yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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forward-looking government that Serbia could be expected to produce<br />

under present circumstances. President Tadić went so far as to<br />

sign an agreement with the eu in May 2008 and even more importantly<br />

submitted an application for Serbian candidacy for eu membership<br />

to the eu in December 2009. However, as long as wars, war<br />

crimes, and crime in general still weigh heavily on the society, Serbia<br />

can hardly be expected to enthusiastically embrace adopt democracy,<br />

the rule of law, and tolerance as fundamental values. Resistance<br />

to closer ties with the eu is certain to manifest itself publicly in the<br />

shape of political rallies and less visibly in the form of bureaucratic<br />

obstruction within Serbia’s corrupt institutions.<br />

Since the advent of the modern Serbian state, elites have focused<br />

their energies on territorial expansion, neglecting internal state and<br />

social developments. This tendency has been in evidence in every<br />

form the Serbian state has taken: the Principality of Serbia, the Kingdom<br />

of Serbia, the first, second, and third Yugoslavia, and the State<br />

Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and now the Republic of Serbia.<br />

Liberals have almost always been consigned to the margins—and<br />

thus Serbia’s elites rejected the formula put forward by liberals as<br />

the only modus vivendi for a joint state: Yugoslavia can be viable as<br />

a rational state community only with an institutionalized compact<br />

that takes care of the shared interests of the republics.<br />

The fatal consequences of rejecting this approach and instead<br />

adopting as a national program the Memorandum offered two<br />

choices: either a federation that would suit Serbia and the Serbs,<br />

or Serbia as a nation-state incorporating territories populated by<br />

Serbs, are felt today throughout the region. Serbia’s major challenges<br />

include accepting the borders within which it is recognized by the<br />

international community, restoring severed relations with the neighbors<br />

it made war against, and cultivating a critical self-reflection on<br />

its recent past.<br />

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