yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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or abroad, these groups are able to continue their activities in the<br />

post-Milošević period. Their continuing influence on the country’s<br />

cultural norms and moral values is the main obstacle to establishing<br />

a moral framework indispensable to the recovery of Serbian society.<br />


The Collapse of Communism and the Rise of Radical Nationalism<br />

All the complex socialist federations (Czechoslovakia, the Soviet<br />

Union, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) disintegrated<br />

after the collapse of Communism because they lacked the democratic<br />

potential needed for their survival and transformation into democratic<br />

societies. Yugoslavia faced an additional existential problem<br />

in that the country had always sought to preserve cohesion by<br />

constantly playing upon the alleged aggressive designs of foreign<br />

powers and by glorifying the accomplishments of its socialist system.<br />

When the Cold War drew to a close, however, international<br />

players promptly relinquished Yugoslavia as a geostrategic priority<br />

and Yugoslav claims (made by the ypa in the first place) of foreign<br />

threats became patently false claims. At the same time, few in Europe<br />

seemed to mourn the disappearance of the Soviet ideological system.<br />

Thus the appeal of “socialist accomplishments” rang very hollow<br />

both inside and outside Yugoslavia.<br />

Perhaps Yugoslavia might have made the transformation nonetheless,<br />

because at least some of the preconditions for such a change<br />

existed: The Yugoslav economy was already partly a market economy<br />

and the country’s ties with the West were significant (it was on<br />

the verge of entering into an association agreement with the European<br />

Community, being granted observer status in the Council of<br />

Europe and establishing special ties with nato). Political elites in<br />

the socialist Yugoslavia missed the historical opportunity, however,<br />

and failed to live up to and to build upon the promising parts of the<br />

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