yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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accept Yugoslavia only as a unitary state in which the republican<br />

borders delineated national units. They based their arguments on a<br />

provision of the constitution that stated:<br />

The working people and the nations and nationalities shall exercise<br />

their sovereign rights in the Socialist Republics and in the Socialist<br />

Autonomous Provinces in conformity with their constitutional<br />

rights, and shall exercise these rights in the Socialist Federal Republic<br />

of Yugoslavia when in their common interest it is so specified by the<br />

present Constitution. The working people, nations, and nationalities<br />

shall make decisions on the Federal level according to the principles of<br />

agreement among the Republics and Autonomous Provinces, solidarity<br />

and reciprocity, equal participation by the Republics and Autonomous<br />

Provinces in federal agencies, consistent with the present Constitution,<br />

and according to the principle of responsibility of the Republics and<br />

Autonomous Provinces for their own development and for the development<br />

of the socialist community as a whole. 224<br />

Both Serbia and the Army were pushing for the same change<br />

to the 1974 Constitution—recentralization of the state—and both<br />

were disappointed by the federal constitutional amendments of 1988,<br />

which did not include measures to strengthen the federal state. The<br />

ypa increasingly came to see itself as the only force holding Yugoslavia<br />

together.<br />

Serbia, however, was allowed to amend its Constitution. It proceeded<br />

to adopt some changes to its own constitution in 1990, revoking<br />

the autonomous status of Vojvodina and Kosovo as defined by<br />

the 1974 Constitution. Two provisions of the new Serbian Constitution<br />

defined Serbia as the first separatist republic. Article 83, defining<br />

the role of the president, stated: “The President is in charge of the<br />

armed forces in peace and war and national resistance in time of<br />

the war; he orders general or partial mobilization [and] organizes<br />

224 1974 Constitution of the SFRY, Basic Principles, p . 8 .<br />

153<br />

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