yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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86<br />

ChApter 1<br />

who converted to Islam and, of course, this gene now simply condenses<br />

from one generation to the next. It is getting increasingly<br />

worse, it manifests itself in simple terms and dictates like thinking<br />

and behavior. It is all in the genes.” 90 Leaders and prominent intellectuals<br />

argued for war and ethnic cleansing as a legitimate means<br />

for the accomplishment of just goals. Republika Srpska president Biljana<br />

Plavšić stated: “I’d rather we cleared Eastern Bosnia of Muslims<br />

completely. Now, having said cleared, I wouldn’t want anyone to take<br />

this literally to mean that I’m speaking about ethnic cleansing. As far<br />

as we are concerned, however, they have subsumed a quite natural<br />

occurrence under the term ethnic cleansing and classified it as a war<br />

crime.” 91 Plavšić had in mind the numerical superiority of the Serbs<br />

and reckoned that only the Serbs could win a Bosnian war, because<br />

“there are twelve million of us, so if six million die, the remaining<br />

six million will live decently.” In sanu circles, it was rumored that<br />

Ćosić made a similar remark in 1990 when he reportedly said that<br />

“eighty thousand Serb casualties is acceptable for the achievement of<br />

national goals.” 92<br />

90 Svet, September 6, 1993, Biljana Plavšić, one of three top Bosnian leaders<br />

charged with war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina . It should perhaps be<br />

explained that in Serbia Muslims are often referred to as “converts,” even<br />

though it was their ancestors who converted many centuries ago .<br />

91 Ibid .<br />

92 For a more detailed account see Sonja Biserko, Srpska elita i Bosna (The Serbian Elite<br />

and Bosnia) in Helsinki Charter No 109–110, July–August 2007, (Helsinki Committee<br />

bymonthly magazine) http://www.helsinki.org.rs/serbian/hpovelja_t03.html

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