yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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ChApter 3<br />

territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of Kosovo in<br />

the same way the report of the Badinter Commission guaranteed<br />

the inviolability of the republican borders.” 389 He believed that the<br />

Milošević-Holbrooke agreement would wrest Kosovo from the legal<br />

systems of Serbia and the fry and pave the way for Kosovo’s secession.<br />

390 Koštunica doubted that Hill was the true representative of<br />

the Contact Group “because at least one of its members—say Russia—would<br />

hardly go along with this u.s. initiative.” 391 Koštunica<br />

insisted that the conditions for the start of negotiations on Kosovo<br />

were not in place in spite of Serbian president Milan Milutinović’s<br />

assurances to the contrary because “Hill’s plan would facilitate the<br />

break-up of the fry and smacks of the Dayton Accords … But unlike<br />

Dayton, which preserved the integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the<br />

constitution being put forward for Kosovo would invest it with elements<br />

of separate statehood and make it much more than a federal<br />

unit.” 392 Koštunica said that the Serbian government would have to<br />

proceed from the crux of the problem in Kosovo, that is, from the<br />

Serb-Albanian conflict caused by malignant Albanian nationalism<br />

and megalomaniacal Albanian demands backed abroad, rather than<br />

treat the conflict as an innocuous dispute involving all ethnic communities<br />

in Kosovo. 393<br />

Vuk Obradović, the president of Social Democracy, said that the<br />

loss of control of Yugoslav airspace laid out in the Milošević-Holbrooke<br />

agreement caused enormous damage to the country’s<br />

defense capability and that the betrayal of the Serbian people could<br />

be the prelude to a new battle for Kosovo. 394 The weekly Vojska<br />

accused nato of being in collusion with Albanian terrorists and of<br />

389 Glas javnosti, November 7–8, 1998<br />

390 Vecernje novosti, November 7, 1998 .<br />

391 Blic, November 10, 1998 .<br />

392 Blic, November 17, 1998 .<br />

393 Danas, November 24, 1998 .<br />

394 Parlament, November 6, 1998 .

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