli” DistrictVENUES AND EVENTS. The Navigli districtis one of the most vibrant in the city boastingrestaurants, wine-bars, and live music butalso painters’ studios and a slew of interestingshops. You can start your exploration from PortaTicinese, a highly original “quartier” alternating“banister houses” and artisan workshops withtrendy addresses. Beyond piazza VentiquattroMaggio, the Naviglio Grande, the oldestnavigable canal in the world, begins its outwardjourney to the countryside. The approximately10 kilometres that separate the Darsena (MapD7) from the town of Gaggiano offer statelypalazzi, small towns such as Abbiategrasso(a charming “slow city” ), wrought iron bridges,fishing boats, and churches from a number ofdifferent periods. Their orange, yellow, and redfacades are reflected in the water.BIKING EXPERIENCE. The Naviglio dellaMartesana is a fabulous biking experience(starting from the area near M2 Gioia, Map G1).On the otehr branch of the Navigli, if you havetwo hours on hand, you can hire public bicycles(www.bikemi.com) from the M2 Porta Genovaunderground station (Map C7). Festivals and openairmarkets are often held in the Navigli area: on 30January, the Antique Market takes place on theAlzaia Naviglio Grande. Ask your hotel for updates.TAKING A BOAT RIDE. Take a trip into the pastwith a boat ride on the Navigli: until 16 January, onSat, Sun, and public holidays, four daily excursionsby boat leave from the Alzaia Naviglio Grande, 4(11.30am, 2pm, 3.05pm, 4.10pm). The trips last 55minutes (8 euros, free for children under the ageof 3) and take visitors on a tour of the charmingVicolo dei Lavandai, the church of Santa Maria delleGrazie, the old bridges, and the sluice designed byLeonardo. Ask your Concierge to book tickets or visitthe www.naviglilombardi.it website.JAZZING IT UP. Along the Navigli you can findnumerous characteristic night spots, that havealways been synonymous with <strong>Milan</strong>ese night lifeand good music: the most famous is Le Scimmie(see The Guide p.52)Right: Le Scimmie big boat,housing up to 120 people.Bottom: rock and jazzat the traditionalwaterside venuePHOTO © ISABELLA PINGITORE-DAF. DE LUNAwww.wheretraveler.com 21

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