Centro Internacional de Fisica, Colombia - Comsats

Centro Internacional de Fisica, Colombia - Comsats

Centro Internacional de Fisica, Colombia - Comsats

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High level and qualified basic research Experience in technological <strong>de</strong>velopment Interdisciplinary professional team able toprovi<strong>de</strong> integrated solutions Administrative flexibilitywww.cif.org.co

• 80 technological products obtained throughcontracts with industry• 3 spin–offs. 2 more in process• 208 international and national publications• 140 scientists trained : 30 Ph.D40 MSc.70 Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate - young researchers• 36 R+D projects completed• 2nd place among 60, in the last evaluation ofresearch centers in <strong>Colombia</strong>

vybublat inertním plynem dalších asi 30 s pomocí ikony „bublání“ ► (start měření); po skončení měření uložitvyplnit název (např. O2-bub-3); OKzobrazit si všechny tři naměřené křivkyx všechny křivky – zobrazí se vše dosud měřené v rámci tohoto vzorku OK Vzorek uložit přepsatTisk křivek: vzorek tisk protokolu OK OK OK a vytiskne se poslední obrazovkax popis vzorkux parametry metodyx křivky________________________ konec experimentu s kyslíkem _________________________ Vzorek novýRoztok vybublaný inertním plynemv cele zůstává.vzorek - změnitpracovník - nechatkomentář - změnitostatní nechat uložit měření parametrykonečný potenciál – změnit +600 mVostatní nechat stejné OKkrátce zabublat (5 s) pomocí ikony – zamíchat roztok ► (start měření); po skončení měření uložitvyplnit název (blank); OK----------------------------------------A-Fc-konjména stu<strong>de</strong>ntů ve skupiněCV - anodická oxidace ferocénu na Pt v acetonitrilu,závislost proudové o<strong>de</strong>zvy na koncentraci ferocénu,reverzibilitaPřidat mikropipetou 100 µl 0,01 Mroztoku ferocénukrátce zabublat (5 s) pomocí ikony – zamíchat roztok ► (start měření); po skončení měření uložitvyplnit název (100µl_Fc); OK----------------------------------------Přidat mikropipetou dalších 100 µlroztoku ferocénu (přidáno celkem 200 µl)5

Researchers training(1995 - 2011)GraduatedTotalUn<strong>de</strong>rgraduate MSc. PhD.© CIF 2011

Scientific Production (1995-2011)© CIF 2011


Director: PhD. Marcela CamachoMain researchers :PhD. ClaraSpinel, PhD.Enrico Nassi,PhD.Maria <strong>de</strong>l Pilar Gómezwww.cif.org.co

•Functional characterization of Leishmania ClC ionchannel•Membrane studies of the Leishmania parasitophorusvacuole•Leishmania chlori<strong>de</strong> channels, potencial therapuetictarget•Melanopsin mediated transduction in unconventionalphotoreceptors

• Theoretical Analysis of ion currents.• Method to separate cells,intracelular organelles, etc.• Membrane permeability in themo<strong>de</strong>l Leishmania-macrophage.• Ion currents <strong>de</strong>tected on theLeishmania parasitophorus vacuole.10080’Percentage6040200FaFb

www.cif.org.coDirector: PhD. Fernando Cristancho

Study of the nuclear continuum athigh intrinsic excitation energy andhigh spin. Applied nuclear physics <strong>de</strong>veloping<strong>de</strong>vices able to locate buriedobjects using neutron and gammabackscattering techniques.R&D Project on analysis and <strong>de</strong>sign of nuclearmethods for <strong>de</strong>tection of «anti-personal» mines.Stage II: <strong>de</strong>velopment of field test prototypewww.cif.org.co


MEASUREMENT OF MOISTURE IN SOIL ANDMONITORING OF NANOPARTICLES Nanotechnology applications foragricultural purposes usingcolloids as a support fortransportation of pestici<strong>de</strong>s forplant protection Integrated ElectricalMeasurements of Soil <strong>de</strong>signed to​​measure solute penetration and toknow the percentage of moistureat the <strong>de</strong>pth of irrigation fromsurface.www.cif.org.co


www.cif.org.coHydrogen sulfi<strong>de</strong> biofiltrationsystem. Design, construction andmonitoring

Development of a ProductiveReforestation Mo<strong>de</strong>lFlexibleAPRMReplicableLow-cost mo<strong>de</strong>lHigh social and environmentalimpacts.

Processes optimization,Laboratorios Probiol S.A. Analysis and evaluation -productive chain Enhance ophidic acci<strong>de</strong>nttreatment alternatives

Technical support to create acompensation fund andimplementation of RSPOcriteria in Aceites Manuelita SAplantation (Casanare – Orinocograsslands)http://news.bbc.co.uk

Industrial sludge management - Spin offServices of remediation and final disposition of two types ofresidues contaminated with hydrocarbons.



• Measuring and analysis equipment <strong>de</strong>veloped forthe electrical sector• More than 200 instruments produced andinstalled• Technological solutions for <strong>Colombia</strong>n industries• Design of specialized electronic instrumentationand software• Production of small series of <strong>de</strong>vices• Strengthening of the relationship with industry• Research and <strong>de</strong>velopment trainingwww.cif.org.co

The Scan Power System was <strong>de</strong>signedaccording to CREG Resolution 024-2005www.cif.org.co

Automation ofmeasurementsystems withapplications inmining andanalysis ofmethane gaswww.cif.org.co

Projects Satellite Earth Station Spectral radiometer Stage II: Topographical LIDAR•Technical specifications•Negotiation capacitywww.cif.org.co

PROJECTS 2011PRODUCTION• Power Quality – ScanPower (2 projects)• Telemetry (10 projects)• Meterologic applications(FAC-5 projects)DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS• Inclination meter (ISA)• Hight voltage line loadmeter (CODENSA)• Meter test equipment(CODENSA)• Telemetry (EPSA)PLATFORM TECHNOLOGYwww.cif.org.co

Monitoringapplications tomeasurement of:•Energy, gas andwater consumption•River flows•Oil and gas wellproduction•Otherswww.cif.org.co

Meteorologicalapplications:•Design of the SoftwareSIMFAC v.2.0•Earth Stations assembly(NOAA - GOES)•Number mo<strong>de</strong>ling•Meteorological Stationsassemblywww.cif.org.co


‣ COMSATS‣ ICTP‣ TWAS‣ Max Planck Institute‣ Ecole <strong>de</strong> Physique et Chimie, Paris‣ Paris VI‣ NWY, Biophysics Institute‣ Woosdsholewww.cif.org.co

CIF has increased and strengthened itsscientific and technological capabilities. Thisexperience makes it easier to reach new fieldsfor R+D in strategic areas for our country andthe region.Since we consi<strong>de</strong>r knowledge producedthough R+D a key factor to <strong>de</strong>velopment,therefore, our efforts are concentrated on theeconomic, environmental and social impacts<strong>de</strong>rived from our activities.

Association with 5 Centres with similar characteristics:• Complementary research fields• High scientific and technological level• Regional location and internationalrecognitionwww.cif.org.co

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