yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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historian: “In 1972 in Serbia, and in Serbia alone, this silence was part<br />

of a drive to cleanse the Communist movement of internal differences<br />

in order to prove that its integral nationalism had no alternative.<br />

This, after all, has been the fate of liberal traditions in Serbia<br />

from the nineteenth century to the present day.” 34<br />

The new dynamic of Yugoslav society was manifested most<br />

strikingly in the sphere of culture. The authorities refrained from<br />

prescribing what ought and what ought not to be done and intervened<br />

only when a political taboo was being broken. In such an<br />

atmosphere of tolerance, “ideological judgments and interventions<br />

did not strike at the roots of creative work.” 35 Individualization and<br />

creative endeavor were permitted.<br />

Amid recession, economists debated what road to choose, the<br />

prevailing opinion being that a free market would increase the gap<br />

between rich and poor. Serbian economists were particularly worried<br />

by a tendency toward modifying the relationship between the<br />

Yugoslav Federation and the republics. While the philosopher Ljuba<br />

Tadić tried to prove that the establishment of “market-oriented<br />

Socialism” was impossible, Croat and Slovene economists and politicians<br />

believed that decentralization would give greater freedom to<br />

economic initiative.<br />

Accumulating problems, especially economic ones, amid the<br />

relaxation of party control led to demands for substantial change.<br />

Student demonstrations became particularly important. Student<br />

protests in Yugoslavia were strongly influenced by trends abroad,<br />

especially in France, the United States, Italy, and Germany. Students<br />

revolted in response to economic problems, above all unemployment,<br />

and demanded the democratization of political life. They<br />

criticized social inequalities and society’s stratification, as well as<br />

34 Ivo Banac, Raspad Jugoslavije, (The Dissolution of Yugoslavia) (Zagreb: Durieux, 2001) p . 30 .<br />

35 Nebojša Popov, Sukobi, društveni sukobi/Izazov sociologiji (Conflicts, social<br />

conflicts/a challenge to sociology) (Belgrade: Centarfdt, 1990), 114 .<br />

53<br />

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