yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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148<br />

ChApter 2<br />

breakthrough and saw radical social transformation in the period<br />

between 1989 and 1995.” 210<br />


Any mention of the “depoliticization” of the Army was understood<br />

by the ypa as the “excommunication” of the armed forces from<br />

the social and political life of the country, thus erasing the “people’s”<br />

character of the Yugoslav People’s Army. In the ypa’s view, cutting<br />

off its roots among the Yugoslav people would mean the Army’s subordination<br />

to the ruling elite. 211<br />

In November 1989, the ypa’s Communists asserted that the future<br />

of Yugoslavia lay not in the restoration of the bourgeois parliamentary<br />

system or in etatist centralism, but in the federal Socialist and<br />

self-managing development of equal nations and nationalities. They<br />

argued that their opposition to a multiparty system was not connected<br />

to any special military interest but to the interest of a Yugoslavia<br />

built on the avnoj principles and the defense of that country.<br />

They believed that a multiparty system would exacerbate national<br />

and nationalistic divisions in the country. 212 Lieutenant General<br />

Blagoje Adžić, ypa chief of general staff between 1989 and 1991, said in<br />

an interview in the Army weekly Narodna Armija that pluralization<br />

of Yugoslav society had no negative connotation because different<br />

views and interests exist in every society. Yet he believed that political<br />

struggle among various parties “does not suit the sfry, its social<br />

nature, and its further development.” He also argued that depoliticization<br />

of the Army would separate it from society’s basic problems<br />

and from the social mainstream. Should that happen, the Army<br />

would cease to be a “people’s” army. 213<br />

210 Mihajlo Marković, Društvena misao, SFRY Official Gazette, 1999, p . 132 .<br />

211 Tomislav Peruničić: “Suština zalaganja za depolitizaciju”,<br />

Narodna Armija, January 25, 1990, p . 22 .<br />

212 Čvrsto jedinstvo armije, Narodna armija, November 30, 1989, p . 1 .<br />

213 Narodna Armija, December 7, 1989 .

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