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WHERE NOW Milan»ARTSOne of the stunning pieces of jewellery on display at Palazzo RealeISLAMIC ARTAn exhibition of Islamic artworks entitled“Al-Fann. The Art of Islamic Civilization”: setto run until 30 January 2011, the event – thefirst of its kind in Europe – is held at the city’sPalazzo Reale and features more than 350works from the private collection of the Emir ofKuwait. One thousand years of history includesornamental friezes, samples of handwriting,arabesques, decorations, ceramics and sculptures,tapestries, carpets, jewellery and chiselled metals.Mon 2.30pm-7.30pm; Tues, Wed, Fri and Sun9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs and Sat 9.30am-10.30pm.Tickets: €9. Piazza Duomo, 12. T: 02 92800375.www.arteislamica.itMuseo del Novecento:the Newest Assetin the CityA new Twentieth Century Museum in theheart of Milan, in piazza Duomo: extending over4,000 sqm., the museum displays more than 400masterpieces. Inaugurated on 6th December, until28 February 2011 admission will be free. Picasso,Braque, Klee and Kandinsky but, above all, theItalians Modigliani, Boccioni, De Chirico, Morandi,Fontana and Burri and many others besides: animposing catalogue which visitors can admire in therecently renovated Palazzo dell’Arengario, a truework of 1930s architectural genius. The museumalso has a bookshop, a restaurant and a screeningroom. Museo del Novecento, piazza Duomo. Mon2.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Wed-Fri-Sun 9.30am-7.30pm;Thurs-Sat 9.30am-10.30pm.“Over the Under”“Over the Under” is an open air exhibition ofcast-iron manhole art. The initiative is the resultof a collaboration between Via Montenapoleone(the most famous fashion-street in the world),art patron METROWEB (Milanese owner of thelargest metropolitan network of dark fibres inEurope) and five international urban artists:Shepard Fairey (New York),Flying Fortress (Berlin),Rendo (Milan), The LondonPolice (London), SpaceInvader (Paris). They willparticipate in the on roadexhibition until December2011.INDESTRUCTIBLEICONSThe icon of rock in 70 portraits taken byfamous photographers including PeterLindbergh, David Montgomery, RobertWhitaker and Bryan Adams. “Mick Jagger.The photobook” from 2 December to20 February 2011 at Spazio Forma, theMilanese sanctum of photographic art.Tues-Wed-Sat-Sun 10am-8pm; Thurs-Fri10am-10pm. Tickets €7.50. Piazza TitoLucrezio Caro, 1. www.formafoto.itMUSEO DEL NOVECENTO: PHOTO BY GIANNI CONGIU.14 WHERE MILAN I JANUARY 2011

BRASILIA, 50 YEARS LATERThe Triennale (Map D3), Milan’s templeof architecture and design, celebratesthe capital of Brazil, a singular, urbanexperiment, designed in an arbitrary fashionand based on the concept of the “idealcity” with an exhibition entitled “Brasilia.Utopia Realized. 1960-2010”. Unpublisheddrawings and documents regarding thework of architect Oscar Niemeyer and hispartners. Until 23 January 2011.Open Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun 10.30am-8.30pm.Thurs and Fri 10.30am-11pm. Tickets: €4.Viale Alemagna, 6. T: 02 724341.www.triennale.orgCOMING SOONRAUSCHENBERG’S“GLUTS”Villa Panza, a seventeenth centuryresidence located just half an hourfrom Milan and converted into amuseum of contemporary art by thephilanthropist Giuseppe Panza, ishosting until 27 February a fabulousexhibition dedicated to RobertRauschenberg, the explosiveAmerican artist of the ‘50s. “Gluts” is organized by FAI (National Heritage Foundation)in collaboration with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York, the PeggyGuggenheim Collection in Venice, and the Robert Rauschenberg Estate of New York.Situated 40 km from the centre of Milan, the villa alone is worth a visit at any time ofyear: Varese, Piazza Litta 1. T: 0332 283960. www.fondoambiente.itFRUIT FACESWhether you’re crazy or not crazy about art,his paintings are unmistakable: dream-like,surprising, burlesque-style portraits in whichfaces are portrayed through a combinationof objects, pots and pans, books and toolsbut, above all, pieces of fruit. An exhibition,featuring the works of Arcimboldo, thefamous 16th century Milanese artist (1527-1593), will be on display from 10 Februaryto 22 May 2011 against the magnificentbackdrop of Palazzo Reale.OUT OF MILAN75 KILOMETERSA Taste of JapanLugano, the most important city in southern Switzerland,located just over an hour from the centre of Milan, willhost a fabulous exhibition, divided into four parts, entitled“Nippon” (between myth and reality: art and culture fromJapan). Scheduled to run until 27 February 2011 (at differentplaces and at different times: visit the www.nipponlugano.chwebsite) the numerousworks displayed willattempt to illustratefour different aspectsof Japanese culture:“Araki-Love andDeath”, “Gutai-Timeand Space”, “Ineffableperfection-Photographsof Japan 1860-1910”, and“Shunga-Art and Erosduring the Edo period”.An Approaching DreamThe exhibition of over 50works exploring the Masterof Surrealism’s relationshipwith landscape, dream anddesire is called “SalvadorDalí. Il sogno si avvicina”.On exhibition at PalazzoReale until 31 January 2011,portraits and self-portraits,but also experimentalwork by Dalí in the fieldof fashion, design andcinema. Mon 2.30-7.30pm;Tues-Wed-Fri 9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs-Sat-Sun9.30am-10.30pm.Tickets: €9.www.comune.milano.it/palazzoreale. PiazzaDuomo, 12 .www.wheretraveler.com 15

BRASILIA, 50 <strong>YEARS</strong> LATERThe Triennale (Map D3), <strong>Milan</strong>’s templeof architecture and design, celebratesthe capital of Brazil, a singular, urbanexperiment, designed in an arbitrary fashionand based on the concept of the “idealcity” with an exhibition entitled “Brasilia.Utopia Realized. 1960-2010”. Unpublisheddrawings and documents regarding thework of architect Oscar Niemeyer and hispartners. Until 23 January 2011.Open Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun 10.30am-8.30pm.Thurs and Fri 10.30am-11pm. Tickets: €4.Viale Alemagna, 6. T: 02 724341.www.triennale.orgCOMING SOONRAUSCHENBERG’S“GLUTS”Villa Panza, a seventeenth centuryresidence located just half an hourfrom <strong>Milan</strong> and converted into amuseum of contemporary art by thephilanthropist Giuseppe Panza, ishosting until 27 February a fabulousexhibition dedicated to RobertRauschenberg, the explosiveAmerican artist of the ‘50s. “Gluts” is organized by FAI (National Heritage Foundation)in collaboration with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York, the PeggyGuggenheim Collection in Venice, and the Robert Rauschenberg Estate of New York.Situated 40 km from the centre of <strong>Milan</strong>, the villa alone is worth a visit at any time ofyear: Varese, Piazza Litta 1. T: 0332 283960. www.fondoambiente.itFRUIT FACESWhether you’re crazy or not crazy about art,his paintings are unmistakable: dream-like,surprising, burlesque-style portraits in whichfaces are portrayed through a combinationof objects, pots and pans, books and toolsbut, above all, pieces of fruit. An exhibition,featuring the works of Arcimboldo, thefamous 16th century <strong>Milan</strong>ese artist (1527-1593), will be on display from 10 Februaryto 22 May 2011 against the magnificentbackdrop of Palazzo Reale.OUT <strong>OF</strong> MILAN<strong>75</strong> KILOMETERSA Taste of JapanLugano, the most important city in southern Switzerland,located just over an hour from the centre of <strong>Milan</strong>, willhost a fabulous exhibition, divided into four parts, entitled“Nippon” (between myth and reality: art and culture fromJapan). Scheduled to run until 27 February 2011 (at differentplaces and at different times: visit the www.nipponlugano.chwebsite) the numerousworks displayed willattempt to illustratefour different aspectsof Japanese culture:“Araki-Love andDeath”, “Gutai-Timeand Space”, “Ineffableperfection-Photographsof Japan 1860-1910”, and“Shunga-Art and Erosduring the Edo period”.An Approaching DreamThe exhibition of over 50works exploring the Masterof Surrealism’s relationshipwith landscape, dream anddesire is called “SalvadorDalí. Il sogno si avvicina”.On exhibition at PalazzoReale until 31 January 2011,portraits and self-portraits,but also experimentalwork by Dalí in the fieldof fashion, design andcinema. Mon 2.30-7.30pm;Tues-Wed-Fri 9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs-Sat-Sun9.30am-10.30pm.Tickets: €9.www.comune.milano.it/palazzoreale. PiazzaDuomo, 12 .www.wheretraveler.com 15

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