yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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Despite failing to secure victory in the wars of the 1990s—including<br />

in Kosovo—the Army still enjoys a powerful position within Serbia.<br />

Political leaders continue to try to exonerate the Serbian military<br />

from responsibility for war crimes, and the Army as an institution<br />

continues to enjoy the confidence of the people.<br />

CHAPTER 3 deals with the Albanian question, which Serbia tried<br />

to “solve” during most of the twentieth century by assimilation,<br />

repression, ethnic cleansing, and division. State terror gradually radicalized<br />

the Albanian population, alienating moderate Albanians who<br />

had sought to find a political compromise within Yugoslavia, and<br />

boosting popular support for the idea of secession. In 1981, Albanian<br />

demonstrations in Kosovo gave Serbian nationalists a pretext for<br />

raising the Serbian national question and fomenting Serbian nationalist<br />

sentiments. The ypa pushed its way onto the political stage and<br />

virtually occupied Kosovo. Milošević, who had risen to power on a<br />

nationalist tide generated by the Kosovo myth, abolished Kosovo’s<br />

autonomy by force in 1990. The challenge to Serbian rule posed from<br />

1996 by the Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian guerrilla group,<br />

was met by repression by Serbian security forces, which in turn<br />

prompted nato intervention in 1999.<br />

After the nato intervention, Belgrade systematically widened<br />

the gap between the Serbian and Albanian communities in Kosovo.<br />

The strategy of the Belgrade regime—not only Milošević but also his<br />

successor, Vojislav Koštunica—proceeded along two tracks: negating<br />

and undermining the international mission and preparing to<br />

partition Kosovo. The Kosovo Serbs, especially those in the north,<br />

continued to be manipulated and used to destabilize Kosovo. As the<br />

Belgrade regime became increasingly isolated, various forces worked<br />

to protect local Serbs and prevent their expulsion while constantly<br />

pressing for cantonization.<br />

The partition of Kosovo was incorporated into the state policy<br />

of the fry, playing into the hands of the nationalists. The Serbs’<br />

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