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3. Position the cursor under DP; use the right or lefe arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to select thepreset to dump via MIDI.4. Press the Exec button to send the preset. The following display is shown:(Loading a preset to its original location does not require a procedure. Simply send the preset from thetransmitting unit. The Tube Fex will automatically store it in its original location.)1. Press the Global button until you get to the MIDI screen.2. Position the cursor under RC; use the right or left arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to changethe channel over which MIDI messages are received. (Make sure the sending unit is set to transmit onthe cliannel selected.)R p I;. I..] r: h = 1 CMIDIIF;IC TC TP DP LP [=I5 LS,3. Position the cursor under LP; use the right or left arrow button. LJse the V and A buttons to select thepreset to receive via MIDI.4. Now send the preset to the Tube Fex from the transmitting unit. You should SW the following display:If you see:You need to:c* Set the receive channel on the Tube Fex to the MIDI channel shown in the clispl;~y.I* Send the preset again from the transmitting unit.Tutorials 33

Appendix A Individual EffectsThe Tube effect uses the two 12AX7 tubes to alter the audio signal in a more traditional manner. TheTube effect has four modes (or voices) to select from. These are accessed by using the Mode button.Note: To change the tube mode you must be in Play Mode (accessed by pressing the Play button), Edit Mode(accessed by pressing the Edit button), or the Tube page (accessed when you press the Edit buttona second time to begin editing the Tube parameters).Configuration whenTB is on front end ofeffects chain________________________________________-,Tube Preamp i: PreDistortion(Tubes)‘------------------________________________________________________________________ISolid-State Preamp i i’ADZ/* DSPL All other settingsNote: The Global Input Level is non-functional when the Tube (TB) is at the front of the effects chain.a CLEANA CRUNCHh LEADfi ULTRATwo gain stages and a passive EQ to achieve clean to slightly distorted tones.Three gain stages and a passive EQ for medium distortion amounts.Four gain stages and a passive EQ for high gain distortion.Same as Lead, except with active EQ, allowing for greater tonal variation.ParametersmPd:Pt:The Pr @regain) parameter adjusts the amount of gain the signal has before entering the tubes.Range is O-100. When TB (tube) is present in a chain, turning the Pre Gain knob will alter thisparameter’s value even if you are not directly editing the TB parameters.The Pd (Pad) parameter changes gain of first tube stage without effecting tone. Select either Hi(for distortion) or Lo (for clean).The Pt (Postgain) parameter adjusts the amount of gain the signal has as it leaves the tubes.Range is O-100. When TB (tube) is present in a chain, turning the Post Gain knob will alter thisparameter’s value even if you are not directly editing the TB parameters.Note: The previous three parameters apply to all four tube modes; however, the following four parameters(Bs, Mi, Tr, Ps) change to (Bt, Bd, Sd, Sh), respectively, when ULTRA is selected as the mode.Appendix A Individual Effects A-7

3. Position the cursor under DP; use the right or lefe arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to select thepreset to dump via MIDI.4. Press the Exec button to send the preset. The following display is shown:(Loading a preset to its original location does not require a procedure. Simply send the preset from thetransmitting unit. The Tube Fex will automatically store it in its original location.)1. Press the Global button until you get to the MIDI screen.2. Position the cursor under RC; use the right or left arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to changethe channel over which MIDI messages are received. (Make sure the sending unit is set to transmit onthe cliannel selected.)R p I;. I..] r: h = 1 CMIDIIF;IC TC TP DP LP [=I5 LS,3. Position the cursor under LP; use the right or left arrow button. LJse the V and A buttons to select thepreset to receive via MIDI.4. Now send the preset to the Tube Fex from the transmitting unit. You should SW the following display:If you see:You need to:c* Set the receive channel on the Tube Fex to the MIDI channel shown in the clispl;~y.I* Send the preset again from the transmitting unit.Tutorials 33

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