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10. Press the right arrow button one time to place the cursor under the preset name.11. Use the V and A buttons to chqge The Bosman U2 to SwarmKorus U 12.12. Press the left arrow button one time to place the cursor under the program numtxr.13. Press the A button one time to move to progrxn number A3.14. Press the right arrow button one time to place the cursor under the preset name.n3 Pja..hsticl2 U3TE+t-JG+P I +P2+DLI15. Use the T and A buttonsto change Majestic12 U3 to FOLLOW WAH F64.16. Con~r:ltulatic)ns! You are now a Progrxn Mapping pro. (Okay, maybe you’re not 21 pro yet but at leastyou’re familiar with program mapping. >Assignable Clip LEDAfter you’ve written 3 new preset, if you notice that the Clip LED changes from green to red, this means youhave an overlod problem somewhere in the effects chain. No problem! Push the Global Ixrtton until thefollowing screen appears:iblove the CUTSOT under Mtr and using the A and V buttons you can move the clip 1,171) to the output of eachsegment of the effects chain. As you move the clip LED play your instrument and watch the clip LED. It willstay gr-een for the effects that have correct output levels, but will turn red when you find the effect, input oroutput that is overloading. Once you locate the problem. simply prcx the Edit button and djust the effector its output level to fix the overloxl.Tutorials 31

Global Stuff: Utility, MIDI and Controller ScreensThese mini-tutorials provide instruction on several of the most common global settings for the Tube Fex. Eachmini-tutorial is independent of the previous mini-hKorials. This allows you to learn what you want when youwant to and proceed without wondering if you missed anything in a previous mini-tutorial!Settil zg the View Aq$e1. Press the Global button until the following screen is displayed:p;yk~2. Position the cursor under VA, use the right or left arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to adjust thedisplay to a comfortd~le viewing angle.1. Press the Global button until you get to the MIDI screen.2. Position the cursor under RC; use the right or left arrow button. TlJse the V and A buttons to changethe channel over which MIDI messages are received.Setting the MIDI Tmxsmit Ch.znnel1. Press the Global button until you get to the MIDI screen.;;; y;,,‘El:“::~2. Position the cursor under TC; use the right or left arrow button. Use the V and A buttons to chxngethe channel over which MIDI messages are transmitted.1. Press the Global button until you get to the MIDI screen.2. Position the cursor under TC; use the right or left arrow button. LJse the V and A buttons to changethe channel over which MIDI messages are transmitted. (Make sure the receiving unit is set to receiveon the channel selected.)32 Tutorials

10. Press the right arrow button one time to place the cursor under the preset name.11. Use the V and A buttons to chqge The Bosman U2 to SwarmKorus U 12.12. Press the left arrow button one time to place the cursor under the program numtxr.13. Press the A button one time to move to progrxn number A3.14. Press the right arrow button one time to place the cursor under the preset name.n3 Pja..hsticl2 U3TE+t-JG+P I +P2+DLI15. Use the T and A buttonsto change Majestic12 U3 to FOLLOW WAH F64.16. Con~r:ltulatic)ns! You are now a Progrxn Mapping pro. (Okay, maybe you’re not 21 pro yet but at leastyou’re familiar with program mapping. >Assignable Clip LEDAfter you’ve written 3 new preset, if you notice that the Clip LED changes from green to red, this means youhave an overlod problem somewhere in the effects chain. No problem! Push the Global Ixrtton until thefollowing screen appears:iblove the CUTSOT under Mtr and using the A and V buttons you can move the clip 1,171) to the output of eachsegment of the effects chain. As you move the clip LED play your instrument and watch the clip LED. It willstay gr-een for the effects that have correct output levels, but will turn red when you find the effect, input oroutput that is overloading. Once you locate the problem. simply prcx the Edit button and djust the effector its output level to fix the overloxl.Tutorials 31

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