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∗R. kiusianum s. Azalea s.s. obtusum Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-May -10°F. Masses of single blooms totally cover this plant that buds young and consistently. Small dark green leaves defoliate somewhat in the fall. Grows a dense and compact plant. Excellent for bonsai. Komo Kulshan - rosy-pink with a light pink throat. 12”- 15” Pink form - copious soft medium pink blooms. 10”- 12” Orchid form - soft orchid blooms. 10”- 12” White form - an array of snowy white blooms. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Koromo Shikibu Some Shade Medium 3’ Early May Lavender-Blue +10°F. A very delicate thin petal-like bloom of lavender-blue. The leaf color is a matte olive green displayed on a plant that has an upright and widely spreading form. (Kurume) 10”- 12” Lackamus Rosea Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Rosy Pink 0°F. Rosy-pink blooms on an upright, well-branching plant with matte green leaves. 10”- 12” Lady Robin (Glacier x Tama-giku) x Getsutoku) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid-May White -10°F. A prodigious array of 3½” single white blooms accessorized with stripes and various sectors of glowing magenta. This close knit plant is amply clothed with polished green leaves. (Robin Hill) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Ledifolia Alba synonym for Mucronatum Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Snowy White +5°F. Lovely, single white fragrant blooms are poised above medium matte green leaves that silhouette this upright and spreading plant. 12”- 15” Ledifolia Rosea synonym for Mucronatum Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May White/Red Eye +5°F. This form has large single white blooms with red freckling in the throat, amply produced above matte green foliage that frameworks a widely spreading plant. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Lorna Gable (Louise Gable x Caroline Gable Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -10°F. Beautiful double purplish-pink blooms amassed on an upright mounding plant with lush green foliage. (Gable) 10”- 12” Louise Gable (R. indicum x (R.poukhanense x R. kaempferi) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Late May Pink -10°F. This stately bloomer has semi-double flowers of medium pink with a darker blotch. It has a spreading and dense habit. (Gable) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Macrantha (R. indicum) Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-June Salmon-Pink -5°F. A rounded silhouette of modest stature clothed with becoming foliage and appealing flowers of salmon-pink. 10”- 12” ∗R. macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ s. Azalea s.s. obtusum Some Shade Medium 3’ Early May Lavender-Pink +5°F. Unique lavender-pink thread-like blooms cover dull, wrinkled and matte green thread-like leaves, which defoliate some in the fall. The superstructure is a rounded and broadly branching form. 12”- 15” Madrigal (R. indicum x Momozono) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Deep Pink -5°F. A single dark pink bloom with scarlet nuances, is distinguished by a magenta flare within. This widely spreading plant displays slender dark green leaves. (Glenn Dale) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Margaret Douglas (R.indicum x Hatsu-shimo) x Shinsei Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -5°F. These large single 2¾”- 3” blooms exhibit a pale pink throat that transcends to deeper pink margins. This rounded framework is nicely sheltered with abundantly produced green leaves. (Morrison) 10”- 12” Maria Derby (Jimmy Coover x Glamour) Sun/Pt. Shade Medium 3’ Early June Red-Orange -10°F. Attractive 2½” double hose-in-hose deep red-orange blooms with a paler 48 throat, totally cover this rounded, densely clothed plant with luscious green leaves. (Robin Hill) 10”- 12” May Belle (Helen Curtis x Hino Red) Sun Low 2’ Mid-May Pink -15°F. This broadly branching compact plant is beautifully frameworked with amply produced dark green leaves from which single medium pink blooms emerge. (Shammarello) 10”- 12” Melina Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Late May Deep Pink -29°F. Stunning double bright pink rounded blooms on a compact, spreading plant with dark green ovate leaves. 10”- 12” ∗Michael Hill (Chinyeyi x R. nakaharae) Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-June Pink -5°F. Single pink blooms with ruffled edges and dark eyes. A very low, prostrate growing plant. (Rokujo) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” Miss Suzie (Hershey Orange x Herschey Red) Sun Low 2’ Mid-May Orange-Red -10°F. A pageant of 2” hose- in-hose vivid orange-red blooms engulf this compact, well-spreading plant, clad with rich geen leaves. (Harris) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Mona Lisa (Louise Gable x Helen Close) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May Purple-Pink 0°F. Stunning 3” double blooms of vivid purple-pink that encapsulates this 3’ tall by 2’ wide plant, accentuated by deep green leaves amply produced. (Greenwood) 12”- 15” Moonbeam (Lilacinum x Willy) x (Mrs. Carmichael x Willy) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid April White 0°F. Single 3” white flowers are poised above attractive dark green spring foliage on a dense and well-branching plant. (Glenn Dale) 10”- 12” ∗Mother’s Day (Professor Wolter’s x Hinodegiri) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Early May Bright Red -5°F. Opulent semi-double 2½” bright red blooms are poised above attractive dark green spring leaves, changing to mahogany in the fall, that shroud this compact and spreading silhouette. (Van Hecke) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” Mount Seven Stars (R. nakaharae seedling) Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-June Orange-Red -5°F. Single 2” wavy-edged orange-red blooms exhibited on a broadly branched plant, densely canopied with deep green leaves. 10”- 12” Mrs Villars (Oakland x Heiwa) Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May White -10°F. A wealth of single 3½” ruffly-edged, 5 to 6 lobed blooms, additionally ornamented with random segments, stripes, sectors of dark pink that totally shelters this compact, mounding plant. (Robin Hill) 10”- 12” Myrtle De Friel (R. nakaharae x Rosebud) Sun or Pt. Shade Semi-Dwarf 2’ Early June Purple/Pink -3°F. Strong purplish-pink hose-in-hose blossoms with lighter spotting in the lobes, displayed on a dense and compact growing plant. 10”- 12” ∗R. nakaharae s. Azalea s.s. obtusum Some Shade Dwarf 1’ Late May/June Salmon/Pink -5°F. Single salmon-orange to orange-red blooms or salmon-pink blooms. Small dark green leaves are abundantly displayed on a prostrate, dense and compact creeping plant. Excellent for ground covers, borders, rock gardens and bonsai. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Pink Form - Pink blooms. 15”- 18” Nancy of Robin Hill Vervaeneanum x (Louise Gable x Tama-gaku) Sun & Heat Medium 3’ Late May/June Pink -10°F. Amazingly large 3½” semi-double to double flowers of medium rosypink changing with age to a softer pastel pink, beautifully accented by a light red eye in the throat. This widely branching, dense plant is very heat tolerant. (Gartrell) 10”- 12” Open All Year Round Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email:

Nico Sun Low 2’ Early May Rosy Red -5°F. A compact, well-furnished plant with rosy-pink flowers, presented with remarkable freedom, covering dark green juvenile leaves changing in the fall to a dramatic bronzy-red. (Vuyk) 6”- 10”, 10”- 12” R. obtusum var. amoenum s. Azalea s.s. obtusum Sun Low 2’ Early May Violet -5°F. Dramatic violet hose-in-hose blooms totally cover this somewhat upright and spreading plant, canopied with small dark green leaves, abundantly presented. 10”- 12” Olga Niblett (Oakland x [Kaigetsu x Carol]) Sun/Pt. Shade Medium 3’ Late May/June White -10°F. Distinctive 2” hose-in-hose white blooms with a faint yellow-green throat exhibited on a well-clothed, upright and spreading plant (Robin Hill) 10”- 12” Oracle (R. indicum x Miakwa Murasaki) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late April Pink -5°F. A wonderful array of single 2½”-3” vivid purple-pink blooms accented by purple-red freckling within, openly presented on a spreading and upright branching plant. (Glen Dale) 12”- 15” Osakazuki Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ May Pink -5°F. This low, bushy growing plant is beautifully frameworked with amply produced dark green leaves from which deep pink flowers with a darker blotch emerge. (Kurume) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Pamela Malland (Vuyk’s Rosyred x Moonbeam) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid May Rose 0°F. Large 3” flat-faced blooms with overlapping-lobes cut deeply into the base of the paler-colored throat, all of which beautifully cover this very broadly branching plant. (Griswold) 12”- 15” ∗Pearl Bradford (R. indicum x John-ga) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Early June Rosy Pink 0°F. Single 2” rosy-pink blooms with a dark eye are abundantly poised above small glossy dark green leaves on a superbly compact, dense and spreading plant. (Glenn Dale) 12”- 15”, 15”- 18” ∗Pink Clusters Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -5°F. Ruffled pink flowers with an orange flare on a dense, compact bush. Foliage turns bronze-red in the winter. (Mezitt) 10”- 12” ∗Pink Pancake (Chinyeyi x R. nakaharae) Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid June Pink 0°F. Single 2” bright pink blooms with small dark green pointed leaves. Very prostrate, dense, irregularly shaped plant. Good for hanging baskets and as a ground cover. (Rokujo) 10”- 12” ∗Pink Rosebud Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -10°F. Topnotch double medium pink blooms are beautifully poised above dark green foliage on an upright and spreading plant. Some susceptibility to azalea leaf gall. (Kurume) 12”- 15”, 15”- 18” Pleasant White (Kathy x Clara Marie) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May White -10°F. Abundant single white blooms with a cream center surround this dense and compact plant with beautiful matte green leaves. (Girard) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” ∗Purple Splendor (R. yedoense var. poukhanense x Hexe) Sun/Pt Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Orchid Purple -15°F. Hose-in-hose 2½” orchid-purple blooms, totally blanket medium sized dark green leaves on an upright, bushy, and spreading plant. Some susceptibility to azalea leaf gall. (Gable) 12”- 15”, 18”- 21” Quakeress (R. mucronatum x Vittata Fortunei) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4’ Late April White -10°F. A wealth of single 2”- 2¾” blooms of white held in clusters of 2-7, accented with random flakes of red-purple. This upright, spreading plant is furnished with matte green foliage. (Glenn Dale) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Rainfire Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Late April Orange-Red 0°F. Stunning 3” orange-red ruffled blooms totally banket medium sized dark green leaves on a compact and dence growing plant. (Harris) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Red Fountain (W. Leith x R. nakaharae) Some Shade Dwarf 1’ Late May Red Orange -5°F. A very sculptured prostrate growing, dense plant with finely textured deep green leaves, covered with deep red-orange single 1¾” wavy-edged blooms enhanced with red freckling within. Great plant for hanging baskets, bonsai and ground covers. (Rokujo) 10”- 12” Redmond (Lady Louise x Heiwa) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -5°F. Deep yellowish pink flowers with red freckling on this upright and spreading plant surrounded by deep matte green leaves. (Robin Hill) 10”- 12” ∗Red Red (Hino Red x Ward’s Ruby) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid-May Red -15°F. Single 2” glowing red blooms extravagantly produced on a widely spreading plant with lush green leaves. (Shammarello) 10”- 12” Refrain (Vittata Fortunei x Miyagimo) Sun/Pt. Shade Medium 3’ Early May Fuchsia White 0°F. Hose-in-hose 2” fuchsia-pink blooms enlivened by white margins and a dark eye in the throat, all presented on a spreading and upright growing plant. (Glenn Dale) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Renee Michelle (Unnamed Seedling x Gumpo Pink) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Deep Pink -10°F. Single 2” ruffled deep pink blooms animated with light red freckling, elegantly encompass this rounded well-formed plant enhanced with lush green leaves. (Girard) 10”- 12” Rosebud - see Pink Rosebud or White Rosebud ∗Rose Greeley (R.kaempferi x R. yedoense var. poukhanense) x (Hexe x R. mucronatum) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Early May White +5°F. Hose-in-hose 2½” white scented blooms with a chartreuse eye are poised above medium matte green leaves blanketing a widely spreading plant. (Gable) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Rukizon (Kazan) Some Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-June Salmon-Orange 0°F. Single salmon-orange blooms slowly display color over a long period of time. Elegant glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves silhouette this dense, compact growing mound. (Satsuki) 10”- 12” Saikan Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Early April White 0°F. Single white trumpet-shaped flowers with occasional red stripes adorn this compact, spreading plant with deep green curly foliage. 10”- 12” Sandra Ann R. yedoense var. poukhanense x (Boudoir x Purple Triumph) Sun Medium Mid-May Red Purple -15°F. Large 3” wavy and ruffled-edged blooms of red-purple are precociously displayed on a widely spreading plant, clothed in deep green foliage. (Girard) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Satsuki Amo Some Shade Low 2’ Early June Salmon-Orange 0°F. Abundant 2” single salmon-orange blooms are presented on a widely branching, low growing plant furnished wiht dark green leaves. (Satsuki) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10” Scotian Breeze (R. kiusianum x Lady Louise) Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Late June Purple-Pink 0°F. Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email: 49

∗R. kiusianum s. Azalea s.s. obtusum<br />

Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-May -10°F.<br />

Masses of single blooms totally cover this plant that buds young and<br />

consistently. Small dark green leaves defoliate somewhat in <strong>the</strong> fall.<br />

Grows a dense and compact plant. Excellent for bonsai.<br />

Komo Kulshan - rosy-pink with a light pink throat. 12”- 15”<br />

Pink form - copious soft medium pink blooms. 10”- 12”<br />

Orchid form - soft orchid blooms. 10”- 12”<br />

White form - an array of snowy white blooms. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Koromo Shikibu<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Early May Lavender-Blue +10°F.<br />

A very delicate thin petal-like bloom of lavender-blue. The leaf color is<br />

a matte olive green displayed on a plant that has an upright and widely<br />

spreading form. (Kurume) 10”- 12”<br />

Lackamus Rosea<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Rosy Pink 0°F.<br />

Rosy-pink blooms on an upright, well-branching plant with matte green<br />

leaves. 10”- 12”<br />

Lady Robin (Glacier x Tama-giku) x Getsutoku)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid-May White -10°F.<br />

A prodigious array of 3½” single white blooms accessorized with stripes<br />

and various sectors of glowing magenta. This close knit plant is amply<br />

clo<strong>the</strong>d with polished green leaves. (Robin Hill) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Ledifolia Alba synonym for Mucronatum<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Snowy White +5°F.<br />

Lovely, single white fragrant blooms are poised above medium matte<br />

green leaves that silhouette this upright and spreading plant. 12”- 15”<br />

Ledifolia Rosea synonym for Mucronatum<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May White/Red Eye +5°F.<br />

This form has large single white blooms with red freckling in <strong>the</strong> throat,<br />

amply produced above matte green foliage that frameworks a widely<br />

spreading plant. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Lorna Gable (Louise Gable x Caroline Gable<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -10°F.<br />

Beautiful double purplish-pink blooms amassed on an upright mounding<br />

plant with lush green foliage. (Gable) 10”- 12”<br />

Louise Gable (R. indicum x (R.poukhanense x R. kaempferi)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Late May Pink -10°F.<br />

This stately bloomer has semi-double flowers of medium pink with a<br />

darker blotch. It has a spreading and dense habit. (Gable) (Fall 2012)<br />

6”- 10”<br />

Macrantha (R. indicum)<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-June Salmon-Pink -5°F.<br />

A rounded silhouette of modest stature clo<strong>the</strong>d with becoming foliage<br />

and appealing flowers of salmon-pink. 10”- 12”<br />

∗R. macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’ s. Azalea s.s. obtusum<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Early May Lavender-Pink +5°F.<br />

Unique lavender-pink thread-like blooms cover dull, wrinkled and matte<br />

green thread-like leaves, which defoliate some in <strong>the</strong> fall. The superstructure<br />

is a rounded and broadly branching form. 12”- 15”<br />

Madrigal (R. indicum x Momozono)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Deep Pink -5°F.<br />

A single dark pink bloom with scarlet nuances, is distinguished by a<br />

magenta flare within. This widely spreading plant displays slender dark<br />

green leaves. (Glenn Dale) (Fall 2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Margaret Douglas (R.indicum x Hatsu-shimo) x Shinsei<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Pink -5°F.<br />

These large single 2¾”- 3” blooms exhibit a pale pink throat that transcends<br />

to deeper pink margins. This rounded framework is nicely<br />

sheltered with abundantly produced green leaves. (Morrison) 10”- 12”<br />

Maria Derby (Jimmy Coover x Glamour)<br />

Sun/Pt. Shade Medium 3’ Early June Red-Orange -10°F.<br />

Attractive 2½” double hose-in-hose deep red-orange blooms with a paler<br />

48<br />

throat, totally cover this rounded, densely clo<strong>the</strong>d plant with luscious<br />

green leaves. (Robin Hill) 10”- 12”<br />

May Belle (Helen Curtis x Hino Red)<br />

Sun Low 2’ Mid-May Pink -15°F.<br />

This broadly branching compact plant is beautifully frameworked with<br />

amply produced dark green leaves from which single medium pink<br />

blooms emerge. (Shammarello) 10”- 12”<br />

Melina<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Late May Deep Pink -29°F.<br />

Stunning double bright pink rounded blooms on a compact, spreading<br />

plant with dark green ovate leaves. 10”- 12”<br />

∗Michael Hill (Chinyeyi x R. nakaharae)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-June Pink -5°F.<br />

Single pink blooms with ruffled edges and dark eyes. A very low, prostrate<br />

growing plant. (Rokujo) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15”<br />

Miss Suzie (Hershey Orange x Herschey Red)<br />

Sun Low 2’ Mid-May Orange-Red -10°F.<br />

A pageant of 2” hose- in-hose vivid orange-red blooms engulf this compact,<br />

well-spreading plant, clad with rich geen leaves. (Harris) (Fall<br />

2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Mona Lisa (Louise Gable x Helen Close)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May Purple-Pink 0°F.<br />

Stunning 3” double blooms of vivid purple-pink that encapsulates this 3’<br />

tall by 2’ wide plant, accentuated by deep green leaves amply produced.<br />

(Greenwood) 12”- 15”<br />

Moonbeam (Lilacinum x Willy) x (Mrs. Carmichael x Willy)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Mid April White 0°F.<br />

Single 3” white flowers are poised above attractive dark green spring<br />

foliage on a dense and well-branching plant. (Glenn Dale) 10”- 12”<br />

∗Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Day (Professor Wolter’s x Hinodegiri)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Early May Bright Red -5°F.<br />

Opulent semi-double 2½” bright red blooms are poised above attractive<br />

dark green spring leaves, changing to mahogany in <strong>the</strong> fall, that shroud<br />

this compact and spreading silhouette. (Van Hecke) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15”<br />

Mount Seven Stars (R. nakaharae seedling)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Mid-June Orange-Red -5°F.<br />

Single 2” wavy-edged orange-red blooms exhibited on a broadly<br />

branched plant, densely canopied with deep green leaves. 10”- 12”<br />

Mrs Villars (Oakland x Heiwa)<br />

Some Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May White -10°F.<br />

A wealth of single 3½” ruffly-edged, 5 to 6 lobed blooms, additionally<br />

ornamented with random segments, stripes, sectors of dark pink that<br />

totally shelters this compact, mounding plant. (Robin Hill) 10”- 12”<br />

Myrtle De Friel (R. nakaharae x Rosebud)<br />

Sun or Pt. Shade Semi-Dwarf 2’ Early June Purple/Pink -3°F.<br />

Strong purplish-pink hose-in-hose blossoms with lighter spotting in <strong>the</strong><br />

lobes, displayed on a dense and compact growing plant. 10”- 12”<br />

∗R. nakaharae s. Azalea s.s. obtusum<br />

Some Shade Dwarf 1’ Late May/June Salmon/Pink -5°F.<br />

Single salmon-orange to orange-red blooms or salmon-pink blooms.<br />

Small dark green leaves are abundantly displayed on a prostrate, dense<br />

and compact creeping plant. Excellent for ground covers, borders, rock<br />

gardens and bonsai. (Fall 2012) 6”- 10”<br />

Pink Form - Pink blooms. 15”- 18”<br />

Nancy of Robin Hill Vervaeneanum x (Louise Gable x Tama-gaku)<br />

Sun & Heat Medium 3’ Late May/June Pink -10°F.<br />

Amazingly large 3½” semi-double to double flowers of medium rosypink<br />

changing with age to a softer pastel pink, beautifully accented by a<br />

light red eye in <strong>the</strong> throat. This widely branching, dense plant is very heat<br />

tolerant. (Gartrell) 10”- 12”<br />

Open All Year Round<br />

Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556<br />


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