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PERFORMANCE PARAMETER CONTROLMost effects’ parameters can be varied during performance via MIDI control change conmands. These areavailable from the optional foot controller. Each preset can have up to eight parameters that respond to thesechanges. Most of the factor); presets are set up with controllers assigned to them (SW the playlist). Set themode of the foot controller to control change. Select an active controller by pressing the necessary buttonson the foot controller corresponding to the effect to be controlled. Now using the v or A buttons, you canchange the value of that parameter during performance.VOLUME CONTROL DURING PERFORMANCEThe Tube Fex will respond to MIDI volume change messages (controller #7 >. These changes are global. Thatis, they affect the unit even after the program is changed. A CV pedal assigned to controller #7 will act as aMIDI volume pedal. You can reassign the volume to a different control nun~ber if you wish. Volume can alsobe controlled from the front panel, but this is not usually done during performance. See chapter 4.Chapter 3 Editing Programs 27

Chapter 4Using MIDIThere are four major functions that can be performed via MIDI on the Tube Fex: change Programs/Banks;change effect parameters during performance via Continuous Controller messages; store presets on remotestorage devices via MIDI system exclusive messages; and remotely edit and store any user accessibleparameter using special Remote Editing SysEx messages. The Tube Fex can also be setup to transmit MIDIprogram change messages when a new program is selected from either the front panel or via MIDI.TRANSMITAND RECEIVE CHANNELSMIDI messages are transmitted and received on one of sixteen different MIDI channels. The unit can be setto transmit messages on any of these channels, and to respond to valid incoming messages on any one orall sixteen channels. To change the channel the unit receives on, press the Global button until the MIDI menuappears as below:Recu Ch=l CMIDI 1RC TC TP DP LP DS LSThe cursor is flashing under RC (Receive Channel). Use the V or A buttons to select MIDI channel l-16 orOMNI. OMNI will allow your unit to respond to valid MIDI commands received on any channel.To change the MIDI channel the unit transmits on, press the right arrow button. The cursor is now fl&ing underTC (Transmit Channel). Use the V or A buttons to select the desired MIDI transmit channel (one through sixteen).To turn the transmit program change feature on or off, use the right or left arrow buttons to position theflashing cursor under TP (Transmit Program Change). Use the v or A buttons to turn this feature ON or OFF.When ON, Transmit Program change will send a MIDI Program Change message out on the transmit channeleach time the program is changed either from the front panel or via MIDI (including changes sent from anoptional MIDI foot controller).The other functions on the MIDI menu are system exclusive functions and are described in the section titledSystem Exclusive Remote Storage.MIDI PROGRAM CHANGEAND BANK SWITCHINGThe Tube Fex will respond to valid MZXP~oqam Change and Bank 5’eZectmessages received on the unit’sreceive channel. Program changes will cause the unit to recall a program within the program bank currentlyselected. There are two banks of 128 programs in the unit’s memory, bank A and bank B. A third bank, C,becomes available when the optional RAM cartridge is installed. Program banks can be changed on the frontpanel by incrementing the program above 127 or below 0 while in play mode, or by sending a MIDI bankselect message to the unit.22 Chapter 4 Using MIDI

PERFORMANCE PARAMETER CONTROLMost effects’ parameters can be varied during performance via MIDI control change conmands. These areavailable from the optional foot controller. Each preset can have up to eight parameters that respond to thesechanges. Most of the factor); presets are set up with controllers assigned to them (SW the playlist). Set themode of the foot controller to control change. Select an active controller by pressing the necessary buttonson the foot controller corresponding to the effect to be controlled. Now using the v or A buttons, you canchange the value of that parameter during performance.VOLUME CONTROL DURING PERFORMANCEThe Tube Fex will respond to MIDI volume change messages (controller #7 >. These changes are global. Thatis, they affect the unit even after the program is changed. A CV pedal assigned to controller #7 will act as aMIDI volume pedal. You can reassign the volume to a different control nun~ber if you wish. Volume can alsobe controlled from the front panel, but this is not usually done during performance. See chapter 4.Chapter 3 Editing Programs 27

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