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71~ The Thr (Threshold) parameter sets the level, in dH, below digital clipping that the gate will beginto close. Range is -2 to -90 dB.SUZ: The Sen (Sensitivity) parameter determines the peak level below threshold that the gate will befully closed. Kange is l-9.Eflects Loop (I;x)The movable effects loop appears just as any other effect and can be placed anywhere in the effects chain.The sends are stereo and are available from two jacks at the back of the unit. The returns are in stereo, andthis stereo signal may be summed in stereo with the output from the DSP after the last effect in the chain.The signal returning to the DSP is summed to mono, then added to the stereo direct signal. This signal isthen passed on to the next effect in the chain.Note:When a MONO signal is returned, plug the signal into the LEFT/MONO effects return jack. This ensuresthat 100% of the return signal is summed back into the A/D converter.ReturnsOutpLltsInstrumentInputlil) ISendsL RI ID/A Converter+ +Effects->Effects LoopDSPA-76 Appendix A Individual Effects

ParametersSend: The Send (Send Level) parameter determines the level of the signal that is sent to the Effects Sendjacks. Range is O-100.Dir: The Dir (Direct Level) parameter determines the level of the direct signal that is mixed with theinput from the effect loop returns. Range is O-100.Rtn: The Rtn (Return Level) parameter determines the level of the signal that is returned to the effectschain. Range is O-100.Sum: The Sum (Summed Return Level) parameter turns ON and OFF an analog switch that sums thestereo returns with the analog output from the digital effects.Splitter/B&Amp (SP)The splitter/hi-amp effect enables you to split the stereo signal into two separate chains, placing different effecttypes on each chain. The signal following the splitter is MONO and only appears on one channel. Therefore,note that the signal on the LEFT path (top line) only passes through the LEFT half of effects following thesplitter, and the signal on the RIGHT path (bottom line) only appears on the RIGHT channel of effectsfollowing the splitter.High Pass Filter>>EffectsBalanceEffectsbLeft OutEffects *Right Out1 Low Pass Filter I ISplitter/&-AmpParametersA&x&There are two modes available; SPLITTER and BI-AMP.Bal: The Bal (Balance) parameter controls the righ #‘left balance of the splitter output. This works likea normal stereo balance where the signal output from both sides is 100% at a balance of 50; at0, 100% of the right signal is passed through and none of the left signal is passed; at 100, 100%of the left signal passes and none of the right signal is passed.Hi-L; This is a high pass filter that allows frequencies higher than the specified frequency to pass to theleft channel. Range is 20 Hz to 3.3 kHz. This parameter is not available when SPLITTER is used.Lo-R: This is a low pass filter that allows frequencies lower than the specified frequency to pass to theright channel. Range is 20 Hz to 3.3 kHz. This parameter is not available when SPLITTER is used.Appendix A Individual Effects A-17

71~ The Thr (Threshold) parameter sets the level, in dH, below digital clipping that the gate will beginto close. Range is -2 to -90 dB.SUZ: The Sen (Sensitivity) parameter determines the peak level below threshold that the gate will befully closed. Kange is l-9.Eflects Loop (I;x)The movable effects loop appears just as any other effect and can be placed anywhere in the effects chain.The sends are stereo and are available from two jacks at the back of the unit. The returns are in stereo, andthis stereo signal may be summed in stereo with the output from the DSP after the last effect in the chain.The signal returning to the DSP is summed to mono, then added to the stereo direct signal. This signal isthen passed on to the next effect in the chain.Note:When a MONO signal is returned, plug the signal into the LEFT/MONO effects return jack. This ensuresthat 100% of the return signal is summed back into the A/D converter.ReturnsOutpLltsInstrumentInputlil) ISendsL RI ID/A Converter+ +Effects->Effects LoopDSPA-76 Appendix A Individual Effects

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