yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion

yugoslavias implosion


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truth and on the testimony from our brother bishops from Bosnia<br />

and Herzegovina and from other trustworthy witnesses, we declare,<br />

taking full moral responsibility, that such camps have neither existed<br />

nor exist in the Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.” 118<br />

Every method was used to mobilize Serbs throughout Yugoslavia,<br />

including the recollection of World War II crimes against Serbs,<br />

the revival of myths created at the time of the Turkish occupation,<br />

and outright lies. Jovan Rašković, one of those most responsible<br />

for whipping up Serbian rebellion in Croatia (a fact he later publicly<br />

acknowledged) and in Bosnia, invoked a social-psychological<br />

argument:<br />

The Croats effeminated by the Catholic faith suffer from a castration<br />

complex. That makes them totally incapable of exercising authority<br />

over others. They compensate for their humiliation with their great<br />

culture. As to the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina and neighboring<br />

regions, they are the victims, as Freud might have said, of anal frustrations,<br />

which cause them to amass wealth and seek refuge in fanatical<br />

attitudes. Finally, the Serbs, the Orthodox, an Oedipal people, tend<br />

to liberate themselves from the authority of the father. From this spirit<br />

of resistance they draw the courage of warriors who are the ones capable<br />

of exercising authority over other peoples of Yugoslavia. It is no<br />

wonder that a situation of complete hatred and paranoia has developed<br />

in this country. 119<br />

The spc took an active part in rallying the Serbs and “went out<br />

to the people,” carrying the bones of Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović<br />

from place to place and observing an elaborate code of religious and<br />

national propriety designed to support the claim that the Serbs are<br />

God’s emissaries. Church processions and the display of the bones of<br />

118 “The extraordinary session of the Holy Episcopal Synod of the Serbian<br />

Orthodox Church in response to the false accusations against the Serb people<br />

in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Orthodox Missionary, June 1992, pp . 250–51 .<br />

119 Jovan Rašković, Luda zemlja (The Mad Country) . Beograd, 1990, p 129–130

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