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DRAFT PROGRAMMETHE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCOMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGY&THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONENGINEERING COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY4-6 September 2002Organised at and in conjunction withFaculty of <strong>Civil</strong> EngineeringCzech Technical University in Prague, Czech RepublicSponsored byThe International Journal of <strong>Comp</strong>uters and Structuresorganised by:CIVIL-COMP PRESSStirling, UK1

HOW TO FIND A PAPER IN THE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSThe conference proceedings are published in two extended abstract volumeswith accompanying CD-ROMs as follows:• volume CST: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on<strong>Comp</strong>utational Structures TechnologyB.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, (Editors)<strong>Civil</strong>-<strong>Comp</strong> <strong>Press</strong>, 2002, ISBN 0-948749-83-0• volume ECT: Proceedings of the Third International Conference onEngineering <strong>Comp</strong>utational TechnologyB.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, (Editors)<strong>Civil</strong>-<strong>Comp</strong> <strong>Press</strong>, 2002, ISBN 0-948749-86-5The figure immediately preceding a paper title refers to the volume letter andthe paper number in the extended abstract book and on the CD-ROM. Thefigure immediately preceding the session title refers to the part number in theextended abstract book and on the CD-ROM.The special lectures are published in two hardback volume as follows:• volume SLC: <strong>Comp</strong>utational Structures TechnologyB.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, (Editors)Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2002, ISBN 1-874672-16-4• volume SLE: Engineering <strong>Comp</strong>utational TechnologyB.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, (Editors)Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2002, ISBN 1-874672-17-2If the figure immediately preceding a paper title starts with SLC or SLE, thepaper is special lecture which can be found in the hardback book under thecorresponding chapter number.All presentations, lunches and coffees will take place in theFaculty of <strong>Civil</strong> EngineeringCzech Technical University in PragueThakurova 7166 29 Prague 6, Czech RepublicDay 0: Tuesday 3th September 200216.30-19.00 : Conference Registration Desk open (Atrium-Room H)19.00 : Welcome drink in the AtriumDay 1: Wednesday 4th September 200208.15-17.00 : Registration Desk open (Atrium-Room H)09.30 : Conference opens in Room A11.00-11.30 : Coffee / Tea12.30-14.00 : Buffet Lunch in the Atrium14.00 : Parallel Sessions in all rooms15.30-16.00 : Coffee / TeaDay 2: Thursday 5th September 200208.15-17.00 : Registration Desk open (Atrium-Room H)09.00-12.30 : Parallel Sessions in all Rooms10.30-11:00 : Coffee / Tea12.30-14.00 : Buffet Lunch in the Atrium14.00-18.00 : Parallel Sessions in all Rooms15.30-16.00 : Coffee / Tea19.15 : Coaches leave for Municipal House from outside Masarykova Kolej (Thakurova 1)23.00 : Return from Conference DinnerDay 3: Friday 6th September 200208.15-16.00 : Registration Desk open (Atrium-Room H)09.00-12.30 : Parallel Sessions in all Rooms10.30-11:00 : Coffee / Tea12.30-14.00 : Buffet Lunch in the Atrium14.00-16.00 : Parallel Sessions in all Rooms16.00 : Coffee / TeaA NOTE FOR AUTHORS PRESENTING PAPERS AND CHAIRMENAll authors should meet at the front of the meeting room for their session at least 10 minutes before thesession starts. Each contributed paper has been allocated 15 minutes for presentation and questions.Chairmen should indicate when 10 minutes have passed and again after 12 minutes that the presenter shouldimmediately finish. Three minutes are available for questions and comments.Authors are kindly asked to keep to the time allocated to them by the Chairmen. The preferred aid topresentation is overhead projector, which is ideal for short presentations of 10 minutes. Authors who wish touse computer projection should ensure that they can quickly and efficiently start their presentation whenrequested by the Chairman.Chairmen are requested to keep to the timetable. Changes to the programme will be indicated on the copies ofthe programme displayed on the conference timetable board and at the entrance to each of the presentationrooms.Assistants will be available in each of the presentation rooms to help authors with the use of the slide andoverhead projectors. All assistants’ badges are marked in green.2

Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: AMROOM AOPENING PLENARY SESSIONS:Chairman: Professor Z. Bittnar9.30-11.00: Introduction by Professor B.H.V. ToppingWelcome to Prague by Professor Z. BittnarWelcome to the Czech Technical University in Prague by Professor L. Musilek, Vice-Rector, CTUWelcome to the Faculty of <strong>Civil</strong> Engineering by Professor L. Lamboj, Dean of <strong>Civil</strong> Engineering, CTU11.00-11.30: Coffee/TeaOpening Lecture for CST2002:SLC.1 On the Finite Element Analysis of Shells and their Full Interaction with Navier-Stokes Fluid FlowsProfessor K.J. BatheM.I.T., USAChairman: Professor N. P. Weatherill11.30-12.30: Opening Lecture for ECT2002:SLE.1 <strong>Comp</strong>uting Technology: Frontiers and BeyondProfessor A.K. NoorNASA Langley Research Center, USA12.30-14.00: Buffet Lunch in the AtriumAS A COURTESY AND IN POLITENESS TO ALL SPEAKERS AND OTHER PARTICIPANTSPLEASE TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE WHENEVER YOU ENTERANY OF THE MEETING AND LECTURE ROOMS. THANK YOU3




Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM A14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor M. HoitSLE.2 Virtual Reality in Construction: A ReviewW. Thabet, M.F. Shiratuddin and D. BowmanSLE.3 Knowledge Based Systems in Structural Steelwork Design: A ReviewT.J. McCarthy15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.45: Chairman: Professor R. OhayonSLE.4 Integrating CAE Concepts with CAD GeometryC.G. Armstrong, D.J. Monaghan, M.A. Price, H. Ou and J. LamontSLE.5 Finite Element Methods for Electromagnetic ScatteringK. Morgan, P.D. Ledger, J. Peraire, O. Hassan and N.P. WeatherillDay 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM B14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor G. MuscolinoSLC.3 Concrete Structures Subject to High TemperatureC.E. Majorana, D. Gawin, F. Pesavento and B.A. SchreflerSLC.4 Stochastic Modelling of Failure and Size Effect of Concrete StructuresD. Novák15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.45: Chairman: Professor D. NovákSLC.5 Nonlocal Formulations for Softening MaterialsM. Jirásek and B. PatzákSLC.6-7 <strong>Comp</strong>utational Aspects in Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Porous MediaJ. Sejnoha, Z. Bittnar, T. Krejcí, J. Kruis and L. Jendele7

Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM CSPECIAL SESSION14.15-15.30: Chairman: Professor A.C. BenimECT.XI INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF CFDECT.28 CFD Analysis of Free Surface Flow with Droplet InteractionN. VoglECT.29 Analysis of Three Dimensional MHD flows in an Electric FurnaceJ.L. Xia and T. AhokainenECT.30 CFD Studies on Fin and Tube Heat Exchangers: Critical Analysis of the NumericalSolutions ReliabilityC.D. Pérez Segarra, C. Lifante, C. Oliet and J. CadafalchECT.31 CFD-Simulation of Swirling In-Cylinder Flow using Advanced Mesh MotionCapabilitiesA. Boemer and S. Artiaga-Hahn15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.15: Chairman: Professor A.C. BenimECT.32 Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interaction with an Improved Coupling StrategyM. Kuntz, J. Carregal Ferreira, F.R. Menter and G.N.M. OudendijkECT.33 The Application of Advanced CFD-Methods to the Design of Highly Efficient SteamTurbinesT. Thiemann, A. de Lazzer and M. DeckersECT.34 Quasi-Three-Dimensional (Q-3D) Simulation of Unsteady <strong>Comp</strong>ressible Flow inTurbomachineryO. SchäferECT.35 CFD Simulations of Three-Dimensional Flow in Turbomachinery ApplicationsJ. Yan, D. Gregory-Smith and A. KaranjkarDay 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM D14.15-15.30: Chairman: Professor P. BouillardCST.XVI PLATES AND SHELLSCST.77 Nonlinear Behaviour of the RFNS Element - Large Displacements and RotationsD. BriassoulisCST.78 Initial Flexural Failure Prediction of Fibre-Reinforced Laminated Sector Mindlin PlatesM. Salehi and A.R. SobhaniCST.79 A Triangular Finite Element for the Study of the Post-Critical Behaviour of ShellsL. Corradi and N. PanzeriCST.80 Non-Linear Vibrations of Anisotropic Cylindrical ShellsM.H. Toorani and A.A. Lakis15.30-16.00: Coffee/TeaSPECIAL SESSION16.00-17.30: Chairman: Dr Th. ZimmermannECT.IX THREE-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATIONS IN UNDERGROUND WORKSECT.20 Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Real World Geomechanical ProblemsA. Truty and Th. ZimmermannECT.21 Numerical Simulation of Earthworks and Retaining System for a Large ExcavationF. Geiser, S. Commend and J. CrisinelECT.22 Tunnel Junction at Shallow Cover: A Case StudyJ. JägerECT.23 Modelling and Simulation in <strong>Civil</strong> Engineering PracticeJ.-L. SarfECT.24 Three Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Temporary Supports Carrying LargeInclined ForcesA. Urbanski8

Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM ESPECIAL SESSION14.00-15.30: Chairman: Dr P. Boisse and Professor M. TouratierCST.XVII COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR NON-HOMOGENEOUS SHELLS ANDMEMBRANESCST.81 Modelling of Piezoelectric Adaptive Beam, Plate and Shell Structures: SomeDevelopments and ResultsA. BenjeddouCST.82 A C1 Triangular Finite Element for Analyzing Multilayered Shell StructuresF. Dau, O. Polit and M. TouratierCST.83 Prediction of the Two-Scale Buckling Response of Sandwich Beams under In-Plane<strong>Comp</strong>ressionL. Léotoing, S. Drapier and A. VautrinCST.84 Numerical Solution by Energy Minimization of Hyperelastic Membrane in LargeDisplacements and Finite StrainsR. Bouzidi and A. Le VanCST.85 Linear and Quadratic Potential Variation in a New Piezoelectric Eight Node FiniteElementO. Polit and I. Bruant15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.30: Chairman: Dr P. Boisse and Professor M. TouratierCST.XVII COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR NON-HOMOGENEOUS SHELLS ANDMEMBRANESCST.87 Beam and Plain Strain Finite Elements for Inflatable Fabric Membranes in TwoDimensionsJ.-C. Thomas, Y. Ravaut, C. Wielgosz and R. BouzidiCST.88 Simulation of Thermoplastic <strong>Comp</strong>osite Forming using Shells with Pinching ElementsA. Cheruet, D. Soulat, P. Boisse, M. Touratier, E. Soccard, S. Maison-Le Poec and S.GuinardCST.89 Dynamic Characteristics of Laminated Angle-Ply Noncircular Cylindrical ShellsH.G. Patel, B.P. Patel, M. Ganapathi and M. TouratierCST.90 A Unified Formulation for Multilayered Plate Elements based on PVD and RMVTE. CarreraCST.86 A <strong>Comp</strong>arative Study for the Mechanical Behaviour of the Materials having DifferentModuli in Tension and <strong>Comp</strong>ressionS.K. Afaq, M. Karama and S. Mistou (unconfirmed)Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM F14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor M. BradfordECT.I INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUESECT.1 FEM and BEM: Are we able to manage all available Information?J. MackerleECT.II ENGINEERING DESIGNECT.2 The Creation of Novel Images of Product Shapes from the Design Aspect SpaceActivated by Non-Linear DynamicsK. Sakita and M. IgoshiECT.3 A Reverse Engineering Approach for Finite Element Model Generation of HistoricalConstructions and Industrial PartsL. Fine and J.-C. LéonECT.4 Numerical Modelling for the Design of Urban Drainage SystemD.S. Jeng and D. BecirevicECT.5 An Optimised Solution for the Preliminary Design of the Ribeiradio RCC DamR.C. Barros and R.T. Teixeira15.30-16.00: Coffee/TeaSPECIAL SESSION16.00-17.30: Chairman: Dr L. DunaiCST.XX VIRTUAL EXPERIMENTS ON STEEL STRUCTURESCST.101 Virtual Fabrication of Steel Welded Plate GirdersJ. Nézö, B.H.V. Topping and L. DunaiCST.102 Virtual Experiments of FSW-Fabricated Aluminium Structural ElementsL.G. VighCST.103 Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Bolted Joints of Three Dimensional TubularStructuresL.G. Vigh and L. DunaiCST.104 Numerical Studies on the Ultimate Behaviour of Steel Cold-formed PurlinsA. Joôo and L. DunaiCST.105 Finite Element Simulation of the Cyclic Behaviour of End-Plate JointsS. Ádány and L. Dunai9

Day 1: Wednesday 4th September 2002: PMROOM G13.45-15.30: Chairman: Professor A. MiyamuraCST.II NANOMECHANICSCST.2 Atomistic Model for Static Equilibrium ProblemsY.W. Kwon and S. JungCST.IV FINITE ELEMENT METHODS IN DESIGNCST.10 An Optimal Plastic Shakedown DesignF. Giambanco, L. Palizzolo and A. CaffarelliCST.11 Simulation of Beam-Column Stability with Automatic Strain IncrementationJ. Szalai and F. PappCST.12 Predicting the Characteristic Curve of a Spacer Grid Spring by Finite Element AnalysisS.P. Heo, K.H. Yoon and K.N. SongCST.13 Investigation of Effective Flange Width Formulas for T-BeamsM. Utku and A. AygarCST.14 Subgrade Fatigue Life in the Cone of Disturbance after an Underground ExplosionJ.W. Bull and C.H. Woodford15.30-15.45: Coffee/Tea15.45-17.45: Chairman: Professor Y.W. KwonCST.III STRUCTURAL ANALYSISCST.3 Area Integral of a Stress Function over a Beam Cross-SectionR. Vondrácek and Z. BittnarCST.4 Development of Matrix Method Based Structural Analysis Toolbox in MatlabY. Arfiadi and M.N.S. HadiCST.5 Sway Analysis of Spliced Pallet-Rack StructuresR.G. Beale and M.H.R. GodleyCST.6 Analysis of Orthogonal Grillage Systems using Transfer Matrix MethodsE.S. KameshkiCST.7 Duality between Statical and Kinematical Engineering SystemsO. ShaiCST.8 Derivation of Methods and Knowledge in Structures by Combinatorial RepresentationsN. Ta'aseh and O. ShaiCST.9 Least Square Functionals for a Plate on an Elastic FoundationL.G. Selna and J.M. Sun10

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM A09.00-10.30: Chairman: Professor A. MeyerSLE.8 Combining SGBEM and FEM for Modeling 3D CracksG.P. Nikishkov and S.N. AtluriSLE.9 Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for Parallel PDE SoftwareP.K. Jimack10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.30: Chairman: Professor N.P. WeatherillSLE.11 Equilibrium Euler-Euler Modelling of Pulverized Coal CombustionA.C. BenimSLE.12 Toward Intelligent Object-Oriented Scientific ApplicationsTh. Zimmermann and P. BommeDay 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM B09.00-10.30: Chairman: Professor C.A. Mota Soares and Dr J. BlachutCST.XXIV COMPOSITES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.127 Modelling of Adaptive Structures using Layerwise ModelsJ.E. Semedo Garção, C.M. Mota Soares, C.A. Mota Soares and J.N. ReddyCST.128 Modelling of Piezolaminated Plates using Layerwise Mixed Finite ElementsR. Garcia Lage, C.M. Mota Soares, C.A. Mota Soares and J.N. ReddyCST.129 Finite Element Analysis of Damaged Multilayered <strong>Comp</strong>osite Beams with TransverseDeformabilityM. Di Sciuva and M. GherloneCST.130 A Methodology to Select the Best Material Combinations and Optimally Design<strong>Comp</strong>osite Sandwich Cylindrical Shells for Least MassM. Walker and R.E. SmithCST.131 <strong>Comp</strong>osite Toroidal <strong>Press</strong>ure HullJ. Blachut10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.30: Chairman: Professor G. SimitsesSLC.8 Recent Developments in Modelling and Design of Laminated and PiezolaminatedStructures by the Finite Strip MethodM.A. Ramos Loja, C.M. Mota Soares and C.A. Mota SoaresSLC.9 Refined <strong>Comp</strong>utational Models for Laminated ShellsM. Touratier11

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM C09.15-10.30: Chairman: Dr. M. JirasekCST.XXI CONCRETE ANALYSIS AND MODELLINGCST.106 Gaussian Segmentation of BSE Images to Assess the Porosity of ConcreteD.J. Robinson, F. Murtagh and P.A.M. BasheerCST.107 Elastic Degradation and Damage in Concrete following Nonlinear Equations andLoading FunctionM.H.F.M. Barros, C.M. Mota Soares and R.A.F. MartinsCST.108 Non-Linear Coupled Heat and Moisture Analysis of ConcreteM. Kulhavý and Z. BittnarCST.109 Verification of Microplane Model by Means of Various Numerical SimulationsJ. Nemecek, M. Ventluka and Z. Bittnar10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.30: Chairman: Professor H. HikosakaCST.XXII REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.111 Energy Dissipating Capacity of Reinforced Concrete MembersP.G. Bakir and M.H. BodurogluCST.112 Modeling of the Dynamic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames with SignificantReinforcement SlipR. Picôn, B. Vera, C. Quintero-Febres and J. Flôrez-LôpezCST.113 Modelling of Accordion Effect in Corrugated Steel Web with Concrete FlangesL. Huang, H. Hikosaka and K. KomineCST.114 Analytical Investigations of the Effects of Tension Slab Reinforcement in CantileverBeamsM.B.H. EmaraCST.115 Analytical Solutions for Bending Design of RC Trapezoidal Cross Sections accordingto EC2 StandardM. SkrinarCST.110 Time-dependent and Materially Non-linear Analysis of Concrete StructuresJ. Pencik (unconfirmed)Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM D09.00-10.45: Chairman: Professor I. Takahashi and Professor I. FloodECT.XX NEURAL NETWORKS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ANALYSISECT.78 Identification of Impact Loading Characteristics of <strong>Comp</strong>osite Laminated CylindricalShells using Neural NetworksY.-S. Lee, C.-H. Ryu and C.-M. MyungECT.79 Bridge Pier Live Load Analysis using Neural NetworksM.E. Williams and M.I. HoitECT.80 Neural Identification for Critical Flutter Load of a Cracked Shaft SimultaneouslySubjected to a Follower Force with an Axial ForceI. TakahashiECT.81 Solution of Nonmonotone Friction Unilateral Contact Problems within a NeuralNetwork EnvironmentE.S. MistakidisECT.82 Stochastic Model of the Energy Performance Index of Residential BuildingsI. Flood, R.R. Issa, M. Asmus and K. TurkogluECT.83 Dynamic-Neural Modelling of the Thermal Behaviour of BuildingsR.R. Issa, I. Flood and C. Abi Shdid10.45-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.45: Chairman: Dr R.I. Mackie and Dr J. BlachutECT.XX NEURAL NETWORKS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ANALYSISECT.84 Application of Self-Organizing Maps to Classification of Bridge ImagesH. Shiro, M. Hirokane and H. FurutaECT.85 A Study on Generalized Neural Network System for Recognizing Nonlinear Behaviourof StructuresT. Mazda, T. Ohtsuka, W. Yabuki and M. TsurutaECT.86 Optimizing Synaptic Weights of Neural NetworksJ. Drchal, A. Kucerová and J. NemecekCST.XXVI OPTIMIZATIONCST.148 Evolutionary Structural Optimisation with Fatigue Life ConstraintsM. Haiba, D.C. Barton, P.C. Brooks and M.C. LevesleyCST.149 Fully Stressed Structure Design Using Ranked BESOC.-H. Ryu, Y.-S. Lee and C.-M. MyungCST.150 Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of StructuresJ.F. Aguilar Madeira12

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM E09.00-10.45: Chairman: Dr J.R. Banerjee and Professor G. MuscolinoCST.IX DYNAMIC RE-ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATIONCST.42 Optimum Design and Performance of Multi Tuned Mass Damper SystemsM.N.S. Hadi and Y. ArfiadiCST.43 A Dynamic Reanalysis Technique for Modifications of Structural <strong>Comp</strong>onentsP. Cacciola and G. MuscolinoCST.VII DYNAMIC AND VIBRATION ANALYSISCST.32 Dynamic Stiffness Formulation and Free Vibration Analysis of Spinning BeamsJ.R. Banerjee and H. SuCST.34 Solution of Transient Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Problems using the ModifiedIterative Group-Implicit AlgorithmY. Dere and E.D. SotelinoCST.31 Symmetry in Dynamic SystemsA. Kaveh and M.A. SayarinejadCST.VIII DYNAMIC ANALYSIS FOR DESIGNCST.36 Triply Coupled Vibrations of Thin-Walled Open Cross-Section Beams including ShearEffectA. Arpaci, E. Bozdag and E. Sunbuloglu (unconfirmed)Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM F10.30-10.45: Coffee/Tea10.45-12.30: Chairman: Dr M.L. Romero and Professor R.C. BarrosCST.X SEISMIC AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERINGCST.44 An Approach to Seismic Correction which includes Wavelet De-noisingA.A. Chanerley and N.A. AlexanderCST.46 A <strong>Comp</strong>arative Investigation in Linear and Non-linear Fluid Viscous Dampers forSeismic ApplicationsM.D. Martinez-Rodrigo and M.L. RomeroCST.47 Seismic Response Envelopes of a Tank Supported at the BaseR.C. BarrosCST.48 Influence of Subsoil on Tuning Base Isolation Devices for <strong>Civil</strong> StructuresA. Baratta and I. CorbiCST.50 Probabilistic Criterion for the Identification of Seismogenetic Areas in Seismic RiskEvaluationA. Baratta and I. CorbiCST.49 Seismic Analysis of Multistory Buildings including Foundation-Soil-FoundationInteractionH.E. Karamaneas, D.C. Rizos and D.L. KarabalisCST.45 A Reappraisal of Time Period Formulas of Design Codes for Framed ReinforcedConcrete BuildingsK.M. Amanat and E. Hoque (unconfirmed)10.45-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.15: Chairman: Professor E. AlarcónECT.VIII BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHODSECT.16 Evaluation of Inverse Boundary Element Techniques using Experimental PhotoelasticMeasurementsP. Wang, A.A. Becker, I.A. Jones and T.H. HydeECT.17 On the Use of Singular Boundary Elements in Fracture Analysis of Creeping CrackedMetallic <strong>Comp</strong>onentsC.P. ProvidakisECT.18 A <strong>Comp</strong>uter Aided Design System for the Analysis of Transferred Potentials in EarthingSystemsI. Colominas, G. Mosqueira, J. Gómez-Calviño, F. Navarrina and M. CasteleiroECT.19 Integration of Hypersingular Kernels in Symmetric BEM Analysis of Kirchhoff PlatesM. Mazza and M. Aristodemo13

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: AMROOM GSPECIAL SESSION09.15-10.30: Chairman: Professor S.C.R. DennisECT.X SOLUTION METHODS FOR THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONChairman’s IntroductionECT.25 <strong>Comp</strong>utations and Analyses of Convection in Liquid BridgesF.T. Smith and D.A.R. DaviesECT.26 Numerical Simulation of the Flow Induced by a Circular Cylinder Subject to ForcedOscillationsS. Kocabiyik and F.M. MahfouzECT.27 Numerical Simulation of Steady and Unsteady Mixed Convection from Tubes of EllipticCross-sectionH.M. Badr and E.H. Ahmed (unconfirmed)10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea14

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM A14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor C.P. ProvidakisSLC.14 Structural Damage: Simulation and AssessmentY.S. Petryna, W.B. Krätzig and F. StangenbergSLE.10 Parallel and Distributed Finite Element Analysis of StructuresE.D. Sotelino and Y. Dere15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.45: Chairman: Professor C.G. ArmstrongSLC.12 Group-Theoretic Applications in Solid and Structural Mechanics: A ReviewA. ZingoniSLC.13 Topological Transformations in Structural MechanicsA. KavehDay 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM B14.00-14.45: Chairman: Dr P.K. JimackSLE.7 Projection Techniques embedded in the PCGM for handling Hanging Nodes andBoundary RestrictionsA. Meyer14.45-15.30: Chairman: Professor C. CinquiniSLC.2 Nonlinear Shell Problem Formulation accounting for Through-the-Thickness Stretchingand its Finite Element ImplementationA. Ibrahimbegovic, B. Brank and J. Korelc15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.30: Chairman: Dr P.K. Jimack and Dr J. KruisECT.XIV PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGECT.41 Domain Decomposition Methods on Heterogeneous ClusterJ. Kruis and Z. BittnarECT.42 Distributed Framework for Parallel Finite Element Analysis in a CORBA EnvironmentM. Raghunath, C.V. Ramakrishnan, A. Ahlawat and B.P.B. Soma Shekar (unconfirmed)ECT.43 An Efficient Algorithm for Parallel Stiffness Matrix AssemblingA. Unterkircher and J. ReissnerECT.44 Effectiveness of Approximate Inverse Preconditioning by using the MR algorithm on anOrigin 2400T. Tanaka and T. NoderaECT.45 Dynamic Analysis of Strap-on Rocket Boosters using a Parallelized Chimera GridSchemeS.-H. Ko, S. Choi, C. Kim, O.-H. Rho and J.-J. Park15

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM C14.00-15.30: Chairman: Dr C.E. MajoranaCST.XXII REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.116 Collapse of a RC Structure due to Erroneous FEM <strong>Comp</strong>uter Controlled DesignO. Río, L. Sparowitz, P. Tanner and D. TheodossopoulosCST.117 Numerical Analysis of Ductility in Reinforced Concrete Beams in the CASTEM 2000M.P. Barbosa and A.L. GaminoCST.118 Parametric Studies on Cyclically Loaded Exterior Beam-Column JointsP.G. Bakir and M.H. BodurogluCST.119 Adherence Analysis of Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Strengthened RC BeamsR. Perera, M.L. Moreno and E. AlarcônCST.120 A Modified Algorithm for Reinforced Concrete Cross Section IntegrationJ.L. Bonet, P.F. Miguel, M.L. Romero and M.A. Fernandez15.30-15.45: Coffee/Tea15.45-17.45: Chairman: Dr D. NovákCST.XXII REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.121 A Design Equation for Predicting the Shear Strength of Short BeamsP.G. Bakir and M.H. BodurogluCST.122 Numerical Simulation of Textile-Reinforced Concrete StructuresS. Holler, C. Butenweg, S.-Y. Noh and K. MeskourisCST.123 Mechanical Properties of Fibre-Reinforced High Strength ConcreteM.B.H. Emara, S.F.M. Abd Elnaby, H. Amin and M.A. El-DemirdashCST.XI DAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND STRUCTURAL IDENTIFICATIONCST.52 Application of Dynamic Models to the Detection of Imperfections in Plate StructuresA. Samartín and C. MorenoCST.53 Structural Assessment by Modal Analysis: Case Study of the New Algiers AirportN. Bourahla, F. Bouriche, M. Benredouane and M. Ould-AmaraCST.54 An Inverse Identification Method from Dynamic Tests with MeasurementUncertaintiesP. Feissel, O. Allix and P. Thévenet (unconfirmed)Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM D14.00-15.30: Chairman: Dr V.K. KoumousisECT.XIX GENETIC ALGORITHMS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGNECT.68 A Combined Heuristic Technique for the Optimal Design of <strong>Civil</strong> EngineeringStructures with Implicit Constraints and Nonlinear DeformationsH. Schmidt and G. ThieraufECT.70 Hybrid Optimization Approach to Design of Reinforced Concrete FramesM. Leps, J. Zeman and Z. BittnarECT.71 Optimal Allocation of Service Facilities for an ExpresswayA. O'hashi, Y. Kohama and A. MiyamuraECT.72 Parameter Estimation in a 3-D Wind Field Adaptive Model Using GAsG. Montero, E. Rodriguez, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar and J.M. Gonzalez-YusteECT.73 Genetic Algorithms Based Optimization of Three-Dimensional Alignments forHighwaysM. Yamasaki, T. Hongo, K. Hiyane, J. Iio and T. Yatabe15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.45: Chairman: Dr J. SienzECT.XIX GENETIC ALGORITHMS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGNECT.74 The Effect of Oscillating Population Size and Re-initialization on the Performance ofGenetic AlgorithmsV.K. Koumousis and C.P. KatsarasECT.75 Optimal Construction Management using an Improved Genetic AlgorithmH. Furuta, K. Nakatsu and T. MatsumotoECT.76 Optimal Allocation of Underground Shopping Mall by Immune Algorithm andSimulationH. Furuta and N. TsujiokaECT.77 Application of FEV Method and Genetic Algorithm in Optimization of Resin HardeningTechnological ProcessesA. Muc and P. SajECT.69 Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms in Pump Scheduling OptimisationA. Sotelo, C. von Lücken and B. BaránECT.64 Discrete and Continuous Structural Optimisation Using Evolution StrategiesA.F. Ulusoy and F. Erbatur (unconfirmed)16

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM E14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor K. MorganECT.XII ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF FLUID PROBLEMSECT.36 Ship Shock Modelling and Simulation for Far-Field Underwater ExplosionY.S. ShinECT.37 Roll Waves Evolution in High Gradient Channels to a Non-Newtonian RheologyG.F. MacielECT.38 Water Waves Generated by Local Disturbance: Serre's Model ValidityG.F. Maciel and M.F. NascimentoECT.XIII SIMULATION OF CASTING AND FORGING PROBLEMSECT.40 Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Tapered Preforms on the Final Product inCold UpsettingÖ. Dogan, M.I. Gökler and H. DarendelilerECT.39 Modelling of High <strong>Press</strong>ure Die Casting using the CSPH MethodM. Profit, S. Kulaesegaram, J. Bonet and R.W. Lewis (unconfirmed)15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.30: Chairman: Professor S.H. Suh and Dr D. RyplECT.VII ENGINEERING SIMULATIONECT.15 Effects of Stenting Shapes on the Wall Shear Stress in the Angulated Coronary StenosisS.H. Suh, M.T. Cho, H.M. Kwon and S.S. YooECT.V CAD AND MESH GENERATIONECT.11 Locally Optimal Unstructured Finite Element Meshes in Three DimensionsR. Mahmood and P.K. JimackECT.12 Triangulation of 3D Surfaces: From Parametric to Discrete SurfacesD. Rypl and Z. BittnarECT.13 A Decomposition Method Applied to Orthogonal PolyhedraR. Obiala, B.H.V. Topping, D.E.R. Clark and G.M. SeedDay 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM F13.45-15.30: Chairman: Professor E. Alarcón and Dr M. HartnettCST.VIII DYNAMIC ANALYSIS FOR DESIGNCST.35 Dynamic Effects of High Speed Trains On UnderpassesA. Fraile, L. Hermanns, F. Chirino and E. AlarcônCST.38 Dynamical Response of Steel Deck <strong>Comp</strong>osite Slabs with Geometric OrthotrophySubjected to Human Rhythmic ActivitiesJ.G.S. da Silva, P.C.G. da S. Vellasco and S.A.L. de AndradeCST.39 The Influence of Hertzian Spring Stiffness on the Dynamic Response of a BridgeModelM. Majka, M. Hartnett and D.W. O'DwyerCST.40 Analysis of the Dynamic Failure Behaviour of the Grid Structure by Lateral ImpactLoadK.H. Yoon, S.P. Heo, H.S. Kang, K.N. Song and Y.H. JungCST.41 Application of the Dynamic Finite Element Formulation in Flutter Analysis of WingsS.M. Hashemi and H. AlighanbariCST.37 The Coupling Effect in Biodynamic ModelsG. Birlik and Ö. Sezgin15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-16.45: Chairman: Professor U.A. Girhammar (unconfirmed)CST.XXIII TIMBER STRUCTURESCST.124 Geometrical Parameter Influence on Behaviour of Reticulated Timber DomesD.H. Pan and U.A. Girhammar (unconfirmed)CST.126 Ring Beam Stiffness Effect on Behaviour of Reticulated Timber DomesD.H. Pan and U.A. Girhammar (unconfirmed)CST.VI NON-LINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSISCST.29 Non-Linear Finite Element Analyses of Sheathed Timber DiaphragmsL. Wu, U.A. Girhammar, B. Källsner and A. Moström (unconfirmed)ECT.VI VIRTUAL REALITYECT.14 Constraint-based 3D Direct Manipulations for Intuitive and Precise Solid Modelling ina Virtual Reality EnvironmentY. Zhong and W. Müller-Wittig (unconfirmed)17

Day 2: Thursday 5th September 2002: PMROOM G14.00-15.30: Chairman: Professor M. WalkerCST.XXIV COMPOSITES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.132 The Role of Relative Permeability in Simulation of RTM Process Filling PhaseZ. Dimitrovová and S. AdvaniCST.133 Analysis of the Structural Performance of the Laminated Glass Plate and Multi-Layered Laminated Glass PlateR.Y. Xiao and G.P.W. ChinCST.134 Numerical Analysis of Fatigue Damage Evolution in <strong>Comp</strong>osite Pipe JointsL. Figiel and M. KaminskiCST.135 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of <strong>Comp</strong>osite Planar Frames with Interlayer SlipB. Cas, F. Saje, M. Saje and I. PlanincCST.136 Non-Linear Analysis of Continuous <strong>Comp</strong>osite Beams by a Mixed ApproachA. Dall'Asta and A. Zona15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea16.00-17.15: Chairman: Professor M. SajeCST.XXIV COMPOSITES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.137 Discrete Optimization of Two-Dimensional Laminated <strong>Comp</strong>osite Plate and ShellStructuresA. Muc, W. Gurba, T. Fugiel and P. KedzioraCST.138 Multiresolutional Homogenization Technique in Transient Heat Transfer forUnidirectional <strong>Comp</strong>ositesM. KaminskiCST.139 Homogenization of Transient Heat Transfer Problems for Some <strong>Comp</strong>osite MaterialsM. Kaminski and M. PawlikCST.140 Buckling of Long, Sandwich Cylindrical Shells under <strong>Press</strong>ureG.A. Kardomateas and G.J. Simitses18

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM A09.00-10.30: Chairman: Dr J.W. BullSLE.6 Finite Element Non-Linear Dynamic Soil-Fluid-Structure InteractionR.S. CrouchSLC.16 Research on Thin-Walled I-Beams Curved In-PlanM.A. Bradford and Y.-L. Pi10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.30: Chairman: Professor D. BriassoulisSLC.10 A Mortar Approach for the Analysis and Optimization of <strong>Comp</strong>osite Laminated PlatesC. Cinquini and P. VeniniSLC.11 Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems using <strong>Comp</strong>onent Mode SynthesisG. MuscolinoDay 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM B10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-11-45: Chairman: Professor M. TouratierSLC.15 Form Finding, Analysis and <strong>Comp</strong>uter Aided Design of Tension StructuresT. Nouri-Baranger11.45-12.30: Chairman: Professor M. TouratierCST.XVIII TENSION STRUCTURESCST.91 Optimal Design of Tensile Fabric StructuresT. Nouri-Baranger and P. TrompetteCST.92 NURBS representation of Coated Woven Fabric BehaviourB.N. Bridgens and P.D. GoslingCST.93 A Holistic Design Procedure for Membrane Structures using the SCOOP FrameworkK. Reimann, R. Wagner, R. Blum and M. Jentsch (unconfirmed)19

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM C09.00-10.45: Chairman: Dr R.I. Mackie and Dr K. OrsbornECT.XV MULTIBODY MODELLING AND SIMULATIONECT.46 Some Aspects on Modelling of the Electric Drives with MBS ProgramsT. Hammarberg, A. Rouvinen and O. PyrhönenECT.47 Integration of Multibody System Analysis Information based on Database TechnologyH. Ma and K. OrsbornECT.XVI DATABASE APPLICATIONSECT.48 On the Relational Database Type Numerical ProgrammingB. Kiss and A. KrebszECT.49 A Technical Information System for Collaborative Material ResearchR. Chudoba, C. Butenweg and W. KuhlmannECT.50 A System for Information Management in Simulation of Manufacturing ProcessesH. Johansson, P. Åström and K. OrsbornCST.I COMPUTATIONAL DATABASE TECHNOLOGYCST.1 <strong>Comp</strong>utational Database Technology for <strong>Comp</strong>onent Mode SynthesisM. Nyström and K. Orsborn10.45-11.00: Coffee/TeaDay 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM D10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.45: Chairman: Professor E. Alarcón and Dr M. HartnettCST.XXV DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF BRIDGESCST.141 Probability Concepts in Pushover AnalysisR. Torres, P. Fajfar and E. AlarcônCST.143 An Investigation on the Importance of Train-Bridge Interaction at ResonanceP. Museros and E. AlarcônCST.144 Modelling Vertical Response of Railway Freight Wagons due to Track IrregularitiesD.W. O'Dwyer, D.P. Hegarty and B. BasuCST.145 Dynamic Train-Track-Bridge Interaction on Example of the Boyne ViaductM. Majka, M. Hartnett, C. Bowe and D.W. O'DwyerCST.142 Micro-Simulation Modelling of Traffic Load on Long-Span Congested BridgesE. O'Brien, H. Leendertz and A.A. Hayrapetova (unconfirmed)CST.147 Critical Loading Events for the Assessment of Medium Span BridgesC.C. Caprani, S.A. Grave, E. O'Brien and A.J. O'Connor (unconfirmed)CST.146 Dynamic Response of Double-Track Railway BridgesM.K. Swailem (unconfirmed)11.00-12.45: Chairman: Dr D.S. Jeng and Dr K.-H. ChenECT.XVII GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNECT.55 A Simulation of Deflection for Lateral Loaded Single Pile by using PolynomialK.-H. Chen, L.-H. Wang and J.Y.-H. ChangECT.56 Ultimate Limit State Design of Sheet Pile Walls by Finite Elements and NonlinearProgrammingK. Krabbenhoft, L. Damkilde and S. KrabbenhoftECT.57 Seepage Flow in the Vicinity of a CofferdamH.T. Teo and D.S. JengECT.58 Discontinuous Deformation Analysis for the Wave-Induced Settlement of a SeawallD.S. Jeng, Y. Oh and S. ChenECT.59 A Use of Planar Frame Elements and P-Y Curves for Laterally Loaded Pile AnalysisK.-H. Chen, L.-H. Wang and J.Y.-H. ChangECT.60 Finite Element Based Homogenisation of Cellular Geo-<strong>Comp</strong>ositesA. UrbanskiECT.54 Nonlinear Pile-Soil-Structure Interaction under Transient Impact LoadingS. Küçükarslan and P.K. Banerjee (unconfirmed)ECT.52 Numerical and Centrifuge Modelling of the Uplift Behaviour of Piles in CohesionlessSoilE.A. Dickin (unconfirmed)20

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM E09.30-10.30: Chairman: Dr G. ChiandussiCST.XV CONTACTCST.74 Contact Formulation for Solid-Shell Elements undergoing Large DeformationsM. Harnau and K. SchweizerhofCST.75 Relaxation and Block-Relaxation Procedures for the Dual Formulation of the Signorini-Coulomb Frictional ContactP. Bisegna, F. Lebon and F. MaceriCST.76 Finite Element Method Contact Simulations of CMC Brake Disk Systems for HighSpeed Rail VehiclesR. Dotoli, O. Manni and L. Barone10.30-10.45: Coffee/Tea10.45-12.45: Chairman: Professor A. Ibrahimbegovic and Professor Z. BittnarCST.XIII MATERIALS MODELLINGCST.65 Analysis of Non-Linear Soft Thin InterfacesF. Lebon, R. Rizzoni, S. Ronel-Idrissi and C. LichtCST.66 A Finite Element Formulation for No-Tension Materials in Finite DeformationsM. Cuomo and M. FagoneCST.68 A Numerical Method for the Solution of the Bi-Dimensional Continuous with No-Tension MaterialS. Briccoli Bati and T. RotunnoCST.70 Adaptive Analysis of Quasibrittle FailureB. Patzák and M. JirásekCST.71 Modelling of Time-Dependent Behaviour of Polycrystalline RocksM. Mühlbauer, J. Kruis and Z. BittnarCST.64 Modelling of Nonlinear Behaviour of Masonry Structures: Phenomenological ApproachJ.B. Colliat, L. Davenne and A. Ibrahimbegovic (unconfirmed)CST.67 Rupture Simulation of Three Dimensional Elastoplastic Structures under DynamicLoadingG. Leclère, A. Nême and J.Y. Cognard (unconfirmed)CST.69 Hyper-Elastic Constitutive Equations of Conjugate Stresses and Strain Tensors for theSeth-Hill Strain MeasuresK. Farahani and H. Bahai (unconfirmed)Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: AMROOM F09.00-10.30: Chairman: Professor A.A. Becker and Dr M.H.B.M. ShariffCST.VI NON-LINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSISCST.25 Effect of Geometry Change on the Creep Failure Life of Internally <strong>Press</strong>urised PipesT.H. Hyde, W. Sun and A.A. BeckerCST.26 Analytical Method for Elastoplastic Buckling Behaviour of H-Section Truss Elementsinvolving Local BucklingT. Ohtsuka and S. MotoyuiCST.28 External Stiffness Approach for Thin-Walled Frames with Elastic-PlasticityG. Turkalj, J. Brnic and J. Prpic-OrsicCST.30 An Iterative Method for a Class of Nonlinear Large Scale (Near) Constrained ProblemsM.H.B.M. ShariffCST.27 Inelastic Behaviour of I-Shaped Aluminium BeamsG. De Matteis, R. Landolfo, M. Manganiello and F.M. Mazzolani (unconfirmed)CST.XXIII TIMBER STRUCTURESCST.125 The Effect of Changing Environmental Conditions on Behaviour of Glulam BeamsS. Srpcic, J. Srpcic, M. Saje and G. Turk10.30-11.00: Coffee/Tea11.00-12.30: Chairman: Dr D.W. O’Dwyer and Professor M. SajeCST.XIV FATIGUE MODELLINGCST.72 <strong>Comp</strong>utational Model for Analysis of Bending Fatigue in GearsJ. Kramberger, M. Sraml, S. Glodez, J. Flasker and I. PotrcCST.73 The Application of Fatigue Models to Railway BridgesR. Gallagher, D.W. O'Dwyer and M. HartnettCST.V FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUES: THEORY AND PRACTICECST.15 Error Estimation and p-Adaptivity Based on the Partition of Unity MethodT. Pannachet, D. Díez and H. AskesCST.16 Rotational Invariants in Finite Element Formulation of Three-Dimensional BeamTheoriesZ. Zupan and M. SajeCST.17 Local Gradient and Stress Recovery for Triangular Elements in Plane ElasticityR.C.C. Silva, A.F. Loula and J.N.C. Guerreiro21

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: PMROOM C14.00-15.30: Chairman: Dr R.I. Mackie and Dr M. DolencECT.IV OBJECT ORIENTED METHODSECT.7 Object-Oriented Methods and Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis: Advantages andDifficultiesR.I. MackieECT.8 Developing Extendable <strong>Comp</strong>onent-Oriented Finite Element SoftwareM. DolencECT.9 Object Oriented Boundary Element Programming: A First ApproachP.A. Pagliosa and J.B. PaivaECT.10 An Object Oriented Method for Tetrahedral Mesh RefinementJ.M. Gonzalez-Yuste, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar, G. Montero and E. RodriguezECT.III KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMSECT.6 A Knowledge Based Expert System for Seismic Assessment of Existing ReinforcedConcrete BuildingsA.W. Sadek and M.K. Swailem (unconfirmed)15.30: Coffee/TeaDay 3: Friday 6th September 2002: PMROOM D13.45-16.00: Chairman: Dr L. Dunai and Dr D. CamotimCST.XIX STEEL STRUCTURES: ANALYSIS AND DESIGNCST.94 Ultimate Load Carrying Capacity of Long-Span Steel Arch BridgesJ. Cheng, J.-J. Jiang, R.-C. Xiao and H.-F. XiangCST.95 Simulation Based Design Methodology of Steel Structure MembersF. PappCST.96 A Parametric Study of Steel and <strong>Comp</strong>osite Semi-Rigid Portal FramesO. Brito Jr, S.A.L. de Andrade, P.C.G. da S. Vellasco, J.G.S. da Silva and L.R.O. deLimaCST.97 Application of an Advanced Evolutionary Strategy for the Automatic Design ofModular Steel StructuresC. Ebenau, J. Rottschaefer and G. ThieraufCST.98 On the Distortional Post-Buckling Behaviour of Rack-Section Cold-Formed SteelColumnsL.C. Prola and D. CamotimCST.99 Local Buckling, Post-Buckling and Mode Interaction Finite Element Analyses in Cold-Formed Steel MembersK. Nagahama, D. Camotim and E. BatistaCST.100 Semi-Rigid Connections Analysis in Plane FramesG.A. Romanholo, R. Bertolino Jr. and R.O. Rodrigues16.00: Coffee/Tea22

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: PMROOM E14.00-15.45: Chairman: Dr A.P. Chassiakos and Dr V.K. KoumousisECT.XVIII OPTIMIZATION FOR ENGINEERING DESIGNECT.61 Project Time-Cost Analysis under Generalised Precedence RelationsS. Sakellaropoulos and A.P. ChassiakosECT.62 Application of Robust Design Optimization to Extrusion Slit Die DesignS.J. Bates, J. Sienz, J.F.T. Pittman and D.S. LangleyECT.63 The Design and Optimisation of a UCAV Wing Manufactured using Advanced<strong>Comp</strong>osite MaterialsD. Jonson and K. JordanECT.65 Globalized Nelder-Mead Method for Engineering OptimizationM.A. Luersen and R. Le RicheECT.66 Optimal Design of Lead Rubber Bearing Seismic Isolators in BuildingsC.P. Katsaras and V.K. KoumousisECT.67 Topology Automotive <strong>Comp</strong>onent Design by Optimality Criteria and given LagrangeMultiplierG. Chiandussi, I. Gaviglio and A. Ibba15.45: Coffee/TeaDay 3: Friday 6th September 2002: PMROOM F13.45-16.15: Chairman: Dr D. Tran and Dr Z. RenCST.XII CRACK MODELLINGCST.62 Simulation of Fatigue Fracture of a Rubber Rail SupportD. TranCST.55 Application of the Short Crack Growth Model to Surface Pitting SimulationsZ. Ren, G. Fajdiga and S. GlodezCST.56 Damage Mechanics based Interface Element for the Simulation of Fracture in ConcreteM. CuomoCST.57 3D Simulation of Concrete Cracking: Probabilistic Formulation in a ParallelEnvironmentC.N.M. Paz, L.F. Martha, E.M.R. Fairbairn, J.L.D. Alves, N.F.F. Ebecken and A.L.G.A.CoutinhoCST.58 Fracture Analysis of Cracked Cylindrical Shells under Internal <strong>Press</strong>ure and BendingZ. Tonkovic and J. SoricCST.59 Cohesive Fracture in Thermoelastic Medium: A Coupled AnalysisS. Secchi and L. SimoniCST.60 Application of the Extended EFG Method and Cohesive Crack Model to the CrackGrowth Analysis of Concrete StructuresJ. Jaskowiec and C. CichonCST.61 Three-Dimensional State of Stress in Stable Tearing of Thin Wall StructuresD. TranCST.63 Notch Concentrations under Combined Tension-<strong>Comp</strong>ressionD.W.A. Rees, H. Bahai and S. Taylor (unconfirmed)16.15: Coffee/Tea23

Day 3: Friday 6th September 2002: PMROOM G14.00-15.45: Chairman: Professor A.A. Groenwold and Dr E. ProvidasCST.V FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUES: THEORY AND PRACTICECST.18 A Rectangular Finite Element for Plane Elasticity with In-Plane RotationA.I. Mousa and S.M. TayehCST.19 The Finite Element Approximation for Minimal Surfaces Subject to the PlateauProblemsH. GuCST.21 Shear Lag Analysis Using Latin Hypercube SamplingJ. Zák and A. FlorianCST.22 Representing Traction Free Boundaries using Drilling Degrees of FreedomA.A. Groenwold, Q.Z. Xiao and N.J. TheronCST.23 Effects of Kinematic Inconsistency in Interface ElementsA.L.G.A. Coutinho, M.A.D. Martins and R.M. SydenstrickerCST.24 Displacement Finite Element Method for Couple Stress TheoryE. Providas15.45: Coffee/Tea24

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