Contents - Peavey.com

Contents - Peavey.com

Contents - Peavey.com


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ABOUT THIS MANUALStill reading? We consider that very high praise indeed! LJsually people don’t want to bother reading manuals,they’d rather try and figure things out themselves, and that would be unfortunate because in this manual wetry to provide you with the information necessary to make the most use of your new equipment. Not justtechnical stuff, but real everyday type infornTation that will make using the Tube F:ex much more fulfilling.Have Fun.This manual is separated into several distinct chapters.Chapter 1, Setup, will show you how to setup the Tube Fex in several <strong>com</strong>mon application scenarios.Chapter 2, Overview, provides an overview of the Tube Fex ranging from a list of the abbreviations to theuser interface. This chapter is a must, don’t miss it.Chapter 3, Editing Programs, provides an overview of the effect structure, how to create a custom effectschain, editing individual effects parameters, storing your program, and more. LJseful information that’s nottoo technical. You should probably check this out.Chapter 4, Using MIDI, shows you how to setup the Tube Fex to allow for sending and receiving of MIDIdata, how to load programs into new (and their original) locations, storing program via MIDI, and more. Youshould definitely read this chapter, if for no other reason tlyan to find out how to set the MI111 send and rcccivechannels, and how to load programs.Chapter 5, RAM Cartridge, deals with saving your programs in memoty and storing them to ;I RAM cartridgeUseful only if you intend to store programs to cartridge.Appendix A, IndividualEffects, is ;I reference section for those who want more information about the effectsthan is provided in Chapter 3. This chapter lists each effect, its parameters , and the range for each parameter.This section provides lots of information that the typical user probably doesn’t need.Appendix B, MIDI Implementation, is a chart that summarizes the MIDI support provided by the TLI\X Fex.Appendix C, System Exclusive Format. At-e you sure you want to go hcrc!’ ‘l’his details the systcrii exclusive<strong>com</strong>mand format for the Tube Fex. This is very technical, advanced users will gain tlic most from this.Appendix D, Remote Editing with SysEx, shows you how to use system exclusive messages to programthe Tube Fex. Again, this is vely technical so advanced users will probabl)I gain the most from this.Intro

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