yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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262<br />

ChApter 3<br />

Kosovo would need to make progress on eight standards before its<br />

final status could be addressed. However, when Serbs refused to participate<br />

in the Kosovo elections in 2004—signifying Belgrade’s lack<br />

of interest in constructive dialogue—the international community<br />

began to understand that its approach needed to change. 462<br />

Having sought but failed to persuade Belgrade to engage in talks<br />

about Kosovo’s final status, the international community decided to<br />

discuss the subject without Belgrade. A message to this effect, delivered<br />

in 2005 via the International Crisis Group’s (icg) report on<br />

Kosovo’s final status, raised a great hue and cry on the Serbian political<br />

scene. 463 The icg explicitly opposed the partition of Kosovo and<br />

concluded that the international community should convene an<br />

international conference on Kosovo by fall 2005 to decide whether<br />

Kosovo should be granted suspended independence regardless of<br />

whether or not Belgrade participated in the conference and accepted<br />

its outcome. Secretary-General Annan suggested that “the Serbs’<br />

unwillingness to get engaged in a dialogue and support the implementation<br />

of standards has hindered progress” and that government<br />

institutions in Belgrade had not provided support for Kosovar<br />

Serbs’ participation in provisional institutions 464 The un representative<br />

in Kosovo, Søren Jessen Petersen, advised, “It would be in the<br />

Serbs’ best interest to be present in provisional institutions, for this is<br />

how they could most efficiently stand for their interests,” adding that<br />

Kosovar Serbs should stop the practice to “always wait for Belgrade’s<br />

decisions.” 465 Belgrade reacted promptly by securing itself a place at<br />

the negotiating table.<br />

462 Kosovo held municipal elections in 2000 and 2003 and Kosovo-wide<br />

elections in 2001(Serbs participated in these legislative elections but were<br />

later pressed by Belgrade to leave the Assembly), 2004, and 2007 .<br />

463 ICG Kosovo: Towards Final Status (January 2004) .<br />

464 http://www .unmikonline .org/archives/news11_06full .htm .<br />

465 Jessen Petersen speech at the UN Security Council in New York, October 24, 2005

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