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Appendix B MIDI ImplementationModel: Tube FexMIDI ImplementationFunction Transmitted Recognized RemarksBasic IkhUltChannel Channel l-16 l-16 MemorizedDate: 1195Version: 1 .OModeDefault 3MessagesXAlteredX1, 3XXNoteNumber True Voice X 0MIDI DynamicEffects ControllerVelocityNote OnNote OffXXXXAftertouchKey’sCh’sXX0XMIDI DynamicEffects ControllerPitch BenderX0MIDI DynamicEffects ControllerMIDI DynamicControlEffects ControllerChange O-120 Controller #c)l-B)pl-i”SProgramChange Tru eg O-127 O-127System Exclusive 00System : Songs 1’0s: Song Se1Common : TuneXXXXXXSystem: ClockReal Time : CommandsXX0XAuxiliavMessages: Local On/Off: All Notes Off: Active Sense: ResetXXXXXXXXMode 1 : OMNI ON, POLYMode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLYMode 2 : OMNI ON, MONOMode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO0 : YesX : NoAppendix 13MIDI implementation

Appendix C System Exclusive FormatThe following is the format for the System Exclusive dump and load requests:FO 00 00 1B 09 05 rs ch cm nn data . . . cksum (data . . . cksum . . .) F7Where:rs = reserved for future = MIDI receive = MIDI command. (See Table of Comtnands)nn = number of selected IJser Preset or Set. (Include only for Dump One Preset, Dump One Controb-,or Dump Set requests. Do not include in Dump All Presets, Controllers, or Programs.)data = parameter data included only in load messages.cksum = modulo 128 checksum included only in load messages.Note: For valid SYSEX DUMP requests, the data and checksum is not included.Table of CommandsNote: All numbers are in hexadecimalcm nn00 nn Dump One Preset (nn = 00 - 7F) including continuous controllers.02 nn L>ump Preset Set (nn = 00 - OS) including continuous controllers.04 - Dump All Presets (nn not included) inclucling continuous controllers.06 - Dump All ProgramsOE - Dump Edit BufferDmp One PTesel?Dump Prext Set:DuI’IZP All Presets.~>umps one preset’s parameter data and continuous controllers.Dumps ten preset’s parameter datd and continuous controllers.Dumps all 128 user preset’s parameter data, continuous controllers, and the program/volume I-Ildp.Dump All P~~~rutizs: Dumps the program/volume map.Dump Edit &@er Dumps contents of name, chain, parameter, and continuous controller fi-om edit buffer.SYSEX Dump File FormatThe following information is provided for programmers wishing to make use of sysex dump files to initializeremote editing software.The first ten bytes transmitted in response to a dump one preset request is the sysex load one preset header.Following that, in nybl~lizcd form are ten mmbytes. Next come ten n$$Yizedt~ytc’s representing the ef’fecb chain.Finally come 125) nybblized bytes representing the effect parameters. The fornut of this data is the same Ii ~-mat usedin the remote editing comnyands. The order of the effecz and the number of bytes for each effect is as follows:Appendix C SysEx Format C-7

Appendix C System Exclusive FormatThe following is the format for the System Exclusive dump and load requests:FO 00 00 1B 09 05 rs ch cm nn data . . . cksum (data . . . cksum . . .) F7Where:rs = reserved for future = MIDI receive = MIDI <strong>com</strong>mand. (See Table of Comtnands)nn = number of selected IJser Preset or Set. (Include only for Dump One Preset, Dump One Controb-,or Dump Set requests. Do not include in Dump All Presets, Controllers, or Programs.)data = parameter data included only in load messages.cksum = modulo 128 checksum included only in load messages.Note: For valid SYSEX DUMP requests, the data and checksum is not included.Table of CommandsNote: All numbers are in hexadecimalcm nn00 nn Dump One Preset (nn = 00 - 7F) including continuous controllers.02 nn L>ump Preset Set (nn = 00 - OS) including continuous controllers.04 - Dump All Presets (nn not included) inclucling continuous controllers.06 - Dump All ProgramsOE - Dump Edit BufferDmp One PTesel?Dump Prext Set:DuI’IZP All Presets.~>umps one preset’s parameter data and continuous controllers.Dumps ten preset’s parameter datd and continuous controllers.Dumps all 128 user preset’s parameter data, continuous controllers, and the program/volume I-Ildp.Dump All P~~~rutizs: Dumps the program/volume map.Dump Edit &@er Dumps contents of name, chain, parameter, and continuous controller fi-om edit buffer.SYSEX Dump File FormatThe following information is provided for programmers wishing to make use of sysex dump files to initializeremote editing software.The first ten bytes transmitted in response to a dump one preset request is the sysex load one preset header.Following that, in nybl~lizcd form are ten mmbytes. Next <strong>com</strong>e ten n$$Yizedt~ytc’s representing the ef’fecb chain.Finally <strong>com</strong>e 125) nybblized bytes representing the effect parameters. The fornut of this data is the same Ii ~-mat usedin the remote editing <strong>com</strong>nyands. The order of the effecz and the number of bytes for each effect is as follows:Appendix C SysEx Format C-7

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