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and is nicely silhouetted by dull moderate olive-green leaves held for 3 years. (Barlup 1998) 12”- 15” White Opal (Peach Charm x Pirouette) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late May White 0°F. This broadly branching plant grows 3’ tall by 4’ wide. Semi-glossy, elliptic shaped dark olive-green leaves are held for 2 years and nicely circumvent this mounding plant. Above this hoard of leaves are a multitude of buds that open to an illuminous magenta color fading to yellowish-white. These ball-shaped blooms are highlighted by small peachy-apricot flares in each flowers throat. (Barlup 2006) 12”- 15” White Pippin (R. williamsianum x Olympic Lady) Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 2’ Late April White -5°F. (Formerly called White Moonstone.) This hybrid bears a profusion of white bells poised in loose clusters above remarkably shiny and generously produced, woodland green leaves, silhouetting a well-proportioned plant with excellent carriage. (Larson 1983) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” White Velvet - See Species - R. yakushimanum ∗Whitney Appleblossom (Unknown) Some Shade Medium 4' Early May Pink/Gold +5°F. Many visitors to the garden will ask about this plant, for the bloom looks like a large appleblossom. It is a ball-shaped medium pink bloom with gold and red freckling in the upper lobes. The growth habit is rounded with moderate branching, canopied with deep green leaves retained by the plant for 1-2 years. (Whitney, Sather) 10”- 12”, 15”- 18” ∗Whitney Discolor Cross Sun/Part Shade Medium 4’ Mid-May Fragrant White -5°F. Fortunately, much of the Whitney collection remained together, and as a result through the years we have been able to evaluate what remained. This mature 12’ specimen has always been a favorite, as an avalanche of fragrant snowy white ball-shaped blooms are elegantly presented above smooth-textured deep pea green leaves. This well clothed superstructure has an upright and spreading carriage. (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” ∗Whitney’s Jubilee (Unknown) (Whitney’s #8305) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4' Mid-May Cream Peach 0°F. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular plants at the garden, displaying distinctive deep green glossy leaves that beautifully blanket this rounded well-proportioned plant. Lovely luminous flowers with peach-pink margins enlivened with cream-colored centers all of heavy substance, adorn this charming and attractive plant. The demand is greater than our ability to propagate, so availability is limited. (Whitney, Sather) 6”- 8” Whitney Late Orange (Unknown) Some Shade Medium 4’ Mid-May Salmon Pink 0°F. This upright well-branching plant supports a generous production of matte fern green leaves. Abundant blooms with a conical outline of salmon-orange, nicely framework this plant for a late springtime show. (Whitney, Sather) 10”- 12” Whitney Late Purple (Unknown) Sun Medium 4’ Late May Magenta/Dark Eye -5°F. We have grown several old rhododenrons whose identity is unknown to us. It may be a Whitney progeny or perhaps not. Whichever the case, this upright and spreading plant is densely blanketed with jade green leaves from which medium magenta cone-shaped blooms with a dark eye on the upper lobes emerge. Very attractive. (Unknown) 10”- 12” Whitney Late Late Purple (Unknown) Sun Medium 5’ Mid-June Purple/Dark Eye -5°F. This very mature specimen is a classic example of what we asume to be a named variety, but the actual name has long since disappeared. A torrent of deep purple buds open to magenta-purple ball-shaped blooms with a dark flare/freckling within. This fanfare of color totally shrouds this handsome periphery of dark green leaves supported by sturdy wellbranching stems forming this upright and spreading silhouete. (Unknown) 10”- 12” ∗Whitney Orange (R. dichroanthum var. Sunningdale form x Diane) Sun or Part Shade Low 3' Early May Orange 0°F. The blooms are ball-shaped trusses bordered in a salmon-pink color that 36 blend into a salmon-orange with deeper orange freckling in the upper lobes. Each of the 14 flowers has a small 1" calyx. The foliage is moss green, retained for 2 years. The plant growth habit is low, broad and spreading, and may require some assistance to maintain a good shape. It blooms young and consistently, including the fall. (Whitney, Sather 1976) 6”- 8” thru 10”- 12” Whitney’s Peggy O’Neil (Unknown) Some Shade Medium 4’ Early May Pink 0°F. There are two sister seedlings displayed side by side. Both have similar physical characteristics, except for bloom color and a few minor idiosyncrasies. This plant has medium-pink rounded blooms, classically poised, and displayed on an upright, well-furnished plant with elliptically rounded woodland green leaves. The other sister seedling is Rosy O’Grady. As the name suggests, the flower color is a delightful rosypink. Just for the record, our 1998 catalogue cover pictured both of these plants along with many mature rhododendron specimens. Both plants are available. 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” ∗Whitney Pink Mound (R. williamsianum cross) Sun or Part Shade Low 3' Late April Pink 0°F. Well-proportioned rounded forests green leaves, abundantly produced, are obscured by a bounty of graceful laxed pink blooms that beautifully silhouette this rounded plant. Bronze juvenile foliage adds another very special feature. We are hoping to name this plant ‘Rose Turner’ after a very dear and wonderful rhododendron enthusiast from California, who recently passed away. (Sather) 8”- 10”, 10”- 12” Whitney Pink Mound #2 (R. williamsianum cross x Unknown) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Rose Pink 0°F. Another extraordinary plant with a rounded silhouette, heavily foliaged with rounded jade green leaves of spring followed by glorious bronzered juvenile foliage of early summer. Compelling bell-shaped rosy-pink blooms are produced with remarkable freedom and completely cover this well-branching framework. (Sather) 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” Whitney Tiger Lily (Unknown) Some Shade Low 3’ Early May Pink/split calyx +5°F. This is one of the most unique and unusual flowers. The bloom is basically a medium pink fading to a pale pink, but the red freckling and the very large split calyx, give the appearance of a lily. The stems are somewhat hairy while the bud and leaf terminals have a rather bronzy-red color. The medium green foliage is retained for 2 years. The growth habit is upright, spreading, and well-branching. The plant buds as a 3-4 year old. (Whitney, Sather) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Whitney White (R. williamsianum x) Some Shade Low 3’ Mid-April White 0°F. A great profusion of angelic white bell-like flowers, are poised in loose clusters of splendid carriage, covering small rounded smooth-textured woodland green leaves densely produced. The plant habit is rounded, compact and heavily branched. 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” R. calophytum x Whitney Early Pink Some Shade Tall 6' Mid-March Pink Red-Eye -5°F. Plants of great vigor, upright and spreading in character with large beautifully textured dark green pointed leaves bearing large globular pink flowers with a red eye in the throat, all classically presented. Another of these beautiful crosses (8801) has a deeper rosy-red bloom color and a darker forest green textured leaf. Certainly both plants will add to your garden. (Whitney, Sather) 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” ∗Wind River (Mindy’s Love x [([Lem’s Goal x Loderi Group] x Lem’s Cameo) x ([Lem’s Goal x Loderi Group] x Brandt’s Tropicana)]) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4’ Early May Creamy-Yellow 0°F. A wealth of red buds open to ball-shaped wavy-edged creamy-yellow blooms additionally ornamented with dusty-pink margins that fade with age, plus deep red freckling within, and finally a 1” calyx also edged in dusty-pink. This upright well-branching plant is beautifully silhouetted with generously produced and amply presented deep forest green leaves. (Barlup 1996) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” ∗Windsong (Nancy Evans x [Mrs. Betty Robertson x Fred Rose]) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Green Yellow 0°F. Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email:

Bright green-yellow buds open to the same colored ball-shaped wavyedged blooms, all highlighted by a very deep wine-red color in the throat and a small variable length ¾” to 1¼” iridescent green-yellow calyx with deep wine-red at its base. This very well-branching superstructure holds its leaves for 2 years. (Barlup 1996) 12”- 15” Windwalker (Janet Blari x ([Lem’s Cameo x Brandt’s Tropicana] x Mary Drennen) Some Shade Medium 4’ Mid-May Pink 0°F. A wealth of strong pink colored buds open to present beautiful ballshaped blooms with pale pink wavy-edged margins that blend to a pale yellow throat. The outside perimeter of the bloom includes pale yellow blending to light pink while the flower midribs are a strong pink. A dark red flare/freckling extends 1” from the throat on 3 dorsal lobes. A small calyx of pale yellow is edged with strong pink. Deep olive-green leaves are abundantly produced and held for 2 years on a well-branching, upright and rounded plant. (Barlup 2005) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Wine Fuchsia (Mars x Princess Elizabeth) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4’ Early May Wine-Fuchsia 0°F. This plant is a sister seedling to ‘Purple Fuchsia’. A profusion of showy ball-shaped blooms with a pronounced dark eye are produced in abundance above an olive green leafy framework that circumvents this upright, moderately branching periphery. (Stephens) 12”- 15” Wings of Gold (Nancy Evans x [Darigold x Lackamus Spice] x Golden Anniversary #2) Some Shade Medium 4’ Early May Golden-Yellow +5°F. This introduction spotlights an upright and spreading plant, ornamented with well-furnished parsley green leaves. Well-formed golden-yellow blooms of heavy substance are accented with a bright strawberry red flare within. (Thompson) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Winter Morn (Mrs. J. C. Williams x R. yakushimanum ‘Exbury form’) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May White 0°F. Moderate dusty-pink buds open to exhibit angelic white ball-shaped blooms with sparse freckling of chartreuse in the dorsal lobes. This densely clad plant grows wider than tall and has a perimeter of deep olive green leaves above, interfaced with a thin covering of felt-like yelloworange indumentum below. The juvenile growth emerges as a pale yellow-white. (Barlup 1998) 12”- 15” Winter Spice (Hachmann’s Charmant x Dreamland) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late May Pale Pink 0°F. Bright magenta buds open to parade a host of 5” conically-shaped pale dusty pink blooms highlighted by a larger deep coral-red flare/ freckling on the dorsal lobes. Broad elliptically-shaped woodland green leaves are held for 2 years on a well-branching superstructure that grows wider than tall. (Barlup 2006) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” Wojnar’s Purple (Unknown) Sun Low 4’ Late May Purple -20°F. This outstanding selection has violet-purple margins that transcend to a vivid magenta throat, enhanced with a dark purple flare in the upper lobes. This widely spreading, compact plant is clothed with abundantly produced emerald green leaves. (Mehlquist, U of CT. 1991) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Wren (R. ludlowii x R. keiskei ‘Yaku Fairy’) Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Late April Yellow 0°F. Very finely textured deep green leaves, handsomely silhouette this mounding, dense plant that grows twice as wide as tall. Delicate yellow bell-shaped flowers are daintily poised in loose clusters above this wellmanicured framework. (Cox 1983) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Yaku Angel - See Species - R. yakushimanum Yaku Incense (Lackamus Spice x R. yakushimanum Sun Low 3’ Early May White -5°F. Blooms of blushed white with yellow-green freckling withiln, are nicely presented on a rounded, compact and well-branching plant. The medium sized leaves are held for 3 years and have no indumentum. (Lancaster 1965±) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” ∗Yaku Sunrise (Vulcans Flame x R. yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’) Sun Low 3’ Early May Pink -5°F. There are 2 entirely different plants being grown under the same name one from Washington and the other from Oregon. The Oregon plant has dark green slightly recurved leaves with woolly tan-colored indumentum, which also covers the buds and stems. The ball-shaped pink flowers have deep rose-colored margins. The dense, heavily foliaged and wellbranching plant, buds young and consistently. The Washington plant has a broader leaf with light beige indumentum, plus a larger, long-lasting rounded peach bloom. (Lancaster, 1965) 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” Yo (R. haematodes x Choremia) Some Shade Low 3’ Late April Red-Orange +5°F. Vivid red buds open to exhibit laxed-shaped red-orange blooms with orange wavy margins that transition in color to a paler throat. This plant is additionally ornamented with a red-salmon calyx, and amply produced semi-glossy dark green leaves that beautifully canopy this rounded, wellbranching plant. (Thompsom) 10”- 12” Yummy Yak (R. yakusimanum hybrid) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Pink +10°F. Beautiful deep pink ball-shaped blooms touched with apricot on a wellbranching, rounded plant. This dense, heavily foliaged plant lhas deep dark green leaves. (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Other R. yakushimanum Crosses ∗R. yakushimanum x R. eleganthum Part Shade Low 3’ Late April Pink White 0°F. The combination of these two wonderful species has produced this exceptional progeny. Pink buds open to display veiled pink-white rounded blooms. This well-branching plant exhibits sophisticated elegance as it parades narrow deep green leaves above, interfaced with thick felt-like bronze indumentum below. (Unknown) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” R. yakushimanum x R. pachysanthum Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late April White -5°F. This absolutely beautiful foliage plant has silvery-green leaves above interfaced with a light coating of bronze indumentum below all of which is supported by stiff multi-branches. This compact, dense plant parades veiled pink-white rounded blooms and lush silvery-white juvenile spring growth. (Berg) 8”- 10”, 10’- 12” ∗R. yakushimanum x R. proteoides Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Early May White -10°F. Small compact white dome trusses appear 4-8 years down the road, but well worth the wait. This treasure produces lustrous small green leaves above, and thick cinnamon indumentum below, handsomely presented and abundantly produced on a rounded plant. (Berg) 2”- 4” $15.00 R. yakushimanum x R. pseudochrysanthum Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Pink-White -5°F. Smothered with attractive deep green leaves, this well-branching compact plant is beautifully crowned with attractive, rounded blooms of pink-white flowers that at times obscure this very leafy background. 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” R. yakushimanum x R. recurvoides Part Shade Low 3’ Early May White -10°F. A plant bearing a rounded silhouette, amply clothed with elegant deep sage green leaves, narrow and pointed, underscored with a thick covering of terracotta colored indumentum, and additionally ornamented with heavily textured silvery-gray juvenile spring foliage. Blushed pink to white ball-shaped blooms are enhanced with some red freckling within. (Uknown) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” R. yakushimanum x R. roxieanum var. oreonastes Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Early May Pink-White -5°F. Pointed deep green leaves above incorporate pale green leaves from beneath that culminate with a slight misty white coating of indumentum that also covers the stems. Plants set bud as a 3-4 year-old and exhibit rounded pink fading to white blooms. This well-branching compact plant as a beautiful periphery of lush dusty white juvenile foliage after the bloom. (Sather) 8”- 10” Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email: 37

Bright green-yellow buds open to <strong>the</strong> same colored ball-shaped wavyedged<br />

blooms, all highlighted by a very deep wine-red color in <strong>the</strong><br />

throat and a small variable length ¾” to 1¼” iridescent green-yellow<br />

calyx with deep wine-red at its base. This very well-branching superstructure<br />

holds its leaves for 2 years. (Barlup 1996) 12”- 15”<br />

Windwalker (Janet Blari x ([Lem’s Cameo x Brandt’s Tropicana] x<br />

Mary Drennen)<br />

Some Shade Medium 4’ Mid-May Pink 0°F.<br />

A wealth of strong pink colored buds open to present beautiful ballshaped<br />

blooms with pale pink wavy-edged margins that blend to a<br />

pale yellow throat. The outside perimeter of <strong>the</strong> bloom includes pale<br />

yellow blending to light pink while <strong>the</strong> flower midribs are a strong<br />

pink. A dark red flare/freckling extends 1” from <strong>the</strong> throat on 3 dorsal<br />

lobes. A small calyx of pale yellow is edged with strong pink. Deep<br />

olive-green leaves are abundantly produced and held for 2 years on<br />

a well-branching, upright and rounded plant. (Barlup 2005) (Fall<br />

2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Wine Fuchsia (Mars x Princess Elizabeth)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 4’ Early May Wine-Fuchsia 0°F.<br />

This plant is a sister seedling to ‘Purple Fuchsia’. A profusion of<br />

showy ball-shaped blooms with a pronounced dark eye are produced in<br />

abundance above an olive green leafy framework that circumvents this<br />

upright, moderately branching periphery. (Stephens) 12”- 15”<br />

Wings of Gold (Nancy Evans x [Darigold x Lackamus Spice] x Golden<br />

Anniversary #2)<br />

Some Shade Medium 4’ Early May Golden-Yellow +5°F.<br />

This introduction spotlights an upright and spreading plant, ornamented<br />

with well-furnished parsley green leaves. Well-formed golden-yellow<br />

blooms of heavy substance are accented with a bright strawberry red<br />

flare within. (Thompson) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Winter Morn (Mrs. J. C. Williams x R. yakushimanum ‘Exbury form’)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May White 0°F.<br />

Moderate dusty-pink buds open to exhibit angelic white ball-shaped<br />

blooms with sparse freckling of chartreuse in <strong>the</strong> dorsal lobes. This<br />

densely clad plant grows wider than tall and has a perimeter of deep olive<br />

green leaves above, interfaced with a thin covering of felt-like yelloworange<br />

indumentum below. The juvenile growth emerges as a pale yellow-white.<br />

(Barlup 1998) 12”- 15”<br />

Winter Spice (Hachmann’s Charmant x Dreamland)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late May Pale Pink 0°F.<br />

Bright magenta buds open to parade a host of 5” conically-shaped<br />

pale dusty pink blooms highlighted by a larger deep coral-red flare/<br />

freckling on <strong>the</strong> dorsal lobes. Broad elliptically-shaped woodland<br />

green leaves are held for 2 years on a well-branching superstructure<br />

that grows wider than tall. (Barlup 2006) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15”<br />

Wojnar’s Purple (Unknown)<br />

Sun Low 4’ Late May Purple -20°F.<br />

This outstanding selection has violet-purple margins that transcend to a<br />

vivid magenta throat, enhanced with a dark purple flare in <strong>the</strong> upper<br />

lobes. This widely spreading, compact plant is clo<strong>the</strong>d with abundantly<br />

produced emerald green leaves. (Mehlquist, U of CT. 1991) (Fall 2012)<br />

6”- 8”<br />

Wren (R. ludlowii x R. keiskei ‘Yaku Fairy’)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Late April Yellow 0°F.<br />

Very finely textured deep green leaves, handsomely silhouette this<br />

mounding, dense plant that grows twice as wide as tall. Delicate yellow<br />

bell-shaped flowers are daintily poised in loose clusters above this wellmanicured<br />

framework. (Cox 1983) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Yaku Angel - See Species - R. yakushimanum<br />

Yaku Incense (Lackamus Spice x R. yakushimanum<br />

Sun Low 3’ Early May White -5°F.<br />

Blooms of blushed white with yellow-green freckling withiln, are nicely<br />

presented on a rounded, compact and well-branching plant. The medium<br />

sized leaves are held for 3 years and have no indumentum. (Lancaster<br />

1965±) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

∗Yaku Sunrise (Vulcans Flame x R. yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’)<br />

Sun Low 3’ Early May Pink -5°F.<br />

There are 2 entirely different plants being grown under <strong>the</strong> same name<br />

one from Washington and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r from Oregon. The Oregon plant has<br />

dark green slightly recurved leaves with woolly tan-colored indumentum,<br />

which also covers <strong>the</strong> buds and stems. The ball-shaped pink flowers<br />

have deep rose-colored margins. The dense, heavily foliaged and wellbranching<br />

plant, buds young and consistently. The Washington plant has<br />

a broader leaf with light beige indumentum, plus a larger, long-lasting<br />

rounded peach bloom. (Lancaster, 1965) 8”- 10”, 12”- 15”<br />

Yo (R. haematodes x Choremia)<br />

Some Shade Low 3’ Late April Red-Orange +5°F.<br />

Vivid red buds open to exhibit laxed-shaped red-orange blooms with<br />

orange wavy margins that transition in color to a paler throat. This plant<br />

is additionally ornamented with a red-salmon calyx, and amply produced<br />

semi-glossy dark green leaves that beautifully canopy this rounded, wellbranching<br />

plant. (Thompsom) 10”- 12”<br />

Yummy Yak (R. yakusimanum hybrid)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Pink +10°F.<br />

Beautiful deep pink ball-shaped blooms touched with apricot on a wellbranching,<br />

rounded plant. This dense, heavily foliaged plant lhas deep<br />

dark green leaves. (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r R. yakushimanum Crosses<br />

∗R. yakushimanum x R. eleganthum<br />

Part Shade Low 3’ Late April Pink White 0°F.<br />

The combination of <strong>the</strong>se two wonderful species has produced this<br />

exceptional progeny. Pink buds open to display veiled pink-white<br />

rounded blooms. This well-branching plant exhibits sophisticated elegance<br />

as it parades narrow deep green leaves above, interfaced with thick<br />

felt-like bronze indumentum below. (Unknown) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15”<br />

R. yakushimanum x R. pachysanthum<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Late April White -5°F.<br />

This absolutely beautiful foliage plant has silvery-green leaves above<br />

interfaced with a light coating of bronze indumentum below all of which<br />

is supported by stiff multi-branches. This compact, dense plant parades<br />

veiled pink-white rounded blooms and lush silvery-white juvenile spring<br />

growth. (Berg) 8”- 10”, 10’- 12”<br />

∗R. yakushimanum x R. proteoides<br />

Sun or Part Shade Dwarf 1’ Early May White -10°F.<br />

Small compact white dome trusses appear 4-8 years down <strong>the</strong> road, but<br />

well worth <strong>the</strong> wait. This treasure produces lustrous small green leaves<br />

above, and thick cinnamon indumentum below, handsomely presented<br />

and abundantly produced on a rounded plant. (Berg) 2”- 4” $15.00<br />

R. yakushimanum x R. pseudochrysanthum<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Early May Pink-White -5°F.<br />

Smo<strong>the</strong>red with attractive deep green leaves, this well-branching compact<br />

plant is beautifully crowned with attractive, rounded blooms of<br />

pink-white flowers that at times obscure this very leafy background.<br />

10”- 12”, 12”- 15”<br />

R. yakushimanum x R. recurvoides<br />

Part Shade Low 3’ Early May White -10°F.<br />

A plant bearing a rounded silhouette, amply clo<strong>the</strong>d with elegant deep<br />

sage green leaves, narrow and pointed, underscored with a thick covering<br />

of terracotta colored indumentum, and additionally ornamented with<br />

heavily textured silvery-gray juvenile spring foliage. Blushed pink to<br />

white ball-shaped blooms are enhanced with some red freckling within.<br />

(Uknown) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

R. yakushimanum x R. roxieanum var. oreonastes<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 2’ Early May Pink-White -5°F.<br />

Pointed deep green leaves above incorporate pale green leaves from<br />

beneath that culminate with a slight misty white coating of indumentum<br />

that also covers <strong>the</strong> stems. Plants set bud as a 3-4 year-old and exhibit<br />

rounded pink fading to white blooms. This well-branching compact plant<br />

as a beautiful periphery of lush dusty white juvenile foliage after <strong>the</strong><br />

bloom. (Sa<strong>the</strong>r) 8”- 10”<br />

Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556<br />

Email: 37

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