yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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liberation and unification of the entire Serb people and the establishment<br />

of a Serb national and state community on the whole Serb territory.”<br />

80<br />

The Memorandum raised key issues relevant for the realization<br />

of a national program, particularly the issue of borders, which<br />

became a key topic of public debates. Another issue that entered the<br />

public discourse with the Memorandum was Islamic fundamentalism<br />

(a clear reference to the Yugoslav Muslims, Bosniaks, and<br />

Albanians). The document fueled negative stereotypes about other<br />

Yugoslav peoples, notably Croats, perceived as a principal threat to<br />

the survival of Yugoslavia due to their alleged separatist aspirations.<br />

It underscored the belief that Slovenes and Croats saw Yugoslavia<br />

as a vehicle for saving their ethnic territories, an opportunity for<br />

a makeover from the defeated to the victorious, which made them<br />

treat Yugoslavia as “a transit country.”<br />


Muslims were “a particularly vulnerable community on account<br />

of the specific geopolitical situation, given that their distribution<br />

prevented the establishment of a Greater Serbia.” 81 Long before the<br />

outbreak of war, the authors of the Memorandum fostered negative<br />

stereotypes of Muslims as an alien, inferior, and pernicious factor. 82<br />

The thesis underlying the preparations for war was that it is going<br />

80 From Garašanin, Moljević, Ekmečić, Ćosić ect .<br />

81 Norman Cigar, ‘Uloga srpskih orijentalista u opravdavanju genocida nad<br />

muslimanima Balkana’ (The role of Serb Orientalists in justifying the Genocide<br />

of the Balkan Muslims), Institute for Study of Crimes Against Humanity and<br />

International Law, Sarajevo, and Bosnian Cultural Centre, Sarajevo, 2001, p . 21 .<br />

82 In doing so, they were following in the footsteps of many others . plowing a prejudicial<br />

furrow . not only Serbia but Europe as a whole has embraced an anti-Muslim ideology at<br />

various times . Europe’s thesis about an “Ottoman peril” is dealt with at length by Edward<br />

Said (Edward Said, Orijentalizam, zapadnjačke predrasude o Orijentu (Orientalism, Western<br />

Prejudices about the Orient), Svijetlost, Sarajevo, 1999) . The subject is also discussed by Tomaž<br />

Mastnak in Evropa: istorija političkog pojma (Europe: History of the Political Idea), Beogradski<br />

krug, 2007 . Mastnak argues that hostility towards Muslims has been of key importance<br />

for the constitution of Europe and especially for the articulation of European discourse .<br />

83<br />

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