yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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52<br />

ChApter 1<br />

Given the ingrained view within the Serbian population that Yugoslavia<br />

was primarily the state of the Serb nation, and given that the forces<br />

of centralism had always looked to Serbia for support, we believed that<br />

it was necessary continuously to offer proofs to the other nations that<br />

there was another conception of Yugoslavia in Serbia. This was not a<br />

question of our generosity, but of our own democratic need. It was necessary<br />

to persuade the Serbian population that centralism was contrary<br />

also to Serb national interests, and that equal responsibility of<br />

all nations for common affairs was a condition for the existence of both<br />

socialist democracy and Yugoslavia’s unity. This is why the central<br />

committee of the Serbian League of Communists agreed on 26 December<br />

1968 to support the constitutional changes. 31<br />

The process of decentralization that the liberals promoted was<br />

to culminate in the far-reaching changes to Yugoslavia’s constitution<br />

adopted in 1974. But the liberals were no longer in positions<br />

of power when those changes occurred. In 1972, liberal leaderships<br />

throughout Yugoslavia—including in Serbia—were ousted by a variety<br />

of conservative and nationalistic forces, including the Army,<br />

the Communist Party, students, and intellectuals. Conservatives in<br />

Serbia rejected the liberals’ national program, opening the way for<br />

organized intellectual circles that called for an all-Serbian policy as<br />

the only alternative. Paradoxically, with the constitutional change<br />

in 1974, the liberals’ fate was sealed—under liberal auspices and in<br />

the atmosphere of freedom, the Serbian nationalistic agenda was<br />

consolidated. 32<br />

After their removal from the political scene, the liberals were<br />

passed over in silence. In the words of Ivo Banac, 33 a Croatian<br />

31 Ibid. p .93<br />

32 Olga Popović-Obradović, Srpski liberali 1969–1972 (Serbian Liberals<br />

1969 – 1972) na Okruglom stolu lista Ekonomis (Round Table organized<br />

by the weekly magazine Economist), www .heslinki .org .rs<br />

33 Widely known for his book, The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins,<br />

History, Politics . Ithaca, N .Y .: Cornell University Press (1984)

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