yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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war. Not until 1999, as nato brought to a close its military campaign<br />

against Serbian forces in Kosovo, did an American president explicitly<br />

articulate the West’s opinion of who was to blame for the violence<br />

of the 1990s. “We should remember,” said President Clinton,<br />

“that the violence we responded to in Kosovo was the culmination<br />

of a ten-year campaign by Slobodan Milošević, the leader of Serbia,<br />

to exploit ethnic and religious differences in order to impose his will<br />

on the lands of the former Yugoslavia. That’s what he tried to do in<br />

Croatia and Bosnia, and now in Kosovo. When our diplomatic efforts<br />

to avert this horror were rebuffed and the violence mounted, we<br />

and our allies chose to act. Nineteen democracies came together and<br />

stayed together through the stiffest military challenge posed to nato<br />

in its 50-year history. Finally, we have averted the wider war this<br />

conflict may well have sparked.” 539 Javier Solana, nato’s secretary<br />

general, justified the intervention by saying that “we must stop an<br />

authoritarian regime from oppressing its own people in Europe.” 540<br />

The failure to communicate to the public also characterized the<br />

activity of the International Tribunal, leading to its demonization in<br />

Serbia as an instrument designed to slander Serbia and prosecute its<br />

leaders unjustly. The icty has entered the last stage of its life. During<br />

its fifteen-year long existence it has produced an immense investigation<br />

and court record. To date, it has concluded proceedings against<br />

120 persons out of a total of 161 indicted, leaving behind millions of<br />

pages of trial transcripts; tens, or probably hundreds, of thousands<br />

of documents used as evidence; a monumental library of written<br />

pre-trial and trial motions and Trial Chamber and Appeals Chamber<br />

decisions on very many legal issues; a record of the judgements for<br />

all the cases in which the guilt or innocence of the accused individuals<br />

have been tested to conclusion, all according to high international<br />

539 www.softmakers.com/fry/docs/Mclaughin.<br />

540 http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/europe/jan-june99/solana_3–23.html<br />

325<br />

ChApter 5

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