VAFA Record Rnd18.indd - Victorian Amateur Football Association

VAFA Record Rnd18.indd - Victorian Amateur Football Association VAFA Record Rnd18.indd - Victorian Amateur Football Association




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EDITORIALMichael ShollyA WAY TONEVERRETIREThis weekend sees the final round in all ourdivision and under age sections and of course themuch anticipated Grand Finals in the two ClubXVIII competitions. Each week the competitionswill be losing teams who can celebrate orcommiserate on the conclusion of another season.On Sunday night over 100 teams will have begunpreparations for 2013. The following weekendanother 60 teams will join them.When a year ends there is much time to reflect andat this time many players will be considering theiroptions for next year. For many, their bodies willbe sore and pleading for a rest and the dreaded Rword will be entering their minds. Retirement formany is considered to be the end of their journeyat a club and a time to move on.This should not be the case. Retirement providesyou with many options of still being involved atclub level. Most people’s motivation to join a clubis to play football; however the thing that onemisses most when not playing is the camaraderieand pleasure of being around your mates. Youmight be about to retire from the playing arenabut there is no need to retire from your club or the<strong>VAFA</strong>.I have not yet met a club that has too manyvolunteers. Volunteers are valuable assets at aclub, with the contributions and varied skill setsworth their weight in gold. Not all who retirereached heights of best player at the club but all ofyou were a component that made your club great.This can be continued and enhanced in retirementfrom playing.If you speak to the volunteers at your club, whilst Iam sure they would all like to be out there playing,contributing off the field is a labour of love.Getting a match day role or helping out at the clubon a Thursday night can be a fulfilling experience.The jobs can be varied.For those fit enough, being the club umpire canbe a great way of keeping a close alignment toyour club and doing an essential job that givesgreat satisfaction. If you are even more seriousabout umpiring then you should consider givingBrian Goodman a ring to join the <strong>VAFA</strong> umpires.They train every Tuesday and Thursday, you getallocated a game close to home, pick up some taxfree money on the side and stay close to the gameyou love.Coaching is another area that needs support,particularly in our junior sections. For some reasonoften the best player is not always the best coachand a recent retiree is often respected greatlyat U18 or U19 level. Having an understandingof your club’s culture, along with empathy foryoung adults are the key ingredients to be a juniorcoach. It is not the person who has the best footyknowledge that makes the best junior coach butsomeone who understands the players you arecoaching more.It is up to the club officials to start planning fornext year now. Recruitment of players is up tothe football department. Recruitment of thevolunteers is just as integral to club operations.A whole host of volunteers are needed for everyclub – a list of thirty-six job descriptions is on ourwebsite under Info for Clubs.It has been a great season for the <strong>VAFA</strong>, whoas an organisation has relied so heavily on ourvolunteers. All our rep coaches and medicalstaff, the board and ambassadors, the scorersand timekeepers have all given their time andhopefully they have all been repaid by theknowledge that they have helped 10,000 playersonce again play in the <strong>VAFA</strong>.Keep close to the <strong>VAFA</strong> in the next few weeks bycoming along and supporting your mates as theystrive for premiership glory. There are twenty-fiveflags up for grabs commencing on Sunday andcontinuing for the next month – a feast of finalsfootball.Front Cover: Rupertswood’s Brandon WebberThe <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong>erTHE JOURNAL OF THE VICTORIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONAugust 25, 2012 $3.00 Vol. 12 No. 18THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20121

PREMIERAndrew LeonardCUE IN THE RACK?Last week certainly revealed all. Unfortunatelyfootball is not scripted and any romanticismthat it would all come down to the last roundof the season to determine who wouldbe relegated and who would make finalsevaporated last Saturday by a combinedmargin of just eight points. The visiting sidesconquering the home teams of Bulleen Road ina day of high drama that left noise and frivolityin one set of rooms and quiet devastation of aseason lost just next door. We now have twoweeks of little consequence to ladder positionsbefore the finals and who can remember thelast time that happened? The only question ishow many teams will put the cue in the rack?Old Trinity will be planning for a year in PremierB next season. After trailing for most of theday against their relegation rivals UniversityBlues, the home side rallied in the last quarterto close to within four points. However theyran out of time and will be ruing the costlymisses from earlier in the day. At three quartertime Old Trinity had more scoring shots thantheir opponents kicking 3.12 to Blues’ 8.3. Theinaccuracy cost them in the final quarter pushwith 3.5 to a solitary goal. Peter Summers againplayed well with three goals for the Blues whileBrendan Iezzi and Fergus Stewart were key inthe Trinity comeback.For the second time in two seasons Old Careyhas lost a close late in the season to a side thatwill occupy fourth spot in their place. Last yearit was Uni Blues by three points and this yearOld Scotch celebrated a four point win in thisvirtual elimination final. Old Scotch kickedtwo goals in the opening quarter and weregoalless for the next two but that didn’t stopthem kicking four goals into the breeze in thefinal quarter to steal a famous victory for theCardinals. Hamish Dick was everywhere andmoved forward he dribbled a goal throughfrom the pocket to close the margin to twopoints then Rob Ferraro slotted a banana out ofthe pack to hit the front with under a minuteleft. Tom McKinley was everywhere for Scotchand Julian Rowe likewise for Carey.Caulfield Grammarians almost caused a biggerupset than the one Uni Blues inflicted on OldXaverians the previous week. For Caulfieldthey are getting closer to the elusive first win– with a real chance to get that win in the nexttwo weeks. Toorak Park was a mess with bothsides managing eight goals between them. OldXaverians have hit a bit of a flat spot and whilsta win is good any time of year being run thisclose by a side that was already relegated willbe of some concern.St Bernards have had an incredibly toughcouple of weeks with the tragic passing oftwo much-loved clubmen. There were timesduring the game against Collegians it looked asthough the home side might get up in honourof Harry Overman, but perhaps the emotionwas a little too much. Just a point the differenceat the final change the margin drifted to 33 asCollegians kicked five goals to zip in the finalquarter. Courtney Hylton gets better and bettereach week and Nick Corp kicked three for theLionsTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDCollegians v St Bedes/Mentone TigersDe La Salle v Old XaveriansOld Trinity v Old CareySt Bernards v Caulfield GrammUniversity Blues v Old Scotch2 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - OPEN 1-7 SATURDAY

De La Salle joined Twitter this week and hintedthat this was a must win game in order to securefinals. Their percentage suggests that their finalsaspirations were never in doubt and perhapsthis is why they lost to St Bedes / MentoneTigers. The trip to Brindisi St is never easy andthe form that the Tigers have shown in recentweeks suggests that early season injuries werecostly. The Lasallian Chalenge Cup was wonby the home side due to the work of DamienWaters, Pat Tyquin and Pat Kean. The matchnever scaled great heights with smothers andclose checking a regular occurrence. Brett Eddykicked zero goals seven behinds and perhapsthe motivation just wasn’t there for De La whowere all but safe in the four.This week: With little to play for due to resultslast week, it will be interesting to see whatteams run out and how committed everyone isat the contest. Only a calamitous performancein the final two rounds from Old Scotch andwins from Old Carey can change the make upof the four. Old Scotch showed a resilience andperseverance last week and that should seethem beat Uni Blues, who may relax now thatthey are safe. Collegians should be too strongfor St Bedes / Mentone Tigers at home. Caulfieldmight sneak their first win out at St Bernards.and if its not this week it will be next week. Withboth sides feeling flat Old Carey should beatOld Trinity when they travel across the road buta gain wouldn’t be surprised if the OTs get up.De La Salle host Old Xaverians in the 96.5FMbroadcast match of the day. I tossed a coin andit came up with De La Salle.PREMIER LAST ROUND PREMIER RESERVEOld Scotch 2.1 2.1 2.4 6.6 (42)Old Carey 0.1 4.4 4.5 5.8 (38)GOALS Old Scotch: S. Neaves 1 R. Ferraro 1 J. Bowden 1 S. Barnett 1 L. Schumann 1 H.Dick 1 Old Carey: J. Rowe 1 D. Yze 1 M. Laidlaw 1 B. De Leijer 1 L. Maslin 1BEST Old Scotch: S. Thompson S. Sherwen M. Burns R. Eva H. Dick R. Ferraro Old Carey: J.Rowe L. McQueen-Miscamble C. Howat T. Evans S. Freemantle J. RimingtonUniversity Blues 4.0 6.0 8.3 9.3 (57)Old Trinity 0.1 1.7 3.12 6.17 (53)GOALS University Blues: P. Summers 3 J. Caldow 2 B. McConnell 1 M. Torney 1 M.Leishman 1 I. Prendergast 1 Old Trinity: J. Osborn 2 E. Weatherson 1 W. Bowman 1 B.Iezzi 1 K. Butler 1BEST University Blues: B. McConnell A. Austin P. Summers C. Shaw M. Monteith J. WattsOld Trinity: F. Stewart C. Pohl B. Barratt B. Iezzi J. Steinhart J. OsbornOld Xaverians 3.1 3.2 4.4 4.5 (29)Caulfield Grammarians 0.1 2.1 3.3 4.3 (27)GOALS Old Xaverians: J. Williams 1 A. Biddlecombe 1 B. Kennedy 1 R. Colbert 1 CaulfieldGrammarians: G. Colosimo 1 L. O’Keefe 1 M. Liddell 1 B. Hyland 1BEST Old Xaverians: N. Wynne J. Agius R. Colbert J. Williams A. Biddlecombe C. PurssCaulfield Grammarians: D. Scheetz M. Liddell W. Edwards B. Sinclair T. O’Sullivan L.EverettSt Bedes / Mentone Tigers 1.3 4.5 7.9 11.10 (76)De La Salle 2.3 4.7 5.10 6.14 (50)GOALS St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: T. Garside 2 D. Holden 2 S. Glennen 2 M. Curcio 2 L.Stutterd 1 L. Terrell 1 P. Kean 1 De La Salle: T. Parker 2 J. Vickers 2 S. Pickett 1 B. Pratt 1BEST St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: D. Waters P. Tyquin P. Wintle L. Wintle P. Kean S. RichardsDe La Salle: J. Vickers M. Hine J. Gotch T. Kovess B. Humphrey J. BaxterCollegians 2.3 6.9 7.10 12.15 (87)St Bernards 4.4 5.8 7.9 7.12 (54)GOALS Collegians: N. Corp 3 D. Strachan 2 N. Ries 2 C. Blumfield 1 S. Troon 1 J. Dixon 1C. Lee 1 L. Apted 1 St Bernards: A. Merrington 3 J. Madden 2 C. Mitchell 1 A. Grosso 1BEST Collegians: C. Hylton S. Troon N. Corp T. Penberthy C. Blumfield J. AusterberrySt Bernards: M. Sullivan L. Wilkinson T. Sullivan D. Byrne T. Caven A. MerringtonUniversity Blues 2.0 6.2 10.6 14.12 (96)Old Trinity 1.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 (14)GOALS University Blues: D. Barton 5 C. Frinsdorf 3 A. Nice 1 L. Michell 1 J. Mugavin 1 D.Zambon 1 D. Withers 1 H. Weddell 1 Old Trinity: M. Brown 1 N. Chamberlain 1BEST University Blues: D. Barton H. Weddell C. Frinsdorf S. Bryce A. Nice B. LaidlawOld Trinity: J. Gillies W. Oldfield J. Gale K. Spassopoulos N. Chamberlain N. MerzvinskisOld Xaverians 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 (35)Caulfield Grammarians 0.1 2.2 3.2 3.3 (21)GOALS Old Xaverians: J. Scanlan 1 J. Bergin 1 J. Curtis 1 M. Garvey 1 J. Preece 1 CaulfieldGrammarians: T. Yelland 2 A. Strain 1BEST Old Xaverians: D. Iacuone M. Walsh J. Darrer M. Garvey J. McDonnell F. PatersonCaulfield Grammarians: S. Wood B. Walker C. Williams D. Allanson D. Daly J. McLeanDe La Salle 3.5 8.8 12.12 17.17 (119)St Bedes / Mentone Tigers 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.2 (14)GOALS De La Salle: A. Palmer 4 E. Espinosa 3 N. Fyfield 3 L. Bull 1 L. Williams 1 N. Hyland1 A. Roberts 1 R. Harris 1 J. Phillips 1 J. Grifiths 1 St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: G. Siwes 1A. Fyans 1BEST De La Salle: J. Phillips A. Kneebone M. Duggan J. Harris J. Hansen J. McKaySt Bedes / Mentone Tigers: C. Neville A. Vandenblink T. DeMacedo A. Fyans J. MorrisonT. BastionCollegians 1.0 4.1 4.4 6.8 (44)St Bernards 2.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 (22)GOALS Collegians: B. Riddle 2 M. Dyer 1 A. Carydias 1 J. Hampton 1 L. Whitby 1 StBernards: S. Clarke 2 H. Carland 1BEST Collegians: S. Carey J. Head N. Bobeff A. Howison M. Dyer B. MorrisSt Bernards: H. Carland K. Farrell M. Borzillo S. Cannatelli S. Mitchell L. CooksonTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20123

PREMIER BDi LangtonMATHEMATICALLY SPEAKINGWhile the final four appears set I guess we shouldacknowledge that fabulous old doctrine thatkeeps fifth (and sometimes sixth) placed teamspainfully keen in these last two rounds as well asthose jockeying for the double chance. You knowthe ol’ chestnut: The Mathematical Possibility. If Xbeats Y and Z manages a surprise win (by seventhousand points) and we all hold hands and singKumbaya… then yes, it just might be possiblefor Team Cinderella to dislodge the unluckyrung-holder above. Just as the AFL will this weekdeliver mind-boggling permutations for thefinal eight (so annoyingly spelt out by cardiganwearingpropeller-heads on talk-back radio), yesokay, a nod to the most unlikely scenario that thePremier B finals makeup could still change. But itwon’t, so there. There is, however, a mathematical(and geographical) cert for Oakleigh and OldIvanhoe: gone is the packed-lunch drive downto Werribee next season. Instead… I give youRupertswood!Next week we’ll be publishing the 2012 Premier BTeam of the Year. Nominations (in position) aremost welcome, please email them through bySunday night to dilangton@bigpond.comMarcus Jankie celebrated his 150 th game with theJackas by kicking the first in their ten-goal winover Old Ivanhoe at Albert Park. Team-mate JakeLew was unstoppable at CHF despite the difficultconditions kicking seven, while Rubin Winogradwas a fortress down back. Delmonte was best forOld Ivanhoe who started well but the Brownswere hard-pressed keeping the ball out of theAJAX forward line. David Fayman’s four majorstips him into the sharp-shooter lead, just onegoal ahead of Henry Parkes of St Kevins.Like many venues around town, UniversityOval was in an appalling state but the groundconditions had little to do with the ferocity ofthe game between Blacks and St Kevins in theirsecond-semi prologue. Blacks dominated theruck and kicked longer, however some flashesof brilliance by SKOB youngsters Ginnies andParkes saw scores level at the long break. Blacksshot to a 3 goal lead in the third through moredirect play, and an extra player in defence shoredup a twenty point win with some fantastic skillson display, despite the shocking conditions.Most notable was Charlie Richardson (albeitunrecognisable in the mud).Meanwhile over at wet & windy McKinnonReserve the faithful braved the chill to watch abackline slugfest between Old Haileybury andthe Krushers which saw a number of bonecrunchinginjuries. The undermanned Oakstrailed by 2 points at the long break and werein with a chance of an upset; Meyers and Clearyplaying outside themselves. The Bloods applied alittle more pressure though via McLauchlan andGooda, eventually pulling away in a 25 point win.The battle for fourth between Old Melburniansand challengers Old Brighton promised muchbut proved an utterly forgettable displayas players grappled and slipped in dreadfulconditions that reduced it to a disappointingslog fest. The ‘Tonners never looked like winning:dreadful kicking and the understandable overuseof handball their downfall. OMs performed farbetter in the circumstances, Tom Paule led wellwith four goals, while Jon Perrett did his best forBrighton in a twenty point loss.TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDBeaumaris v Old MelburniansOakleigh v Werribee DistrictsOld Brighton v University BlacksOld Ivanhoe v Old HaileyburySt Kevins v AJAX4 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

The Sharks cruised through the Domain tunnelgantry and over the Westgate to pay the Tigersa much-anticipated visit that could well havetaken a toll; but a confident 39 point win wasa much-needed boost for Shark morale aheadof finals with the likes of Dean, Petering andCoote amongst their best. The ‘Bee’s own MattDean once again showed class in a side that isunaccustomed to such losses at home.THIS WEEKWe will see plenty of interest still with someripper matchups this round ahead of nextweek’s almost-dead rubber. Beauy are back athome hosting OMs (third and fourth on equalpoints), while Old Brighton need to pull off theaforementioned seven-thousand point win overUni Blacks at South Road (while simultaneouslypraying for an OMs melt-down). Old Haileyburycan get in on the algebraic action too, if theyinvoke some ladder sorcery, starting with asmashing of Old Ivanhoe at Pine Lodge. St Kevinsmust pull their socks up with a straight forwardwin over AJAX at TH King, and while the carefactor may not seem high, the battle betweenthe Krushers and ‘Bees at Scammell Reserve willbe a point of much pride for both.Please email your match reports, thoughts andfeelings to bySunday evening.PREMIER B LAST ROUND PREMIER B RESERVEAJAX 7.4 11.11 16.12 20.19 (139)Old Ivanhoe 3.1 5.2 9.5 12.7 (79)GOALS AJAX: J. Lew 7 D. Fayman 4 W. Steinberg 3 E. Routman 2 N. Harel 1 J. Tendler 1A. Trytell 1 M. Jankie 1 Old Ivanhoe: J. Moio 3 A. Baldwin 2 B. McDowell 1 M. Mitris 1 K.Trajanovski 1 A. Bolzan 1 J. Binney 1 L. Lhran 1 S. Geilings 1BEST AJAX: J. Lew R. Winograd A. Caplan G. Blieden M. Jankie E. RoutmanOld Ivanhoe: M. Delmonte J. Moio A. Paine H. Heta C. Sutherland S. WardOld Haileybury 1.4 1.7 3.11 7.13 (55)Oakleigh 1.3 1.5 2.6 4.6 (30)GOALS Old Haileybury: B. Gillen 3 B. Seccull 2 P. Gleadhill 1 M. Meehan 1 Oakleigh: S.Doherty 2 J. Chapple 1 D. Cleary 1BEST Old Haileybury: H. McLauchlan N. Gooda J. Nicolopoulos B. Gillen A. Johnston P.GleadhillOakleigh: C. Meyers D. Cleary R. Holden G. Irons S. Doherty P. HoldenOld Melburnians 3.2 6.4 7.4 8.6 (54)Old Brighton 2.2 3.5 3.8 4.10 (34)GOALS Old Melburnians: T. Paule 4 W. Hatfield 2 E. De Fegely 1 C. Beck 1 Old Brighton: T.Mentiplay 2 B. Gadsden 1 D. Anthony 1BEST Old Melburnians: T. Paule C. May C. Hood L. Haralambous W. Johnson J. BeaumontOld Brighton: J. Perrett L. Hendra J. Dickerson J. Davis J. Pascoe J. PortelliUniversity Blacks 2.4 2.5 5.6 5.7 (37)St Kevins 0.0 2.4 2.4 2.5 (17)GOALS University Blacks: C. Richardson 2 H. Lacey 2 J. Slabbert 1 St Kevins: J. Charles1 H. Parkes 1BEST University Blacks: C. Richardson T. Napier L. Kalms A. Drysdale N. Batten St Kevins:S. Bishop T. Simpson J. Weber J. Marchesani Z. Ginies G. ChiversBeaumaris 5.0 10.2 11.5 12.8 (80)Werribee Districts 0.7 1.10 3.15 4.17 (41)GOALS Beaumaris: M. Petering 4 W. Edmonds 2 T. Dean 2 T. Buckley 1 S. McLaren 1W. Murton 1 B. McLean 1 Werribee Districts: A. Taylor 1 A. Tedeso 1 R. Harrington 1 T.Anderson 1BEST Beaumaris: T. Dean M. Petering S. Coote K. Barnes B. Haynes J. ThompsonWerribee Districts: M. Dean L. Patterson W. Pelar T. Anderson J. De Pellegrin J. NortoTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012University Blacks 2.1 5.1 5.4 7.5 (47)St Kevins 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 (7)GOALS University Blacks: J. Gaylor 3 A. Jesse 1 J. Steadman 1 A. Cook 1 J. Nettlefold 1St Kevins: J. Mullen 1BEST University Blacks: A. Torney J. Gaylor A. Jesse J. Heeley S. McNamara J. NettlefoldSt Kevins: T. Johnston J. Nash L. Dunne H. McPherson J. O’Rourke T. SteainsOld Ivanhoe 0.4 2.4 3.10 5.11 (41)AJAX 3.3 3.5 3.9 3.12 (30)GOALS Old Ivanhoe: S. Leggett 2 G. George 1 R. Buckley 1 M. Golden 1 AJAX: N. Shulman1 A. Wollan 1 A. Lerner 1BEST Old Ivanhoe: C. Nichol T. Hill S. Leggett D. Mancuso L. Bolzan C. BacskosAJAX: R. Abraham J. Gottlieb A. Berman J. Givoni J. Dorevitch D. SteinbergOld Haileybury 1.3 2.3 4.5 5.7 (37)Oakleigh 2.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 (21)GOALS Old Haileybury: S. Fitzgerald 2 W. McTaggart 1 R. Mathers 1 C. Hill 1 Oakleigh: T.Golik 1 J. Wines 1 S. Wines 1BEST Old Haileybury: A. Mathers W. Rule M. Quiambao R. Mathers T. Coles M. SeccullOakleigh: M. Bentham S. Way C. Mercuri D. Mercuri S. Wines A. MatthiesonOld Brighton 1.0 3.1 3.1 5.1 (31)Old Melburnians 3.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 (27)GOALS Old Brighton: D. Jennings 2 C. Mizzi 1 H. Cannon 1 T. Clarke 1Old Melburnians: S. Stacey 1 B. McKie 1 S. Kemmerer 1 E. Hughes 1BEST Old Brighton: B. Jarick W. Bardoel N. Collins J. Nkles H. Cannon J. EdgeOld Melburnians: E. Hughes B. McKie W. Thompson N. De Steiger C. Stubbe N. NixonBeaumaris 4.1 8.3 14.6 18.13 (121)Werribee Districts 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 (6)GOALS Beaumaris: T. Abbott 4 S. McBain 2 M. Kurta 2 J. Bull 1 D. Pritchard 1 T. Pritchard 1M. Millar 1 J. Di Natale 1 W. Mattingley 1 A. Catlin 1 M. DeFontenay 1 S. Braithwaite 1T. Rayner 1Werribee Districts: not providedBEST Beaumaris: J. Di Natale N. Loucaides S. Braithwaite J. Bull M. Millar J. EvansWerribee Districts: J. Sargent M. Palmer S. Simpson D. Menegazzo J. Callea S. Dean5

PREMIER CSimon FullerPEGS STILL IN THE HUNTIt’s going to be a classic final fortnight in PremierC. The top three now entrenched and Mazenod,PEGS and Old Camberwell are all still realisticchances to see finals action with some hugeclashes involving these teams over the lasttwo rounds. There’s no doubt the team whichultimately snaffles fourth place will have earnedit.Mazenod hosted Banyule at Central Reserve andit was a contrast between the teams coming in.The Banyule senior lineup contained just fiveplayers from the team that took the field in lastyear’s Division 1 Grand Final and had to take onthe Nodders, who are building up steam aheadof a possible finals campaign. The results werepredictable, with Mazenod putting their footdown after half time, though poor conversionkept the margin to 62 points. Tim Bourbon ishaving a stellar season for the Nodders, whileNick Thomas is really starting to find some format the right end of the season. Adam Barclay,with his five goals and Bart Walsh were all class,as usual, for Banyule and it was a great welcomeback to senior footy for Josh O’Conner, with aneffective tagging job on Ben Phibbs.The top side at home against a winless bottomside looked like a mismatch, but those pluckyRovers stuck around until halftime again, beforeParkdale got on top in the second half with tengoals to one to run away with it. Sam Larkinslooks like being a real wildcard for the Vulturesin finals, with fifteen goals from his three seniorappearances this year, including seven on theweekend and Rochford was in the thick of itagain with six. Leigh Fletcher continues to findthe footy for the Rovers and Luke Verma playeda ripping game.High stakes in the game between PEGS and OldCamberwell, with the home side getting overthe line and striking a critical blow to the Wellers’finals hopes. With a five goal deficit at the finalchange, the Wellers kept PEGS to a point, butcouldn’t do enough damage on the scoreboardthemselves, to go down by 22. Daniel Flahertydominated for PEGS and Daniel Ryan alsoadapted well to the tough conditions. RohanKapoor and Damian McGuigan have stood up forthe Wellers in recent times and were good again.Marcellin travelled to Sunbury to take onRupertswood and after the Eagles got on top inthe second stanza, Rupo showed some ticker tobounce back and lock the scores at three quartertime. But on the resumption of play, it was allone way traffic, with the home side being keptscoreless in the final quarter. Simon Abrahamswas brilliant for the Eagles and Ash Viney hasbeen outstanding recently. For Rupo, Ben Gayhas come on in the latter stages of the seasonand Mitch Wilson was excellent.Conditions could not have been more difficultat Brunswick Street, as Fitzroy took on Monash.The heavy rain had cleared, but the puddlesremained and the wind was also causing someissues. But, although just six kicks went throughthe big sticks all day, the Roys managed to keepin front all day, showing why they are still anoutside chance for a top two spot, with a toughwin. It was no surprise to see mudlarks likeJosh Vansittart and Jim O’Reilly excelling in theconditions. Tim McKenzie was the best player forTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDHampton Rovers v Monash BluesMarcellin v Old CamberwellPEGS v MazenodParkdale Vultures v BanyuleRupertswood v Fitzroy6 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - Get back in the game

the Ashes, who have hopefully thawed out aheadof a big chance to get their third win of the yearthis week.That game will be against the Rovers, who willalso like their chances of finally getting to singthe song in 2012. It should be a really good gamebetween two teams who are better than theirrecords indicate. I’ll go with Monash, in a closeone.Another day on the Green for Parkdale againstBanyule, who could apparently rustle up a prettycompetitive team from their unavailable playersat the moment. The Vultures to lock in thedouble-chance.Out at Marcellin, the Wellers dropping by for avisit, in a game with massive implications forboth teams. Old Camberwell simply needs to winto have any chance of getting back in the four,while a Marcellin probably means they can’t beovertaken in the top two. I’ll go with the Eagles.Speaking of big games, PEGS hosts Mazenod, ina classic eight point game. The equation is simplefor the Nodders: win and the top four is sealed.Easier said than done at PEGS though and I’ll gowith PEGS to keep the door ajar.Rupertswood is at home to Fitzroy and, if otherresults go their way, the Roys can stay in the huntfor a top two spot. They’ll be up for this game andwill get the win.PREMIER C LAST ROUND PREMIER C RESERVEFitzroy 2.3 2.4 2.9 4.10 (34)Monash Blues 0.0 1.1 1.1 2.2 (14)GOALS Fitzroy: J. O’Reilly 2 H. Topp 1 S. Cations 1 Monash Blues: T. McKenzie 1 P.Featonby 1BEST Fitzroy: J. Vansittart J. O’Reilly J. Parkinson W. Fenton R. Angiolella J. Cameron-Wootten Monash Blues: T. McKenzie G. Smyth A. Hickey Z. Ledin D. Fuzzard W. BlackleyMazenod 2.6 6.12 10.16 13.23 (101)Banyule 1.1 4.2 4.2 6.3 (39)GOALS Mazenod: C. Jayaweera 3 J. Cowan 3 R. Thomas 2 D. Regan 1 B. Chamberlain 1 B.Phibbs 1 S. Jones 1 M. Chamberlain 1 Banyule: A. Barclay 5 K. Shepard-Mueller 1BEST Mazenod: T. Bourbon N. Thomas D. Regan F. Reed M. Chamberlain R. MannBanyule: B. Walsh A. Barclay R. Hay J. Rice J. O’Connor A. EdwardsPEGS 4.6 5.6 8.15 8.16 (64)Old Camberwell 2.1 5.2 5.3 6.6 (42)GOALS PEGS: D. Flaherty 2 C. Livori 2 L. Genovesi 2 B. Jones 1 D. Forrest 1 OldCamberwell: J. Eade 3 J. Duke 1 T. Beranger 1 S. Bennett 1BEST PEGS: D. Flaherty D. Ryan B. Jones B. Hannah R. Baddeley C. GoulletOld Camberwell: R. Kapoor D. McGuigan G. Tolson S. Bennett M. Partington J. Le CerfParkdale Vultures 4.1 9.3 15.10 19.14 (128)Hampton Rovers 3.4 5.7 5.8 6.11 (47)GOALS Parkdale Vultures: S. Larkins 7 D. Rhford 6 B. Hampton 2 A. Thompson 1 D. Kelly 1M. Kidner 1 L. Morgan 1 Hampton Rovers: J. Dillon 1 L. Verma 1 L. Woodland 1 J. Donald1 O. Armstrong 1 A. Fisher 1BEST Parkdale Vultures: D. Rhford M. Ryan S. Larkins B. Hampton A. Thompson S.ChapmanHampton Rovers: L. Fletcher L. Verma O. Armstrong R. Lynch M. Innes C. KelsoMarcellin 0.2 5.3 6.3 9.6 (60)Rupertswood 1.5 3.5 5.9 5.9 (39)GOALS Marcellin: A. Beaini 2 L. Rice 1 T. Carlson 1 P. Millsom 1 D. Redmond 1 T. Butler 1L. Boyd 1 T. Blanch 1 Rupertswood: L. Baddeley 2 L. Brennan 1 M. Wilson 1 J. Gay 1BEST Marcellin: S. Abrahams A. Viney T. Carlson L. Boyd T. Jones T. ButlerRupertswood: M. Wilson B. Gay M. Gaunt L. Baddeley M. Quigley B. SwallowFitzroy 3.4 7.6 9.10 11.13 (79)Monash Blues 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 (3)GOALS Fitzroy: O. Stoltz 3 G. Hesse 2 R. Breda 1 C. Ball 1 M. Racovalis 1 T. Hudson-Bevege1 M. Beacham 1 J. McGee 1 Monash Blues: not providedBEST Fitzroy: O. Stoltz N. Marshall R. Ewing J. Dimond M. Coad G. Hesse Monash Blues:N. Reid H. Drysdale N. Rhoden R. Phillips M. Mason M. StewartMazenod 2.4 7.8 10.11 15.13 (103)Banyule 0.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 (14)GOALS Mazenod: J. Egan 6 C. Keane 2 C. Bray 2 N. Gentile 1 R. Power 1 A. Bray 1S. Ballh 1 J. Beard 1 Banyule: J. Cahir 1 C. Thornton-Grimes 1BEST Mazenod: P. Iacovangelo T. Bailey J. Egan L. Castledine S. Ballh D. Maskill Banyule:S. Gray M. Crema C. Thornton-Grimes S. Moran J. Knape N. SmithOld Camberwell 3.2 7.3 9.5 11.8 (74)PEGS 2.3 4.8 5.12 8.14 (62)GOALS Old Camberwell: C. Hillier 4 M. Cottrell 2 P. Storey 2 D. Schmidt 1 J. Hinkley 1 S.Anjou 1 PEGS: L. Flaherty 4 D. Podger 2 J. Tootell 1 D. Cantwell 1BEST Old Camberwell: A. Vickery B. Dean H. Levvey J. Robinson S. Anjou M. CottrellPEGS: J. Taylor J. Marr A. Baddeley J. Saunders M. Fahey R. RichardsonParkdale Vultures 2.6 5.7 10.9 15.13 (103)Hampton Rovers 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 (1)GOALS Parkdale Vultures: R. Irvine 5 C. Lacey 3 D. McCarthy 3 M. Todd 2 D. Graham 1S. Sullivan 1Hampton Rovers: not providedBEST Parkdale Vultures: S. Sullivan R. Hayward D. McCarthy R. Irvine S. Finchiaro M. ToddHampton Rovers: M. Gray T. Youl L. Wheeler J. McCoy R. Jones K. McNeilMarcellin 6.4 9.8 16.17 18.26 (134)Rupertswood 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 (12)GOALS Marcellin: D. Fraser 6 T. Money 3 S. Crapper 3 J. Gasparini 1 S. Considine 1 D.Gartner 1 M. Grigoruk 1 S. Kemp 1 T. Jordan 1 Rupertswood: D. Johnson 1 S. Morganti 1BEST Marcellin: A. Ceccomancini J. Gasparini T. Jordan S. Kemp S. Crapper M. GrigorukRupertswood: D. Johnson C. Driver S. Morganti R. Vandenhurk H. Plumb L. SmithTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20127

FTLOTGMUDDY SEPTEMBERMelbourne’s grounds have taking theproverbial beating from the weather thisseason. Its almost as if mother nature has said,“How dare you doubt me, changing the grasson your ovals I will show you, let it rain!” A number of councilsand clubs made the decision to change thegrass on ovals to the couch grass that looksresplendent in summer but ugly in winter. Thedecision might have to be reversed in years tocome particularly given some of the photoscoming out of the weekend’s matches. Thiswas taken at Melbourne University Oval andwith a shortage of grounds for finals venuesSeptember finals action could be played inconditions akin to the middle of June.THE PERFECT SEASONLast week Félix Hernández of the SeattleMariners became just the 23 rd pitcher in MajorLeague history to pitch the perfect game.That’s no one making it to first base for theentire nine innings. Whilst a perfect game ofAustralian rules football is a little harder todefine it is about now we start to look throughthe sections and see who might be stringingtogether a perfect season. There are currentlythree teams who have sung the song everyweek this year and one of them is only a gameaway from a perfect year. Old Xaverians playin the Club XVIII (1) Grand Final this Sundayand are looking good for a perfect season.In Premier C Reserves Fitzroy have strungtogether 16 wins in a row and are lookinggood to maintain their 100% record for theyear. If their clubbies side don’t win the GrandFinal on Sunday, then Old Xaverians’ PremierThirds side still have a donut in the losscolumn of 2012. Good luck to all three sides intheir pursuit of perfection.8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

<strong>VAFA</strong> TV STRONGEST MANFor those of you who have been watching<strong>VAFA</strong> TV each week you will have seen theprogression of the Musashi <strong>VAFA</strong> TV strongestman competition. Each week a different club isvisited with the club choosing their strongestplayer to do three reps on a bench press of themost weight they can. The competition hasone more week before a three man final willbe held at Musashi’s state of the art gym witha winner takes all Musashi prize pack worth$1000. There was some conjecture during theweek as Eley Park’s Mitch Dupljanin currentlyin second place, queried how much help thethree lifters at Whitefriars were receiving. Thefinal will reveal all and whilst Whitefriars hadthree very strong representatives, only one cantake part in the final. If you haven’t caught upwith any of the competition there here is theleader board and check out <strong>VAFA</strong> TV under theNews and Media menu of to lookback at all the previous competitors.CLUB XVIII AND THEN THERE WERE FOURIt is Grand Final week for four clubs who havea club XVIII side that have made it through tothe final week of their season. Whilst there areno parades or media calls, the preparation forthe Club XVIII representatives is likely to bethe best it has been all season as players getthe chance to play in one more flag beforeconsidering hanging up the boots. Hawthornhas had a week’s rest in Section 2 and willplay Old Geelong who won through in lastweek’s Preliminary Final. The Section 1 GrandStrongest Man Leaders1. 140kg Robert Petracca (Whitefriars)2. 130kg Mitch Dupljanin (Eley Park Sharks)3. 115kg Adam Kowalski (Therry Penola)4. 115kg Rhys Kirk (UHS-VU)5. 110kg Ben Humphrey (De La Salle)6. 110kg Will Oakley (Old Geelong)7. 100kg Alex Bennett (Beaumaris)8. 90kg Luke O’Shannessy (St Marys Salesian)Final will be played between the undefeatedOld Xaverians and Old Melburnians who alsowon their Premlimniary Finals last Sunday atSportscover Arena. The success of the final sixmeans that it is likely to return next year withthe best two sides of Section 1 both winningthrough to the big game. So the chance foryour club to taste some early season successis there, come on down to Sportscover Arenaon Sunday to see the first flag celebrations of2012. Details on the games are below.Game Section Team Start Time VenueGRAND FINAL Club XVIII (2)Old GeelongHawthorn11.45amSportscover ArenaGRAND FINAL Club XVIII (1)Old XaveriansOld Melburnians2.15pmSportscover ArenaTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20129

FTLOTGRETIRING CLUB OFFICIALSAfter the best part of 25 years with the Junior& Senior Clubs, Maureen McGee and husbandTerry McGee have announced their retirementand will finish after our AGM in November.Maureen is presently Club Secretary andTreasurer of the South Melbourne DistrictsSports Club which overseas the finances of allthe Clubs Sports and Terry is Treasurer of theSouth Melbourne Districts <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong>Club. They will certainly be leaving the clubin a significantly better place than it has everbeen from a Financial Strength view and havebeen the backbone of our club for a quarterof a century. Maureen has previously held thePosition of President, Secretary and Treasurerand was awarded Life Membership some yearsago and Terry has been Vice President, Treasurerand Committee member for quite some time aswell. As with most clubs they have also freelygiven of their time to assist with organisingfunctions, running the bar or canteen, timekeeping and score board duties, there was nojob too small or too large. With sons Danieland Billy now well retired from playing thetime is right to spend weekends relaxing andholidaying. Maureen was deeply involvedin putting together the History of the Clubthrough the book Blood, Sweat & Cheers whichwas launched at our Centenary & Hall of FameDinner on 28th July, surprise surprise, Maureenwas one of the main organisers for this eventas well. We are truly blessed to have enjoyedthe good times over so many years with sucha wonderful family and look forward to seeingthem around as staunch supporters in 2013.A small part of their legacy will be our newlydeveloped rooms ready for the start of the 2013season, funded in no small part through theefforts of the McGee’s and others.ORMOND AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUBCOACHING APPLICATIONSOrmond <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> Club are seekingcoaching applications for theseniors, reserves, U/19s and Club 18 teamsfor 2013.Renumeration negotiable.New and ex-players are also welcome.Please send a covering letter and resume toDamien Cleary at oafc@bigpond.comby September 8.10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

OLD PARADAIANS’ ASSOCIATION AMATEUR FOOTBALLCLUB (<strong>VAFA</strong> Div 2)Based at Parade College, Plenty Road Bundoora, Old Paradiansprovides excellent facilities with an affi liation with Parade Collegeand a strong affi liated junior club. We are a well resourced andmanaged club seeking applications for the following positions forseason 2013:UNDER 19 COACHWe are seeking a coach who will be able to assist the club in sustainedgrowth and success. We are looking for a coach who can demonstrateexperience in being able to coach and develop Under 19 players such thatthey are ready to make the transition to senior football.Applicants need to be enthusiastic leaders, well organised, possessexcellent communication & interpersonal skills, have a provenunderstanding of all facets of today’s football trends and the ability toteach and implement these.A minimum level one coaching accreditation is required and anunderstanding of the <strong>VAFA</strong> competition is preferred.Competitive Remuneration.Please provide a cover letter outlining your experience, what you wouldbring to the club and specifi c plans for our club.Applications close 4th September.Forward applications or enquiries to:Brendan Flynn - <strong>Football</strong> ManagerOld Paradians’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> Club.BRFlynn@agilitylogistics.comph: 0488 316 880Old Ivanhoe Grammarians<strong>Football</strong> ClubEstablished 1964Senior coach <strong>VAFA</strong> C Section2013 SeasonWe are seeking a senior coach to develop a talented base ofyoung footballers and skilled senior players. Playing conditionsare excellent with a strong support structure in place.Applicants should hold a minimumLevel One Coaching Accreditation.Remuneration negotiable.Expressions of interest including CV can be emailed toBrendan Butler,Director of <strong>Football</strong>: to Brendan: 0418 554 970Applications close no later than Monday 24th September andwill be treated in the strictest confi dence.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012THERRY PENOLA AMATEURFOOTBALL CLUB (<strong>VAFA</strong> Div 2)Based in Oak Park we are invitingapplications for the following positionfor season 2013:SENIOR COACHWe are seeking a coach who will be able to assist the club insustained growth and success.Applicants need to be enthusiastic leaders, well organised,possess excellent communication & interpersonal skills,have a proven understanding of all facets of today’s footballtrends and the ability to teach and implement these.A minimum level one coaching accreditation is required and anunderstanding of the <strong>VAFA</strong> competition is preferred.Competitive Remuneration.Please provide a cover letter outlining your experience, what youwould bring to the club and specifi c plans for our club.Applications close 7 th September.Forward applications or enquiries to:Rodney MoranSecretaryTherry Penola <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> 0412 582 <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> Club seek applications forthe position/s of Under 19, Senior, Reserves andThird Team Coaches.Playing and non-Playing applicants are encouraged to apply.Applicants need to be enthusiastic leaders with excellentcommunication skills.Level 1 Coaching accreditation required.Successful applicants will enjoy excellent facilities, asupportive environment and competitive remuneration.All Coaching positions will be vacated at the end of the 2012 season.Major Sponsors:APPLICATION FORCOACHESSEASON 2013Applications close 30 th September 2012.Applications in writing to:The SecretaryPO Box 363Ivanhoe VIC 3079www.banyulebears.com11

FTLOTGMILESTONESAll milestones to by Tuesday noon. Please supply a picture or FTLOTG reserves the rightto find one on the web.200200200Elsternwick’s Alan Patey has played 152 senior and 48 reserve games in his12 years at the club with the first 2 years as a 15 year old running water orthe boundary. He started his playing career at 17 and is always ready to helpset up for home games and clean up afterwards. Alan is a credit to the wayamateur football is played.Kew’s Chad Watts began in the two’s way back in 1999 and was himself a Reserves RunnerUp in the Best and Fairest. He followed this up with a Senior’s Best Player in the Finals Trophyand his appointment as Senior Vice Captain. An accomplished player whether down forward(160 career goals) or in a key defence post. Chad is a versatile footballer and good clubman.St. Marys Salesian’s Matthew Maschette is a quiet achiever and all roundgood guy. He has played most of his career in the Reserves but is currently incareer best form and enjoying the role of Firsts ruckman.150150150 200 200 200Yarra Valley’s Sam Savage is a gun player and takes a strong pack mark. Heis an in and under player with pace and strength. Sam has been one of theregular best players at Yarra for many years. He is a great Bushranger.Caulfield Grammarian Chris Fagan is a tough hard at it, straight ahead, and acompetitor. He has been a wonderful servant of our club both on and off thefield over many years.Old Trinity Grammarian Tim Cade started his playing football for old Trinity under 19’s in themid 90’s. Tim has since played for thirds/cubbies, reserves and seniors throughout his 200games. Tim is one of the three long serving Cade brothers who have played at Old Trinityover the last 20 years, with many of the games played with all three brothers.AJAX’s Marcus Jankie has been one of the most dedicated players sincehe joined the Under 19’s in 2003. A resilient player who has hardly misseda match, played his first senior game in 2004 and has been a regular fixturesince. Marcus has won numerous awards during his career including mostdetermined, best clubman, most improved and in 2007 finished 2 nd in the clubbest & fairest, his finest hour was being a part of the 2011 senior premiershipteam which helped eradicate the bitter memory of the 1 point loss in 2006.Fitzroy’s Will Fenton played 133 games at De La Salle; 6 finals series, 4 GrandFinals including U19 Premier Premiership (2006), a 3 point loss in Premier2009, the one point loss in Premier Reserve Grade 2010 and Premier ReserveGrade Premiership (2011). Moving to the inner city this year he joined Fitzroyand hopes to add a Premier C section premiership to that list. Both clubs andtheir people are now “held dear” to him. He thanks both clubs and from theofficials to supports and volunteers and never give in to the “ring of the bell”and “in defeat we’ll always try”; “Deo Duce et palmam qui meruit ferat”Collegians Ed Malone has had a fantastic career, playing many senior gamesand being a key member of our 2006 B Grade Premiership side and the 2008A Grade Grand Final side. He has always displayed great leadership and beenuniversally admired by his teammates. A true Collegian on and off the field,always happy to help, attends all club functions, and he is just a great guy tohave at the Club. Current captain of our reserves and is hoping to lead them toa successful finals campaign in 2012.12 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

100100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150St Kevin’s Daniel Mahoney started his career in 2001 in the U19’s and quickly establishedhimself as a dashing defender off half back renowned for his long sleeve jumper look. Danielhas formed an integral part of the successful 2004 SKOB senior side that took home thePremier B premiership under the captaincy of his older brother Luke. Danielcontinued his career in the seniors as an offensive backman with excellentskills, pressure and decision making.Yarra Valley’s Anthony Russell has a big heart, a big smile, and is always keento put his body in and protect his teammates and lead the charge in the ruck.Yarra Valley’s Ben Nicholas is one of those reliable players that everyone wantsin their team. He gets himself in the right place at the right time, gets thehard ball, puts on the important shepherd and is good on both sides of hisbody. Ben’s trademark on the field is his headband, while off-field his dresssense, deportment and demeanour reflect his obvious intelligence and talentfor creativity and design. Also a much deserved inclusion in Yarra’s Team of theDecade.Ormond’s Wayne Cove plays is another long term player with the club starting with the Under 9’sin 1991. From that point he played in all the Under grades. Wayne then graduated to the Reservesin 2002 and in that same year won the U19’s Best and Fairest and was voted best Senior first yearplayer in 2004. The speedy wingman showed his class and ability in Ormond’s 2008 C Gradesuccess against Hampton Rovers. Wayne has also enjoyed playing alongside hisbrother Michael, who is now Chairman of Selectors.Caulfield Grammarian Chris May is a product of the Wheelers Hill campus,Chris is a tough hard in and under player, who loves to celebrate a goal.Caulfield Grammarian Andrew Strain spent his early days as a dour defenderin both the U19’s and Seniors, but has gone forward in recent years and is thecurrent reserves captain.De La Salle’s Daniel Close played his first senior game in 2005, and wasawarded the Seniors Most Improved in 2007 and was a Reserves premiershipplayer in 2011. Despite battling constant injury over the last few seasons Danis having an excellent season having once again forced his way back into theseniors during the 2012 season.St Kevin’s Tom Crookes joined the club in 2006 playing two years of Under 19s before movinginto the senior ranks. He has been a solid contributor in the SKOB 3 rd XVIII over the past fewyears, playing a pivotal role in their 2010 Premiership success. He is the leading goalkicker inthe 3 rd XVIII this year.Beaumaris’ Alex Bennett played all his junior football at Beaumaris where heachieved All-Australian Schoolboy status at the Under 15 National carnival.Alex has played the majority of his senior football in defence displaying greatcomposure under pressure. He was a member of the 2010 C Grade premiershipwhich got over the line against Caulfield Grammarians by the solitary point.He made the Beaumaris team of the decade announced at the Club’s 50thanniversary celebrations. He is great clubman and extremely popular aroundthe clubBeaumaris’ Matt Petering was a member of the Under 19s South 1 premiershipteam. He played a key part in getting the team to overcome significant threequarter time deficits in the first semi, preliminary and grand finals. Matt movedon to the seniors the following year and he really blossomed in 2010 as heagain played a key part in assisting the firsts win the C Grade premiership inthat year. Matt went on to win the club’s champion award in 2011 by a recordmargin. In 2012 he was named in the Beaumaris “team of the decade” anddespite being only 23, Matt is already being described by many club veteransas being one of the greatest players to represent the club.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201213

DIVISION 1Darren DawsonA TEAMFOR THISSEASONAll-Australian selectors have it easy. They arecomforted by myriad wads of information to assistthem in their task of picking the AFL’s best of thebest. Statistics, kicking efficiency, hard-ball gets,hand-ball receives, kicks to advantage. It’s all therefor them in black and white. And, in truth, it mustbe mind-numbingly boring. But for your humble<strong>VAFA</strong> Division 1 scribe, it is an entirely differentkettle of fish. I must rely on my own two eyes, alongwith the nominations of club correspondentsand coaches (and for that, I thank you all). Thereare many wonderful footballers running aroundeach week in this division, many of whom wouldnot be out of place in the premier grades. One ofthe great pleasures for me this season has beenwitnessing most of the cream of the comp playingtheir trade.When it came to selecting the team you seebelow, I decided that in the interests of objectivityI would pick two players from each team – exceptfor the best two teams in the competition, fromwhom three players were chosen. As such, thereare many fine players who have missed out(particularly from the dominant North Old Boysand Peninsula), and for that I apologise. Spaceprohibits me from detailing each player, but I amsure that most observers of Division 1 would agreethat this team would take some beating.Review: For the second week in a row, therewere no real surprises. As far as the final four isconcerned, fourth-placed Whitefriars’ comfortablevictory over third placed Old Geelong wasforeseeable as it was on Friars’ dung-heap. Whileit will certainly give them confidence going intonext week’s first semi-final, it must be said thatneither team was at full strength. At the bottomof the ladder, Williamstown recorded their biggestand most impressive win of the season. That it wasover Glen Eira made it all the more important, asthey leap-frogged the Saints into eighth placeand closer to the safety zone. MHSOB emergedthe victors over Ormond in an entertaining tussleat the high school. The fact that the fifth-placedUnicorns have never really been in the finals huntonly proves how great the chasm between the topfour and bottom six is. Meanwhile at the top of theladder, NOB-SP thrashed St John’s while the Piratesran their cutlasses through Old Mentonians. ThePanthers were in the hunt early in the season, butB:James TranMHSOBCameron ChristiansonSt JohnsBen SouthamPen OBHB:Ben GrayWill’townChris McDonaldWhitefDanny HoganWhitefC:Luke HullOld MentStefan BarbourPen OBTim BradyNOBSPHF:Callum WoodOld GeelMatt KeownNOBSPHenry SimonOrmondF:Josh VanderlooWill’townShaun PayzePen OBJustin MillsGlen EiraFOL:Gareth SnowOld MentNicolaus CampbellMHSOBDylan ElkmanOrmondINT:Adam OakleyNOBSPReece CordyOld GeelAndrew SpinkGlen EiraJarrod GagetSt Johns14 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - Get OPEN back 1-7 in SATURDAY the game

have really fallen away: they have won only one oftheir past seven.Preview: North Old Boys – St Patrick’s will belooking toward next week’s bigger stage, butfirst they must face Glen Eira, who will throweverything at them. For the Saints, defeat equalsrelegation whilst victory may provide salvation.Even so, I cannot see NOBs losing focus. Whitefriarsshould continue their recent impressive formagainst a St John’s team who will be planningtheir mad Monday. Old Geelong host Peninsulaat Como, and the Oggers will be looking to testthemselves against a fellow finals team. AlthoughTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDGlen Eira v NOBs/St PatsOld Geelong v PeninsulaOld Mentonians v MHSOBOrmond v Williamstown CYMSSt Johns v Whitefriarsthey will perform better than last week, I cannotsee them overcoming the powerful Pirates.Williamstown travel to Gunn Reserve for the firsttime, to face an Ormond team who have endureda five-match losing streak. I am tempted to tip anupset, but I reckon the Monders might just pullsomething out of the hat at home. In the battleto determine who will be the “best of the rest”,the Panthers should have enough fire-power tooutscore the Unicorns.Correspondents: Please email me by Mondayevening ( Particularly thosewho are finals bound! Follow me on twitter (@smokiedawson) for all Divvy 1 news.DIVISION ONE LAST ROUND DIVISION ONE RESERVEMHSOB 4.4 8.9 12.11 17.16 (118)Ormond 4.2 7.3 11.9 14.11 (95)GOALS MHSOB: M. White 5 J. Duell 3 N. Hawking 2 T. Rendell 2 N. Campbell 2 M. Manteit1 G. Grigoriou 1 J. Tran 1Ormond: M. Martinov 3 J. Singleton 3 R. Chisholm 2 S. Ashton 1 C. Coghlan 1 D. MacHin 1T. Naylor 1 B. Upstill 1 D. Haysom 1BEST MHSOB: M. White H. Taylor A. Cassell G. Grigoriou L. Campbell N. CampbellOrmond: C. Coghlan D. Bailey B. Upstill D. Haysom L. Upstill A. McCookeNorth Old Boys/St Pats 4.2 8.5 11.7 15.10 (100)St Johns 2.1 2.2 3.5 3.6 (24)GOALS North Old Boys/St Pats: T. Patterson 5 S. Sleep 4 C. Horsley 2 L. Kemp 2 L. Ezard1 D. Tonkin 1St Johns: R. Scott 2 G. Costas 1BEST North Old Boys/St Pats: T. Patterson A. Oakley D. Delmenico S. Sleep L. Kemp L.EzardSt Johns: J. Butt R. Scott R. Dyker C. Christiansen L. Mara J. GagetPeninsula 4.2 7.4 8.7 10.8 (68)Old Mentonians 0.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 (13)GOALS Peninsula: N. Fisher 3 B. Brisbane 2 G. O’Connor-Price 1 S. Payze 1 J. Coghlan 1 T.Coghlan 1 A. Wood 1 Old Mentonians: J. Jansson 1BEST Peninsula: R. Powney R. Bambery B. Southam S. Barbour W. Sansom S. GriggOld Mentonians: W. Stone B. Norton L. Hull G. Snow P. Nicholls D. AlexanderWhitefriars 8.2 9.10 12.10 13.13 (91)Old Geelong 2.1 5.2 5.5 7.6 (48)GOALS Whitefriars: M. Allemand 2 R. Mattinson 2 M. Mirabella 2 A. Woods 2 J. Scannell1 D. Loh 1 A. Pearson 1 M. Nitas 1 E. Abdallah 1 Old Geelong: J. Hoevenaars 2 R. McEvoy 2J. Ratcliffe 1 C. Wood 1 A. Suvoltos 1BEST Whitefriars: T. Murphy P. Celotti D. Massarotti S. Allemand A. Woods B. StaffordOld Geelong: C. Fairbairn P. Ellis T. Hope-Johnstone D. Andrew N. Waters J. HoevenaarsWilliamstown CYMS 1.1 5.7 9.10 14.14 (98)Glen Eira 1.3 1.3 3.7 4.11 (35)GOALS Williamstown CYMS: J. Vanderloo 4 B. Gray 3 S. Barlow 2 Z. Read 2 M. Carland1 L. McDonald 1 P. Johnson 1 Glen Eira: A. Tsirogiannis 1 M. Kohout 1 T. Paterson 1 E.Stuchbery 1BEST Williamstown CYMS: P. Johnson S. McAlpine Z. Read C. Cini L. McDonald B. HynesGlen Eira: J. Mills J. King A. Tsirogiannis M. Kohout A. Spink J. Waras CarstensenMHSOB 1.2 4.5 5.6 10.8 (68)Ormond 1.1 1.2 2.2 3.2 (20)GOALS MHSOB: N. Orchard 4 B. Pretty 3 R. Petchell 2 P. Kelly 1 Ormond: W. Cove 1 T.Haysom 1 M. Saunders 1BEST MHSOB: B. Pretty N. Orchard L. Taylor R. Zlonzak R. Petchell K. McDonald Ormond:S. McCooke M. Pappas B. Atkins W. Sayce D. Hickox D. ClearNorth Old Boys/St Pats 4.4 6.6 10.9 13.11 (89)St Johns 0.0 1.3 1.4 1.7 (13)GOALS North Old Boys/St Pats: T. Owens-Neven 3 D. Monello 3 C. Le Maitre 1 J. Hume 1E. Grinter 1 N. Tonkin 1 B. Wills 1 S. Phillips 1 I. Manley 1 St Johns: P. Daou 1BEST North Old Boys/St Pats: C. Le Maitre Z. Curwen-Walker T. Owens-Neven I. Barr N.Johnston P. Kelly St Johns: B. Janiw M. Allen L. Scott D. Cousins M. Nicholson N. PoukiPeninsula 2.2 2.5 6.6 10.8 (68)Old Mentonians 0.2 1.3 1.6 2.6 (18)GOALS Peninsula: D. O’Malley 2 P. Coldrey 2 B. Mitchell 1 W. Coghlan 1 J. Archdeacon 1 J.Heron 1 T. Scarpella 1 S. Buchanan 1 Old Mentonians: B. Zeitoune 1 L. Oliver 1BEST Peninsula: W. Coghlan C. Le Clerc D. O’Malley B. Mitchell E. Coghlan A. CreffieldOld Mentonians: N. Imlach B. Lane L. Caine D. Bott T. GoodrichOld Geelong 2.2 5.6 9.9 13.18 (96)Whitefriars 0.3 1.3 1.3 3.3 (21)GOALS Old Geelong: A. Power 6 S. Lansdell 2 R. Herd 1 N. Neville 1 A. Smibert 1 A. Perry1 M. Morris 1 Whitefriars: O. Scannell 2 S. Anderson 1BEST Old Geelong: A. Power S. Adams M. Morris W. Oakley J. Powell S. LansdellWhitefriars: D. Zachariah C. Zarafa B. Vey O. Scannell L. Twomey C. TaoukWilliamstown CYMS 2.1 4.8 5.12 11.17 (83)Glen Eira 3.4 4.4 6.6 6.7 (43)GOALS Williamstown CYMS: J. Venosta 2 J. Doyle 2 F. Henry 2 C. Pach 1 M. Tennant 1 M.Sultana 1 J. Gill 1 T. Humberstone 1 Glen Eira: R. McGirr 2 J. Canal 1 B. Collett 1 J. Holman1 J. Serpanchy 1BEST Williamstown CYMS: F. Henry C. Pach J. Newton J. Munro J. Doyle M. TennantGlen Eira: J. Canal S. Hollow K. Gillespie R. McGirr J. Higgins S. LithgowTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201215

DIVISION 2Rich HummerstonHOME AND AWAY IS DONEBefore the opening bounce of round 1, theladder is but a mere, insignificant spreadsheet.Organised in alphabetical order and pepperedwith zeros, it’s as a canvas for the season’s dreamsand aspirations.At seasons end, now populated with wins, losses,points and percentage, it has the ability to spelldevastation for two clubs while simultaneouslyproviding elation for four.While an exciting final round can still see sides inthe top 4 swapping positions, unfortunately forthe rest of the competition, this week is a deadrubber, playing for pride, not points.Not unusual for this time of year, nostalgia beginsto take over, and while our reader base is at 100%,I thought it would be appropriate to use this timeto present this year’s Division 2 Team of the Year.Like in all Team of the Years selected since thedawn of time, it’s impossible to achieve a 100%consensus on the side. The below players havenot been picked just on what I have seen thisseason, but a culmination of responses from thewider Division 2 following.Looking ahead to this week, the last game of theseason for six of our beloved clubs, I’m tippingMonash will give Old Paradians a pre-finals touchTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDBulleen Templestowe v La Trobe UniversityOld Eltham Collegians v South Melb DistrictsMonash Gryphons v Old ParadiansPrahran Assumption v Emmaus St LeosSt Mary’s Salesian v Therry PenolaDivision 2 2012Forward pocket Full forward Forward pocketChris Beluszar (St Leo) Sab Ciavola (Elt) Stuart Patten (La Trobe)Half forward flank Half forward Half Forward FlankPaul Florence(BT) Adam Sleight (PA) Adam Richardson (Elt)Wing Centre WingKye Cherien (Mon) Paul Baranello(St Leo) David West (SMS)Half Back Flank Half Back Half Back FlankJarrod Egglestone (TP) Carl Joyce (LTU) David Boundy (OP)Back Pocket Full Back Back PocketSam Whiteside (Elt) Jack Matherson (PA) Lee Wells (Mon)Rucks:Matthew Mashette (SMS), Kristian Cherbakof(BT), Matt Costello (TP)Interchange:Matthew Fletcher (Mon), Elliot Costello(SM), James Muster(PA), Seb Mahoney(SM)16 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - 316 Malvern Road, Prahran

up at ECR. Surely the Monash coaching staff willplonk someone on Boundy this time around!Despite an incredible turn of form, SouthMelbourne will be no match for Eltham, althoughexpect to see a different Eltham line up this week.Therry Penola should account for a relieved StMary’s Salesian at Ferndale park.Bulleen Templestowe will give La TrobeUniversity their Division 2 swan song howevergiven mathematically they could still lose topspot, will want to put the students away.Likewise at Toorak Park, Emmaus St Leos will playa farewell game to the Division at Toorak Park,the result will probably fall the same way theirseason has, miserably.Thank you to all clubs departing this weekendfor your help and contributions. Good luck in theoffseason and as we get to the pointy end of theseason the excitement couldn’t be any greater.Follow me on Twitter: @Richie_Humm for all thingsDivision 2DIVISION TWO LAST ROUND DIVISION TWO RESERVESt Mary’s Salesian 3.1 5.2 7.4 7.6 (48)Emmaus St Leos 1.0 2.11 2.11 4.15 (39)GOALS St Mary’s Salesian: L. Childs 3 J. Evans 2 J. Strangward 1 B. Borland 1Emmaus St Leos: C. Beluszar 1 M. Mc Iver 1 R. Stafford 1 A. McDougall 1BEST St Mary’s Salesian: L. Childs B. Borland L. O’Shannessy T. Clancy M. Maschette J.StrangwardEmmaus St Leos: N. Baranello J. Petrulis N. Robin M. Lalor P. Baranello P. CareyPrahran Assumption 0.2 4.5 7.5 7.10 (52)La Trobe University 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.8 (20)GOALS Prahran Assumption: J. Robbins 4 A. Wiggins 1 J. Matherson 1 R. Pascoe 1La Trobe University: C. Joyce 1 J. McMeel 1BEST Prahran Assumption: J. Musster J. Robbins R. Pascoe P. Donahoo J. Ancrum B.DempseyLa Trobe University: S. Bullen G. Dowler D. McMaster A. Curwood D. Hacker D. SheldrickOld Paradians 2.2 4.5 7.9 7.12 (54)Bulleen Templestowe 0.1 1.2 1.3 4.8 (32)GOALS Old Paradians: D. Boundy 3 C. Sage 1 M. Patena 1 D. Mahony 1 A. Mascia 1Bulleen Templestowe: R. Edsall 1 D. Tonelli 1 P. Sartori 1 D. Voglis 1BEST Old Paradians: D. Strantzen L. Dore P. Pratt J. Kappos D. Spitty A. PosterinoBulleen Templestowe: R. Edsall O. Groth S. Avramidis D. Tonelli L. Costa M. PaceSouth Melbourne Districts 5.5 5.6 9.11 15.14 (104)Monash Gryphons 1.3 7.7 7.9 9.13 (67)GOALS South Melbourne Districts: S. Mahoney 4 T. Parish 3 T. McNamara 2 A. Lane 2 A.Hannan 2 M. Hoffman 1 M. Mandile 1 Monash Gryphons: D. McConville 3 T. Mackie 2 A.Flowerday 1 M. Savage 1 J. Ogden 1 M. Davies 1BEST South Melbourne Districts: J. Foley S. Mahoney E. Costello A. Hannan T. McNamaraA. Minichiello Monash Gryphons: D. Baxter K. Cherian T. Mackie A. Flowerday D. PetsinisH. HoughOld Eltham Collegians 1.7 5.15 7.17 8.18 (66)Therry Penola 1.1 2.2 3.2 4.4 (28)GOALS Old Eltham Collegians: T. Woods 2 N. Harper 1 T. Wenborn 1 R. Foo 1 S. Whiteside1 B. Galvin 1 J. Iaquinto 1 Therry Penola: J. George 1 J. Hanlon 1 J. Crotty 1 M. Pell 1BEST Old Eltham Collegians: A. Chapman M. Crooks R. Foo A. Hargrave B. Galvin A. LaverTherry Penola: M. Costello H. Rowe M. Lacorcia D. Angus J. Egglestone K. BiddlestoneTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012Emmaus St Leos 3.2 4.4 5.12 8.16 (64)St Mary’s Salesian 0.1 3.3 3.4 5.5 (35)GOALS Emmaus St Leos: P. McGloin 2 J. Rae 1 A. Smith 1 M. Davis 1 E. Mitchell 1 M. Hawa1 C. Lowther 1St Mary’s Salesian: S. Gatehouse 2 A. Baird 1 M. Purcell 1 J. Weston 1BEST Emmaus St Leos: D. Mahony E. Mitchell J. Rae A. Muling A. Smith C. LowtherSt Mary’s Salesian: M. Smith C. Rose A. Baird M. Purcell S. Nicholson S. GatehousePrahran Assumption 6.4 10.5 12.7 14.10 (94)La Trobe University 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.3 (9)GOALS Prahran Assumption: L. Giansiracusa 4 R. Ellis 3 J. Taylor 3 B. Tottenham 1 S.Macqueen 1 A. Simpson 1 M. Sampson 1La Trobe University: M. Harney 1BEST Prahran Assumption: A. Hall J. Taylor D. Bourke S. Macqueen R. Ellis B. FieldLa Trobe University: M. Harney A. Knight B. Canton H. Robertson B. Dimond L. WatsonBulleen Templestowe 1.1 1.4 2.5 3.7 (25)Old Paradians 2.1 3.2 3.4 3.4 (22)GOALS Bulleen Templestowe: A. Lauria 2 N. O’Halloran 1Old Paradians: B. Holden 2 L. Grech 1BEST Bulleen Templestowe: S. Pallozzi A. Tehan A. Verga J. Moio N. Palumbo A. SamieOld Paradians: T. Gibbons M. Christie A. Gafa M. Lomax B. Holden D. HuntleyMonash Gryphons 2.5 3.7 6.8 7.11 (53)South Melbourne Districts 1.3 1.5 4.5 5.7 (37)GOALS Monash Gryphons: K. Hawker 2 B. Butler-Bonnice 1 H. Vasconcelo 1 R.Hummerston 1 R. Fletcher 1 R. Sharkey 1South Melbourne Districts: M. Harper 2 C. Hine 1 L. McKenzie 1 M. Stefanidakis 1BEST Monash Gryphons: B. Butler-Bonnice R. Fletcher V. Coffey C. Fletcher J. Rose S. AbelSouth Melbourne Districts: V. Butler M. Hannay D. O’Dea D. McBrearty M. StefanidakisR. ChirgwinOld Eltham Collegians 0.5 1.5 3.6 4.8 (32)Therry Penola 1.1 3.2 3.3 4.6 (30)GOALS Old Eltham Collegians: M. Harrison 2 M. Abbott 1 R. Love 1Therry Penola: D. McKibbin 2 R. Brennan 1 J. McMahon 1BEST Old Eltham Collegians: A. Whyte M. Ross M. Salter R. Love T. Keating Z. ColeTherry Penola: R. Brennan L. Reynolds J. McMahon G. Henderson M. Bretag J. Holt17

96.5 FM <strong>VAFA</strong> Footy Show 9-11amWith host Ken Petrucco and guests this week are:Justin Mills Glen Eira coach, Adrian Board 300 game player from OldWestbourne, Steven McPherson Marcellin coach, Nathan Brown OldMelburnians coach, Greg McLoughlan De La Salle coach,Norm Nugent Club XVIII scribe on the Club XVIII Grand Finals andAlistair Ewart from Winning Edge Presentations1.45 <strong>VAFA</strong> Match of the DayLive broadcast of De La Salle v Old Xaverians from Waverley ParkPlus all the around the ground scores only on 96.5 Inner FMStreaming at northwestfm.orgLATE SCORES, FINES AND TRIBUNALLate Scores - August 11St Kevins - U19 2Therry Penola - U19 NorthIncorrect Scores - August 11Yarra Valley - Division 3 ReservesTribunal Results – 21 August 2012From August 11Benjamin O’Malley, Old Eltham Collegians. Striking, 2 matches.From August 18Simon Thomas, University Blacks. Kicking, 2 matches.*Emille Abdallah, Whitefriars. Striking, 2 matches.*Kenan Ismail, North Brunswick. Headbutting, 3 matches.*Accepted Prescribed Penalty18 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

BECOME A <strong>VAFA</strong> UMPIRE IN 2013!So you have decided to hang up the boots after one too many corked thighs,bruised ribs and swollen ankles but you still think you have more to give onthe football field? The best way to stay involved in football and still be out inthe middle is to become an umpire.The <strong>Victorian</strong> <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Association</strong> is Melbourne wide, has excellentumpiring training programs & a high standard of football. Over the last 10years 19 <strong>VAFA</strong> Umpires have gone into VFL / AFL Umpiring.UMPIRING IS A GREAT WAY TO…Earn extra money – TAX FREE!Get FitDevelop leadership skillsProgress into VFL / AFL UmpiringMeet new friends and contactsUmpire close to homeUMPIRES REQUIRED – FIELD, BOUNDRY & GOALTRAINING & COACHING IS CONDUCTED AT:‣ ELSTERNWICK‣ WERRIBEE‣ FITZROYFor more information or to become a <strong>VAFA</strong> Umpire in 2013 contact:Brian GoodmanPhone: 9537 6700 Mobile: 0408 338 AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201219

DIVISION 3Nick WynneSAM’STOWN PARTTWOAt the completion of this week, seven teams willbe eliminated from season 2012, due to certainevents, Old Westbourne benefit as Power Houseand Hawthorn take a final look at Division 3 for atleast a year; I too take one last good look aroundmy writing space, so many unusual sounds andagain I’m trying to keep my feet on the ground.Elsternwick kept their slim finals hopes alivewith a hard fought victory over Hawthorn, atElsternwick Park Oval 2 on Saturday. The gamewas like most over the weekend, very muddy andwet. But the two teams maintained an amazingquality throughout. Again the Wicks could havedone more damage to the scoreboard had theykicked straighter. It’s still mathematically possiblefor the Wicks to make the top five, but they mustwin this week and rely on Kew losing.It was a big game for Kew, after coming off anamazing win against Ivanhoe they were fired upto the hilt. Unfortunately for the Bears they weredemolished by a fierce Aquinas outfit. The Blood’sfurious attack on the ball was plain to see, it wasa real spectacle. Kew’s finals hopes now hang inthe balance, they’ll have to lick their wounds andget up for next week if they are to have an impactin September.With finals not a possibility for the X-men theywere purely playing for pride, when they met theever dangerous Uni High. Winning the toss andkicking with the breeze, ensured the Xers got offto a grand start. However as the teams changedend so did the momentum. Uni seized control ofthe game and never gave it back, running outfour goal winners. Congratulations to Jarred Daywho now retires from serious footy.After an entertaining road trip, Ivanhoe were metwith a very heavy deck, when they finally arrivedat Ross Gregory Oval. It was less of a spectaclethan some other games played over the weekend.In fact for the most part the game resembled alow grade rugby match, with scrimmage afterscrimmage. Ivanhoe’s inspirational skipper PaulHarris came off the dirtiest man on the ground,his kit was pretty muddy as well, regardless hewas easily best on ground.Last week Old Westbourne was defeated by thebottom side, a side that had not saluted all year.It must have cut them deep. The boys from theWest proved that a week is a long time in footy.The Warriors played their best game of the yearand smacked Albert Park to the tune of 52 points.Don’t ask me why they haven’t been playing likethis all year, they are probably asking themselvesthe same question. Mind you, there could be alegitimate reason.Team of the yearFF Angus (Rich) Close (Ivanhoe)Pritchard (Hawthorn)HF Thornton (Wicks) Steven Donald (Yarra)Brazzale (Kew)C Kingsford (Ivanhoe) Harris (Ivanhoe)Sam Savage (Yarra)HB Butterfeild (St Fran) Amos (Yarra)Foster(Aquinas)FB Hayes (Wick) Michael Cochrane (Kew)Firman (Rich)Foll Toomey(UHS-VU)Tremewen (Hawthorn) Bedingfield(Wicks)INT Fort (Ivanhoe) Burns (St Fran)Brick (Albert Park) Pagan (Yarra)TODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDYarra Valley v AquinasUHS-VU v Old WestbourneIvanhoe v ElsternwickPower House v HawthornKew v St Francis XavierAlbert Park v Richmond Central20 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - 316 Malvern Road, Prahran

It was more of the same, condition wise out atKB Oval. From all reports the oval was in a careerlow form, the week’s downpour making sure ofthat. The game was a strange one, with neitherteam taking their opportunities in the first half.Yarra Valley came out after half time and showedwhy they’re the best team in the competition,having a great third quarter kicking five goalsand setting the match up. Richmond had nocomeback and it was game over.This week: UHS-VU will keep counting their wins,Yarra Valley will follow suit, Elsternwick have gotmore to play for then Ivanhoe and will cause anupset, Richmond will finish off a good year in D3,the Hawks will be dancing over Power House andX-men to beat Kew.Thank you: As this is the last week that all clubswill be reading the record I would like to take thisopportunity to thank all those who kept me inthe loop for season 2012, also a personal thankyou to Moe Town. And to my loyal readers, the<strong>VAFA</strong> have said that they would rather leavecontract negotiations until the end of the season(probably doesn’t bode well). So I guess until nexttime, remember “my sugars sweet, so attainable,misbehaviour so unexplainable, the days just slipand slide, like they always did. The trouble is myhead, won’t let me forget”.DIVISION THREE LAST ROUND DIVISION THREE RESERVEAquinas 5.1 5.3 8.4 10.5 (65)Kew 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 (11)GOALS Aquinas: S. Williams 4 J. Price 2 N. Gemes 1 J. Perrett 1 M. Niezen 1 L. Toomey 1Kew: G. Filsell 1BEST Aquinas: M. Niezen J. Jess L. Toomey S. Williams L. Barnes L. FringuelliKew: C. Watts M. Henderson G. Filsell W. Balme P. Brough J. KeebleUHS-VU 1.3 5.6 8.9 10.12 (72)St Francis Xavier 3.1 4.1 7.2 7.3 (45)GOALS UHS-VU: R. Kirk 3 J. McDonald 2 B. Collins 2 L. Habel 1 J. Dimattina 1 M. Pearce 1St Francis Xavier: S. Burns 2 D. Scott 2 T. Farrell 1 L. Day 1 T. Shepherdson 1BEST UHS-VU: R. Kirk N. Rowland L. Habel N. Devereux D. Barlow B. CollinsSt Francis Xavier: J. Butterfield D. Dimakopoulos D. Scott S. Burns J. Day S. HarveyOld Westbourne 3.3 9.5 11.11 18.17 (125)Albert Park 3.4 4.6 8.7 11.7 (73)GOALS Old Westbourne: T. Whiting 4 F. Pavez 3 M. Dorricott 3 M. Graham 3 P. Hudson 2 J.Stephens 1 S. Kidd 1 H. Iannacone 1 Albert Park: J. Brick 2 N. McLennan 2 P. McGuire 1 T.Tiller 1 J. Murchie 1 M. Tojnar 1 L. Fishwick 1 D. Lyne 1 C. Blizzard 1BEST Old Westbourne: M. Graham M. Walson S. Kidd P. Morris J. Mason F. Pavez AlbertPark: M. Lawford J. Cuthbert N. Cattle P. McGuire M. Smith M. TojnarIvanhoe 0.1 1.2 2.3 4.8 (32)Power House 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 (21)GOALS Ivanhoe: L. Roberts 1 D. Wood 1 E. Paynter 1 J. Chazan 1Power House: P. Edwards 2BEST Ivanhoe: P. Harris R. Fort C. Kingsford R. Cotter C. Mitchell T. O’DonnellPower House: D. Baker A. Collett J. Avery B. Davis R. Hobson P. O’GradyElsternwick 4.3 6.7 9.16 11.16 (82)Hawthorn 2.2 3.5 6.5 8.14 (62)GOALS Elsternwick: L. Bedingfield 3 J. Hunter 3 A. Thornton 2 B. Mahony 1 D. Bedingfield1 S. Grace 1Hawthorn: L. Collins 2 D. Kennedy 1 G. Edmond 1 K. Davies 1 T. Maher 1 L. Brits 1P. Avery 1BEST Elsternwick: J. Newton L. Bedingfield B. Prior K. Hayes D. Bedingfield W. WilliamsHawthorn: D. Pritchard A. McPhie R. Barkla D. Tremewen K. Davies D. KennedyYarra Valley 0.0 3.4 5.6 10.11 (71)Richmond Central 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 (21)GOALS Yarra Valley: R. Little 3 R. Yeo 2 S. Collie 1 S. Donald 1 S. Yeo 1 C. Hodgens 1S. Savage 1 Richmond Central: T. Mason 1 B. Ryan 1BEST Yarra Valley: D. Ricketts D. Pagan S. Donald R. Pollard C. Beal D. LetsonRichmond Central: L. Walsh A. Fiske S. Angus N. Ramsey J. Blanckensee B. RyanTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012Kew 4.3 5.5 6.7 6.8 (44)Aquinas 1.0 2.2 2.2 2.6 (18)GOALS Kew: J. O’Keefe 1 T. Ellis 1 N. Sweetland 1 A. Carman 1 M. Bailey 1 A. Youssef 1Aquinas: M. Cull 1 H. Tyssen 1BEST Kew: N. Tinetti D. Abel B. Thomson B. Roberts M. Bailey R. Israel Aquinas: H. TyssenN. Gordon P. Jess R. Greig L. Stafford T. RosevearSt Francis Xavier 2.2 3.3 4.4 8.4 (52)UHS-VU 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 (8)GOALS St Francis Xavier: T. Pearson 4 D. Healey 3 L. Day 1 UHS-VU: P. McCosh 1BEST St Francis Xavier: G. Bramich T. Pearson C. Hughes A. Pryor T. Shepherdson D.HealeyUHS-VU: S. McSweeney G. Smallman M. DeLuise B. Fitzpatrick P. McCosh W. SmithOld Westbourne 2.5 2.9 6.12 6.12 (48)Albert Park 0.0 2.2 2.2 6.3 (39)GOALS Old Westbourne: D. Stanley 2 J. Nikola 2 J. Andrades 1 B. Knee 1Albert Park: J. Seven 2 R. Sloan 2 S. Robinson 1 J. Sutton 1BEST Old Westbourne: A. Board S. Gill J. Diblasi J. Nikola D. Stanley B. KneeAlbert Park: K. Wilkinson T. Wilson J. Sutton J. Davis S. Robinson M. CumbersIvanhoe 3.0 5.2 6.4 9.8 (62)Power House 1.2 1.2 3.2 3.2 (20)GOALS Ivanhoe: not provided Power House: D. Buckley 2 P. Arnold 1BEST Ivanhoe: not provided Power House: D. Buckley G. Cleary J. Cunsolo J. O’DohertyJ. Wood J. GorringeHawthorn 3.4 7.7 11.11 15.14 (104)Elsternwick 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.4 (22)GOALS Hawthorn: J. Jackomos 7 C. Lolicato 1 D. Korlos 1 C. Pike 1 C. Powell 1 D. Zito 1L. Nunn 1 G. Georgiou 1 T. Cohen 1 Elsternwick: J. Biviano 2 A. Foster 1BEST Hawthorn: A. Beever J. Jackomos J. Moore C. Pike D. Mitchell C. PowellElsternwick: J. Biviano M. Cooper C. O’Loughlin D. Feiber E. O’carrol T. PerkinsYarra Valley 1.8 6.10 10.14 13.20 (98)Richmond Central 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 (1)GOALS Yarra Valley: M. Laing 6 B. Seeger 3 G. Smith 1 N. Berry 1 B. Nicholas 1 J. Hall 1Richmond Central: not providedBEST Yarra Valley: M. Fraser D. Blewonski J. Hall B. Nicholas J. Cordwell T. MayRichmond Central: C. McCluskey S. Copland A. Pruscino N. Ryan D. Ryding R. Stone21

DIVISION 4Josh Gabelich17 DOWN 1 TO GOThe 2012 home and away season is on its lastlegs as we enter the final round of the year. Withthe first four sewn up several months ago, weare finally ready for the real stuff to begin. SouthMornington appeared almost unbeatable aftertwelve rounds, but have since been less thanconvincing despite only dropping one gamefor the year. They will come up against the ultraconsistent Swinburne Uni outfit which has rarelyput a foot wrong all season long.Regardless of what happens this weekend, EleyPark and Point Cook will battle it out to remainalive in season 2012. There is a clear gap betweenthird and fourth but in September anything canhappen.It’s that time of year where the best of thebest need to be unveiled. Whilst this is never aparticularly easy task, it is one that must be done.The success of a team can be measured in termsof wins and losses, but it can also be determinedby the level of improvement from one year toanother.South Mornington have clearly been the mostimpressive line up this year, but the improvementof the Manningham Cobras has been miraculous.In fact I would go as far as to say that the Cobrashave been the Team of the Year. From ninth placein 2011 to seven wins and a fifth, Manninghamhave gone from cellar dwellers to be the teamclosest to a spot in September, just falling shortof the final four.On that basis we must also pay tribute toChadstone who have had more wins this yearthan their previous three seasons combined.Whilst team improvement is the aim for clubsand indeed what players play the game for it istime to identify the individuals that have hadspecial seasons.Selecting a team of individuals is never an easytask no matter what competition the playersare plucked from. Given that the All Australianteam often has players out position and thereare people that think that the best performed 22players of the season should be picked, I thoughtI would show the way. I have decided to select mytop twenty-two players of 2012 in no particularorder nor position.Congratulations on a great 2012 season lads andfor those of you continuing beyond this week letshope your good form doesn’t escape you when itmatters most.Michael Clark – South MorningtonNathan Brodie – South MorningtonJesse Albrecht – South MorningtonBen Price – South MorningtonJake Dade-Bell – South MorningtonBen Higgins – Swinburne UniversityJackson Manning – Swinburne UniversityNick Mauran – Swinburne UniversityDavid Bennett – Eley ParkDavid Viola – Eley ParkMitch Saundry – Eley ParkAlistair Renshaw – Eley ParkJordan Lampi – Point CookTristan Furr – Point CookDamian Sullivan – ManninghamScott McPherson – ManninghamTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDEley Park Sharks v West BrunswickChadstone v Box Hill NorthPoint Cook v Mt LilydaleManningham Cobras v North BrunswickSwinburne University v South Mornington22 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012SPORTS INJURY CASUALTY - 316 Malvern Road, Prahran

Stephen Rose – ManninghamPat Notaro – North BrunswickLouis Martin – West BrunswickDaniel Penny – Box Hill NorthRussell Strong – Mt LilydaleDavid Barry-Maclauy – ChadstoneToday: The final round of the season means thatsix teams will finish their campaigns on Saturday.Whilst the bearing of Saturdays results have verylittle impact on the majority of the team’s seasons,most will be hoping to finish the season off in apositive fashion. Chadstone host Box Hill Northin an opportunity for the Synners to post anothervictory. Manningham have the chance to finishoff their impressive season with a win againstNorth Brunswick. Point Cook shouldn’t have aproblem with this season’s disappointment MtLilydale. In a prelude to the major semi final,Swinburne Uni host South Mornington in agame that is essentially a dead rubber. Eley Parkhost West Brunswick in a game, which will givethe Sharks an opportunity to sharpen, up theirarmoury leading into the finals.DIVISION FOUR LAST ROUND DIVISION FOUR RESERVEEley Park Sharks 3.3 6.8 8.11 8.11 (59)Box Hill North 2.1 6.5 7.8 7.13 (55)GOALS Eley Park Sharks: D. Viola 3 S. Barry 2 G. Deacon 2 D. Handford 1Box Hill North: B. Quilligan 2 E. Charles 1 C. Liston 1 R. Ball 1 D. Penny 1 T. Manning 1BEST Eley Park Sharks: D. Bennett T. Dingeldei M. Saunders J. Alexandridis M. RobinsonC. MarsiglioBox Hill North: M. Causer S. Harrison D. Penny T. Ryan L. Vandenakker S. CarthySwinburne University 2.2 2.2 4.6 5.9 (39)West Brunswick 0.1 1.4 1.4 4.6 (30)GOALS Swinburne University: J. Manning 2 B. Higgins 1 D. Green 1 A. Hyman 1West Brunswick: C. Germon 3 M. Holmes 1BEST Swinburne University: A. Hyman K. Fitzpatrick S. Fragiacomo J. Bradley M. LeahyD. HassaballaWest Brunswick: J. Beer D. Garner W. Stubbings B. Irving E. Lloyd C. GermonSouth Mornington 1.5 8.9 13.14 16.20 (116)Chadstone 1.0 3.0 3.1 4.2 (26)GOALS South Mornington: W. Spencer 8 L. Fitzsimmons 1 K. Gascoigne 1 N. Wheeler 1 J.Albrecht 1 B. Williams 1 K. Woodruff 1 S. Cunningham 1 J. Dade-Bell 1Chadstone: B. Adams 3 K. Biggs 1BEST South Mornington: W. Spencer J. Spencer G. Pullen J. Dade-Bell S. CunninghamM. ClarkChadstone: S. Sceney D. Barry-Macaulay D. Bennett B. Adams R. Tanner D. FieldManningham Cobras 5.3 6.4 8.10 8.11 (59)Mt Lilydale 0.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (9)GOALS Manningham Cobras: C. Terpsinis 2 B. Helme 2 P. Wood 2 D. Sullivan 1 D. Mortlk 1Mt Lilydale: J. Paull 1BEST Manningham Cobras: S. Rose P. Wood S. Leonard D. Sullivan B. Helme C. TerpsinisMt Lilydale: M. Gee J. Pulkka T. Wall G. Finkemeyer A. Thorne R. StrongPoint Cook 7.1 11.3 14.6 17.11 (113)North Brunswick 0.1 1.4 1.5 2.5 (17)GOALS Point Cook: B. Lucas 6 M. Herbertson 3 J. Lampi 2 B. Hunter 1 R. Munn 1 J. Wallert1 D. Sidwell 1 J. Lampi 1 M. Pozzuto 1North Brunswick: B. Pryor 1 T. Leary 1BEST Point Cook: N. Parker D. Sidwell S. Sinclair J. Sutherland B. Ward M. HerbertsonNorth Brunswick: S. Gallagher N. Box R. Sweeney U. Pech S. Mair A. JeffreyTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012Eley Park Sharks 3.4 7.8 12.11 17.16 (118)Box Hill North 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 (4)GOALS Eley Park Sharks: N. Bahnsen 5 T. Houlden 3 D. Crawford 3 A. Farrugia 2 B.Sahlstrom 1 L. Booth 1 E. Handford 1 J. Fisher 1BEST Eley Park Sharks: A. Wreford T. Houlden N. Bahnsen B. Sahlstrom J. Fisher M.HutchisonBox Hill North: B. Berechree G. Robinson N. Cox P. Morphett A. Rodrigues A. WalkerSwinburne University 1.2 1.3 3.5 3.5 (23)West Brunswick 0.1 1.3 1.4 1.9 (15)GOALS Swinburne University: D. Elliman 2 B. Gittus 1 West Brunswick: J. Ong 1BEST Swinburne University: D. Dore D. Elliman S. Ashton T. Bugler J. Coy J. LoringWest Brunswick: not providedSouth Mornington 3.9 13.13 23.19 31.23 (209)Chadstone 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 (1)GOALS South Mornington: K. Debernardi 8 R. Matthews 4 S. Walker 4 C. Muczynski 4 J.Dowsett 3 R. Tyrrell 2 P. Randle 1 B. Rolls 1 J. Ivice 1 D. Woodruff 1 T. Rolls 1 C. Cowan 1Chadstone: not providedBEST South Mornington: K. Debernardi S. Walker R. Tyrrell C. Benton R. Matthews P.RandleChadstone: not providedManningham Cobras 4.1 6.1 8.6 8.6 (54)Mt Lilydale 1.1 3.7 4.8 5.10 (40)GOALS Manningham Cobras: T. Fradkin 3 B. Moore 2 N. Sterling 1 D. Moore 1 A. Oscini 1Mt Lilydale: not providedBEST Manningham Cobras: T. Fradkin J. Trinchi A. Oscini B. Moore C. Jolly B. KomisarsMt Lilydale: not providedNorth Brunswick 3.3 4.3 4.6 5.8 (38)Point Cook 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 (4)GOALS North Brunswick: J. Boudoloh 2 S. Wernham 1 C. Twaddle 1 B. Courts 1Point Cook: not providedBEST North Brunswick: G. Hampshire G. Selaidinakos D. Allan L. Spano B. Dancer N.DimarcoPoint Cook: B. Langley C. Barry J. Magee B. Garrick L. Mulquiney M. Ealdama23

NEXT WEEK’S GAMESPREMIEROld Carey v De La Salle 14:00Caulfield Grammarians v Old Trinity 14:00Old Scotch v St Bernards 14:00Old Xaverians v Collegians 14:00St Bedes/Mentone Tigers v University Blues 14:00PREMIER BAJAX v Beaumaris 14:00Old Haileybury v St Kevins 14:00Old Melburnians v Oakleigh 14:00University Blacks v Old Ivanhoe 14:00Werribee Districts v Old Brighton 14:00PREMIER CBanyule v Marcellin 14:00Fitzroy v Hampton Rovers 14:00Mazenod v Parkdale Vultures 14:00Monash Blues v PEGS 14:00Old Camberwell v Rupertswood 14:00DIVISION ONEFirst v SecondThird v FourthDIVISION ONE RESERVESFirst v SecondThird v FourthDIVISION TWOFirst v SecondThird v FourthDIVISION TWO RESERVESFirst v SecondThird v FourthDIVISION THREESecond v ThirdFourth v FifthDIVISION THREE RESERVESSecond v ThirdFourth v FifthDIVISION FOURFirst v SecondThird v FourthDIVISION FOUR RESERVESFirst v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 19 PremierFirst v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 19 Section 2First v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 19 Section 3First v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 19 SouthFirst v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 19 NorthFirst v SecondThird v FourthUNDER 18First v SecondThird v FourthPREMIER THIRDSOld Trinity v Caulfield Gramm 11:40De La Salle v Old Carey 11:40St Bernards v Old Scotch 11:40Collegians v Old Xaverians 11:40University Blues ByePREMIER B THIRDSOld Xaverians v Old Melburnians 11:40Northern Blues v St Kevins 11:40Old Brighton ByeUniversity Blacks ByePREMIER C THIRDSBanyule v Old Mentonians 11:00Mazenod v Fitzroy 11:40Old Camberwell v Whitefriars 11:40St Kevins v Marcellin 11:40This week:Oakleigh will be looking to secure a win againstWerribee Districts at home to give them hope ofavoiding relegation.24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012


PREMIERCOLLEGIANSCoach: Mark HibbinsCoach: Simon ArnottReserves: Troy HarbinsonThirds: Robert MuirST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERSCoach: Mick DwyerAssistants: Jamie Shanahan/Greg SiwesReserves: Brad Berry1 Jono Dixon2 Tom Bull3 Charlie Holst4 Nick Ries (C)5 Andrew Scott6 Jack Bull (VC)7 Shura Taft8 Daniel Strachan9 Michael Dyer10 James Jorgensen11 Nicholas Sautner12 Simon Hall13 Lloyd Whitby14 Barclay Dixon15 Jay Austerberry16 Cameron Lee17 Courtney Hylton18 Trent Zimbachs (VC)19 Stuart Inglis20 Sam Troon21 James Harvey21r Ollie Howard22 Marty Williams23 Wil Tardif24 Ben Mason25 James Kondarovskis26 Jesse Band Conrick27 Corey Cassidy28 Tom Penberthy29 Alexander Croft30 Josh Kamener31 Nick Roach32 Chris Blumfi eld33 Lachlan Ferguson34 Harry Croft35 Anthony Carydias36 Ben Holst37 Scott Carey38 Will Johnson39 Chris Jesaueluk40 Luke Casey41 Dominic Russo42 Jack Parsons43 Ed Malone (RC)44 Andrew Howison45 Andrew Stone46 Julian Hampton47 Norbert Williams48 Sam Doupe-Watt49 Drew Maddock50 Jayden Head51 James Slatyer52 James Patterson53 Billy Riddle54 Cameron Bonnar55 Nicholas Brown56 Calvin Lyon57 Charlie Simmons58 Nick Bobeff59 Sam Cutts60 Anthony James61 Ed Cordner62 Kim Findlay64 Bernie Morris65 Ned Withers66 Huw Forbes67 Justin Clark86 Hugh McKenzie1 Paul Wintle2 Luke Wintle3 Michael Curcio4 Patrick Kean5 Dan Garside (VC)6 Tom Garside7 Anthony Scafi di8 Brendan Dillon9 Chris Richards10 Michael Wintle11 Simon Richards (C)12 Luke Hulse13 Pat Tyquin14 Gavin Brown15 Hiwab Shakaib16 Shaun Glennen18 Alex Kane19 James Murnane20 Todd Bastion21 Michael Barnhoorn22 Carey Neville23 Daniel Sceney24 Jack Hellier25 Dean Porter (DVC)26 Dan Lynch27 Cameron Hansen28 Daniel Foot-Connolly29 Darcy Holden30 Michael Mcgettigan31 Tony Demacedo33 Blake Mcgrath34 David Teasdale36 George Rowlands37 Jaryd Robertson38 Michael Seeber39 Sam Amon41 Mark Geshke42 Jamie Marks43 Hayden Jeans45 Chris Roggero46 Josh Herron47 Scott Hobson48 Andrew Fyans50 Steven Kidd52 Sam Nicholls53 Jordan Lynch54 Nick Seeber56 Nick Munday57 Ben Hodges58 Daniel Gilmour59 John Poutanas60 Nick Kane61 Ned Fallon62 Luke Porter (RC)63 James Morrison64 Luke Barnhoorn66 Damien Waters68 Joseph Wilson70 Luke Terrell71 James Mcdevitt72 Lawrence Webb73 Lewis Stutterd74 Matthew Pitt76 Anton Vandenblink26 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIER1 Nick Roberts2 Jacob Williams3 Matthew Moore4 Nathan Roberts5 Michael Duggan6 Tyson Hunt7 Tom Humphrey7R Peter Harrison (RC)8 Tom McMahon9 Jarrod Moloney10 David Lowe (C)11 Mark Todd12 Matthew Hine13 Jacob Gotch14 Joshua Harris15 Damien Hale16 Sam Pickett17 Sam Williams18 Ben Humphrey19 Brett Eddy19R Rishton McArdle20 Aaron Shields21 Daniel Close22 Aaron Kneebone23 Sebastian Gotch24 John Griffi ths25 Lachlan Bull27 James Crowe28 Sam Haslem29 Leigh Harrison30 Joel Phillips30R Daniel Griffi n32 Jack Vickers33 Ben Pratt34 Luke Semmel35 Justin Baxter36 James Hansen37 Sam Brooks38 Lachlan O’Connell39 Ben Oakley40 Edward Clinch41 Brendan Close42 Harry Haley43 Luke WilliamsDE LA SALLECoach: Greg McLoughlinAssistants: John McDonough/Damon PaullReserves: Dom McInerneyThirds: Liam O’DonnellSPONSORS44 Tim Kovess45 Bradford Wilson46 Luke Jarvis47 Hugh Nicholson48 Eddie Espinosa49 Ryan Harris50 Jason Terrell51 Simon Lowe52 Tom Moloney53 Kieran Grant54 Michael Nankervis55 Steven Hogan56 Anthony Palmer57 Michael De Luca58 Declan Freeman59 Jack Jarvis60 Nick Fyfi eld61 Chris Kelliher62 Pat Monaghan63 Steven Wall64 Alexander Roberts65 Beau Hill66 Tyson Parker67 Sam Hillier68 Sam Morwood69 Jackson McKay70 Joe Ramsden71 Matthew Briglia72 Nick Hyland73 Nicholas Hogan74 Thomas Naughtin75 Matthew Naughtin76 Sam O’Donnell77 Simon Moloney78 Matt Rodgers79 Will Kent78 Robert Gamble79 Adam Kurzel80 Cameron Watts81 Simon Murphy82 Stephen Brown83 Sam Bennetts1 Jake Williams2 Chris Santalucia3 Andrew Pasceri4 James Mcdonnell5 Dan Rush6 Ben Kennedy7 Michael Darvell (VC)8 Andy Biddlecombe (VC)9 Damien Lynch10 Andy Ryan11 Luke Howard12 Brendan Goss13 Josh Agius (VC)14 Josh Douglas15 Matt Skidmore16 Brad Rogerson17 Chris Larkins18 John Shaw19 Tim Dynon20 James Scanlan21 Tom Carey22 Cameron Hunter23 Lachlan Smith24 Cameron Purss25 Pat Ambrose26 Nick Wynne27 Damien Ryan28 Jeremy Mcdonnell29 Matt Handley30 Murphy Ambrose31 Matt Ball (C)32 Oliver Gidley33 James Ulbrick34 Ryan Colbert35 Ed Lachal36 David Sapuppo37 Nick Dimattina38 Louis Denton39 Michael Hannan40 Sam Lees41 Esmond Prowse42 Louis TiernanOLD XAVERIANSCoach: Andrew GowersAssistants: Nick Holland/David Landrigan/Travis RuygReserves: Matt O’HanlonAssistants: Peter Skidmore/Andy “Shanks” Ryan43 Nick Pepperell44 Matt Walsh45 Jack Bergin46 Dan Iacuone47 Tim Agius48 Mitch Garvey49 Jonathan Pintal50 Fraser Paterson51 Dan Harangozo52 Tristan Parker53 Jon Mercuri (VC)54 Dan Barry55 Nick Biddlecombe56 Matt Douglas57 Matt Jenkinson58 Jack Curtis59 Dom Walker60 Dan Meehan61 Julian Darrer62 Matthew Romanin63 Karl Kaldawi64 Nick Nunan65 Jeremy PreeceTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201227

PREMIEROLD TRINITYCoach: Adam AndrewsAssistant: Gerard Sholly/Leigh McQuillenOLD CAREYCoach: Trevor RoweAssistants: Richard Oppy/Travis Derricott/Chris Casey/Jon Remmington/Stuart Kofeod1 Dayne Coulsen-Hoffacker2 Kristian Butler4 Brent Walsh5 Dan Chamberlain7 Brendan Iezzi8 Tim Walsh9 Andrew Hore-Lacy10 Jack Osborne11 Kris Spassopoulos12 Luke Pacconi13 Jack Gale15 Angus Greene16 David Constantinou17 Mason Cole18 Edward Weatherson19 Nick Howell20 Robert Humann21 Tim Howell22 Brett Barratt23 Andrew Ramsden24 Gabriel Hamilton26 AndrewKyriacopoulos27 Matthew Brown28 Daniel A’Hearne29 NicholasChamberlaine30 Max Burgess31 Callum Pohl32 Brett Robertson35 James Petdro36 Nicholas Bourke37 Ben Howell38 Jakob Steinhart39 Alexander Hasiotis40 Peter Mescher41 Fergus Stewart45 Andrew Kinross46 William Oldfi eld47 Jack Hunt49 Ned Hunt1 Steven Freemantle2 Damien Yze3 Ben Smithwick4 Julian Rowe5 Luke Maslin6 James Rimington7 Thomas Evans (C)8 Paul Fiorenza9 Matt Parker10 Mathew Laidlaw11 Scott Virtue12 Marshall Bull14 Alistair Stewart-Holmes15 Jarrod Reid16 Brendan Huf17 Simon Harris18 Nicholas Colbert19 Carl Peterson20 James Murrie21 Lachlan Mcqueen-Miscamble22 Pierre Seale23 Cameron Howat (C)24 Alexander Thompson (RC)25 James Evans26 James Wagner27 Allister Parton28 Sam Arthur29 Jack Joslin30 Cameron Jones31 Brett De Leijer32 Bas Simpson33 Luke Marriott34 Luke Crozier35 Robert Josephs36 Thomas Newton37 Steve Harris38 Luke Mckinnon (RC)40 Sam Hassett40 Gavin Plummer41 Harry Moore42 Scott Gordon43 Alistar Reed44 Nick Richardson45 Tim Rule46 Simon Bramwell47 Liam Cooney48 Nic Newhouse49 Corey Rice50 Blake Fordham51 Simon Davidson52 Sam Pentney53 Lochlan Hall54 Henry Mcqueen-Miscamble55 Tim Angus56 Lewis Fotheringham57 Tim Smith58 James Mcwhinney59 Robert O’hern60 Will Cushen61 William Guiney62 Tom Gulliver63 Nic Bayly64 Geoff Trumble65 David Bowley66 Marcus Ramsay67 Charlie Fitzpatrick68 Tim Wilkins70 Sam Landgren71 Zac Lisle72 Campbell Wallace73 Callum O’brien74 Nick Pryor75 Kyle Parker76 Simon Lenders77 Andrew Bird78 Rhett Mitchelhill28 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIERST BERNARDSCoach: Chris TankardAssistants: Nick Smith/Simon AtkinsReserves: Damien SullivanCAULFIELD GRAMMCoach: Steven LawrenceAssistants: Greg Meredith/Ben GrossReserves: James Lawson1 Andrew Stapleton2 Ryan Schroder3 Michael Sullivan4 Tom Sullivan5 Mitch Church6 Jake Bevanda7 Michael Angel8 Paddy Gamwell8R Justin Evans9 Jack Solomon10 Brenton Garth11 Steve Mitchell12 Ryhs Moylan13 Chris Mitchell14 Nic Cooke15 Luke Madden16 Kyle Dalmau17 Luke O’Sullivan18 Alex Singleton19 Andrew Merrington20 Shaun Clarke21 Tom Overman22 Simon Caven23 Jacob Forder24 Brendan George25 Andrew van Meel26 Tom Gleeson26R Andrew Smith27 Liam Wilkinson28 Michael Hutchesson28R Paul Holland29 Tom Black30 Vince Schiavello31 Chris Hoban32 Tom Caven33 Andrew Ciantar33R Nick Smith34 Daniel Byrne34R Marty Byrne35 Tate Pearson36 Keiren Farrell37 Patrick Harris38 Mark Buckley39 Michael Liccaiardo40 Joshua Madden41 Hamish Watts42 Sean Bergin43 James Stapleton44 Dean Bergin45 Steve Cannatalli46 James Molony47 Caleb Forder48 Xavier Cox49 Jake King50 Andrew Grosso51 Daniel Riley52 Jesse Manunzio53 Ben Peart54 Jack Wheeler55 Liam Cookson56 Paul Rahill57 Andrew Sicari58 Matthew Borzillo59 Matthew Sweeney60 Daniel Lamana61 Matthew Trim62 Grant Breheney63 Rob Pascolo64 Chris Godfrey65 Nick Hughes66 James Devery67 Gerry Christie68 James Flannery69 Tom Isaacs70 Matthew Marion71 Aaron Neal72 Liam Neal73 Joe Pignataro74 Luke Baird75 Aaron Helenius76 Owen McIntyre77 Clarke Mitchell78 Daniel Janides79 Peter Villani80 Mark Salvadori81 Ben Hogan82 Matt Gurrissi83 Michael Smith1 Tom O’sullivan2 Ben Price3 Max Slonim4 James Shanahan4R Aiden Clarke (RVC)5 Jordan Stewart6 Chris Hammond7 Tim Nixon8 Stefan Garrubba9 Ben Carboni (VC)10 Andrew Strain (RC)11 Sean Meredith12 Justin Perkins (VC)13 Sam Wood14 Chris May15 Andrew Docker16 Gavin Winter17 Declan Reilly18 Matt Kremmer19 Luke Price20 Darcy Daly21 Dean Scheetz22 Zac Parsons23 Chris Fagan24 Chris Game25 Brett Sinclair (VC)26 Simon Widjaja (C)27 Louis O’keefe28 Gavin Colosimo29 Dominic O’keefe30 Clay Williams31 Will Osborn32 Daniel Pelchen33 Ben Hyland34 Mark Nelson35 Scott Dickson35R Andrew Spittal36 Eddy Kalaja (RVC)37 Francis Mcardle38 Luke Spinks39 Steve Howard40 Lloyd Everett41 Mark Liddell42 Justin Kremmer43 Woody Eke44 Jareth Quayle45 Dave Allanson46 Tom Small47 Nick Karoly48 Ryan Lewis49 Luke Matias50 Dylan Tobias51 Jack Mclean52 Tim Yelland53 Ben Mcloughlin54 Matthew Linklater55 Matthew Hacket56 James Cleeve57 Nathan Nuzum58 Ben Walker59 Matthew Wood60 Jaron Helman61 Tyson Bradshaw62 Peter Mayes63 Chris Axais64 Simon Tamblyn66 William BerryTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201229

PREMIER1 Paul Butko3 Charles Shaw4 Marshall Rippon6 Jeremy Mugavin7 Jon Nash8 Henry Weddell9 Andrew Lowcock10 Peter Summers11 Hugh Vickers-Willis12 Matthew Torney (C)13 Tom Girdwood14 Tom Fairbairn15 Ben McConnell (VC)17 Richard Langham18 Michael Monteith19 Al Austin20 Jack Watts (VC)21 Max Leishman22 Benjamin Millard23 Thomas Calvert24 Will Cuningham25 Angus Nice16 Ian Prendergast27 Hayden McDonald28 Albert Weddell29 Craig Frinsdorf30 Shaun Bryce32 Riley McMahon33 Dominic Nixon35 Josh Caldow36 David Withers37 Jack Townley38 Jon Vickers-Willis38 Daniel Carmody39 Dirk Heinz40 Henry Hanlon41 Thomas Ruggles43 Bennett Merriman44 John Wood45 Damien Barton46 Hamish Rankin47 Jeremy McDonald48 Jack Maxwell49 Daniel Zambon51 Tom Maddocks53 Sam Driscoll54 Shamus Curran55 Llewyn Butler56 Mitchell PickeringUNIVERSITY BLUESCoach: Fergus WattsAssistants: Ian Predergast/David Chippendall/Chris ReidReserves: Chris Baumgartner58 Ed Long59 Jamie Mugavin61 Andy Christensen63 Brant Laidlaw64 Andrew Walsh65 Bill Girdwood66 Daniel Gumley67 Nick Hardie-Grant69 Nick McRae70 Liam Quin71 Peter Marshall72 David Marshall73 Nick Keating74 Ben Joengbloed75 Sam Dalton76 Lachie Michell80 David Krones81 Jackson Hood82 James McArthur83 Patrick Hayes83 Andrew Prendergast85 Frank Mooney86 Jared Edwards87 Jono Hibbert88 Daniel Condon89 Rory Kennedy90 Aaron Harris92 Will Robinson1 Sam Thompson (VC)2 Ash Lim3 Gus Gray4 Lachie Cohen5 Matt Tyler6 Hamish Dick7 George Dick8 Lachie Hill9 Scott Sherwen (DVC)10 Mark Passador (VC)11 Nick Allen12 James Bowden (DVC)14 Adam Houlihan15 Matthew Peric16 Shane Neaves17 Sam White18 Caillin O’Shannessy19 Tom Harkness20 Tim Green21 Al Pike22 Hugo Perry23 Max van den Broek24 Jack Davis25 Max Davis26 Nich Hildebrandt27 Robbie Ferraro28 Angus Tummel29 Chris Watts (U19)30 Scott Bradley31 Lachie Armstrong32 Richard Eva (C)33 Henry Dick34 Sam Barnett35 Will Strange36 Nick Clay37 Sean Leith38 Jason Sherriff39 Simon Barnett40 Angus Harlock41 Richard Wilkinson42 Tom McKinley43 Byron Smith44 Tim Keck (RC)45 Tim Mursell46 Nich Lawrence47 Gene van den Broek (U19)48 Fraser Macfarlane49 Sam Muggleton50 Alex O’ShannessyOLD SCOTCHCoach: Dean Anderson/Stuart PowellAssistants: Steve Crisp/Josh Kitchen/Christian Neeson/Kemble Edelsten/Ian LeithReserves: Paul O’BrienThirds: Scott WithamAssistants: Lachie Cooper51 John Daggian (3CC)53 James Long54 Jayden Charlton55 Nich Cox56 Tim Mead57 Luke Schumann58 Jack Furey59 Andrew Mitchell60 Travis Ronaldson61 Tim Ranson62 Michael Chitham63 Matt Elliott64 Tristan Bowman65 Fergus Mckenzie66 Jayson Speck67 Sam Stott68 Will Davis69 Alex van Ryn70 Chris Clay71 Leo Tang72 Tom Auty73 Rob Njoku74 Alex Williamson75 Lachie McDonough76 Brodie Leahy77 Matt Burns78 Nic Poliakow79 Hamish Taylor (3CC)80 Mitch Bradley81 Tim Melville82 Will Ponsford83 Will Darling84 Will Mackintosh85 Dion Kaliviotis86 Ed Barbour87 James Halbert88 Nick Jamieson89 Daniel Parisi90 Mitchell Scott91 Dylan Mercer92 Matthew Seed93 Blood Jumper94 Maurice Clayton95 Blood Jumper96 Tom Hays97 Mat Bate98 Tim Briggs99 Charlie Houghton30 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIER BBEAUMARISCoach: Jason MifsudAssistants: Craig Tonkin / Josh BourkeReserves: Marcus Goonan / Tim HuntOLD MELBURNIANSCoach: Nathan BrownAssistants: Daniel Hughes/Peter NunnReserves: Chris JenkinsThirds: John Guest1 Matthew Duggan2 Rob Cathcart3 Matthew Petering4 Sean Coote5 Tom Abbott6 Chris Langdon7 Tom Dean8 Josh Ward9 Doug Pritchard10 Nick Loucaides11 Scott Braithwaite12 Scott Gower13 Will Murton14 Tim Collins15 Alex Bennett16 Sam McBain17 Anthony Carroll18 Will Edmonds19 Mick Atkins20 Callan Buckley21 Jackson Leigh22 Lachlan Boyd23 Adam Catlin24 Kelvin Barnes25 Travis Woolnough25 Tom Gandy26 Michael DeFontenay27 Brayden Haynes28 Mick Millar29 Jordan Thompson30 Will Mattingley31 Tom Buckley32 Joel DiNatale33 Matthew Stevens34 Michael Globan35 Sean McNicholas36 Scott Kendall37 Jack Richter37 Tim Cumming38 Michael Wilson39 Luke McNicholas40 James Bull41 Marcus Lee42 James Bliesner42 Mitchell Howes43 Nick Dickinson44 Pete Richter45 Greg Roberts46 Luke Sketchley47 Travis Kelly48 Jarrad Evans49 Luke Slater50 Matthew Kurta51 Tyson Rayner52 Oliver Webber53 Sean Brennan54 Chris Badman55 Joel Billing56 Tim Pritchard58 Michael Salisbury59 Germaine Ivanka60 Mitchell Bourne65 Matthew Prosser68 Jack Coleman72 Mark Ensor1 Aaron Gregory (R)2 James Beaumont2 Mitch Downey (R)3 Thomas Paule4 Thomas Healey5 Cameron Beck6 Christopher Righetti7 Christopher Baillieu (R)7 Edward Hughes8 Benjamin Hayes9 Peter Kennon10 Rupert Doyle10 Harry Macciolli11 Thomas Bachet11 William Hatfi eld12 Christopher Hood13 Benjamin Baines (R)13 John Cooper14 Tony Dickinson (R)14 Harry Jupp15 Timothy Oman16 Timothy McLardy16 Nicholas Voyage17Charles Cumbrae-Stewart18 Sam Gibbons19 Campbell May20 Benjamin McKie21 Jay Coverdale (R)21 Stuart Watson22 Christopher Wischer22 Harry Allen (R)23 Nicholas DeSteiger25 Nicholas Amato25 Alexander Crosby (R)25 Cameron Tunbridge (R)26 James Siebert27 Stuart Taylor28 Jeremy Beaumont29 Lachlan Bennett31 Jack Macciolli31 Morgan Cottee (R)32 Luke Batten32 Will Fuller33 Edward Lloyd35 Paul Kruger36 Matthew Marangon38 Adam Marangon39 Lachlan Cameron41 Alistair Ferguson42 Angus Lapin43 Christopher Jenkins43 Nicholas Russell44 Guy Brayshaw45 Edward DeFegely45 Konrad Spies (R)46 Martins McCoy47 Hugo Dean47 Tim Spargo49 Lewis Haralambous50 Alexander Armstrong54 David Wright55 Edward Mandie56 Christopher Stubbe62 Thomas Hywood64 Samuel Quennell68 William Johnson71 Richard Armit73 Will Thompson76 Nicholas Yencken77 Jordan Hooper78 Yoxford Rous80 Natthanial NixonAndrew CameronLucas HopkinsCharles WilmothHugh TomilsonCallum WilliamsonLuther Ellis AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201231

PREMIER BOAKLEIGHCoach: Martin StillmanAssistants: Jon Rutter/Trevor Bromley/Ash LeverReserves: Ali Khodr El-AliWERRIBEE DISTRICTSCoach: Kirk NortonReserves: Shane Doyle1 Steven Scott2 Michael Harold (C)3 Dermot Cleary (VC)4 Stuart Hobijin-Allen5 Kieran Hogan6 Jess Pickett7 Christopher Lamb8 Aisea Valentini9 Gary Bennett10 Paul Tsoucalas11 Stephen Doherty12 Ben Hogan13 Joshua Revere14 Patrick Disiervi15 Patrick Ioannidis16 Steven Buchanan17 Tim Doherty18 James Chapple19 James Hunt20 Josh Ashman21 Jake Pappon22 Zein Daoud23 Jack Hind24 Tommy Golik25 Gabby Irons26 Steven Ott27 Lee Barrand28 Baden Wass29 Robert Holden30 Peter Holden31 Trevor Bromley32 Christopher Meyers33 Leigh Head34 Mike Paxman35 Gerard Roney36 Austin Deneys37 Thomas Costigan38 Tim Goldsmith39 Aaron Binns40 Aaron Shaw41 Simon Way42 Chris Lavery43 Phil Falvo44 Tim Scott45 Dylan Ruddy46 Zac Thiessens47 Mathew White48 Gonzalo Valenzuela49 Nicholas Seel50 Daniel Mercuri51 Jack Van de Ven52 Matt Bertucci53 Christopher Mercuri54 Callum Buchanan55 Sean Earl56 Thomas Mottram57 Mitch James58 Jason Olson59 Matthew Wass60 Chris Telley61 Anthony Ashworth62 Michael Margetis63 Patrick Sham-Yuen64 Paul Raso65 Luke Morin66 Dani Boutros67 James Cleary68 James Fitzgerald69 Adrian Gigliotti70 Will Manning71 Adam Matthiesson72 Andrew Murray73 Jacob Sassos74 Shams Osmani75 Zac Mousoulis76 Jaryd Wines77 Stuart Wines78 Dion Perry1 Andrew Cunningham2 Jameel Sargent3 Christopher Molivas4 Stefan Callea5 Aaron Taylor6 Andrew Panayi7 Troy Anderson (C)8 Matthew Palmington9 Jim Ayling10 Joshua Huxtable11 James Norton12 Alexander Taylor13 Adam Salamone14 Mark Smith15 Jonathon De Pellegrin16 Mitchell Chadwick17 Andrew Tedesco18 Shaun McCutcheon19 Adam Morrow (C)20 Brent Morrow21 Lee Johnston22 Bol Kolang23 Adam Alifraco24 Conor Purton25 Joshua Bellegante26 Mikael Purton27 Dale Carlton28 Wayne Pelar29 Sean Dean30 Brett Armstrong31 Lachlan Patterson32 Matthew Palmer33 Ryan Harrington34 Matthew Dean35 Lachlan McDowell36 Andrew Taylor37 Patrick Keogh38 Lucas Menegazzo39 David Menegazzo40 Michael Freeman41 William Swaby42 Michael Sleep-Dalton43 Daniel Schebeci44 Rhys Stooke45 Timmothy Morrish46 Nick Morrison47 Stephen Simpson48 Alex Eade49 Andrew Stephenson50 Rhyse Yassar51 Clayton Pettigrew52 Stan Sapountzis52 Stephen Simpson53 Jamie Do54 Bronson Paech55 Lachlan Hord56 Mark Neilson57 Timothy Eccles58 James Callea59 Theodore Sapountzis61 Jye Borg62 Tate McCutcheon63 Hayden Daniels64 Justin Morris65 Aidan Murphy32 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

University BlacksPREMIER BOLD BRIGHTONCoach: Simon WilliamsAssistant: Brett RoseReserves: Ross StewartAssistant: Daniel MannUNIVERSITY BLACKSCoach: Matthew KemptonAssistants: Luke van Kempen/Xavier Maloney/Andrew ThompsonReserves: Luke O’Connell1 James North2 Jack Cannon3 Tom Jakobi4 Josh Homann5 Andrew Edge6 Jimmy Davis7 Michael Dewar8 Jon Priestley9 Andrew Dewar10 Jon Edge11 Blair Mason12 Matthew Mcevoy13 Nick Coroneous14 Thomas Clarke15 Ben Gadsden16 Brock Rawlinson17 Matt Browning18 Jordan Portelli19 Tom Mentiplay20 Jack Beaton21 Tim Fogarty22 Niall Collins23 Michael Karayannis24 Jon Perrett25 Riley Cummin26 Ben Austen29 Josh Dickerson30 Tom Skewes31Nick Graham-Bowman32 David Jennings33 Jack Davis34 Tom Mariani35 Jordan Pascoe36 Scott Cramey37 Harry Cannon38 Chris Mizzi39 Tom Gunning40 Stuart Mcleod-Smith41 Marcel Bruin42 Leigh Hendra43 David Fallon44 Daniel Anthony45 Lachie Anthony46 Tim Cooney48 Stuart Mckell49 Will Priestley50 Andrew Ogilvie51 Jarrod Sargent52 Nick Paterson54 Zac Allcott55 James Salem56 Will Bardoel57 Callum Nicholls58 Pat Kelly59 Stuart Hooy60 Brendan Blatt62 Kieran Rawlinson63 Marshall Pascoe69 Sam Roney73 John Nockles84 Alistair Taylor85 Scott Eastgate86 Ryan Eastgate1 Adam Cook2 Harry Lahy3 Scott Myers4 Andrew Willingham5 Huw Lacey6 Jake Matthews7 Jandre Slabbert8 Scott Hissey9 Scott Weekley (VC)10 Bede Mahon11 Bart Mill12 Dan Hunt13 Angus Drysdale14 Simon Thomas15 Shane Macnamara16 Cameron Roberts17 Tom Purcell18 Josh Gaylor19 Matthew Dornauf20 Andrew Torney21 Thomas Woods22 Tom Howgate (VC)23 Daniel Costello (C)24 Hugh Symon25 James Clarke26 David Batten27 Nick Batten28 Justin Crameri29 Levi Kalms30 Andrew Jesse (VC)31 Clive O’Sullivan32 Steven Flight33 Jordan Foster34 Andrew Else35 John Delahunty36 Jake Gardiner37 Lachlan Crameri38 Tom Napier39 Adam Pitt40 Nick Holt41 Simon Yule42 Charlie Richardson43 Ross Tomkins44 Hamish Guthrie45 Mitch Aitken46 Mark Macgugan47 Tom Brennan48 Peter O’Rourke49 Ben Farrow50 Jack Heeley51 Simon Lewis52 James Bismire53 Jack Lahy54 Cameron Turner55 Jonathon Gibson56 Joshua Steadman57 Peter Lynch60 Andrew Felemonow70 Nicholas Manning71 Charles McIntyre72 Alex Hayward73 Stephen Judson74 Rory Brennan75 Chris Weitzel76 Joshua Convery77 Owen Scrivener78 Glenn Coyle79 Alvaro Rosas81 Will Davidson82 Paul Connor83 Christian Udovich84 Geoff Pullen85 Jarrod BinghamTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201233

PREMIER B1 Rhy Gieschen2 Luke Lochran3 Nick Gieschen4 Sam Geilings5 Evan Spargo6 Stuart Low7 Jarrod Gieschen (C)8 Simon Paton9 Chris Sutherland (VC)10 Lachlan Phillips11 Nick Butler12 Chris Branigan13 James Binney14 Owen Weatherly15 Edward Greer16 Trevor Cotsworth17 Zac Keane (VC)18 Micheal Mitris19 Daniel Steele19R Koby Trajanovski20 Jake Trajanovski21 Bernard Mcdowell22 James Moio23 Iza Dawkins24 Richard Butler25 Evan Byrne26 Chris Georgiou27 Hayden Heta (C)28 Dale Hawkes29 Andrew Paine30 Andrew Tieman31 Alex Dioretes32 James Weston33 Stephen Ward34 Ricky Jessop35 Michael Casterta36 Phil Dinakis37 Adam Baldwin (VC)38 James Faulkner39 Arthur Solomidis40 Michael Bacskos41 Josh Uljans42 Tyson Harrison43 Saul SmithOLD IVANHOECoach: Craig HunterAssistants: Renato Dintinosante/Brad ThompsonReserves: Darren TollAssistant: Stephen King44 Sam Brennan45 Alf Bernardi46 Nick Clark47 Sel Cetin48 Gareth Fowler49 James Birch50 Mitchell Bodycoat51 Tim Mcdowell52 Simon Leon53 Ryan Coleman54 Ross Stamford55 Brad Thompson56 Chris Toohey57 Alex Bolzan58 Luke Bolzan59 Ashley Steer60 David Madigan61 Jack Miriklis62 Michael Golden63 Chris Roger64 Adam Veli65 David Veli66 Tony Pantano67 Christian Gianfagna68 Alex Caserta69 Chris Bacskos70 Todd Morris71 Joshua Yi72 Andrew Jones73 Daniel Imbesi74 Andrew Sheehan75 Tim Gleeson76 Chris Harder77 Michael Delmonte78 Blair Mantesso79 Adam Karim80 Lachlan Page-Wood81 Anthony Stena82 Matt Mcmahon83 Jordan Stanton84 Chris Guy85 Shaun Stewart86 Tom Eaton1 Jarrod Rafferty2 Travis Ridgway3 Hamish McLauchlan (C)4 Samuel Langford-Jones5 Tobias Gill6 John Nicolopoulos6 Samuel Casey7R Tom Tyrell7 Al Johnston8 Nick Gooda9 Peter Gleadhill (C)9R Michael Lambert10 Jim Pitcher11 Ash King12 Matt Lillie13 Tim Lockwood14 Josh Slade15 David MacKenzie16 David Comben (VC)17 Scott Fitzgerald18 Nick Harrison18R Will Rule20 Ryhs McMurray21 Dan Harrison22 Adam Schofi eld23 Chris Ferguson24 Lachie Nash25 Scott Ellis26 David McCormick27 Drew Gilby28 Spencer Roberts29 Brede Seccull30 Benjamin White31 Adam Weekes32 Ed Limon33 Jon Spanos34 Corey Millard36 Mark Weekes37 William McTaggert38 Anthony Wright40 Travis WyethOLD HAILEYBURYCoach: Darren SeccullAssistants: Stewart Loewe/Matthew Brewer/David MackenzieReserves: Craig Brockley41 Alistair Braithwaite42 Lachie Wyeth43 Jason Kurta44 Jarrod McLauchlan45 Daniel Newby46 Julian Bayard47 Michael Stowe48 Trent Coles49 Luke Pitcher (RC)50 Paul Silberer51 Jarryn Fisher52 Mark Seccull53 Rorey James54 Adam Vitolins55 Benjamin Langford-Jones56 Richard Mathers57 Andrew Kight58 Mitch George59 Hamish McWilliam61 Will Eagle62 Damian Gauci63 Mark Quiambao64 Chris Hill69 Matthew S. WrayEast Ivanhoe34 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIER BST KEVINS1 Matthew Murphy2 Daniel Campbell3 Ben Dowd (C)4 Keith Brick5 Patrick Dowd6 Daniel Mahoney7 Charles Ring8 Josh Gabelich9 Julian Staffi eri10 Karl Wissell11 Elliot Waldron12 Nick McArdle13 William Coates14 James Grinter15 Julian Charles16 Rick Ladson17 Patrick Aughton18 Michael Shanahan19 Glen Chivers20 Thomas Steains21 Joshua Taylor22 Phil Edgar23 Tom Simpson24 Zachary Ginies24 Tom Marchesani (L/S)25 Joe Frazer26 Sam Bishop (VC)27 Steve Landers27 Paul Di Natale (R)28 Edward Ring29 Dom Gibbs30 Tom Cunningham31 Anthony Lynch (C)32 Nathan Hobson33 Jack Weber34 Anthony White35 Paedar Hanley36 Matthew Lattanzio37 Matthew Shannon38 Jack Mullen39 John Liston40 Matthew Daniel41 Tom McPherson42 Peter Murray43 Ricky Caldow44 Henry Parkes45 Sam Conlan46 James MusteyCoach: Daniel HarfordAssistants: Luke Mahoney/Grant Hudson/Matt ScullyReserves: Kornel DachsAssistant: Jim Jeffers47 John Griffi ths48 Hamish McPherson49 Mark Duffy50 Gerrard Holland51 Phil Longmore52 Francis Keely53 Jack Murphy-Cruise54 Tom Crookes55 Pat Murphy56 Dan Kerr (R)56 Luke McDonnell57 Pat Keely60 Liam Dunne61 Tom Harvey62 Michael Kneebone63 Simon O’Connor64 Tim O’Rourke65 David Makohon66 James Marchesani67 Tim Fitzgerald68 Domenic Loschiavo70 James O’Rourke71 Samuel Carne72 Pat Rhodes73 HartleyWill74 Luke Davrain75 Jesse Brown76 Thomas Woolfe77 Sean Reid78 Tom Johnston79 Hagen Cosgriff80 James Syme82 Ashley Collins83 Mitch Hayward84 Jarrod Nash85 Daniel Barrett86 Jarrod O’Keefe87 Jack Jolly89 Peter Harvey90 Darragh Kelly91 Tim Sharpe92 James Douglas94 Rory Ellis95 James Leggett96 Mitch Austin97 David Geltch98 Tim Trewin99 Tim BowdenAJAX1 Ronen Heine2 Jason Israelsohn3 Daniel Freed4 Sam Bruce5 Jason Ritterman6 David Fayman7 Marcus Jankie8 Geoff Measey9 Gary Blieden10 Jason Seidl11 Warren Steinberg12 Adam Caplan13 Jesse Kochen14 Jarrod White15 Rubin Winograd16 Nick Marks17 Josh Ludski18 Jesse Feldy19 Ash Kalb20 Brad Caplan21 Noah Rischin22 Luke Peters23 Ari Lewski24 Josh Sacks25 Jake Lew26 Jason Tendler27 Josh Givoni28 Dean Steinberg29 Adam Trytell30 Josh Gottlieb31 Joel Nevezie32 Jesse Osowicki33 Matt Kaye34 Richie Simon35 Cory Jankie36 Jarryd Ludski37 Stuart Fayman38 Luke Jankie39 Tim Freed40 Joel Gocs41 Nadav Harel42 David WloszczowskiCoach: Bernie SheehyAssistants: Mark Segal/Adrian MorriseyReserves: Darren SeidlAssistant: Gary BluszteinThirds: Barry Simon43 Jason Kaye44 Daniel Roth45 Michael Shafar46 Josh Rawicki47 Michael Shmerling48 Michael Thurin49 Josh Dorevitch50 Alex Wollan51 Jason Samuel52 Eyal Lang53 Guy Silbert54 Ricky Cahn55 Nick Shulman56 Ben Rockman57 Ryan White58 David Burns59 Raph Schlesinger60 Ari Burman61 JJ Sacks62 Jeremy Rotberg63 Damien Schwarz65 Joel Benjamin66 Ash Cooper67 Ari Wytwornik68 Leigh Goldman69 Ben Michowski70 Mark Shnider71 Johnathon Shafar72 Ryan Fisher73 Jordan Tonkin75 Brennan Lukav76 Chaim Wellis-Stosser77 Alan Silver78 Evgeni Routman79 Joel Grossman80 Josh LancmanTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201235

PREMIER CHAMPTON ROVERSCoach: Russell BarnesAssistant: Tim WilsonReserves: Michael FlahiveMONASH BLUESCoach: Tim PowellAssistants: Luke Egan/Marcus Spencer/Shane Chapman1 Leigh Fletcher2 Zac Perrie3 Jack Massie4 Matthew Care5 Nicholas Jewell6 Nick Lyall7 Anton Duddy7 Jay Dillon8 Matthew Innes9 Tom Youl9 Lachlan Smith10 Ed Turner11 Rory Lynch12 Harvey Scholes14 Jackson Ward15 Stephen Tiernan16 Nick Henry17 Stephen Howe18 Jack Baxter18 Richard Atkins19 Sebastian Wright20 Adam Power20 Ryan Warren21 Ben Clarke22 Charles Kelso23 Campbell Jones23 Matthew Gray24 Nathan Foster25 Shem Curry26 Samuel Clements27 Michael Flahive28 Ben Kezilas29 Chris Rigney30 Brendan Culvenor31 Stephen Anderson32 Matthew Law33 Liam Woodland33 Jason McCoy34 Alexander Ross35 Ashley Fisher36 Cameron Sharp37 Matthew Styring38 Michael Dynon39 Jesse Lovig40 Matt Powell41 Jack Wilson42 Tristan Thormann43 William Brayshaw44 Josh McPherson47 Richard Taylor47 Lachlan Wheeler48 Jesse Donald49 Justin Ng50 Thomas Cougan51 Will Lingard52 Christopher Ellison53 Leon McCarthy57 Callum van den Enden58 Rick Jones59 Robert Bibby60 Max Greenway61 Kyal Mcneil62 Ryan Morcom72 Mark Short1 Ewan Flanagan2 Joe Cunnington4 Harry Stephenson5 James Rosengarten6 Michael Davidson7 Paul Farrar8 Andrew Hickey9 Sam Baring11 Dujon Fuzzard12 George Smyth13 Tim Powell14 Justin Main15 Ben Tilley16 Mitchell Simpson17 Jordan Bell18 Joe Cosgriff20 Zac Ledin21 Tim Mckenzie22 Will Blackley23 Lachlan Inglis24 Gareth Taylor25 Tom Waters26 Sam Whatley27 Daniel Montoya28 Jack Gallagher29 Andrew Costley30 Joe Griffi ths31 Tom Osmond34 Rowan Shields35 Chris Godsil36 Aaron Williams37 Tim Wilson38 Matt Hunt39 Matt Mccart40 Daniel Brogden42 Earl Ree-Goodings43 David Young44 James Taylor45 Alex Armstrong46 Sam Walsh47 Myles Mitchell48 Matt Mason49 Darcy Meehan50 Brock Mckenzie51 Henry Drysdale52 Michael Fenwick-Nevin53 Alex Carr54 Ben Cailes56 Andrew Beecroft57 Pat Long58 Lachlan Preston60 Adam Fyfe61 Nick Rhoden62 Scott Wood64 Ryan Mcivor65 Matt Myers68 Scott Robson70 Martin Beecroft71 Jared Samuels72 Nick Robertson73 Anthony Spadaro74 Matt Townsend75 Tristian Lebreton76 Hayden Devanny78 Matthew Stewart82 Jason Lewis83 Rhys Waller36 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIER C1 Matthew Bortolotto2 Jarrod Carlson (VC)2 Liam Mc Cormack(TVC)3 Nicholas Birrell4 Thomas Jones5 Simon Considine6 Nicholas Crosbie7 Matthew Gasparini8 Peter Augustin8 Stuart Kemp9 Luke Considine10 Tom Stafford11 Jonathan Blanch12 Matthew Holmes13 Robert Costanzo14 Mathew Tantsis Hall14 Anthony Layton15 Jonathan Bortolotto16 Simon Abrahams17 Luke Boyd18 Derrin Gartner19 Steven Crapper20 MathewBeaini21 David Tantsis Hall22 Nicholas James22 Timothy Montagna23 Daniel Fraser (RVC)24 Trent Carlson25 Daniel McMahon(DVC)26 Laine Rice27 Mathew Bridges28 Jacob Gasparini29 Tom Jordan30 Daniel Redmond31 Anthony McGlin32 Adrian Coburn33 Jake Symes SC34 Dallas Jarred34 Liam Brockhus35 Ashley VineyMARCELLINCoach: Steve Macpherson36 Timothy Blanch37 James Coburn38 Anthony Manakis39 John Mc Intyre40 Jake Mahoney41 Joel Crimmins42 Dan Isaac43 Nick Botham44 Tom Black (RVC)45 Adam Lincoln (RVC)46 Tim Money (RC)47 Jack Watty48 Ari Loucas49 Tom Money (TC)50 Dustin Cracknell52 Steven O’Keefe54 David Nicholls55 Daniel Bourke56 Liam De Neefe57 Aaron Comerford58 Mark Grigoruk59 Daniel Coloe60 Robert Kemp61 Ryan Michael62 Brady Hogan64 Sean Connell65 William Delahunty66 Samuel Robson67 Adrian Bolzonello68 Matt Mc Cartin69 Jake Capuano70 Adam Checcomancini71 Liam Money72 Paul Symes73 Sam Ayob74 Alexander Montalto75 Dom Carson76 Samuel Chandler1 Simon Bennett (DVC)2 Damian McGuigan3 Steve Romanin3 Blake Hillier4 Daniel Desanctis4 James Kennedy5 Jordan Eade5 Josh Kennedy6 Tristan Beranger (VC)7 Andrew Rogers7 Warren Carlyle (C)8 Jordan Heffernan9 Rob Deev10 Nick Latsis10 Alister Lloyd11 Nick Tsindos (DVC)11 Edward Cramer12 Ken Darby12 Dominic La Fontaine13 Greg Tolson13 Harry Levey14 Jack Ymer14 Josh Kennedy15 Rohan Kapoor16 James Way16 Sam Killworth17 Phil Bennett (DVC)18 Jackson Eade19 Jack Le Cerf19 Tom Byrnes20 Matt Partington21 Luke Smith21 Alex MacKenzie22 Brett Fields23 Simon Bonyhady24 Daniel Toma25 Andrew Hudson26 Andrew Clarke27 Caine Hillier (DVC)28 Alex Lattuada28 Chris Bell29 Jason HinkleyOLD CAMBERWELLCoach: Tim KillworthAssistants: Andrew Tsindos /Fraser Cameron / Terry YmerReserves: Mick BennettAssistant: Alex McKenzie30 Sam Riley32 Scott Needham33 Alex Stewart34 Chris Bell34 Daniel Schmidt35 Matt Dyson36 Steve Derry39 James Robinson39 Jason Hinkley40 James Buckingham41 Teri Miriklis41 Matt Berry42 Jack Duke43 Stephen Warr43 Ben Hart (VC)44 Chris Woodbridge44 Matt Decarne47 Andrew Romanin51 Jason EdwardsTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201237

PEGS FOOTBALL CLUBPREMIER CPEGS FCCoach: Trent CummingsAssistant: Damian ZanicMAZENODCoach: Adrian ConnollyAssistants: Ryan Power/Ben Phibbs/Kevin Chamberlain/Steve StanleyReserves: Scott Azzapardi1 Andrew Frazer2 Ben Hutchesson3 David Forrest4 Daniel Ryan5 Cal Glassford6 Chris Goullet7 Jordan Leask8 James Lenhart9 Lain Genovesi10 Tim Biggs11 Daniel Roscoe12 Matthew Ferraro13 Ryan Jones14 Ryan Edwards15 Jarryd Rogers16 Huw Wilson17 Sean Towner18 Daniel Flaherty19 Jesse Saunders20 Robert Baddeley21 Stuart Dale22 Jake Barrett23 Trent Skurrie23 John Hughes24 Liam Flaherty25 Bradley Jones26 Daniel Cantwell27 Aaron Bell28 Michael Fahey29 Liam Fitzgerald30 David Stewart31 Mark Wilson32 Andrew Palmer33 Cameron Livori34 Dean Podger36 Thomas Wilson37 Chris Tzambazis38 Stefan Galbo39 Kain Twentyman40 Andrew Baddeley41 Jeremy Watson42 Nicholas Bartram43 Jordan Williams44 Blake Anderson45 Daniel Rowland46 Jackson Marr47 John Phillips48 Lachlan Teal49 Jack Clarke50 David Bianchi51 Mark Mitchell52 Ben Wilson53 Matthew Ratcliffe54 Dane Pound55 Brent Glassford56 James Miller57 Chris Armstead58 Dean Basar59 Andrew DeMarco60 Dohn DeMarte61 Roscoe DeMarte62 Daniel Galea63 George Guicas64 Andrew Lukat65 Dane Nankervis66 Tim Sherlock67 Jarryd French68 Ben Briggs69 James Taylor70 Dylan Anderson1 Nicholas Lewton2 Mick Chamberlain3 Dave Hansen4 Tim Bourbon5 Jake Beard6 Rob Mann7 Francis Reed8 Ree Thomas9 Josh Cowan10 Ben Chamberlain11 Cameron Smith12 Paul Iacovangelo13 Ryan Power14 Ben Phibbs15 Ben Castledine16 Nick Thomas17 Tom Chambers18 Byron Bonner19 Sam Jones20 Troy Castricum21 Stuart Inglis22 Gavin Joachim23 Steve Oldman24 Ryan Kaye25 Jace Kelly26 Steve Christopher27 Tom Bailey28 Matt Lewison29 Arron Homes30 John Paul Mailetzis31 Ben Woods32 Jamie Cetraro33 Steve Balloch34 Dave Reagan35 Dan Mc Lean36 Nathan Mc Lean37 Tav Vallance38 Luke Greco39 Luke Broad40 Luke Hawkins41 Lochan Allen42 Cameron Raine43 Jesse Le Rossa44 Bernie Costin45 Dale Micallef46 Adam Bow47 Josh Di Pietro48 Chama Jayaweera49 Chris Bray50 Kerian Kelly51 James Kavanagh52 Pat Johnson53 Luke Castledine54 Sam Sylvester55 Jack Murphy56 Steve Mann57 Dan Mc Cloud58 Dave Maskill59 Anthony Bray60 Jake Little61 Anthony Cavarella62 James Verbyla63 James Hende64 James Chater65 Dale Crotty66 Harsimran Singh67 Jeff Bates68 James Egan69 Scott Castledine70 Jordan Schiano38 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PREMIER CPARKDALE VULTURESCoach: Sam RadfordAssistants: Mitch Grant/Josh RadfordReserves: Kris LittleBANYULECoach: Rick BrockwellAssistant: David WitchellReserve: Trent BaldacAssistant: Jason Plant1 Matthew Boland2 Mitch Grant2 Robert Gallagher3 Liam Platt4 Matthew Hayes5 Michael Graham6 Daniel Price7 Brett Hampton8 Kris Little9 Michael Meyer10 Tim Kight11 Robert Swayn11 Josh O’meara12 Claye Tobin12 Adam Baker13 Matthew Ryan14 Sam L’huillier16 Paul Sullivan17 Mark Kidner18 Stephen Sullivan19 Dean Miller20 Shaun Chapman21 Rick Hayward21 Lucas Thomas22 Daniel Mccarthy23 Tim Boland24 Zeke Mccarthy25 Bryn Richards26 Darren Rochford27 Mitch Todd28 Jesse Balic29 Guy Crilley30 Tom Redmond31 Lachlan Oakley32 Paul Groves33 Sam Kelleher34 Chad Ryan35 David Robbins36 Reid Irvine37 Chris Lacey38 Michael Ellis39 Robert Layton40 Ben Hampton41 Andrew Thompson42 Mark Ferguson43 William Schubert45 Sean Denton47 Keegan Mccarthy48 Ben Darcy49 Robert Meade50 Stephen Edkins52 Daniel Graham54 Robert Heaney55 Craig Radford57 Dale Schober58 Tim Matthews59 Kieran Benton60 Ned Harding61 Jarrod Pearce72 Greg Meier1 Hayden Dillon1r Zan Wenke2 Tim Cusack3 Nick Taylor4 Tom Shepherd5 Ash Brown7 Matt Eifermann RC8 Matthew Holmes9 Michael Christian C10 Andy Edwards11 Kyle Shepard Mueller12 Sean Driscoll13 Ryan Hay14 Jake Truefeldt15 Chris Taylor16 Shaun Mc Kenzie17 Jake Rice17r David Stokes18 Scott Hills19 Ian Stokes20 Dean Shepherd22 Stephen Tindale24 Lewis Melton25 David Gayfer25r Tom Mckinlay26 Ben Herbert27 Trent Cantwell28 Alexs Bottomley29 Shaun O’Callaghan31 Nick Biscontin32 Mark Smith33 Adam Barclay34 Rhett Masters35 Bart Walsh VC36 Beau Parthenides37 Jack Langford38 Jeremy Ryan38r Richard Young39 Andrew Hopgood40 Glenn Thompson41 Luke French42 Michael Sacchetta43 Richard Young44 Jackson Moloney45 Dean Nichols46 Greg Bell47 Josh O’Connor48 Tore Valvo49 Paul Trovato50 Matthew Adamczyk52 Matthew Osbourne60 Simon Tuckman63 Jeremy Brazzale64 Dean O’Callaghan65 Ange Russo66 Jonathan Knape69 Brad CoxTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201239

PREMIER CRUPERTSWOODCoach: Dave BarryAssistant: Brendan SaidReserves: Shane Braddy/Rod WilliamsFITZROYCoach: Michael PickeringAssistants: Mark Murrary/Simon Kelleher/Brett PollardReserves: Bruce Edwards1 Matthew Said2 Jordan Gay3 Mitchell Gaunt4 Michael Morrice5 Joshua Smerdon6 Jordan Matthews7 Brent Swallow8 Leigh Brennan (VC)9 Matthew Quigley10 Matthew Smith11 Jorden Braddy12 Daniel Edward13 Todd Podolczak14 Ben Riley15 Nathan Webb16 Christopher Kendall17 Aaron Smith18 Lachlan Baddeley (C)19 David Morrice20 Mitchell Wilson21 Nick Johnson22 Gary Gardener23 Brandon Webber24 Brad Slater26 Nash Egan27 Nathan Webster29 Ben Brennan (VC)30 Ryan Good31 Tomas Stefaniw32 Mitchell Braddy33 Justin Bell34 Michael Tabone35 Matthew Heywood36 Joshua Shalders37 Joshua Wallace38 Paul Barry39 Luke Smith41 David Bourne42 Alan Mcmahon43 Gary Gardener44 Nicholas Agnello1 Rory Angiolella (C)2 Dan Morgan3 Ross Borland4 Toby Hudson Bevege5 John Clark6 Chris Polidoras7 Jack Beech8 James Meakin9 Pat O’Connor10 Tom Cheshire11 Benjamin Atherton12 Luke Ablett13 Jesse Dimond14 Innes Macphail15 James O’Rielly16 Dan Clark17 Jess Cameron-Wootten18 Josh Vansittart19 Antony Harbor20 Harry Topp21 Michael Lee22 Mitch Mcwhinney23 Sam Baker24 Jack Parkinson25 Michael Cussen26 Jack Dalton27 Chris Wills28 James McGee30 Nathan Jumeau31 Jack Simcoe32 Dom Pound-Palmieri33 Tom Parkinson34 Will Johnson35 Cailean Moore36 Dimitri Kynigopoulos37 Will Fenton38 James Cowan-Clark39 Drew Olarenshaw40 Chris Wallace41 Matt Brown43 Mathew Coad44 Jake Fraser45 Nick Marshall46 Scott Cations47 Tom Dlabik48 Cheyne Evans49 Oliver Stoltz50 George Warton51 Max Ellis52 Tom Biscaro53 Max Allen55 Ryan Ewing60 Cameron Ball62 Greg Hesse65 Matt Kyroussis85 Will PickeringSPONSORSReds FoundationFitzroy Victoria Bowls ClubNABDegani Bakery CafeHarrington Earl Real Estate40 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

CLUB WAREHOUSERISING STAR 2012LACHLAN FERGUSON - COLLEGIANSLachlan is a product of Wesley College and was a standoutplayer in their 2010 APS premiership side. Throughout 2010 hewas given a number of opportunities at Collegians when schoolcommitments allowed and played some very good football in thesenior side. In fact he was very close to being selected in the 2010A Grade Grand Final side.In 2011 he carried on his good work and despite a hip problembecame a very dangerous half forward capable of winning a gameoff his own boot. He played in the 2011 Premiership side and wasone of the best on ground with three great goals. A hip operationover summer saw a delayed start to the season, but early formwarranted Senior Big V selection for the game against AFL NSWwhere he won the coveted spirit of the Big V award. He followedthat up with selection in the Vic Under 23 side and but for injurywould have been selected in the Vic Under 19 side.He is on track to play an integral part in Collegians 2012 defenceof the Premier Section Premiership. All at Collegians congratulateLachie on his nomination.<strong>VAFA</strong> ELASTOPLASTTRAINER OF THE WEEKKALI POWELL - ST JOHNS* to be eligible for the club WarehouseRising Star, a player must be born noearlier than 1991 and playing his firstfull season of senior football.Kali Powell recently turned 21, and juggles her sportstrainers role with a part time job at Woolworth’s andfull time study for a double degree in health and arts.Her successful efforts in doing this are applauded andsupported by the St Johns Old Collegians <strong>Football</strong>Club.Kali is now in her third year as a sports trainer with theSt John›s and in 2012 has stepped up and taken onthe role as senior trainer.Kali can be found at the club at all mid-week trainingsessions where she actively guides the players onfitness, prevention and rehab and supports the juniortrainers sharing her experience with them.On game day, Kali works with the reserves andseniors ensuring they receive the best possible pregame,match and postgame sports training care.Kali also helps out whenrequired providing thesame professional careon game days (Sundays)to the St John›s women›sVWFL team.Kali has certainly matured as a trainer and iscontinually looking at ways to improve her own skillsand capabilities as well as the sport trainers facilitiesand program›s at St Johns Old Collegians <strong>Football</strong>club.Well done Kali, keep up the great work.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201241

Geoff ReilleyRETRO12 MONTHS AGO – 2011It was a critical game in Division 2 between Elthamand La Trobe Uni with a place in the top four atstake. Eltham were great in the first quarter witha three-goal lead but it had been cut back by oneat half time. Eltham worked very hard but couldnot shake off the ‘Trobers’ in the third and finalterms but Eltham had enough in reserve to runout winners 15.12 to 13.10. Best – Foo, Hargrave,Bellofiore (3), McDowell, Ogilvie, Daly (Eltham)and McMaster, McMeel (5), Dornauf, McCormack,Harding, Russell (La Trobe).UHS-VU were too strong for Power House inDivision 3 and won 11.11 to 6.13. Best – Higgs,Temming, St John, Webster (3), Gorringe, Pearce(UHS) and Leske, Johnson, Moresi, Baker, Edwards(4), Tubridy (Power House).Eley Park Sharks looked to have their positionin the top four secure with a strong win overPoint Cook 22.25 to 14.12. After quarter time itwas a no contest as the Sharks kicked 18 goalsto 11. Best – McCabe, David, Lindsay, Marsiglio,Thomas, Cresswell (EP) and Cox, Phillips, Cassidy,Auciello, Furr, Wilson (PC).Goal Umpire Clive Shipley achieved 300 gamesand maintained his fitness by bicycling to mostof his games.5 YEARS AGO – 2007In A Section, Old Brighton’s defeat at the hands ofUni Blues, 12.10 to 14.15, made their position atthe top of the ladder a little shaky. On the otherhand, Uni Blues were now within striking distanceof the top four. The Blues led throughout thematch. Best – Knowles, De Crespigny (7), Millard,Solley, McKinnon, McConnell (Blues) and Dawes(4), Pirrie (5), Ainley, Hughes, Anthony, Gadsden(OB).In B Section Marcellin broke their losingsequence with a thrilling victory over St Kevins,13.5 to 11.15. St Kevins came storming home butwere extremely disappointed given the amountof scoring shots they had. Best – Symes, Carlson,Cullinan (5), McLaren, Spence, Pesavento (Marc)and Mahoney, McCann, Mount, Morrison, Bishop.Aughton (SKOBS).Ben Klein played his 150 th for AJAX and wasknown for his determination, commitment andenthusiasm. Jeremy La Ragy also played his 150 thfor De La Salle and was known for his ability torun and kick long.Ben Robertson (Mazenod in C Section) wasacknowledged as the Coach of the Month andChris Mouritz (St Bedes Mentone Tigers) wasannounced as the Club Warehouse Rising StarNomination.10 YEARS AGO – 2002In C Section Whitefriars Old Collegians trouncedOld Mentonians 25.19 to 9.7 and boosted theirpercentage, an important factor in their holdingof second place. An eleven goal first quarter bythe Friars was an imposing display. Best – R Pawlik,Janson, C Carrigg (8), Kennedy (3), Carbone,Wood (Whitefriars) and Dart, Kitto, McCloskey,Ballantine, Palmer, Worrell (Old Mentonians).Mentone <strong>Amateur</strong>s made certain of clearingrelegation when they scored a great win overladder leaders St Leos Emmaus 10.10 to 8.13.It was a wake up call for St Leos. Best – Tully,Gallagher, Meyer, Johnston, Gurtler, Sullivan(Mentone) and McCann, Bruce, Zalakos,Donovan, Hodder, Tribe (StLeos).D Section senior coaches were Phil Davis (AJAX),Steve Box (Aquinas), Doug Searle (BulleenTemplestowe), Brad Hall (Ivanhoe/Assumption),Tony Macgeorge (Mentone amateurs), TimPowell (Monash Blues), Simon Bones (OldGeelong), Darren Turner (St Leos Emmaus), PaulO’Shannassy (Uni Blacks) and Darren Caddy(Williamstown CYMS).20 YEARS AGO – 1992In A Section North Old Boys handed out atrouncing to top team Collegians 14.15 to7.12 but would not be able to make the topfour whilst Collegians could not lose top spot.42 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

NOBS’ opening quarter of 4.12 to 0.1 said it alland by half time were leading 8.12 to 1.5. WereCollegians just taking a rest before the finals intwo weeks time? I think not! Best – Egan, O’Farrell,Boyle (6), Brasil, Curran, Abrahams (NOBS) andWarner, Parkin, Dansey, Bennett, Schober, Hoyle(Collegians).In B Section it was a terrific match between twocertain finalists, Old Brighton and Old Trinity. Itwent down to the wire with Brighton winning15.18 to 14.21 and it was the Tonners’ 7.6 in thefirst quarter with the wind that gave them theedge. Trinity were a bit unlucky and their 5.10in the last quarter eventually cost them thepoints. Best – Brook, Hamilton, Barber, Talbot(4), Lennox, Pollock (OB) and Beardsley, Hedley,Allibon, Hopkins, Dunn, Hatfield (OT).30 YEARS AGO – 1982Ormond defeated Collegians 17.13 to 6.12 in ASection to take Uni Blues’ fourth place, the Blueshaving failed against top team North Old Boys.Collegians almost kept pace with Ormond in thefirst half but The Monds were power plus in thesecond half. Best – Ritchie, Russell (3), Morris, PMehrten, McDonald, McCooke (Ormond) andMellor, Rice, Hibbins, Cook, G Parsons, S Hinchen(Collegians).Alphington protected their place in B Section for1983 with a great win over Old Paradians 14.16to 12.13. Alphington trailed Paradians for mostof the day and kicked 5 goals to 1 in the finalterm to take the points. Best – Vallance, Bradley,Coleman, Harrison, King (4), Carlos (Alphington)and Busch (4), Natoli, Canavan, Considine, Grills,Luby (Paradians).As usual it was tough to beat a report atthe Tribunal with no less than 19 out of 22reported incidents found guilty and 66 weeksof suspensions. A number of the suspensionsresulted in players missing finals’ games in theweeks ahead.40 YEARS AGO – 1972State Savings Bank and ANZ Bank staged a closegame in E Section with the scores tied at threequarter time. In a great last quarter, the StateTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012Bank’s boys held on to win 15.16 to 15.11 andalso held on to the double chance position. Best– Brennan, Evans, Cameron (3), Hodgkin, McGill,Inglis (SSB) and C Bourke, Thompson, King,Dancer (4), Debelak, Kelly (ANZ).Old Camberwell remained undefeated in FSection with a resounding win over La Trobe Reds16.14 to 6.11. Best – Burt, Mullett, Waterworth,Williams, Tucker, R Hansen (OC) and Bishop, DCowling, Paciocco, Ross, Rowe, Nash (LaT).David Berry played his 200 th game for Ivanhoe andcontinued to be one of his Club’s most dedicatedplayers who always inspired his teammates. IanCameron, Ormond’s captain, played his 150 thgame and in addition to representing the Statehad been an outstanding leader at his club.50 YEARS AGO – 1962Ormond saved themselves from relegation bydefeating second placed Collegians 7.8 to 3.14.Finalists for the season were – A Section -Old Paradians, Collegians, Old Melburnians,MHSOB. B Section – Old Xaverians, Alphington,Old Scotch, Coburg. C Section – Kew, St KildaCBC, West Brunswick, Caulfield Grammarians.D Section – Old Carey, Fairfield, Malvern OldBrighton. E Section – Old Haileybury, CollegiansGold, Old Camberwell, Monash Uni.60 YEARS AGO - 1952Alan Shiel played his 100 th game forCommonwealth Bank.Finalists were A Section – Ormond, OldMelburnians, Uni Blues, Commonwealth Bank. BSection – Ivanhoe, State Savings Bank, MHSOB,Geelong. C Section – Coburg, Power House,East Malvern, Elsternwick. D Section – CaulfieldGrammarians, St Kevins Old Boys, Footscray Tech,Caulfield. Juniors – Ormond, Ivanhoe, Old Scotch,Balwyn.43

PLAYER CLUB LR TOTALSHARPSHOOTERSPLAYER CLUB LR TOTAL2012 PremierAndrew Ramsden Old Trinity 0 53Damien Yze Old Carey 1 51SamPickett De La Salle 1 43Matthew Handley Old Xaverians 0 38Shaun Glennen St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 2 372012 Premier ReserveJulian Hampton Collegians 1 30Christopher Larkins Old Xaverians 0 30Nicolas Fyfield De La Salle 3 28Sam Cutts Collegians 0 22Michael Hannan Old Xaverians 0 22Billy Riddle Collegians 2 222012 Premier ThirdsSam Morwood De La Salle 0 29Brett Scott Caulfield Gramm 0 27Patrick Timms Collegians 2 24Andrew Walsh University Blues 0 24Charlie Houghton Old Scotch 0 21Michael Hennessy Old Xaverians 0 212012 Premier BDavid Fayman AJAX 4 50Henry Parkes St Kevins 1 49Jake Lew AJAX 7 42Lachlan Bennett Old Melburnians 0 41Philip Edgar St Kevins 0 392012 Premier B ReserveBrendan Blatt Old Brighton 0 33Timothy Pritchard Beaumaris 1 31Sebastian Kemmerer Old Melburnians 1 30James Bismire University Blacks 0 25Matthew Shannon St Kevins 0 242012 Premier B ThirdsLachlan McRedmond Northern Blues 0 31Thomas Crookes St Kevins 0 29Cameron Tunbridge Old Melburnians 4 29Daniel Anthony Old Brighton 0 22James Sest Old Brighton 1 202012 Premier CAdam Barclay Banyule 5 68Darren Rochford Parkdale Vultures 6 52Leigh Brennan Rupertswood 1 52Jack Duke Old Camberwell 1 49Chamath Jayaweera Mazenod 3 452012 Premier C ReserveCaine Hillier Old Camberwell 4 51Daniel Fraser Marcellin 6 48Jacob Beard Mazenod 1 42Steven Mann Mazenod 0 25Dean Podger PEGS 2 232012 Premier C ThirdsSam Ayoub Marcellin 3 48Shelley Fulton Fitzroy 1 43Stefan Davis Mazenod 0 37Brett Cottrell Old Camberwell 0 34Daniel Kerr St Kevins 2 332012 Division 1Shaun Payze Peninsula 1 55Josh Vanderloo Williamstown CYMS 4 51Callum Wood Old Geelong 1 46Todd Patterson NOBs/St Pats 5 45Matthew Keown NOBs/St Pats 0 35Gareth Snow Old Mentonians 0 352012 Division 1 ReserveJake Archdeacon Peninsula 1 47William Harris Old Geelong 0 37Bilal Zeitoune Old Mentonians 1 37James Coghlan Peninsula 0 33Jack Singleton Ormond 0 2544 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

PLAYER CLUB LR TOTAL2012 Division 2Adam Sleight Prahran Assump 0 64Sabastian Ciavola Old Eltham Collegians 0 64Stuart Patten La Trobe University 0 44Jack McMeel La Trobe University 1 42Matthew Costello Therry Penola 0 422012 Division 2 ReserveRick Ellis Prahran Assump 3 35Luke Giansiracusa Prahran Assump 4 27Richard Hummerston Monash Gryphons 1 26Timothy Mawdsley La Trobe University 0 24David Florance Bulleen Temp 0 222012 Division 3Ashleigh Close Ivanhoe 0 100Aaron Thornton Elsternwick 2 69Andrew Brazzale Kew 0 62Justin Hunter Elsternwick 3 55Sebastian Angus Richmond Central 0 52Rhys Kirk UHS-VU 3 522012 Division 3 ReserveBenjamin Seeger Yarra Valley 3 80Mitchell Sweeney UHS-VU 0 70Marc Brazzale Ivanhoe 0 48Jesse Seven Albert Park 2 352012 Division 4Jesse Albrecht South Mornington 1 78Scott McPherson Man’ham Cobras 0 57Daniel Penny Box Hill North 1 55Patrick Notaro North Brunswick 0 48David Viola Eley Park Sharks 3 482012 Division 4 ReserveThomas Kennedy Swinburne Uni 0 72Adam Farrugia Eley Park Sharks 2 53Drew Crawford Eley Park Sharks 3 48Rhys McConville-Brain South Mornington 0 44Kyle Debernardi South Mornington 8 342012 Under 19 PremierCharlie Haley De La Salle 0 61Steven Berengo Old Xaverians 2 59Robert Ralph Old Xaverians 4 47David Wall St Bernards 3 45Jack Fenner St Bernards 1 39THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012PLAYER CLUB LR TOTAL2012 U19 Section 2Matthew Mitchell Old Haileybury 1 62Michael Tregear Old Brighton 2 56Lachlan Nankervis St Kevins 7 45Jaxon Cooke Werribee Districts 1 33James Hollaway Marcellin 0 322012 U19 Section 3Sam Hibbins Collegians 0 54Louis Greco Mazenod 0 41Jake Powell Northern Blues 0 39Harry Healey Old Xaverians 0 33James Howells Old Camberwell 0 322012 U19 NorthJai Swainger Ivanhoe 0 55Karey Taylor Old Geelong 2 54Darrell Blake Therry Penola 2 41Thomas Williams La Trobe University 0 31Shae Tatlock Therry Penola 1 242012 U19 SouthJordan Young St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 0 58Lewis Emmerson Parkdale Vultures 4 41Christopher Wheeler Monash Blues 0 41Christopher Welch Parkdale Vultures 5 40Braden Churcher Peninsula 0 362012 - Under 18Dane Thomas Werribee Districts 0 59Aaron Cloke Oakleigh 0 48TomRussell St Bernards 1 38Louis Holmes St Mary’s Salesian 2 27Harrison King Werribee Districts 0 262012 Club XVIII (1)James McDonnell Old Xaverians 0 82Hamish Christie NOBS/ St Pats 0 56Theodore Code Old Melburnians 0 40Craig Berger Prahran Assump 0 40Tom Kovarik De La Salle 0 362012 Club XVIII (2)Raymond Steer Therry Penola 0 90Timothy Bayles Old Geelong 0 72George Dellaportas Hawthorn 0 44Timothy Demetriou Hawthorn 0 42Scott D’Arcy Richmond Cardinals 0 2545

UNDER 19Andrew LeonardJust a week of football left for 20 teams this week and it has been a season of wet weather footy. Theweather didn’t stop the cream rising to the top in the team of the year in each section though.So with the help of some clubs and observers from your games here are attempts at the team of theyear in each section.PremierFitzroy had a great 17 point win over Beaumaris to win their second game of the year. Old Melburniansdefeated Old Scotch by 14 points at Camberwell Sports Ground. St Bernards defeated top side DeLa Salle by 20 points in a great tribute to Harry Overman. The Snowdogs could cause some seriousdamage in September with many U19 players available after the seniors finish up their year. St Bedes/Mentone Tigers had a thumping 82 point win over Uni Blacks with James Dalzotto kicking 6 in thewin. Old Xaverians won by 70 points over Uni Blues with Rob Ralph booting another four goals forthe red and blacks.Team of the year:B C Long (Old Scotch) D Convery (De La Salle) D Pactas (Fitzroy)HB S Peacock (Old Melburnians) B McLean (Beaumaris) S Bell (Uni Blacks)C S Carr (Uni Blues) C O’Bierne (Old Scotch) A Murray (Old Melburnians)HF R Ralph (Old Xavs) S Berengo (Old Xavs) M Williams (Beaumaris)F C Haley (De La Salle) D Wall (St Bernards) P Johnson (De La Salle)R P Fergusson (Uni Blues) A Cross (SB/MT) H Haley (De La Salle)I J Terrell (De La Salle) T Sharp (Uni Blacks) J Gay (St Bernards)J O’Kearney (SB/MT)Section 2Results went as predicted for the weekend as Old Haileybury thrashed Old Carey by 54 points and StKevin’s were 172 points better than Marcellin with Lach Nankervis kicking seven and Jordan Cellinikicked six. Old Brighton shaded Werribee by three goals and Caulfield trounced Old Trinity by 92points.Team of the yearB J Alkemade (Old Haileybury) J Weber (St Kevins) T Bastiaan (Marcellin)HB L Healy (O Brighton) D Vernay (Old Brighton) J Paul (St Kevins)C J Bettello (Marcellin) L Pinot (Old Haileybury) N Hellyer (Old Brighton)HF J Cellini (St Kevins) M Evans (Old Carey) E Satur (Old Trinity)F J Cooke (Werribee Districts) M Mitchell (Old Haileybury) M Tregear (Old Brighton)R J Taylor (Werribee Districts) K Stewart (Caulfield) M Eva (St Kevins)I M Turner (Werribee Districts) T Mitchell (Old Trinity) T Butler (Caulfield)J Seppi (Old Carey)46 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

Section 3Old Xaverians beat Ormond by 67 at home, as did Collegians overSt Bernards with exactly the same scoreline. Both scores were 9.18to 2.13 – incredible stuff! Northern Blues defeated PEGS by 12 goalsand Mazenod held out Old Camberwell by 22 points.Team of the yearB N Karikas (PEGS) J Kellly (Mazenod) M Feehan (St Bernards)HB D Riazah-Kesheh (Ormond) P Dempsey (Northern Blues) H Pool (Collegians)C D Marcon (Northern Blues) L Apted (Collegians) T Hughes (Northern Blues)HF T Schipper (O Camberwell) S Hibbins (Collegians) A Olson (Ormond)F J Notaro (St Bernards) L Greco (Mazenod) J Powell (Northern Blues)R N Blackney (Collegians) J King (Northern Blues) J Himat (O Camberwell)I S McCann (PEGS) J Davis (Mazenod) M Vlahos (Old Xavs)N Jook (Mazenod)NorthOld Geelong beat La Trobe Uni by four goals although half of the margin was actuall 12 behinds.Therry Penola won away at MHSOB by 28 points. Williamstown CYMS defeated Ivanhoe at IvanhoePark by 15 points to make things interesting for the finals in two weeks.Team of the year:B W Cuthbert (Ivanhoe) A Purtell (Ivanhoe) S Calafiore (Therry Penola)HB N Holdsworth (Williamstown CYMS) R Kemp (Old Geelong) L Ferris (MHSOB)C R de Crespigny (Old Geelong) Z Mowat (Ivanhoe) C Robinson (Ivanhoe)HF A de Fegely (Old Geelong) J Swainger (Ivanhoe) J Hickey (La Trobe Uni)F T Williams (La Trobe Uni) K Taylor (Old Geelong) H Rowe (Therry Penola)R D Ploughman (Ivanhoe) D Blake (Therry Penola) H Byrne (Old Geelong)I B Egglestone (Therry Penola) D Ryan (La Trobe Uni) L Fraser (La Trobe Uni)S Hayes (MHSOB)SouthParkdale Vultures kicked 25 goals on the way to a 144 point win over Hampton Rovers, ChrisWelch and Charlie Dillon both slotting five. St Bedes/Mentone Tigers won by 98 points againstBeaumaris and Peninsula won comfortably at St Mary’s Salesian by 63 points. De La Salle also woncomfortably at Monash Blues with Kobi Wallis kicking five in the 92 point win.Team of the year:B J Townley (SB/MT) O Fitzpatrick (Monash Blues) L Brennan (Beaumaris)HB S Chitty(Parkdale) M Harvey (De La Salle) T Schaule (De La Salle)C S Hendricks (Parkdale) M Pennachia (De La Salle) M O’Connor (SB/MT)HF S Glenn (Peninsula) H Brodie (Peninsula) J Kovarik (Parkdale)F N Alexopoulos (St Mary’s Salesian) J Young (SB/MT) C Wheeler (Monash Blues)R T Fenwick (Parkdale) D Spicer (De La Salle) J Massey (Hampton Rovers)I J Pollard (SB/MT) D Tanner (SB/MT) J Dillon (Hampton Rovers)D Cropley (St Mary’s Salesian)THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201247

UNDER 19RESULTSUnder 19 PremierFitzroy 3.4 4.6 5.8 7.8 (50)Beaumaris 0.3 3.9 3.14 3.15 (33)GOALS Fitzroy: J. Ford 2 J. Tennant 1 L. Allen 1 C. Doherty 1 D. Patcas 1 E. Gibbons 1Beaumaris: S. Bennett 1 A. Smout 1 M. Howes 1BEST Fitzroy: D. Patcas E. Gibbons N. Gibbons A. Fry D. Leech E. BryanBeaumaris: L. Coghlan R. Bolger M. Howes A. Smout T. Perkin L. BourneOld Melburnians 0.3 3.5 5.9 7.13 (55)Old Scotch 0.5 3.7 4.8 5.11 (41)GOALS Old Melburnians: A. Coleridge 2 H. Michelmore 1 N. McLardy 1 T. Spargo 1 N.Churkovich 1 J. De Fegley 1Old Scotch: E. Furey 2 W. Carroll 1 W. Hamer 1 T. Bate 1BEST Old Melburnians: E. Fanning S. Peack H. Michelmore A. Coleridge C. Kellett N.ChurkovichOld Scotch: W. Hamer M. Johnston A. Reilly C. McDonough C. O’Beirne E. WalmsleyOld Xaverians 4.2 6.5 8.7 14.10 (94)University Blues 1.1 3.1 3.3 3.6 (24)GOALS Old Xaverians: R. Ralph 4 S. Berengo 2 M. Margin 2 L. Denton 1 D. Cotchett 1E. Doolan 1 H. Batten 1 T. Williams 1 L. Pirrie 1University Blues: P. Gardiner 2 A. Johnstone 1BEST Old Xaverians: J. Close J. Anderson J. Smarrelli L. Denton E. Doolan R. RalphUniversity Blues: P. Gardiner C. Jackson B. Watson J. Coumans P. Ferguson J. TurnerSt Bernards 1.0 6.4 7.5 8.6 (54)De La Salle 3.2 3.2 4.4 4.10 (34)GOALS St Bernards: D. Wall 3 J. Solomon 2 J. Fenner 1 M. Sulzberger 1J. Goldsworthy 1De La Salle: L. Barda 2 H. Haley 2BEST St Bernards: J. Van Meel J. Fraser T. Black C. Peart J. Solomon J. GoldsworthyDe La Salle: H. Haley L. Barda T. Richardson C. Athanassiou S. Gotch M. HamiltonSt Bedes / Mentone Tigers 2.2 10.4 12.5 14.9 (93)University Blacks 0.3 0.3 1.5 1.5 (11)GOALS St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: J. Dalzotto 6 A. Cross 2 P. Hurst 2 B. Nicoll 1 C.Byrnes 1 J. O’Kearney 1 H. Jeans 1University Blacks: J. Bunge 1BEST St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: A. Cross T. McMahon J. Vawdrey P. Hurst A. MartinJ. DalzottoUniversity Blacks: J. Lawrence P. Harrod S. Aldous D. Kuyucak H. Ukich S. PattinsonU19 Section 2Old Haileybury 5.2 7.4 9.9 10.15 (75)Old Carey 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.9 (21)GOALS Old Haileybury: M. Shill 4 N. Leonidas 1 S. Kenworthy 1 S. Nicholls 1 M.Mitchell 1 J. Reid 1 D. Secatore 1Old Carey: S. Wilson 1 N. Morris 1BEST Old Haileybury: M. Shill J. Toy J. Paul B. Traeger-Haig J. Fisscher J. LynchOld Carey: A. Richardson T. Wooldridge C. Wood O. Greenberg F. Cator H. MaxwellCaulfield Grammarians 5.2 6.2 13.2 15.12 (102)Old Trinity 0.0 0.3 1.4 1.4 (10)GOALS Caulfield Grammarians: N. Tonkin 4 F. Cooper 3 K. Stewart 2 D. Gray 1 J.Steiger 1 W. Peart 1 C. Logan 1 T. Stewart 1 D. Simic 1Old Trinity: O. Fairweather 1BEST Caulfield Grammarians: N. Tonkin F. Cooper H. Scully S. Hood W. Peart C. LoganOld Trinity: E. Satur J. Taylor C. Rae J. Gilfillan O. Fairweather T. GaleOld Brighton 0.1 2.7 3.8 5.10 (40)Werribee Districts 1.2 1.4 1.4 3.4 (22)GOALS Old Brighton: M. Tregear 2 H. Graham 1 N. Hellyer 1 N. Paine 1Werribee Districts: J. Humphreys 1 B. Leonard 1 J. Cooke 1BEST Old Brighton: M. Bade S. Baker H. Carlson N. Hellyer W. Johnston R. NaughtonWerribee Districts: D. Delaney D. Briscoe N. Arias E. Turner M. El Hawli A. ImberSt Kevins 5.2 13.6 19.10 28.14 (182)Marcellin 0.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 (10)GOALS St Kevins: L. Nankervis 7 J. Cellini 6 L. Ritchie 2 N. Bond 2 M. Roberts 2A. Hannan 2 F. Keely 2 M. Manning 2 T. Soultanakis 1 J. Gambaro 1 C. Holland 1Marcellin: J. Iezzi 1BEST St Kevins: J. Cellini M. Eva A. Kirwan N. Ciurleo J. Paull L. NankervisMarcellin: J. Stone J. Bettello T. Bastiaan J. Iezzi R. Woodward P. LacarrubaU19 Section 3OLD XAVERIANS v. ORMONDOld Xaverians won by forfeit.COLLEGIANS v. ST BERNARDSCollegians won by forfeit.Northern Blues 4.3 5.4 7.5 14.9 (93)PEGS 0.2 0.6 2.8 2.9 (21)GOALS Northern Blues: M. Hammoud 3 J. Sims 2 D. Marcon 2 M. Cigagna 2 P.Sansonetti 1 M. Langley 1 L. Carter 1 M. Matters 1 E. Maloney 1PEGS: L. Sutawan 1 M. Nola 1BEST Northern Blues: M. Cottier L. Holmes S. Dalton L. Carter P. Dempsey J. HullPEGS: D. Perera C. Caminiti H. Braden K. Casey M. Semini S. TibbitsMazenod 1.5 4.11 4.14 5.21 (51)Old Camberwell 0.7 2.7 2.11 3.11 (29)GOALS Mazenod: J. Malietzis 2 L. Ferguson 2 L. Mann 1Old Camberwell: D. Bradley 2 M. Le 1BEST Mazenod: L. Mann J. Malietzis J. Davis A. Bortoli P. Flanagan J. VerbylaOld Camberwell: O. Lloyd T. Schipper M. De Petro C. McLaughlin T. Stayner N.AdamsonU19 NorthOld Geelong 1.2 4.9 4.13 6.20 (56)La Trobe University 3.3 3.3 4.6 4.8 (32)GOALS Old Geelong: K. Taylor 2 R. Kemp 1 J. Grimshaw 1 W. Sloss 1 R. de Crespigny 1La Trobe University: M. Gleeson 3 J. Hickey 1BEST Old Geelong: B. Yeo W. Sloss S. Hughes W. Holmes B. Keys R. ValeLa Trobe University: J. Hickey J. Jukes N. Stephens E. McKenzie D. MooreTherry Penola 1.5 3.8 5.10 8.16 (64)MHSOB 0.2 1.3 3.5 5.6 (36)GOALS Therry Penola: M. Beckman 2 D. Blake 2 M. Jacobson 1 B. Egglestone 1 E.Daley 1 S. Tatlk 1MHSOB: P. Melilli 3 S. Hayes 1 M. Dogliotti 1BEST Therry Penola: J. Curran w. McIntosh S. Tatlk D. Blake B. Egglestone S. ReesMHSOB: L. Ferris B. Cook S. Hayes P. Melilli Z. Smooker S. ShearerWilliamstown CYMS 2.2 3.4 6.5 7.6 (48)Ivanhoe 0.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 (33)GOALS Williamstown CYMS: R. Joy 5 M. Dumbleton 1 B. Callan 1Ivanhoe: A. Purtell 1 J. Brown 1 Z. Mowat 1 J. Nott 1 D. Craig-Darrh 1BEST Williamstown CYMS: R. Slaney C. Matheson M. Singleton Y. Hemphill M. MorrisN. HoldsworthIvanhoe: S. Bettiol S. Gleeson W. Cuthbert B. Grigg J. Brown S. NixU19 SouthParkdale Vultures 7.0 11.6 16.8 25.10 (160)Hampton Rovers 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.4 (16)GOALS Parkdale Vultures: C. Dillon 5 C. Welch 5 L. Emmerson 4 J. Crowley 3 D.Glascott 2 D. Ballard 2 J. Dunstan 1 C. Stielow 1 T. Fenwick 1 M. Nixon 1Hampton Rovers: not providedBEST Parkdale Vultures: D. Ballard M. Dickie C. Dillon C. Welch J. Crowley D. GlasscottHampton Rovers: not providedSt Bedes / Mentone Tigers 5.4 8.4 11.10 16.11 (107)Beaumaris 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 (9)GOALS St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: S. Lay 4 M. Hampton 4 P. Goodman 1 P. Nixon 1 D.Tanner 1 J. Popaz 1 G. Gatluak 1 B. Edmunds 1 C. Young 1 J. Pollard 1Beaumaris: G. Pearson 1BEST St Bedes / Mentone Tigers: D. Tanner M. Hampton J. Bichsel J. Townley W.Lawrence M. PowellBeaumaris: A. Dickinson B. Spencer S. Montfront M. Hardeman L. Brennan N. VorichDe La Salle 3.4 8.12 9.14 16.18 (114)Monash Blues 0.1 0.3 0.10 2.10 (22)GOALS De La Salle: K. Wallis 5 D. Grant 2 N. Lowrie 2 M. Hogan 2 X. Leonard 1 M.Mullaly 1 P. Hatch 1 J. Cox 1 C. Panna 1Monash Blues: H. Melville 1 S. Perera 1BEST De La Salle: K. Wallis S. Harrington A. Wheatley B. Cranage J. Cox M. HoganMonash Blues: R. Mitchell T. Ruddell B. Tilley H. Melville M. Woodhouse O. FitzpatrickPeninsula 5.3 7.8 12.12 17.14 (116)St Mary’s Salesian 1.2 4.7 4.7 7.11 (53)GOALS Peninsula: H. Brodie 5 C. Macaulay 4 J. Gleeson 4 A. Hhegger 3 J. Owens 1St Mary’s Salesian: K. Duerden 2 C. McInnes 1 F. Ravida 1 D. Cropley 1 M. Op’t Hoog1 A. De Vries 1BEST Peninsula: C. Macaulay H. Featherby H. Brodie J. Gleeson S. Glenn M. BeggsSt Mary’s Salesian: J. Kenyon N. Ludwig M. Op’t Hoog D. Cropley S. Shaw F. Tremaine48 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

St BernardsCoach: Peter WoodAssistant: Adrian Peart1 Lachy Allison2 James Bennie3 Simon Caven4 Charlie Connelly5 Wil Considine6 Brad Cooper7 Matt Feehan8 Jack Fenner9 Sam Firth10 Jack Fraser11 Jack Gay12 Jarrod Gill13 Andrew Graham14 Andrew Grosso15 Mitch Hannan16 Lachlan Herriman17 Michael Hughes18 Alex Johnson19 Sam Jones20 Nathan Kazuro21 Peter Lenoury22 Pat Macdonough23 Aiden O’Connor24 Keiran O’Connor25 Harry Overman26 Matt Peart27 Chris Peart28 Daniel Riley29 Jack Saundry30 Jacob Shine31 Luke Sullivan32 Michael Sulzberger33 Daniel Thompson34 Jake Van Meel35 David Wall36 James Weir37 Sam WoodDe La Salle BlueCoach: Michael BrownAssistants: Simon Brown/Peter Harte1 Jayden Duhau2 Charlie Haley4 Sam Brooks5 Charlie Athanassiou6 Pat O’Connell7 Michael Stizza8 Harry Haley9 Josh Fisher10 Ben Forrest11 Luke Barda12 Todd Richardson13 Adrian Indovino14 Sefton McGraw15 Hugh Nicholson16 Brad Wilson17 David Convery18 Liam Wood19 Jack Gava20 Sam Harrington21 Paul Johnston22 Matt Hamilton23 Sebastian Gotch24 Jordan Bull25 Jason Terrell27 Jamie Smith28 Oliver Purton - Smith29 Dan Millwood34 Joel Mattiske43 Todd Richardson45 Hamish Ramsey47 Oscar Persson48 James HowardU19 – PREMIERBeaumarisCoach: Luke BullerAssistants: Rob Wilson/Chris Cockburn1 James Hooper2 Tom Perkins3 Tom McManamy3 Jackson Miller4 Anthony Goss5 Alex Smout6 Alex Shulman7 Sam Bennett8 Josh Ward9 Chris Smout10 Luke Edmondson11 Scott Braithwaite12 Kurt Mocika14 Nathan Heaton16 Jak Jowett17 Drew Kelly18 Matthew Zagni19 Harrison Bennett20 Douglas Ballard21 Jackson Leigh22 Lachlan Boyd23 Byron Hughes24 Lucas Bourne25 Tom Gandy26 Kyle McDonagh27 Ben McLean28 Adam Tanzimat29 Jordan Thompson30 Callum Griffi ths31 Sam Holland-Burch32 Joel DiNatale32 Liam Brennan33 Jarryd Pemberton34 Chris Tilbey36 Mark Ramanathan36 Cal Gillespie38 Nick Vorich40 Matt Hopkins41 James Morley43 Jake Bloomer44 Scott Sheldrick45 Jack Graham46 Lachlan McKenzie47 Greg Pearson48 Gus Finney51 Ben Gray53 Andrew Dickinson54 Cleary55 Matt Hardeman58 Stuart Montfort59 Ben Spencer61 Filip Zalega64 Jayden Rayner66 Evan GeorgopoulosOld ScotchCoach: Matthew ParisiAssistants: Dan Parisi/Ed Hill/TristanFoenander/Peter Hodges/Sam Muttdon1 Jordan Clarke (CC)2 Will Carroll3 Matthew Foskey4 Andrew Hummerston5 Conor O’Beirne6 Jack Hurley7 Callum McDonough (CC)8 Angus Greenaway9 Nicholas Reddish10 Ed Moroney11 Tom Holding12 David Carey13 Alex Reilly14 Henry Thomas15 Harrison Casey16 Charlie Long17 Ben Davey18 Ed Dalton19 Charlie Steel20 Lachie Seed21 Gregor Knight22 Charlie Perry23 Alisdair Reeves24 Charlie Fay25 Ned Walmsley26 Tim Bate27 Tom Druitt28 Fred Launder29 Chris Watts30 Lachlan Smyth31 Will Hamer32 Nicholas Santini35 Jake Clemm36 William Hewson40 Sam Neil43 Ed Furey44 Michael Johnston47 Gene van den BroekFitzroyCoach: Darren Handley1 Diarmuid Cooney-O’Donoghue2 Jack Tennant3 Jack Iacono4 Raph Lloyd5 Aiden Fry6 Murray White8 Chris Doherty9 Eddie Gibbons10 Edward Bryan11 Josh Sawyer12 Jack Ford13 James Steinfort14 Alex Lawrence15 Lochie Allen16 Dougall McAllister17 Kai Menzies18 Daniel Lindsay19 Harrison Simcoe20 Dylan Pactas21 Nic Gibbons22 Nathan Lingris24 Dylan Leech25 Lachlan Power26 Dean Turnley27 Ethan Gardiner29 Dieter Tieman30 Aiden Tregillis31 Ben McGregor32 Alex Taylor34 Tom Harris42 Jarrod Schlitz54 Eamonn ScottSPONSORSReds FoundationFitzroy Victoria Bowls ClubNABDegani Bakery CafeHarrington Earl Real EstateOld XaveriansCoach: Tom MauleAssists: Hamish Buckley/Joe Rush1 Steven Berengo2 Louis Denton (DVC)3 Nicholas Papaleo4 Toby Plant5 Denis Symeopoulos6 Lachlan Keith (DVC)7 Cauley Beetham (C)8 Nick Gazdowicz9 Samuel Grigg10 Darcy Cotchett11 Harry Batten12 Tom Williams13 Harry Lachal14 Fraser Lane15 Johnathon Close16 Jarryd Skene17 Terry Reed18 Luke Pirrie19 Edward Doolan20 Ashley Sorrenti (VC)21 Hugh Davies22 Sam Franklyn23 Robert Ralph24 Charlie Woodley (VC)25 Patrick Monti26 Marcus Smith27 Nick Costa28 Josh Anderson29 Matthew Margin30 Jonathan Smarrelli31 Nicholas SharkeyOld MelburniansCoach: Tom Seccull2 Charles Kellett3 Justin De Steiger3 Harry Curtis4 Thomas Lackman5 Nicholas Churkovich6 Alexander Coleridge7 Nicholas Forrest8 Campbell Kirwan9 Thomas Carlon13 Edward Fanning15 James De Degley18 Thomas Watson20 Lachlan Prendergast21 Adam Armstong23 Oscar Dixon24 Samuel Delios24 Lorgen Scott28 Tom Benson31 William Raymond33 Nicholas Daish33 John Hurley34 Jonathan Benjamin40 Peter Feaver44 Charles Kiel47 Ruari Wood-Freeman49 Nicholas Molony54 Edward Robinson60 Damon Velakoulis63 Thomas De Fegley64 Leon Koumouris65 Stephen Blakeney66 Nicholas McLardy75 Tom McConnellSt Bedes/Mentone TigersCoach: Steve D’Andrea1 Cameron Antonuccio2 Addison Martin3 Alexander Cross4 Aaron Hodges5 Brenton Schubert6 Alex Whalebone7 Christopher McCready8 Jake Townley9 Benjamin Nicoll10 Trent Pastura11 Luke Heywood12 Steven Lay13 Ciaran Lawrence14 Brett Denton15 Lachlan Dee16 Jack O’Kearney17 James Dalzotto18 Juy Capp20 Jack Beckwith21 Benjamin Wighton22 Mitchell Coen23 Johnathan Dawes25 Lawrence Webb27 Michael O’Connor28 Jamie Popaz29 Jack Pollard30 William Lawrence31 David Goodchild33 Taylor Gogerly35 Jordan Young37 Dale Tanner39 Jordan Bichsel43 Alexander Jackson45 Charles Kinsey47 Callum Byrnes50 Thomas McMahon52 Declan Hampton54 Kerwin Cafun54 Kerwin Cafun57 Max Worrell61 Morgan Hampton62 Joseph Bova63 Calvin YoungUni BlacksCoach: Steve Cerni1 Michael Adams2 Sam Aldous3 Jack Bales4 Sam Bell5 Jonathan Bunge6 Angus Cole-Adams7 Aiden Commins8 Scott Dadswell9 Sam Douglas10 Michael Fogarty11 Peter Harrod12 Jock Lawrence13 James Lenehan14 Benjamin Murphy15 William Murray16 Luke Picone17 James Sandford18 Thomas Sharp19 Sam Sher20 Joel Theodore21 Harry Ukich22 Vincent White23 Thomas Whiting24 Charlie ZwarUni BluesCoach: Matt Embling1 Jack Kershaw2 Jamey Pemmelaar3 Thomas Walsh4 Louis Wardle5 Sebastian Nixon6 Daniel O’Shea7 Joseph Turner11 Patrick Murtagh12 Angus Smith19 Patrick Ferguson21 Conrad Graovac23 Benjamin Watson29 Angus Fraser35 James Coumans40 Nathan Green46 Edward McMullin48 Angus Johnstone50 Matthew Porra60 Ross Wettenhall67 Sean Carr71 Dominic Nixon77 Jason Cowland81 Patrick Gardiner92 Timothy Burn-FrancisTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201249

U19 – SECTION 2Caulfield GrammariansCoach: Josh McCahonAssists: Jake McCahon/James Weghorn1 Steve Vivian2 Sam Flavell3 Keegan Stewart4 Tom Stewart5 Lauchlin Kelloch6 Josh Rogers7 George Berry8 Tom Rothel (C)9 Willis Cord10 Harrison Malone11 Hugh Goodfellow12 Hamish Scully13 Nick Tonkin14 Tom Wren15 Steve Hood16 Josh Steiger17 Drew Dickson18 Charlie Schaffer19 James Schwarer20 Will Peart21 Jackson Small22 Jordan Ceglar23 James Easton24 Will Kingwill25 Tom Butler26 Matt Mcternan27 Daniel Gray28 Damien Simic29 Thomas Crozier31 Hayden Stewart33 Fred Cooper35 Norrie Strintzos36 Lewis O’NeillSt KevinsCoach: Ray LeethamAssists: Luke Williams/Nick Perrett1 Michael Eva2 Michael Baini3 Jordan Cellini4 Tom Soltinakos5 Joshua Taylor6 Adam Fricot7 Pat Der Jeu8 Nick Bond10 Julian Gambaro11 Matthew Lew12 Tomas Ryan13 Andrew Hannan14 Zachary Ginies15 Sam Kneebone16 Harry Murphy-Cruise17 Theo Garrow18 Joshua Davidson20 Anthony Giarusso21 Jim Paull22 Anthony Barone23 Ed Chalmers24 Miles McEldowney25 Henry Parkes26 Francis Keely27 Patrick Moore28 Oliver Ridge29 Jackson Ritchie30 Emmett O’Donnell31 Lachlan Nankervis33 Brendan Smart34 Michael Alexopoulos35 Ben McIntosh36 Harry Sargent37 Anthony Kirwan38 James Barrie39 Nicolaas Murphy40 Tom Lewin41 Joe Harding42 Manning Mitchell43 William Coates44 Rob McMillan46 Nicholas Ciurleo48 Jack Weber49 Chris HollandOld HaileyburyCoach: Dale AnderrsonAssists: Matt Kelly1 Tim Hunter2 James Paul3 Dylan Walsh4 Mathew Shill5 Luke Pinot (C)6 Alaa Ghanem7 Christopher Smith8 Patrick Hutchinson9 Jordan Toy10 Sean Corrigan11 Jordan Donnelly12 Samuel Hall13 Jake Lynch14 Michael Sullivan15 Matthew Mitchell16 Nicholas Leonidas17 Adam Budge18 Sam Nowlon19 Alexander Thomson20 Brendan Gillen21 Josh Alkemade22 Jack-Thomas Coombes23 James Reid24 Tyson George25 Joshua Slade26 Sam Nicholls27 Daniel Secatore28 Luke Pannunzio29 Brede Seccull30 Zac Connelly31 Steven Kenworthy32 Christopher Venten33 Joseph FisscherOld CareyCoach: Michael EricsonAssists: Russell Morris1 Matt Jones2 Brodie Easton3 Alex Richardson4 James Coull5 Nick Morris6 Jordan Ceppi7 Lachlan Addison8 Henry Pepperwell9 Harry Maxwell10 Morgan Evans11 Charlie Wood12 Corey Jackson13 Lachy Mahon14 Lachlan Macleod15 Mark Walczak16 Will Walker17 Simon Harris18 Pat Cremean19 Marcus Cushen20 Bruno Consalvo22 Nick Anderson23 Dave Burgess24 Jacob Murphy25 James Shaw26 Matt Driver27 Freddie Cator28 Spencer Cambridge29 Nick Andrews33 Christian Virgona36 Ander Martin37 Jermaine WunungmurraMarcellinCoach: Paul BevanAssists: Brandon Watson1 Nick Faidy2 Julian Battistella3 Andrew Harkin4 Mathew Lincoln5 Jordan Bettello C6 Patrick Millison7 Sam Rimington VC8 Joey De Neefe9 Ben Thorn10 Callum Brandt11 Callan Stewart12 Josh Sundberg13 James Carrol14 Mathew Tantsis-Hall VC15 Cameron Kemp16 Tom Natoli DVC17 Tom Bastiaan18 James Hollaway VVC19 Thomas Butler20 Sean Ioannidis C21 Cameron Rumph22 Chris Zygmunt23 Kieran Dellahunty24 Campbell Mc Millan25 Liam Vear26 William Hiser DVC27 Adrian Beaini28 Jessie Stone29 Ryan Woodward30 Otto Macpherson31 Hayden Manassa32 Patrick Chard33 Nick Watty35 Anthony Beaini44 Jerome IezziOld BrightonCoach: Adam PirrieAssists: Ryan Joseph1 Sebastian Zaia2 Callum Nicholls3 Dylan Verney4 Joe Longbottom5 Nick Hellyer6 Jordan Pascoe7 Marshall Pascoe8 Dane Robinson9 Luke Healey10 Jack Knight11 Patrick Sands12 Michael Tragear13 Sam Baker14 Hayden Johnson15 Chris Walker16 Jackson Moffi tt17 Robert Naughton18 Nick Paine- Ellis19 Matt Delaney20 Chris Hardgrave21 Kieran Rawlinson22 Tyler Ellery23 Ben Jarick24 Tom Hamilton25 Marcus Bade26 Hamish Graham27 Josh Drummond28 Will Johnston29 Kalin Kempster30 Levi Otto33 Ryan Kiley34 Chris Parker35 Jordan Pascoe38 Luke Andrew41 Henry Carlson56 Thomas Jones61 Charlie KingWerribee Districts3 Benjamin Leonard5 Craig Moloney6 Adam Imber7 Matthew Despott9 Mohamad El Hawli10 Ethan Turner11 David Briscoe12 Brent Turner13 Jesse Humphreys14 Matthew Turner15 Sandrino Di Lallo17 Matthew Fitzpatrick18 Dillon Taylor19 Matthew Brown20 Ben Stoios21 Nikko Arias22 Jesse Taylor23 Jaxon Cooke25 Mikhal Secoulidis30 Joel Patty34 Jack Chadwick36 Benjamin McMillan43 Jackson Brice51 Daniel PeersOld TrinityCoach: Jed Burgess/Speros BeasleyManager: Stuart Pearce1 James Taylor2 Callum Rae3 Jonathon Wong4 Chris Hargreaves5 Sam Stacker6 Chris Yapanis7 Emerson Satur10 Michael Azarnikow11 Billy Syme12 Rory O’Donohoe13 Timothy Costantinou14 Eddy Plant15 Tom Bennett18 Alex Heuston20 Ted Mitchell21 James Gilfi llan22 Edward Beasley24 Steven Lawrence25 Nicholas Pointon28 Nicholas Pearce30 Chris Hughes31 Alex Syme32 Henry Winter34 Chris Jackson38 Jakob Steinhart39 Alexander Hasiotis41 Joeb Northey50 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

U19 – SECTION 3Northern BluesCoach: George WakimAssists: Neil Langley/Zan Useinov1 Mark Cigagna2 Sam Dalton3 Josh Sims4 Damon Marcon9 Mark Langley10 Josh Rentos11 Matthew Cottier13 Liam Carter14 Mike Matters16 Jake Powell17 Mousty Hammoud19 Paul Dempsey20 Damian D’amore22 Leigh Judd23 Eamonn Maloney24 Lachlan Holmes25 Paul Sansonetti26 Luke Baker27 Mahmoud Rafhi28 Oscar Zimmermann29 Jordan Hull30 Nicholas Spagnolo33 Jack Prelorenzo35 Nick Prelorenzo64 James KingSt BernardsCoach: Kevin JonesAssists: Sam Jones/Luke Scerri31 Lachy Allison32 Jonathan Ayres33 Adam Bevanda34 Jake Bromley35 Brent Catoggio36 Thomas Delzoppo37 Taylor Devers38 Michael Dillon39 Anthony DiPaolo40 Harrison Firth41 Matthew Gurrusi42 Josh Hedley43 Jack Howard44 Michael Hughes45 Michael Iacabaccio46 Lachlan Jowett47 Ned McAllister48 Liam McIntyre49 Patrick Moloney50 Daniel Moloney51 Jake Nataro52 Alex Nicou53 Keiran O’Connor54 Aidan O’Connor55 Tim O’Sullivan56 Tom Russell57 Mark Spence58 Wil Sullivan59 Jeremy Sullivan60 Shaun Tamraz61 Sean Webb62 Liam Whelan63 Seamus Whelan64 Andrew ZammitOld CamberwellCoach: Phil Ballis1 Samuel Freeman2 Victor Murphy3 Thomas Kanz4 Francisco Fernandes5 Matthew Peddlesden8 Corey McLaughlin10 Damian Proksa11 Charlie Urwin13 Jay Himat14 Xavier Troy14 Luke Wang16 James Howells19 Michael Young20 Minh Le22 Nicholas Russell24 Thomas Schipper26 Thomas Stayner27 Duran Bradley29 Nicholas Adamson31 Bryce Frattin33 Julian Giovannucci37 JJ Yang38 Jackson Hrbek46 Christopher Webster49 Harry Crothers53 Matthew De Petro58 Oliver Lloyd59 Henry TunOld XaveriansCoach: Ben Plant/James WoodsAssists: Pat Kennedy1 Jack Delmo2 Darcey Dempsey3 Matthew Vlahos4 Darcy Cotchett5 Harry O’sullivan6 Max Elliott7 Patrick Yuen8 Matt Dvorseck9 Tim Hannon10 Anthony Dickinson11 Tim Fenton12 Sam Ellis13 Matt Owen14 Daniel Hermans15 Andrew Prowse16 Harry Healy17 Pat Monti18 Richard Thomas19 Aden Capaul20 Aden Donohoe21 Zack Panj22 Matt Sitch23 Lachie Dipierdomenico24 Julian Kaldawi25 Simon Love26 Edward Wordsworth27 Jarrod Dennison28 Jacob Healy29 Jonathon Blake30 Oliver Keogh31 Paddy Mardling32 Ben Lyon33 Ryan Gallagher34 Hugh Davies35 Nick Sharkey36 Jonathon Close37 Sam Lefebvre38 Sam Forrest39 James WilkinsonOrmondCoach: Dave MatthewsCollegiansCoach: Rob Ferguson/ Peter BattellPEGSCoach: Len HannahMazenodCoach: Elio Greco1 Stewart McCooke2 Daniel Rizati3 Jake Pedersen4 Chris Olson5 Michael Tucker6 Keith Allen8 Chris Hecker9 James Raymond10 Matthew Saunders11 Andrew Olson12 Edward Scanlan13 Michael Bannan14 James Young15 Chris Bannan18 Tom McCrabb19 Ryan McDonald22 Nick Topakas24 Blair Atkins25 Mark Pappas26 Tom Hungerford27 Will Sayce1 Sam Hynes2 Tim Phillips3 Lindsay Apted4 Ollie Whitehead5 Wil Hayes6 Jon Huntsman7 Drew Mcrae8 Alister Fahie9 Tom Cantwell10 Julian Elmutis11 Iain Gordon12 Matthew Yates13 Harry White15 Steve Madeira16 Geoff Farrar17 Michael Dockery19 Max Griffi n21 Hunter Poole22 Callum Reagan23 Sam King24 Tim Varigos25 Will Pocknee27 Alex Barr28 Sam Sabbatucci29 Elliot Cattell31 Matthew O’Brien32 Sam Hibbins33 Lachlan Ferguson35 Toby Goodman37 Ben McKenzie - Sirrett38 Nick Blackney1 Matthew Semini2 Christian Persano3 Ken Ng4 Alexander Persano5 Travis Livori6 Lachlan McGuire7 Brett Hannah8 Robert Crimmons9 Stuart Tibbets10 Matthew Nola11 Curtis Palamara12 Lewis Reed13 Casey Keenan14 Hugh Braden15 Russell Navar16 Sandon McCann17 Michael McDougall18 James Federico19 Luke Shultz20 Duishan Perera21 Andrew Petersen22 Chris Caminiti23 Josh Ferrie24 Daniel Rugolina26 Jack Williams29 Liam Sudawon30 Nicholas Karikas1 Nicholas Jook2 Luke Greco3 Lachlan Mann4 Nizer Janzerli7 Louis Greco8 Matthew Zaccaria10 Ross Feleccia11 Alex Benbow29 Jackson Bolton14 Stephen Welsford17 Anthony Bortoli19 Luke Terry20 Marc Martino21 Jordan Kelly33 Hassan Milaki23 Andrew Mariatis24 Andrew Di Petta63 Dylan Cook27 James Vevbyla28 Lewis Fergerson30 Patrick Flanagan39 Michael Salwadaui31 Samual Riley38 Anthony Mantines6 Liam Riley86 Jacob Elhage25 John Paul Van Rensburg39 Michael Galvadoral74 Paul Brad63 Joseph Chigwidden58 Nathan JohnsTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201251

U19 – NORTHWilliamstown CYMSCoach: Matthew MontebelloAssists: James Welsh3 Yuma Hemphill4 Jackosn Pennington5 Matthew Farrugia6 Sam Mchugh7 Lachlan Gibbs8 George Daaboul9 Robert Chan10 Robert Jansen11 Mitchell Knight13 Sean Mcvervnon14 Tim Murphy15 Ash Heaver16 Paul Cutajar-Milosev17 Billy Mcrae18 Trent Dimitriou19 Rueben Slaney21 Nick Holdsworth22 Baxter Callan23 Michael Mclaughlin25 Abraham Isac27 Stanley Kwas28 Daniel Popa29 Corey Mence30 Ryan Joy21 Nathan Bratby23 Mitchell Lane33 Nicholas Fry40 Callum Steele42 Russell Ackerly48 Tom Gill51 Jack Peace53 Lee Theodoidis54 Darcy WallOld GeelongCoach: Simon O’Brien/Dan O’Brien1 Charles Burbury2 James Habla3 Charles Barham4 George Macdonald5 William Sloss6 Victor Mims7 Campbell Fisher8 Rory Vocale9 Andy De Fegely (C)10 Henry Byrne11 William Boyd12 Bryce Yeo13 Jake Blood14 Chris Jordan15 Blair Keys16 Sebastian Hughes17 Lachie Morrison18 Angus Townley19 Myles Ryan20 George Morrison21 Harry Baylis22 Rupert Kemp (VC)23 Will Lugg24 Edward Manton25 Karey Taylor26 Oscar Robinson27 Ben Thomson28 Charlie Heal29 Rupert De Crespigny (VC)30 Alex Mitchell31 Chris Ashen32 Jock Grimshaw33 Hamish MacMillan34 George McFarlane35 Will Evans36 Will Holmes37 Harry Graham38 Charles Youngman39 Sam Youngman69 Joshua SumuraTherry PenolaCoach: L.HollowAssists: L.Quinn1 Keelan Biddlestone2 Hamish Donohue3 Hayden Rowe4 Daniel McCracken5 Aiden McIntyre6 Sean Rees7 Joshua Califore8 Nathan Clark9 Joel Costello10 Ethan Daley11 Tim Gumley12 Ryan McKibbin13 Shae Tatlock14 Jonathon Tonna15 Lachlan Stretton16 Will McIntosh17 Matt Lyons19 Luke Dragon20 Brock Egglestone21 Darcy Ryan22 Phouc Nguyen23 Keegan McIntyre24 Sam Califore25 James Burt27 Jarrod Bolding31 Jacob Gough35 Darrell Blake37 Jamie Curran50 John McDonald55 Michael JacobsonMHSOBCoach: Mark Elder1 Jerome Ah-Kan2 Adam Ashton (C)3 Nigel Ashton4 Riley Batchelor5 Stuart Boggett6 Lawrence Bradford7 Daniel Bye8 Tom Connor9 Brendan Cook10 Louis Cuthbert11 Aaron Dimitropoulos12 Marco Dogliotti13 Jake Duell14 Mason Fennessy-Kent15 Liam Ferris (C)16 Sam Hayes17 Michael Hughes18 Albert Kuang19 Declan Lee20 James Mcdonagh21 Peter Melilli22 Paul Niklas23 Sam Shearer24 Zac Smooker25 Beau Van Agtmaal26 Andrew Wheelahan27 Jackson WoodAJAXCoach: Adam Slade-Jacobson1 Myles Miller2 Nick Lewis3 Simon Roth4 Rob Miller5 Jeremy Sher7 Ashley Shenker8 Noah Keddie9 Jayd Brick10 Ben Glazer11 Adam Lerner12 Aaron Sibel13 Jordan Rubenstein14 Alon Abraham15 Brandon Goldman16 Joel Lefkovic17 Zac Goldberg18 David Burns19 Josh Sharpe20 Jamie Malinek21 Roi Abraham22 Dylan Ivany23 Daniel Klotnick24 David Breger25 Michael Feiler26 Zac Braun27 Aron Mazur30 Idan BinelliLa Trobe UniCoach: Zoron Colovic1 Joshua Hickey2 Thomas Williams3 Ashley Rae4 Matthew Stringer5 Richard Tran6 Darcy Ingram7 Iryoung Fan8 Michael Larcombe9 Mark O’Brien11 Dominic Moore12 Thomas Toohey13 Dylan Grady14 Gareth Lingham15 Braden Brown16 Edward McKenzie17 Patrick Hughes18 Declan Ryan19 Nicholas Stephens20 Luke Fraser21 Tom QuirkEmmaus St LeosCoach: Kevin Barnshaw2 Liam McKay3 Andrew Downie6 Leo Glover9 Alexander McDougall10 Adam LaRiccia11 Teni Legaric13 Jason Schink14 Steven Downie16 Jason Huljak17 William Hughes18 Justin Petrulis21 Sam Symeonidis33 Kit Duncan-Jones51 Robert Staley66 Thomas Cochrane71 Josh HockingIvanhoeCoach: Adam WrightAssists: Bill Emerson1 Alex Purtell3 Jake Brown4 Stefan Zervides5 James Lagreca6 William Emerson7 Andrew Dimopoulos8 Zac Mowat12 Jack Hogan14 Jack Delbridge15 Sam Nix19 James Moxon21 Charlie Robinson22 Lewis Minney23 Sam Mowat24 Dan Plowman26 Stefan Bettiol27 James Jones28 Daniel Jones29 Benjamin Grigg32 Jack Normand33 Dylan Craig-Darroch35 Michael George36 Patrick Benson38 Keke Blackmore-Moore39 David Ioannou40 William Cuthbert44 Mitchell Lovell45 Joshua Harbottle48 Joel Langford49 Jai Swainger50 Simon Gleeson54 Mitchell Rees52 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

U19 – SOUTHSt.Mary’s SalesianCoach: Damian Sutherland1 Brendan Cain2 Tom Whittle3 Sam Murphy5 Kyle Buchannan6 Matt Curtain9 James Gallus10 Francis Ravida11 Jacob Kenyon12 Fergus Tremaine13 Billy Anderson16 Alex Bussell18 Mitch Opt Hoog19 Sam Shaw21 Andrew Morris22 Adrian Safl ekos24 Cam Butler25 Michael Flora26 Chris Hill27 Dylan Cropley28 Andrew Roll29 Max Kitchen30 James Cooney31 Calvin Tan32 Daniel Cohen33 Michael Docker34 Dylan Gook38 Adam Ong40 Kirin Raska41 Jack Sutherland44 Fraser Coloe46 Kyle Durden49 Jack Brennan50 Ben Andrews51 Nicholas Ludwig52 Jeremy Devlin53 Patrick Pham56 Jamie Carolan59 Nathan PhillipsPeninsula OBCoach: Theo Messinis1 Sam Glenn (VC)2 Nathan Cassano3 Aaron Brockley4 Harry Featherby5 Braden Churcher6 Scott Cain7 Jordan Owens8 Cameron Macauley (C)9 Nick Messinis10 Tom Malan11 Matt Beggs12 Luke Keon13 Michael Wilson14 Andrew Coghlan15 Seb Barbour16 Pat Healy19 Tom Humphris21 Tom Hussey22 Jesse Ramirez23 Laurens Van der Sluijs24 Hayden Brodie25 Jeremy Gleeson26 Andrew Hockenhegger27 Tom Feldgen28 Tom LaBrooy29 Jordan Pomeroy (DVC)30 Jack Rothery35 Nick Coy55 Nick BaronParkdale VulturesCoach: Luke Borella1 Matt Dickie2 Mat Podesta3 Sam Chitty4 Mac O’donell5 Adam Knight6 Sean Hendricks7 Andrew Thompson8 George Billings9 Chris Welch10 Max Nixon11 Darcy Ballard12 Jackson Bolland13 Lewis Emerson14 Jacob Crowley15 Nick Rayner16 Jordan Russell17 Luke Morgan18 Chris Stielow19 Josh Kovarik20 Anthony Mcneil21 Tom Fenwick22 Matt Horton23 Jake Stent-Powell24 Dylan Glascott25 Jack Dunstan26 James Everest27 Charlie Dillon28 Joel Hollingsworth29 Beau LeishmanDe La Salle GoldCoach: Michael HoganAssists: Peter Harrington1 Nathan Beaumont2 Josh Wood4 James Amerena5 Ben Forrest6 Patrick O’Connell7 Con Panna9 Jonathan Tsoutsouras10 Matt Hogan11 Damian Grant12 Oliver Purton-Smith13 Danny Bollis14 Robert Mccarthy15 Sean Murphy18 Kobi Wallis19 Tim Shallue20 Sam Harrington21 Matt Harvey23 Daniel Vass24 Dimi Damianos25 Darcy Craig26 Brent Cranage27 Jamie Smith28 Xavier Leonard29 Simon Woodcock30 Zac High32 Patrick Hatch33 Dayne Schipper34 Nicholas Lowrie37 Joe Cox38 Matthew Pennacchia39 Matt Mullaly41 Jack Hanley45 Hamish Ramsey46 James Howard47 Domonic Spicer48 Darcy BettsHampton RoversCoach: Jay WattsAssists: Peter Rogerson1 Jack Zaina2 Bryce Pewtress3 Jordan Mayne4 Brian Nolan6 Nathan Mullenger7 Jay Dillon8 Billy Reis10 Chris Rees-Jones11 Darcy Lindstrom12 Luke Morcom13 Nick Schouten14 Lachlan Delisle15 Callum van den Enden16 Andrew James17 Jackson Sainty18 Sam Care20 Jay Bear21 Nick Taylor22 Matthew Taylor23 Campbell Jones24 Alex Roney25 Joel Emmins26 Sam Grimmer27 Mario Papotto28 Jack Campion29 James Massey30 Lachlan Edgar34 Dylan Phillips35 Michael Levy38 Gregory Thompson39 Wilson Hill40 Josh BluesCoach: Michael Pettingill1 Patrick Bryce2 Joseph Cosgriff3 Matthew Cox4 James Duffey5 Patrick Featonby6 Oliver Fitzpatrick7 Damien Hatch8 Caleb Heard9 Rex Ho10 Aiden Jeynes11 Cody Johnson12 William Kittelty13 Darby Mccallum14 Michael Mckinna15 Hamish Melville16 Rupert Mitchell17 Aiden Parisi18 Bradyn Parker19 Matthew Pittman20 Andrew Prentice21 Tom Ruddell22 Benjamin TilleyBeaumarisCoach: Luke Buller/Rob Wilson/Chris Cockburn1 James Hooper2 Tom Perkins3 Tom McManamy3 Jackson Miller4 Anthony Goss5 Alex Smout6 Alex Shulman7 Sam Bennett8 Josh Ward9 Chris Smout10 Luke Edmondson11 Scott Braithwaite12 Kurt Mocika14 Nathan Heaton16 Jak Jowett17 Drew Kelly18 Matthew Zagni19 Harrison Bennett20 Douglas Ballard21 Jackson Leigh22 Lachlan Boyd23 Byron Hughes24 Lucas Bourne25 Tom Gandy26 Kyle McDonagh27 Ben McLean28 Adam Tanzimat29 Jordan Thompson30 Callum Griffi ths31 Sam Holland-Burch32 Joel DiNatale32 Liam Brennan33 Jarryd Pemberton34 Chris Tilbey36 Mark Ramanathan36 Cal Gillespie38 Nick Vorich40 Matt Hopkins41 James Morley43 Jake Bloomer44 Scott Sheldrick45 Jack Graham46 Lachlan McKenzie47 Greg Pearson48 Gus Finney51 Ben Gray53 Andrew Dickinson54 Cleary55 Matt Hardeman58 Stuart Montfort59 Ben Spencer61 Filip Zalega64 Jayden Rayner66 Evan GeorgopoulosSt Bedes/Mentone TigersCoach: Justin Eke1 Cameron Antonuccio2 Addison Martin3 Alexander Cross4 Aaron Hodges5 Brenton Schubert6 Alex Whalebone7 Christopher McCready8 Jake Townley9 Benjamin Nicoll10 Trent Pastura11 Luke Heywood12 Steven Lay13 Ciaran Lawrence14 Brett Denton15 Lachlan Dee16 Jack O’Kearney17 James Dalzotto18 Juy Capp20 Jack Beckwith21 Benjamin Wighton22 Mitchell Coen23 Johnathan Dawes25 Lawrence Webb27 Michael O’Connor28 Jamie Popaz29 Jack Pollard30 William Lawrence31 David Goodchild33 Taylor Gogerly35 Jordan Young37 Dale Tanner39 Jordan Bichsel43 Alexander Jackson45 Charles Kinsey47 Callum Byrnes50 Thomas McMahon52 Declan Hampton54 Kerwin Cafun54 Kerwin Cafun57 Max Worrell61 Morgan Hampton62 Joseph Bova63 Calvin YoungTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201253

UMPIRESToday we’ll see many clubs end their season’s afteran unsuccessful tilt at the title. For some it willhurt even more as they see themselves in a lowersection heading into 2013. But it’s also crunchtime for us umpires as now is the time to put yourbest foot forward and hopefully get the finals youhad hoped for. With plenty of games hinging onrelegation or spots in the finals we all need to beon our game and put in our best performances forthe year. Unfortunately that same disappointmentwill be felt by plenty of umpires as we simply don’thave enough finals to give everyone. You too canuse this is your motivation to come back to achievehigher goals in 2013. But go out there today andtreat it like a final.Obviously Numero UnoMervyn Monty is known for being a bit of apolitician. In fact, back home in Mauritius he wasnarrowly beaten in the Presidential Electionsby Kailash Purryag, so we always expect himto demonstrate high quality leadership and anoble manner at all times. On Saturday at OldCarey, Mervyn spoke to the powers that be, andrequested to be introduced in the after-match in amanner befitting that of an honoured statesman.Thus, when the panel of umpires were welcomedinto the aftermatch, it was ‘Mervyn Monty andhis team’ who were congratulated. ApparentlySilfo and Wardrop weren’t that good anyway.By the way, I Googled the Mauritian President’sname….nobody ever accused me of not checkingmy sources!Form Guide for Monday the Night of nightsAs the annual Pre-Finals Dinner approaches,speculation is rife as to the significance of thesurreptitious camera work being performed byPresident Luke Holmes of late. Some of the ‘voxpops’ contain some very inflammatory material,and it’s the belief of your Scribes that more thanone umpire will be forever tormented by theexplosive nature of Holmesy’s best work. Webelieve that Stokesy is leading the “Most Likely ToSpit The Dummy’ market, but there have been lateplunges on ‘Brick’ Nicholson, David Lepair andthe entire goal umpiring fraternity.The ‘In Bed By Ten’ award is presented to theSteve McCarthy & Cam DavidsonCRUNCH TIMEumpire who doesn’t quite get the pace right fromthe outset, and tends to spend too many petroltickets before the whips really get cracking –Julian Maccioni is the only bloke who’s ever wonit, and I can’t see any disruption to his reign thistime around.As for the serious awards, you’d be hard pressed togo beyond the young guns for the coveted GoldenWhistle. After Heff’s triumph last year who will becrowned the umpire most likely to succeed at thehighest level? Who will win the ‘footsoldier’ awardsin the Andy Carrick and the Bob Dunstan? MostImproved Boundary? Can ‘AD’ take out the ‘MostImproved Goal Umpire’?Whatever happens, it’s sure to be huge. See you atthe ‘G. Pre- and post- to be advised.<strong>VAFA</strong> SundayJust a reminder. Many of you listen to Macca andTommy Brain each Sunday morning on SouthernFM as they fumble their way through the round offootball. If you want to see what happens behindthe scenes, now you have a chance. Tomorrowmorning from 9:30am they’ll be broadcastingthe show from the clubrooms of the Beaumaris<strong>Football</strong> Club and are inviting as many listenersas possible to be in the audience. Tune in or bethere at Banksia Reserve in Oak Street on Sundaymorning. Thanks to President Ron Buller andSecretary Vanessa Murton for their assistance withthis. Should be a fun morning.Harris Family ButchersDon’t forget our sponsors who always do asensational job in supplying our barby meat at ourfunctions and meetings. Go down and visit themat 73 Mackie Road East Bentleigh and they’ll lookafter you.The CooksA big well done and thanks to the Social SecretaryGreg Rolfe and his revolving door of guestmasterchefs who keep us fed on Thursday nights.Personal Mortgage ManagersFor all your buying and selling needs in the realestate world, enlist the help of long-time sponsorAnthony Damen who will certainly do the rightthing for you.54 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

Join the club ...Anytime!Ammos footy / family footballAnytime Fitness / family fitnessBring in this adVaild at the following clubsAlphingtonAltonaBalwynBayswaterEppingHeidelbergKeilor EastMitchamMoonee PondsMoorabbinMorningtonPakenhamRichmondSomervilleWest FootscrayOffer Valid for first time users who are local residents 18 years and older only. Not valid with any other offers.Offer valid for the first 100 members per club. Valid at listed Anytime Fitness centres only.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201255

RESULTSPREMIER THIRDSLAST ROUNDUniversity Blues 6.5 8.12 10.18 12.22 (94)Old Trinity 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0)GOALS University Blues: J. Edwards 3 R. Kennedy 3 J. Hood 2 S. Curran 1 J. McArthur 1B. Jongebloed 1 O. Lade 1 Old Trinity: not providedBEST University Blues: D. Condon D. Krones P. Curran E. Long J. Edwards J. HibbertOld Trinity:A. Collins N. Evans S. Thompson N. Bourke M. McDonaldOld Scotch 1.3 2.4 3.10 5.11 (41)Old Carey 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.7 (13)GOALS Old Scotch: S. Stott 2 M. Bradley 2 H. Taylor 1 Old Carey: S. Hassett 1BEST Old Scotch: A. Harlk W. Ponsford D. Mercer M. Clayton C. Houghton W.MackintoshOld Carey: S. Hassett S. Pentney P. Gledden S. Davidson M. Ramsay B. AndrewsOld Xaverians 1.4 4.8 9.9 14.15 (99)Caulfield Grammarians 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.1 (7)GOALS Old Xaverians: M. Altis 4 M. Dimattina 3 N. Mudge 1 D. Prowse 1 D. Meehan1 J. Hanger 1J. Glen 1 A. Torre 1 J. Moylan 1 Caulfield Grammarians: W. Rowsthorn 1BEST Old Xaverians: M. Altis J. Moylan A. Torre M. Dimattina J. Glen D. MeehanCaulfield Grammarians: C. Gilsenan S. Jennings B. Scott G. Poulter W. Rowsthorn P.FarmerCollegians 6.8 10.13 15.20 20.24 (144)St Bernards 0.1 0.2 1.2 1.3 (9)GOALS Collegians: H. Mckenzie 3 G. Jones 3 N. Baxter 3 L. Collins 2 P. Timms 2 J.Ashman 2D. Mutton 1 A. Stone 1 C. Dunwill 1 W. Schwab 1 J. Slatyer 1 St Bernards: M. Trim 1BEST Collegians: G. Jones D. Mutton L. Collins L. Casey S. Doupe-Watt N. BrownSt Bernards: T. Isaacs A. Gurrisi J. Couch N. Toy N. Schultz M. KavanaghPREMIER B THIRDSLAST ROUNDOld Brighton 3.3 5.3 8.6 9.7 (61)University Blacks 1.0 2.3 2.4 3.8 (26)GOALS Old Brighton: B. James 2 N. Materia 2 P. Kelly 2 A. Betts 1 J. Sest 1 K. Moore 1University Blacks: W. Davison 1 N. Manning 1 D. Page 1BEST Old Brighton: P. Kelly A. Betts B. James Z. Wilson T. O’Halloran E. YeatmanUniversity Blacks: T. Polkinghorne A. Mackay D. Johns S. Leslie S. Judson J. BoxOld Melburnians 5.1 7.1 8.4 12.6 (78)Northern Blues 1.4 4.7 6.9 8.9 (57)GOALS Old Melburnians: C. Tunbridge 4 W. Myer 2 N. Yencken 2 T. Lackmann 1 B.Baines 1 C. De Campo 1 A. Cameron 1 Northern Blues: K. Neil 3 J. Phelan 1 L. Duray 1 T.Beames 1 N. De Andrade 1 E. Barclay 1BEST Old Melburnians: N. Yencken C. Tunbridge N. Lawler L. Ellis A. Cameron L.KoumourisNorthern Blues: K. Neil T. Beames E. Barclay N. De Andrade J. Phelan J. TwaitsPREMIER C THIRDSLAST ROUNDUNDER 18LAST ROUNDMazenod 5.3 7.7 10.12 14.13 (97)Banyule 0.0 2.1 2.1 3.3 (21)GOALS Mazenod: D. McMullin 4 S. Moran 2 C. Raine 2 S. Paolucci 1 S. Cummins 1 S.Castledine 1S. Micallef 1 B. Costin 1 N. Klavins 1 Banyule: M. Borg 2 J. Turnbull 1BEST Mazenod: S. Moran S. Cummins J. Dipietro D. Micallef D. McMullin D. NisbetBanyule: L. Burns J. Schaffert M. Sacchetta R. Keys D. Sproules M. BorgSt Kevins 1.0 4.2 5.2 8.6 (54)Old Camberwell 3.5 5.6 6.9 7.10 (52)GOALS St Kevins: D. Kerr 2 N. Monarca 1 N. Pryor 1 J. Barrie 1 B. McIntosh 1 D.Maccarrone 1L. Davrain 1 Old Camberwell: T. Miriklis 3 A. Mackenzie 2 S. Flanagan 1 M. Woodbridge1BEST St Kevins: N. Monarca J. Mustey J. Murphy Cruise T. Harvey J. Frazer L. ClanceyOld Camberwell: S. Flanagan S. Fogarty T. Sigalas D. Toma M. Dyson B. CottrellMarcellin 3.3 6.5 8.9 9.9 (63)Fitzroy 0.0 1.2 1.4 5.7 (37)GOALS Marcellin: N. Brown 4 S. Ayoub 3 M. Ryan 1 T. Schembri 1 Fitzroy: T. Wilson 2 N.Brown 1 D. Temple 1 S. Fulton 1BEST Marcellin: S. Ayoub M. Ryan N. Brown M. McColl J. Donnellan D. CracknellFitzroy: D. Griffin D. Ryan M. Oliver M. Younger C. Krousoratis D. McLeodOakleigh 2.3 5.6 5.6 6.6 (42)Rupertswood 0.0 0.1 1.2 3.5 (23)GOALS Oakleigh: Z. Pearce-Thomas 2 M. Jackson 2 B. Still 1 M. Tate 1 Rupertswood:J. Corso 2 D. Cerini 1BEST Oakleigh: L. Daidone J. Lever M. Jackson L. Gogis A. Weymouth A. MaseRupertswood: D. Halliwell J. Corso C. Kaye D. Cerini N. Vadnjal L. MuirSt Bernards 3.3 5.4 6.9 9.12 (66)UHS-VU / Flemington 2.0 3.0 4.1 5.1 (31)GOALS St Bernards: J. Sullivan 3 P. Romano 3 J. Ayres 2 T. Russell 1 UHS-VU /Flemington: E. Ramsay 2 D. Aiton 1 A. Ausage 1 N. Wallace 1BEST St Bernards: P. Romano T. Saundry M. Spence C. Issa T. Bisognano J. AyresUHS-VU / Flemington: E. Ramsay D. Vella-Horne N. Filieri S. Wittman N. McMahonJ. SuttonSt Mary’s Salesian 4.2 6.7 8.13 9.16 (70)Williamstown CYMS 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.2 (32)GOALS St Mary’s Salesian: B. Andrews 3 L. Holmes 2 J. Devlin 1 D. Ryan 1 A. Pathirana1 D. Cohen 1Williamstown CYMS: M. Knight 2 J. Bartolotta 1 T. Dimitriou 1 L. Micallef 1BEST St Mary’s Salesian: A. Morris B. Andrews B. Monaco D. Ryan K. Buchanan B. CainWilliamstown CYMS: N. Green A. Slaney L. Watson J. Bartolotta N. Harkins L. Micallef56 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

UNDER 18Williamstown CYMSCoach: Ross CassidyAssist: Brendan Cocks3 Yuma Hemphill4 Jackosn Pennington6 Sam Mchugh8 George Daaboul10 Robert Jansen11 Mitchell Knight13 Sean Mcvervnon16 Paul Cutajar-Milosev18 Trent Dimitriou20 Vincent Di Lorenzo26 Hayden Barnett28 Daniel Popa31 Nathan Bratby33 Nicholas Fry34 Luke Micallef35 Jack Connolly36 Nickolas Green37 John Dawson38 Johnny Ross39 Liam Watson41 Edward Bordas43 Matthew Dumbleton47 Lewis Moore48 Tom Gill52 Nicholas Harkins54 Darcy Wall55 Austin Slaney56 Matthew Singleton57 William OstrowskySt. Mary’s Salesian AFCCoach: Chris Docker1 Brendan Cain4 Brad Monaco5 Kyle Buchannan6 Matt Curtain7 Mitch O’Meara8 Daniel Ryan9 James Gallus13 Billy Anderson14 Jordan Porozny15 Nick Curwood16 Alex Bussell17 Annanth Pathirana19 Sam Shaw21 Andrew Morris22 Adrian Safl ekos23 Lachie Pattison24 Cam Butler25 Michael Flora26 Chris Hill27 Dylan Cropley28 Andrew Roll30 James Cooney32 Daniel Cohen34 Dylan Gook36 Nathan Evans38 Adam Ong39 Tom Keys40 Kirin Raska41 Jack Sutherland42 Lachlan Power44 Fraser Coloe45 Louis Holmes46 Kyle Durden48 Jesse Dragonetti49 Jack Brennan50 Ben Andrews51 Nicholas Ludwig52 Jeremy Devlin53 Patrick Pham55 Danny Zacharopoulos56 Jamie CarolanOakleigh <strong>Amateur</strong>sCoach: Ash Lever1 Ben Still2 Luke Daidone3 Luke Gogis4 Mick Tate5 Blake Grizzell6 Aaron Cloke (VC)7 Austin Deneys (VC)8 Alex Seremalis9 Andrew Mase (C)10 Timothy Michael11 Jake Lever12 Jack Davidson13 Tex Minchin (VC)14 Nick Guerin15 Zach Pearce-Thomas16 Liam Gillard17 Andy Weymouth18 Alex Mezenstaff19 Jake Benoiton20 Scott Murray21 Liam Signoretti22 Asseeb Osmani23 Liam Lloyd24 Matt Jackson25 Matt Pardy26 Joed Cook27 Kaelem Bradley28 Matthew Aranha29 Jason Dal Santo30 Chris GrantSponsorsWATT’S FENCINGBETTER TORQUE AUTOMOTIVERupertswoodCoach: Phil BarrettAssists: Paul Ross1 James Beredimas2 Jayden Muscat (VC)3 Lachlan Muir (DVC)4 Jayden Swallow5 Joshua Ferraro (C)6 Jake Johnson7 Jarryd Barrett8 Harry Travers9 Ash Milane10 Christopher Kaye (VC)11 Ben Kaye12 Sam Hogan (C)13 Joshua Wallace14 Alex Gipp16 Cody Ross (DVC)17 Christopher Corso18 Andrew Webster19 Brent Adams21 Jason Dunn22 Rhett Coots23 Rhys Stafford25 Joshua Serovski26 James Wray-Mccann27 Liam Berry29 Caine Schofi eld-Lane33 Cameron Johnson36 Trae Rowlands37 Adam Phillips39 Anthony Carlus45 Nicholas Cerini47 Dylan La Sala52 David DughettiUHSVUCoach: Tim HabelAssist: Michael Canizzaro3 James Dimattina4 James Fay5 Daniel Aiton6 Conor Walsh7 St John Seeger8 Nick Wallace9 Dylan Stavrou10 Esub Ramsay12 Jack Sutton14 Lloyd Grant15 Vince Mcintyre17 Dylan Vella Horne18 Dan Spiteri20 Sam Wittman21 Anthony Ausage22 Dylan Vella Horne23 Sean Farer24 Camron Aristotle26 Harry Anderson28 Oliver Mcsweeney30 Shaq Parker31 James Healey32 Toby Kruisheer33 Tom Mcall37 Nathan Filieri38 Marcus Walsh72 Nick WaughSt BernardsCoach: Serge RamanoAssist: Michael Hedley1 Jonathan Ayres2 Adam Bevanda3 Jake Bromley4 Killian Cashin5 Patrick Comerford6 Edward Connelly7 Mitchell Cooper8 Thomas Delzoppo9 Taylor Devers10 Josh Hedley11 Jack Holland12 Claude Issa13 Tom Madden14 Patrick Moloney15 Rhys Muir16 Ben Nathan17 Sean O’Keefe18 Daniel Parkes19 Stefan Piantella20 James Riley21 Thomas Riley22 Patrick Romano23 Tom Saundry24 Mark Spence25 Jeremy Sullivan26 Shaun TamrazWerribeeCoach: Chris Burton1 Kieren Delaney2 Mason Smith3 Nishan Coyne4 Dylan McLellan5 Matthew Burton7 Jack Harris8 Mitchell Thar9 Patrick O’Brien10 Luke Vella11 Daniel Delaney12 Jayme Lawson16 Luke Gibbs17 Aaron Knezevic18 Callum Lawerson19 Alex Shanks20 Daniel Stoios21 Jake Hibbert22 Alex Court23 Jack Elliott24 Liam D’Arcy25 Haydn Acciarito26 Dane Thomas27 Nicholas Christou28 Scott StewartTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201257

CLUB XVIII (2)11:45AM 26 AUGUST 2012 – SPORTSCOVER ARENAHAWTHORNCoach: Con TerzoglouAssistants: Phiv Demetriou / GeorgeDemetriou / Terry Salipas / Arthur KorfOLD GEELONGCoach: Andrew CatchloveAssistants: James Cole / Chris Rubick /Charles Gibbs / James Legoe1 John Koziaris2 Andrew Salipas3 Paul Doubakis4 Peter Pipertzis5 Peter Antonopoulos6 Anthony Hachem7 Con Terzoglou8 Anthony Demetriou9 Tim Demetriou10 George Dellaportas11 Bill Hatzopoulos12 Daniel Zito13 William Ioannidis14 John Bartzis15 Dean Bubunaras16 Michael Salipas17 Chris Armatas18 Ari Mitropoulos19 Julian Handford20 Michael Elijah21 John Farah22 Christian Seely23 Ange Mihalos24 Dean Korlos25 ChristopherKatsanevakis26 Andrew Toumbakis27 Nathan Koukouras28 Michael Koukouras29 Brennan Walsh30 Nick Criticos31 Andrew Boocock33 Ted Vlahos34 Rodney Seely35 George Georgiou36 Andy Stavridis36 Andy Stavridis37 David Buff38 Paul McArthur39 Jacques Bousejaan40 Justin Rieve43 Mark Murray44 Dean Ekonomides46 Daniel Tyrrell48 Martin Wawrzynczak49 Nick Bourgazas50 Evan Sofi anos78 Nicholas Dmilatis99 Simon Tsapepas1 Stephen Jacobsen2 Tom Betts3 Andrew Catchlove4 Alex Carah5 James Legoe6 William Dungey7 Rohan Buckley8 Zac Taylor9 Mitch Costin10 Tom Fyshe11 Justin Lewis12 Hugo Brettingham-Moore13 Jack Merrin14 Drew Port15 Charles Waters16 John Graham17 William Sharp18 Sam Laidlaw19 Max Gubbins20 Nicholas Gubbins21 Tom Claeys22 Tim Bayles (VC)23 Marcus Walkom24 Andrew Bells25 Nicholas Smith (C)26 David Creak27 James Cole28 David Kimpton29 Tom Waters30 Donald Sahlstrom31 John Roney32 Angus Seller33 Lachlan Herbert34 Edward Harrison35 Matthew Graver36 Max Moffatt37 Angus Scotford38 Charles Gibbs39 James O’Hare1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th QtrGoalsBehindsGoalsBehinds58 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

CLUB XVIII (1)2:15PM 26 AUGUST 2012 – SPORTSCOVER ARENAOLD XAVERIANSCoach: Joe McGrathAssistants: Andrew Nolen / Tim Palmer/ Tim RoacheOLD MELBURNIANSCoach: Anthony VoyageAssistants: Stuart Baker1 Drew Franklin2 Andy Jones4 James McDonnell5 Duncan Parry (C)6 Ben Perry7 Nick Silk8 Matt O’Kane10 Will Martin11 Jack Martinelli14 Nick Larkins15 Andrew Barrett (C)17 Nick Quinn19 David Rees20 Nick Aird22 Matt Green23 Brent Coburn24 Clint McIntyre26 Sam Chester27 Tim Silk28 Tom Byrne31 Michael Scanlan34 Tim Palmer35 Ben Kelly36 Joe McGrath37 Matt Roache38 Nick Corcoran39 Ian Parry40 Simon O’Brien41 Nick Reid42 Daniel Higgins43 Dan Tehan46 Stuart Skidmore49 Johan Moylan55 Dom Quinn61 Andrew Nolen63 Tim O’Meara65 John Grigg69 Evgeny Kuznetsov1 Theo Code2 Edward Wettenhall3 Scott Kennon4 Mark Conomy5 Nicholas Drake6 Campbell Bowie7 Angus Clark8 Doug Milledge8 Hugh Tomlinson9 James Righetti10 George Hanger11 Daniel Royce13 Tom McCredie14 Stephen Galbraith15 Gordon Code16 William Cooper17 Simon Arden18 Darren Richards21 Owen Webb22 Andrew Ray23 James Mitchell24 William Guthrie25 Andrew Haralambous26 Sam Buultjens29 Edward Cooper30 Jonathon Miller31 James McIlroy32 Lachie Carter33 Charles Reid34 Tom Bennison35 Nick Stogdale36 Angus Tandy44 Richard Tolliday46 Andrew Pannifex51 Marty Kennon67 Alex Springall82 Jake CullenGoalsBehinds1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th QtrGoalsBehinds1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th QtrTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201259

CLUB XVIIINorm NugentTHIS IS ITToday marks the end of another successfulseason for the Club XV111 competitions.Deservedly the two best performed teamsin section 1 meet to decide the Premiership.In Section 2, percentage has determined thefinishing order with the top three teams. Thetwo weeks of finals played to date have furtherrefined the finishing order so that the twoteams, who have played the best finals footballhave won the right to contest in today’s GrandFinal.All three Preliminary Finals, which were playedon a very wet and soppy Sportscover Arena,produced passages of fiercely competitivefootball. Unfortunately the defeated teamswere unable to sustain the standard requiredfor victory and as a consequence the closestresult was a five goal margin.the pressure applied by the undefeated OldXaverians. The Xaverians, through a six goalto one second quarter led by 50 points at halftime. The second half saw them increase themargin to that of 63 points by the final siren.In Section 2, Old Geelong started well againstTherry Penola whose fortunes never overcametheir four goal lead they had conceded toOld Geelong at the first change. As the gameprogressed, the bigger the Old Geelong leadbecame. Therry Penola’s only goal came atthe Glenhuntly Road End in the third quarter,which was won by Old Geelong who kickedanother three goals to hold a 50 point leadat three quarter time. Again, they outscoredthe disappointing Lions, who added only aminor score before the game finished with OldGeelong 68 points ahead.Old Melburnians withstood a spirited thirdquarter revival by North Old Boys/ St Pats whoseinaccuracy up forward cost them dearly. Theirmultiple posters did not help either! At the lastchange Old Melburnians led by 21 points and itappeared their defenders were facing a torridlast quarter. They proved equal to the challengeand with an additional four goals to two theNavy Blues recorded a 30 point victory.Prahran/ Assumption were without their starJason Storer who had not recovered from theinjury he sustained in last week’s semi final. Hisabsence, together with players short of matchpractice and others with niggling injuriesproved a handicap to the Four Blues who aftera competitive opening quarter wilted underToday in Section 1 Old Xaverians and OldMelburnians have clearly been the twostrongest sides in the competition. We mustcongratulate Old Xaverians who made their21 st straight Club XVIII Grand Final, they remainundefeated whilst Old Melburnians two defeatswere in the hands of the Xaverians. The highstandard Round 1 game saw Old Xaverianstriumph by ten points and in Round 13 on theTODAY SELECTIONS IN BOLDCLUB XVIII (1) - Grand FinalOld Xaverians v Old MelburniansCLUB XVIII (2) - Grand FinalHawthorn v Old Geelong60 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

Junction Oval the Xaverians won by nine points.Today, I believe that the big ground will suit OldXaverians the better and their match last weekprobably was not as enervating for them as wasthe closer Old Melburnians Preliminary Final.The Xaverian defence stood firm last week andwas the springboard for many counterattacks.Today they must do well again to quell the twinpeaks of the Melburnians in Theodore Code andAngus Clark. Conversely the Old Xaverians haveproven match winners with their key forwardsJames McDonnell and Matthew Green whosehigh marking was a feature of last week’s game.The Old Xaverians enter this game confidentthat they can go through 2012 undefeated.In Section 2, Hawthorn and Old Geelong willcontest for the Premiership. These teams haveplayed twice this season with Hawthorn havingthe upper hand on the OG’s with two victoriesby 71 and 38 points respectively. Another factorfavouring Hawthorn is the fact their playersrested last Sunday while their opponents ran inthe mud and slush around Sportscover Arena.Hawthorn have been the trend setters all seasonwhereas Old Geelong has built momentum asthe season has progressed. Their players willbe anxious to make Tim Bayles 200 th game oneto remember. The big ground should suit OldGeelong for the better providing their fitnessholds up. Many Hawthorn players will carrymemories of their 2011 Grand Final defeat andeach of these factors could have a bearing onthe game outcome. In predicting the winner isa task fraught with danger and I expect a titanicstruggle which Hawthorn will triumph … just!!THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012LAST ROUNDCLUB XVIII (1)OLD MELBURNIANS v. NOBS/ ST PATSPreliminary Final 1Old Melburnians 4.2 7.4 9.5 13.5 (83)NOBS/ St Pats 2.2 2.3 5.8 7.11 (53)GOALS Old Melburnians: M. Kennon 3 A. Clark 2 A. Ray 2 T. Code 2 D. Richards 1 H.Tomlinson 1 J. Miller 1 E. Cooper 1NOBS/ St Pats: T. Newton 2 M. Karunaratne 1 A. Vincent 1 D. Treppo 1 H. Christie 1 T.Bayles 1BEST Old Melburnians: J. Mitchell N. Drake H. Tomlinson T. McCredie S. Buultjens M.KennonNOBS/ St Pats: A. Vincent L. Fogarty T. Newton T. Pick S. Clinch D. TreppoOLD XAVERIANS v. PRAHRAN ASSUMPTIONPreliminary Final 2Old Xaverians 1.5 7.8 10.14 12.20 (92)Prahran Assumption 1.3 2.3 3.4 4.5 (29)GOALS Old Xaverians: M. Green 4 C. McIntyre 2 N. Quinn 2 J. McDonnell 2 M. O’Kane1 S. O’Brien 1Prahran Assumption: C. Berger 3 D. McGrath 1BEST Old Xaverians: M. Green W. Martin D. Tehan J. Moylan S. O’Brien B. KellyPrahran Assumption: H. Pitts C. Myres C. Faraci C. Berger W. WalfordCLUB XVIII (2)OLD GEELONG v. THERRY PENOLAPreliminary FinalOld Geelong 4.3 6.6 9.8 11.15 (81)Therry Penola 0.3 0.5 1.6 1.7 (13)GOALS Old Geelong: T. Bayles 3 J. Graham 2 W. Dungey 2 M. Gubbins 1 S. Laidlaw 1 R.Buckley 1 D. Kimpton 1Therry Penola: G. O’Connor 1BEST Old Geelong: M. Walkom M. Gubbins W. Dungey R. Buckley S. Laidlaw N. SmithTherry Penola: J. Bibby M. Helm Z. Vere-Flint R. Keenan L. Bromley C. Fielding61

PREMIER CPREMIER C RESERVES<strong>VAFA</strong> PREMIERSHIP LADDERS 2012P W L D B FF F A % PtsParkdale Vultures 16 12 3 1 0 0 1499 1086 138.03 50Marcellin 16 12 4 0 0 0 1344 971 138.41 48Fitzroy 16 11 5 0 0 0 1368 1076 127.14 44Mazenod 16 10 6 0 0 0 1436 966 148.65 40PEGS 16 9 7 0 0 0 1441 1233 116.87 36Old Camberwell 16 8 7 1 0 0 1348 1055 127.77 34Banyule 16 8 8 0 0 0 1372 1331 103.08 32Rupertswood 16 7 9 0 0 0 1287 1414 91.02 28Monash Blues 16 2 14 0 0 0 980 1367 71.69 8Hampton Rovers 16 0 16 0 0 0 810 2386 33.95 0P W L D B FF F A % PtsFitzroy 16 16 0 0 0 0 1415 587 241.06 64Marcellin 16 12 4 0 0 0 1350 701 192.58 48Old Camberwell 16 11 5 0 0 0 1479 749 197.46 44Mazenod 16 9 7 0 0 0 1362 830 164.1 36Banyule 16 8 7 1 0 0 1103 1043 105.75 34PEGS 16 8 8 0 0 0 1052 989 106.37 32Parkdale Vultures 16 7 8 1 0 0 922 1144 80.59 30Monash Blues 16 6 10 0 0 0 1008 1027 98.15 24Rupertswood 16 1 15 0 0 0 679 1491 45.54 4Hampton Rovers 16 1 15 0 0 0 341 2150 15.86 4PREMIER C THIRDSP W L D B FF F A % PtsFitzroy 14 12 2 0 0 2 1771 753 235.19 56St Kevins 16 14 2 0 0 0 1421 858 165.62 56Old Camberwell 16 12 4 0 0 0 1461 852 171.48 48Mazenod 16 7 8 1 0 0 1165 1085 107.37 30Marcellin 16 6 9 1 0 0 1392 1250 111.36 26Banyule 15 6 9 0 0 0 1158 1309 88.46 24Old Mentonians 16 3 13 0 0 0 753 1870 40.27 12Whitefriars 15 1 14 0 0 0 752 1933 38.9 4DIVISION ONEP W L D B FF F A % PtsNOBs/St Pats 17 16 1 0 0 0 1780 1117 159.36 64Peninsula 17 15 2 0 0 0 2154 965 223.21 60Old Geelong 17 12 5 0 0 0 1713 1232 139.04 48Whitefriars 17 11 6 0 0 0 1782 1200 148.5 44MHSOB 17 8 9 0 0 0 1333 1574 84.69 32Old Mentonians 17 7 9 1 0 0 1304 1204 108.31 30Ormond 17 5 11 1 0 0 1373 1497 91.72 22Williamstown CYMS 17 5 12 0 0 0 1181 1952 60.5 20Glen Eira 17 4 13 0 0 0 1215 2024 60.03 16St Johns 17 1 16 0 0 0 1079 2149 50.21 4DIVISION ONE RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Geelong 17 16 1 0 0 0 1924 640 300.62 64Peninsula 17 12 5 0 0 0 1590 815 195.09 48MHSOB 17 11 6 0 0 0 1289 900 143.22 44Old Mentonians 17 10 7 0 0 0 1445 1132 127.65 40Whitefriars 17 10 7 0 0 0 1268 1061 119.51 40Ormond 17 9 8 0 0 0 1325 950 139.47 36Williamstown CYMS 17 9 8 0 0 0 1199 1125 106.58 36NOBs/St Pats 17 5 12 0 0 0 971 1239 78.37 20Glen Eira 17 3 14 0 0 0 849 1600 53.06 12St Johns 17 0 17 0 0 0 339 2737 12.39 0DIVISION TWOP W L D B FF F A % PtsBulleen Templestowe 17 14 3 0 0 0 1673 1025 163.22 56Old Eltham Collegians 17 13 4 0 0 0 1662 1000 166.2 52Prahran Assumption 17 13 4 0 0 0 1530 1079 141.8 52Old Paradians 17 12 5 0 0 0 1253 969 129.31 48Monash Gryphons 17 9 8 0 0 0 1398 1354 103.25 36Therry Penola 17 8 9 0 0 0 1315 1307 100.61 32South Melb Districts 17 5 11 1 0 0 1341 1475 90.92 22St Mary’s Salesian 17 5 11 1 0 0 909 1670 54.43 22Emmaus St Leos 17 3 14 0 0 0 1088 1609 67.62 12La Trobe University 17 2 15 0 0 0 951 1686 56.41 8DIVISION TWO RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsBulleen Templestowe 17 16 1 0 0 0 1675 573 292.32 64Prahran Assumption 17 12 4 1 0 0 1369 777 176.19 50Old Paradians 17 12 5 0 0 0 1325 701 189.02 48Therry Penola 17 11 6 0 0 0 1317 767 171.71 44Old Eltham Collegians 17 9 8 0 0 0 874 1198 72.95 36Monash Gryphons 17 8 8 1 0 0 1154 1173 98.38 34Emmaus St Leos 17 5 12 0 0 0 943 1241 75.99 20St Mary’s Salesian 17 4 13 0 0 0 904 1395 64.8 16La Trobe University 17 4 13 0 0 0 694 1627 42.66 16South Melb Districts 17 3 14 0 0 0 748 1551 48.23 12DIVISION THREEP W L D B FF F A % PtsYarra Valley 17 16 1 0 0 0 2189 977 224.05 64Ivanhoe 17 14 3 0 0 0 1675 1016 164.86 56Aquinas 17 12 5 0 0 0 1547 1371 112.84 48UHS-VU 17 11 6 0 0 0 1440 1286 111.98 44Kew 17 10 6 1 0 0 1339 1090 122.84 42Elsternwick 17 9 7 1 0 0 1679 1463 114.76 38St Francis Xavier 17 7 10 0 0 0 1367 1407 97.16 28Richmond Central 17 7 10 0 0 0 1236 1424 86.8 28Albert Park 17 5 11 1 0 0 1323 1522 86.93 22Hawthorn 17 5 12 0 0 0 1146 1767 64.86 20Old Westbourne 17 3 14 0 0 0 961 1830 52.51 12Power House 17 1 15 1 0 0 930 1679 55.39 6DIVISION THREE RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsYarra Valley 17 15 2 0 0 0 1797 627 286.6 60Kew 17 15 2 0 0 0 1709 646 264.55 60Ivanhoe 17 13 4 0 0 0 1492 765 195.03 52UHS-VU 17 12 5 0 0 0 1431 986 145.13 48St Francis Xavier 17 11 6 0 0 0 1406 818 171.88 44Aquinas 17 9 8 0 0 0 1285 976 131.66 36Albert Park 17 8 9 0 0 0 1170 1368 85.53 32Richmond Central 17 6 11 0 0 0 919 1358 67.67 24Hawthorn 17 4 13 0 0 0 998 1636 61 16Power House 17 3 14 0 0 0 782 1637 47.77 12Elsternwick 17 3 14 0 0 0 803 1925 41.71 12Old Westbourne 17 3 14 0 0 0 660 1710 38.6 1262 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

DIVISION FOUR<strong>VAFA</strong> PREMIERSHIP LADDERS 2012P W L D B FF F A % PtsSouth Mornington 17 16 1 0 0 0 2144 839 255.54 64Swinburne University 17 15 2 0 0 0 1812 1076 168.4 60Eley Park Sharks 17 14 3 0 0 0 1765 1335 132.21 56Point Cook 17 11 5 1 0 0 1897 1545 122.78 46Manningham Cobras 17 7 10 0 0 0 1324 1497 88.44 28North Brunswick 17 6 11 0 0 0 1524 1443 105.61 24West Brunswick 17 6 11 0 0 0 1302 1396 93.27 24Box Hill North 17 4 12 1 0 0 1386 2050 67.61 18Mt Lilydale 17 4 13 0 0 0 1146 1665 68.83 16Chadstone 17 1 16 0 0 0 867 2321 37.35 4DIVISION FOUR RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsSouth Mornington 17 16 1 0 0 0 2095 500 419 64Eley Park Sharks 16 12 4 0 0 1 1938 792 244.7 52Swinburne University 17 13 4 0 0 0 1716 737 232.84 52West Brunswick 17 12 5 0 0 0 1728 573 301.57 48Point Cook 17 9 8 0 0 0 1500 1318 113.81 36North Brunswick 17 8 9 0 0 0 1016 1100 92.36 32Box Hill North 17 5 12 0 0 0 960 1554 61.78 20Mt Lilydale 16 4 11 1 0 0 770 1403 54.88 18Manningham Cobras 17 4 12 1 0 0 672 1915 35.09 18Chadstone 17 0 17 0 0 0 285 2809 10.15 0P W L D B FF F A % PtsHawthorn 15 13 2 0 0 0 1886 645 292.4 52Therry Penola 15 13 2 0 0 0 1619 578 280.1 52Old Geelong 13 11 2 0 0 2 1650 639 258.22 52Richmond Cardinals 15 11 4 0 0 0 1385 717 193.17 44Old Paradians 14 6 8 0 0 0 874 1042 83.88 24Kew 15 5 10 0 0 0 902 1323 68.18 20Bulleen Templestowe 14 4 10 0 0 0 1027 1388 73.99 16Richmond Snakes 14 3 11 0 0 1 745 1582 47.09 16UHS-VU 15 3 12 0 0 0 603 1593 37.85 12Eley Park Sharks 14 3 11 0 0 0 632 1828 34.57 12UNDER 19 PREMIERP W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Xaverians 17 16 1 0 0 0 2007 877 228.85 64De La Salle 17 15 2 0 0 0 2062 805 256.15 60St Bernards 17 13 4 0 0 0 1590 1004 158.37 52St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 17 11 6 0 0 0 1861 1094 170.11 44University Blues 17 9 8 0 0 0 1304 1484 87.87 36Old Melburnians 17 8 9 0 0 0 1234 1496 82.49 32Old Scotch 17 6 11 0 0 0 1332 1446 92.12 24Beaumaris 17 5 12 0 0 0 1014 1645 61.64 20Fitzroy 17 2 15 0 0 0 864 1988 43.46 8University Blacks 17 0 17 0 0 0 718 2180 32.94 0UNDER 19 SECTION 2P W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Brighton 17 14 3 0 0 0 1404 716 196.09 56St Kevins 17 13 4 0 0 0 1521 844 180.21 52Werribee Districts 16 10 6 0 0 1 1296 1092 118.68 44Caulfield Gramm 17 10 7 0 0 0 1238 1006 123.06 40Old Haileybury 17 7 10 0 0 0 1246 1264 98.58 28Old Trinity 17 7 10 0 0 0 976 1248 78.21 28Old Carey 16 4 12 0 0 0 1096 1724 63.57 16Marcellin 17 2 15 0 0 0 871 1754 49.66 8UNDER 19 SECTION 3CLUB XVIII (1)P W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Xaverians 15 14 0 0 1 0 1952 489 399.18 60Old Melburnians 13 11 2 0 0 2 1537 592 259.63 52NOBS/ St Pats 15 12 3 0 0 0 1089 921 118.24 48Prahran Assumption 15 10 4 0 1 0 1255 639 196.4 44St Bernards 14 9 5 0 0 1 1346 935 143.96 40De La Salle 14 7 6 0 1 1 1193 773 154.33 36Ivanhoe 15 6 9 0 0 0 951 1267 75.06 24 UNDER 19 NORTHWilliamstown CYMS 12 4 8 0 0 1 830 1209 68.65 20Monash Blues 15 4 10 0 1 0 828 1221 67.81 20Fitzroy 14 1 13 0 0 1 683 1578 43.28 8Old Ivanhoe 7 1 6 0 0 0 460 1193 38.56 4Therry Penola 15 1 14 0 0 0 578 1930 29.95 4CLUB XVIII (2)UNDER 18P W L D B FF F A % PtsWerribee Districts 17 12 3 0 2 0 1375 663 207.39 56Oakleigh 17 10 4 0 3 0 1123 593 189.38 52Rupertswood 17 9 5 0 3 0 992 651 152.38 48St Bernards 17 9 6 0 2 0 1127 759 148.48 44St Mary’s Salesian 17 9 6 0 2 0 1085 824 131.67 44Williamstown CYMS 17 2 13 0 2 0 479 1577 30.37 16UHS-VU / Flemington 17 0 14 0 3 0 409 1523 26.85 12P W L D B FF F A % PtsNorthern Blues 16 13 3 0 0 1 1817 845 215.03 56Mazenod 17 13 3 1 0 0 1441 869 165.82 54Collegians 16 12 3 1 0 1 1375 843 163.11 50Old Camberwell 17 10 7 0 0 0 1404 1003 139.98 40PEGS 17 6 11 0 0 0 1024 1154 88.73 24Old Xaverians 16 5 11 0 0 1 979 1520 64.41 24Ormond 14 3 11 0 0 0 757 1742 43.46 16St Bernards 15 1 14 0 0 1 758 1729 43.84 8P W L D B FF F A % PtsIvanhoe 17 14 2 0 1 0 1592 648 245.68 60Williamstown CYMS 14 8 5 0 1 3 1439 987 145.8 48Old Geelong 17 11 5 0 1 0 1369 957 143.05 48Therry Penola 17 9 7 0 1 0 1335 981 136.09 40La Trobe University 16 6 9 0 1 0 1181 1154 102.34 28MHSOB 15 1 13 0 1 2 1078 1570 68.66 16AJAX 3 1 2 0 0 0 214 519 41.23 4Emmaus St Leos 8 0 7 0 1 0 274 1688 16.23 4UNDER 19 SOUTHP W L D B FF F A % PtsDe La Salle 17 14 3 0 0 0 1930 800 241.25 56Parkdale Vultures 17 14 3 0 0 0 1813 799 226.91 56Peninsula 17 13 4 0 0 0 1812 915 198.03 52St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 17 10 6 1 0 0 1645 1202 136.86 42St Mary’s Salesian 17 7 10 0 0 0 1546 1483 104.25 28Monash Blues 17 5 11 1 0 0 1152 1431 80.5 22Hampton Rovers 17 3 14 0 0 0 610 1952 31.25 12Beaumaris 17 1 16 0 0 0 521 2468 21.11 4THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201263

WINNING EDGE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPClub Senior Reserve U19/U18 Club XVIII/Thirds TotalOld Xaverians 56 24 48 16 144Ivanhoe AFC 56 26 48 6 136Old Geelong 48 32 39 13 132Collegians 56 22 39 13 130De La Salle OC 44 30 45 8.5 127.5St Kevins OB 48 28 39 10 125Peninsula OB 60 24 39 0 123Old Brighton Grammarians 36 26 42 11.5 115.5Mazenod 40 18 43.5 8.5 110Parkdale Vultures 50 15 42 0 107Therry Penola OB 32 22 33 14 101PREMIERP W L D B FF F A % PtsCollegians 16 14 2 0 0 0 1556 1083 143.67 56Old Xaverians 16 14 2 0 0 0 1358 975 139.28 56De La Salle 16 11 5 0 0 0 1516 1112 136.33 44Old Scotch 16 10 6 0 0 0 1398 1217 114.87 40Old Carey 16 8 8 0 0 0 1275 1104 115.49 32St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 16 8 8 0 0 0 1324 1430 92.59 32University Blues 16 6 10 0 0 0 1039 1284 80.92 24St Bernards 16 6 10 0 0 0 1194 1480 80.68 24Old Trinity 16 3 13 0 0 0 1187 1523 77.94 12Caulfield Grammarians 16 0 16 0 0 0 900 1539 58.48 0PREMIER RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsDe La Salle 16 15 1 0 0 0 1198 711 168.5 60Old Xaverians 16 12 4 0 0 0 1215 606 200.5 48Collegians 16 11 5 0 0 0 1157 776 149.1 44University Blues 16 11 5 0 0 0 1066 790 134.94 44Old Scotch 15 9 6 0 0 0 1236 912 135.53 36St Bernards 16 9 7 0 0 0 833 870 95.75 36Caulfield Grammarians 16 7 9 0 0 0 1137 1004 113.25 28Old Carey 15 2 13 0 0 0 734 1180 62.2 8Old Trinity 16 2 14 0 0 0 705 1387 50.83 8St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 16 1 15 0 0 0 613 1658 36.97 4PREMIER THIRDS<strong>VAFA</strong> PREMIERSHIP LADDERS 2012P W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Xaverians 16 14 0 0 2 0 1386 441 314.29 64Collegians 16 12 3 0 1 0 1308 692 189.02 52Old Scotch 16 10 4 0 2 0 933 691 135.02 48University Blues 16 9 6 0 1 0 1092 785 139.11 40De La Salle 15 6 7 0 2 1 1022 812 125.86 36Old Carey 16 4 10 0 2 0 706 1114 63.38 24Caulfield Grammarians 16 4 10 0 2 0 733 1370 53.5 24St Bernards 15 3 10 0 2 0 589 1135 51.89 20Old Trinity 16 1 13 0 2 0 350 1202 29.12 12PREMIER BP W L D B FF F A % PtsUniversity Blacks 16 14 2 0 0 0 1583 862 183.64 56St Kevins 16 12 4 0 0 0 1676 1075 155.91 48Beaumaris 16 11 5 0 0 0 1528 1122 136.19 44Old Melburnians 16 11 5 0 0 0 1413 1180 119.75 44Old Brighton 16 9 7 0 0 0 1364 1265 107.83 36Old Haileybury 16 9 7 0 0 0 1280 1193 107.29 36AJAX 16 7 9 0 0 0 1337 1647 81.18 28Werribee Districts 16 4 12 0 0 0 1085 1408 77.06 16Oakleigh 16 2 14 0 0 0 1091 1739 62.74 8Old Ivanhoe 16 1 15 0 0 0 994 1860 53.44 4PREMIER B RESERVESP W L D B FF F A % PtsUniversity Blacks 16 14 2 0 0 0 1579 482 327.59 56St Kevins 16 14 2 0 0 0 1462 619 236.19 56Old Brighton 16 13 3 0 0 0 1403 750 187.07 52Beaumaris 16 11 5 0 0 0 1383 859 161 44Old Melburnians 16 9 7 0 0 0 1439 821 175.27 36Old Haileybury 16 6 10 0 0 0 1050 1350 77.78 24AJAX 16 4 12 0 0 0 866 1411 61.37 16Old Ivanhoe 16 4 12 0 0 0 557 1833 30.39 16Werribee Districts 16 3 13 0 0 0 736 1618 45.49 12Oakleigh 16 2 14 0 0 0 834 1566 53.26 8PREMIER B THIRDSP W L D B FF F A % PtsOld Xaverians 14 8 4 0 2 2 1148 714 160.78 48Old Brighton 15 10 4 0 1 1 1163 969 120.02 48St Kevins 14 8 5 0 1 2 1437 753 190.84 44Old Melburnians 15 9 5 0 1 1 1238 1083 114.31 44University Blacks 14 5 8 0 1 2 846 946 89.43 32Northern Blues 16 5 9 0 2 0 947 1065 88.92 28AJAX 9 2 6 0 1 0 577 1219 47.33 12Oakleigh 6 0 6 0 0 0 383 1173 32.65 064 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2012

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