yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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254<br />

ChApter 3<br />

Albanians, who confirmed the negative stereotypes held of them in<br />

many Western countries by expelling, kidnapping, and murdering<br />

Serbs and other non-Albanians. 446 Neither Milošević nor Koštunica<br />

seemed willing to work with the Albanians in order to create conditions<br />

under which the two sides could find a modus vivendi.<br />

The Kosovar Serbs, especially those in the north, continued to be<br />

manipulated by the Belgrade regime and used to destabilize Kosovo.<br />

The spc, however, took a stand against all terror, including that<br />

against Albanians. Father Sava, for instance, took a group of Albanians<br />

into the Dečani Monastery to protect them from Serbian forces.<br />

As the Belgrade regime became increasingly isolated, Bishop Artemije<br />

and Father Sava worked to protect local Serbs and stop their<br />

expulsion while constantly arguing in favor of cantonization.<br />

The cantonization plan would have left Kosovo in a state<br />

Dobrica Ćosić very much wanted to see. For years he had been<br />

espousing the benefits of partition: “I see the permanent solution<br />

to Kosmet in the division of Kosovo and Metohija and in a territorial<br />

delimitation between Serbia and Albania.” 447 The “delimitation<br />

between Serbia and Albania” Ćosić advocated, rather than between<br />

Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo, fits into his definition of the Yugoslav<br />

wars as serving the purpose of “recomposing the Balkans.”<br />

Ćosić believed that Serbia should settle for a “third of Kosovo.” 448 In<br />

446 A report by Human Rights Watch, “Harassment and Violence against Serbs and Roma in<br />

Kosovo,” August 1999, Volume 11, No . 10, by Fred Abrahams, http://www .hrw .org/ ) claims<br />

that one thousand Serbs and Roma were killed or missing after May 12, 1999 . The same<br />

report claims that, according to KFOR, in the five months from KFOR’s arrival in Kosovo in<br />

June 1999 until l November 1999, 370 murders were committed; of the victims, 135 were<br />

Serbs . Between January 30, 2001, and May 27, 2001, KFOR reported 95 murders, of which<br />

26 victims were Serbs, 7 were Roma, 2 were Bosniaks, 52 were Albanians, and 8 were of<br />

unidentified ethnicity . The FRY government published a book, The Heroes of the Motherland,<br />

which lists 1,002 soldiers and policemen killed between 1998 and the NATO intervention .<br />

447 Slavoljub Đukić, Lovljenje vetra, Belgrade, 2001 .<br />

448 In 1981, Ćosić wrote in his diary, “If we are not ready to liberate Kosovo again—which we<br />

certainly are not—then it ought to be divided between ourselves and the Albanians .<br />

We ought to take our parts and monasteries and leave the Albanians that which is<br />

theirs . Otherwise we shall be sucked into a permanent war with the Albanians which

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