yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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with the Hague Tribunal. The restoration of nationalism was legitimized<br />

by the 2003 elections; this time the oligarchy appeared to be<br />

internationally legitimized. The process of Serbia’s democratic transition<br />

was halted.<br />

In December 2003, a new minority government was formed and<br />

Koštunica was eventually named prime minister in March 2004. The<br />

new government offered no strategy for breaking away from ethno-nationalism;<br />

on the contrary, ethno-nationalism was again established<br />

as a political ideology dominating society and the state. None<br />

of the key points of Milošević’s national program were disavowed<br />

or abandoned. The Serbian government’s insistence on a partition<br />

of Kosovo reflected a historical victory of ethno-national ideology<br />

within Serbian society, while the government’s attitude toward<br />

Montenegro, Vojvodina, Kosovo, and Republika Srpska nurtured<br />

the idea of pan-Serb unification. Despite the fact that Montenegro<br />

became independent in 2006, Belgrade has continued to hope that this<br />

status proves only temporary; as of 2009, Montenegro and Macedonia<br />

were still not considered foreign countries. 506 The notion of ethnic<br />

boundaries has survived intact in the minds of the Serbian elite.<br />



Milošević corrupted nearly everybody to ensure his survival in<br />

power. Most citizens, for instance, made their living in the black<br />

economy and did not pay taxes—a situation which the state tolerated.<br />

Corruption became particularly prevalent in the state security<br />

apparatus, which was closely involved with organized crime.<br />

The involvement of the mup and, especially, the db (Državna bezbednost<br />

or State Security) in all kinds of criminal activities came to<br />

506 Some Serb nationalists still regard Macedonia as southern Serbia . Their<br />

plans to partition Kosovo include designs to dismember Macedonia .<br />

297<br />

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