yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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with “policy and practice in the ypa,” relocated 90 percent of his<br />

forces by December 25, 1991. 272<br />

The Serbian leadership also took the decision to pull ypa troops<br />

out of Macedonia in March 1992—Macedonia had voted for independence<br />

in a referendum in September 1991 and was expected to<br />

soon gain international recognition (in the event, Greek opposition<br />

delayed the granting of such recognition)—and to divide the ypa’s<br />

property in such a way that Macedonia was left practically without<br />

arms. Not all Serbs agreed with this move, however.<br />

Jović contended that “their desertion of Yugoslavia is a mistake<br />

for the Macedonian people because their republic faces the overt territorial<br />

claims of Bulgaria and Albania.” 273<br />


In 1991, the ypa sought to mobilize conscripts but ran into opposition<br />

from, to quote Kadijević, “parents, mothers, sisters, peacemakers,<br />

pacifists, etc.” 274 who campaigned against the mobilization and<br />

tried to get their children out of the army. Many young people left<br />

Serbia to escape being mobilized. Faced with this opposition, the ypa<br />

turned to paramilitary units to bolster its forces.<br />

Political parties in Serbia (with the same goals as Milošević) also<br />

set up similar units. For instance, the Serbian Renewal Movement—a<br />

nationalist political party founded in 1990 by Vuk Drašković created<br />

the Serbian Guards in the wake of the ypa’s defeat in Slovenia in<br />

the summer of 1991. With the ambition of growing into an all-Serbian<br />

army, the Serbian Guards first operated under the command of<br />

the First Army, and later under the Territorial Defense command in<br />

Gospić (the Territorial Defense had been disarmed elsewhere but it<br />

continued to exist in Serb-controlled territories).<br />

272 Ibid ., pp . 420–421 .<br />

273 Borisav Jović, Poslednji dani SFRJ, p . 423 .<br />

274 Veljko Kadijević, Mije viđenje raspada, p . 142 . (he mentioned it in several other places)<br />

175<br />

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