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This century old plant is very sun and heat tolerant and should be used in a hedge, for it retains an ample production of rich deep green leaves that silhouette an upright moderate branching infrastructure. Rounded bunches of lavender flowers additionally animate this majestic plant. (Van Geerte, 1867) 10”- 12”, 15"- 18" Autumn Gold (R. discolor x Fabia) Sun of Part Shade Medium 5’ Late May Salmon 0°F. The growth habit is broad, somewhat upright and well branching with moss green foliage that is retained for 2 years. The salmon orange bloom is rather laxed in character. (Van Veen, Sr. 1956) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Avalanche (Loderi Grex x R. calophytum) Some Shade Tall 6’ Late March Fragrant White 0°F. This plant is a rather rare plant to locate, as most propagators face challenges in rooting it. We are at times successful. Large meduim green leaves are exhibited only one year on this plant, however this leafy canopy silhouettes a well-branching rounded promenade. Large flat-topped white blooms are beautifully highlighted by a red flare/freckling in the throat. (Rothchild 1934) 10”- 12” Award (Anna x Margaret Dunn Group) Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Late May White/Pink/Yellow 0°F. This dense, well-branching plant is wrapped in long, narrow matte green leaves that are somewhat cup shaped. An unique tricolor bloom of primary white, pink and yellow with a touch of green. (Delbert 1969) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Azor (R. griersonianum x R. fortunei ssp. discolor) Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Early June Salmon-Pink 0°F. This plant has a somewhat casual promenade, exhibiting large and pointed medium green leaves nicely sheltering this moderately branching upright superstructure. Salmon-pink blooms are carried in superb, airy, flat-topped trusses produced in great abundance. (Stevenson 1927) 12”- 15” ∗Azurro (Lee's Dark Purple x Purple Splendour) Sun & Heat Medium 5' Late May Red-Purple/Dark Eye -15°F. Abundantly produced rich green leaves, blanket this well-built plant, with dome-shaped deep purple blooms and a dark eye. An excellent plant for cooler regions of U.S. (Hachmann 1986) 8”- 10”, 15”- 18” ∗Azurwolke (R. russatum x Blue Diamond) Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 2' Mid-April Blue -8°F. This dense, rounded plant produces a bounty of small blooms covering attractive evergreen foliage. Excellent plant for rock gardens. (Hachmann 1977) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Babylon (R. calophytum x R. praevernum) Some Shade Tall 6’ March White/Red Eye 0°F. This stately plant of great vigor with a somewhat open promenade is sequestered into a rounded silhouette, ornamented with a canopy of large, majestic jade green leaves attached to thick red stems. Magnificent white trusses are enriched with a distinctive red flare in the throat. (Reuthe 1955) (Fall 2012) 10”- 12” Baden Baden (Essex Scarlet x R. forrestii var. repens) Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 3’ Early May Red -15°F. A compact and spreading plant that branches well. The plant holds the smooth-textured, shiny emerald green foliage for 3 years. The bright red bells with a dark eye are held in clusters of 3-5. (Hobbie 1945) 12”- 15 ” Bambi (R. yakushimanum x Fabia Tangerine) Some Shade Semi-Dwarf 2’ Mid-May Salmon-Pink -15°F. A bounty of deep green leaves beautifully framework this amply furnished rounded plant. A prodigious array of buds open from red to bright salmon-pink ball-shaped clusters combined with slight nuances of yellow. (Wiseman, Waterer 1986) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Bambi x R. Proteoides Sun or Pt. Shade Semi Dwarf 18” Early May Cream/White -5°F. This lovely compact and dense plant is beautifully circumvented by amply produced small deep green leaves above, coupled with pale beige colored indumentum below. Small rounded cream to white blooms are highlighted by pale pink margins and faint red freckling within. 10”- 12” 4 Bambino (Britannia x (R. yakushimanum x Lem's Cameo)) Some Shade Low 3' Early May Cream Pink-Edge 0°F. The medium-sized ball-shaped blooms have creamy yellow suffused pink flowers with ruffled pink edges, a red eye, and an irregular shaped calyx. This dense, compact and spreading plant has narrowly elliptic forest green leaves held for 3 years with no indumentum. Weevil like this plant. (Brockenbrough 1987) 15”- 18” Barbara Hall (Road Red (s) x Prelude) Sun or Part Shade Tall 6’ Mid-May Purplish/Pink -10°F. Vivid magenta-red buds open to display stunning purplish-red wavy-edged margins that transition to a moderate purple-pink throat eclipsed with a prominent deep red eye within and a peripheral of red v-shaped freckling. Deep red midveins also highlight these ball-shaped blooms. Moderate green leaves are held for 3 years silhouetting a very dense, rounded plant. This plant is hardy to -20°F. and bud hardy to -10°F. (Bayport, Briggs, Weagle 2002) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” ∗Bariton (A. Bedford x Purple Splendour) Sun Low 4' Mid-May Purple Black-Eye -15°F. A deep black-red eye and showy white anthers accent handsome ballshaped trusses of violet-purple. The well-manicured, rounded plant is well clothed with dense foliage. (Hachmann 1988) 6”- 8”, 12”- 15” Barto Alpine (Lapponicum Series hybrids) Sun Low 3’ Mid-April Lavender Blue -10°F. This low, densely growing compact plant is blanketed with small deep emerald green leaves displayed on an upright growing plant. Bright lavender-blue flowers are lavishly produced and beautifully presented Barto, Greer 1964) 15”- 18” ∗Beauty of Littleworth (R. griffithianum hybrid) (Triploid) Sun or Part Shade Tall 6’ Late April Scented White -5°F. A very tall, upright and vigorous growing plant with large deep green smooth-textured leaves silhouette this moderately branching plant, that beautifully exhibits large scented white flowers with purple frecking. The plant buds as 6-8 year old, and blooms consistently thereafter. (Mangles 1884) 12”- 15” Belkanto® (Mrs. J. G. Millais x Golddekor) Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Mid-May Yellow-Orange -15°F. (‘Golddekor’ is a R. wardii hybrid) A wealth of peach colored buds open to stately, ball-shaped blooms of peachy-yellow with chartreuse freckling within. Matte deep olive-green leaves are elliptically rounded with a slight twist presented on thick stems that form an upright, well-branching plant. (Herbst 1988) 10”- 12” Bellefontaine (R. fortunei x R. smitnowii) Some Shade Tall 6’ Mid May Scented Pink White -17°F. This well-branching, upright plant exhibits sturdy purple-red stems superstructured with amply produced long dark green leaves with purple-red leaf petioles. Rosy-pink buds open to present large scented ball-shaped blooms of rose to opal white, nicely eclipsed with a red flare/eye within. (Pike, Craig) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” Belle Heller (Catawbiense Album x white R. catawbiense seedling) Sun Medium 5' Early May White/ Gold Eye -10°F. The most notable feature of this plant is the lovely full-dome white trusses with a distinctively large yellow eye. The growth habit is rounded, broad and somewhat open with dark matte green leaves. (Shammarello 1958) 15”- 18”, 18”- 21” ∗Berg's Queen Bee (R. yakushimanum x R. tsariense) formerly Queen Bee Sun or Part Shade Low 3' Late April Peach-Pink 0°F. An upright and spreading plant presents remarkable dark green foliage heavily embellished with cinnamon-colored indumentum. A profusion of pale peach-pink blooms are carried in superb, ball-shaped clusters of 9-12. (Berg, Sinclair) 12”- 15”, 15”- 18” Berliner Liebe (El Alamein x R. insigne) Sun Medium 4’ Early May Rosy Red -10°F. Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email:

Classically poised above generously produced dark forest green pointed leaves are wavy-edged ball-shaped blooms of vivid rosy red that transcend to a pale throat coupled with dark freckling on the upper lobes. This colorful canopy handsomely shrouds a well-branching rounded silhouette. (W. Bruns 1985) 15”- 18” Berry Punch (Brandt Red x R yakushimanum x Yaku Sunrise) x (C.I.S. x Jingle Bells) Sun or Part Shade Medium 3’ Mid-May Dusty Pink +5°F. Bright magenta buds open to soft dusty pink blooms, 4” tall by 6” wide, with deep magenta freckling within. The outside flower color of strong magenta is nicely contrasted by pale dusty pink interior color. This dense well-branching superstructure has a periphery of forest green leaves above, coupled with ochre colored indumentum below. (Kesterson, Nelson 2001) 10”- 12” Berry Shine (Yaku Sunrise x [C.I.S. x Jingle Bells]) x Blue Rhapsody Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May Magenta 0°F. Deep magenta buds unfurl to show off ball-shaped, frilly edged, bright magenta blooms that are eclipsed by a hint of strong orange-yellow freckling within. The exterior flower color is a vivid reddish-purple. Amply produced leaves are broadly elliptic, deep forest green that circumvent this rounded, well-branching framework. (Kesterson, Nelson 2003) 10”- 12” Besse Howells (R. catawbiense red hybrid x Boule de Neige) Sun Low 3' Mid-May Magenta Red -15°F. Another rock-hardy plant, whose growth habit is widely branching, is amply canopied with matte green leaves from which very ruffled ball shaped blooms with dark freckling in the throat emerge. (Shammarello 1964) 15”- 18” ∗Bibiani (Moser’s Maroon x R. arboreum) Sun or Part Shade Tall 6’ Early April Red +5°F. An appealing well proportioned plant is beautifully frameworked with a bounty of smooth-textured dark green leaves from which luminous red ball-shaped blooms handsomely presented, emerge. (Rothschild 1934) 10”- 12”, 12”- 15” Big Deal (Parentage Uknown) Sun or Part Shade Low 3’ Mid-May Creamy Yellow -15°F. Weston Nursery of Hopkinton, Maine developed and tested this plant. Anything that survives their very harsh environs is a “Big Deal”. The beautifully canopied plant grows much wider than tall and is circumvented with large dark matte green leaves abundantly presented. Rounded creamy-yellow flowers are highlighted with a dark yellow throat. (Mezitt) 10”- 12” ∗Black Magic (Jean Marie de Montague x Leo) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4' Mid-May Black Red 0°F. A plant very much admired for the abundantly produced showy globeshaped flowers classically which are poised on a matte forest green leafy framework encircling a well-branching, compact plant. (Greer 1988) 6”- 8”, 8”- 10”, 12”- 15” Black Satin (P.J.M. Cross) Sun & Heat Low 3’ Early April Red-Purple -20°F. A dense, mounding plant is distinguished by very dark mahogany fall foliage from which a bounty of red-purple blooms emerge each spring. (Mezitt 1988) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8” ∗Black Sport (Britannia x Purple Splendour) Sun or Part Shade Medium 4' Mid-May Deep Crimson 0°F. This is one of the darkest crimson blooms with a dark eye of almost all rhododendrons. The growth habit is rounded and somewhat upright, displaying small dark green leaves held for 2 years. (Nelson, Briggs 1982) 6”- 8” thru 12”- 15” Black Widow ([Frank Galsworthy x Leo]) x Warlock) Some Shade Medium 5’ Late May Maroon-Black -5°F. Maroon-black funnel-shaped, slightly wavy-edged flowers with white anthers inside. The growth habit is upright and rounded with shiny, bright green leaves that have a ribbed texture. (Thompson) 12”- 15” Blanc Mange (Godesberg x R. auriculatum) Some Shade Tall 6’ Late June White -5°F. A vigorous, stalwart plant, spreading and upright with large matte dark olive green leaves, displaying well-poised globe-shaped pure white blossoms. (Rothchild 1934) 10”- 12”, 18”- 21” ∗Blaney’s Blue (R. augustinii ‘Towercourt’ x Blue Diamond) Sun or Part Shade Low 4’ Late April Blue -5°F. Beautiful sky blue flowers of small open funnel-shaped trusses totally cover the plant. The growth habit is rounded, dense and compact with smaller lance-like emerald green leaves in summer changing to a bronze tone for winter. It buds young and blooms prolifically. (Blaney, Ticknor 2006) 6”- 8” thru 15”- 18” Blinklicht (Flashing Light) (Nova Zembla x Mars) Sun Medium 4’ Mid-May Red -5°F. Flashing red ball-shaped blooms explode around this well-branching, upright plant, abundantly furnished with nicely proportioned, textured forest green leaves held for 3 years. (Hachmann 1982) 15”- 18” Blue Baron (Gletschernacht x Waltham) Sun Semi-Dwarf 2’ Early April Blue -10°F. This upright growing plant (2’ high by 1’ wide) is densely foliaged with small oblong dark green leaves on top with light green scales beneath aging to a light rust color. Each leaf terminous produces 20-multiple buds of vivid violet that open to exhibit medium lavender-violet inside flower color, interfaced with a vivid deep violet outside flower color. This plant is actully hardy to -20°F. however buds are only hardy to -10°F. (Mezitt, Weston 1996) 6”- 8”, 12”- 15” Blue Baron II (Unknown) Sun Semi-Dwarf 2’ Early April Blue -10°F. This is not the same plant as “Blue Baron” which has a lavender-blue flower color. Basically all the principle characteristics are much the same, with the exception of flower color which is a brighter, deeper blue. (Stewart) (Fall 2012) 8”- 10” ∗Blue Bird (R. intricatum x R. augustinii) Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 18” Late April Blue 0°F. A rounded, spreading and multi-branching dense plant exhibits small smooth textured dark green leaves. The small funnel-shaped medium blue flowers are held in clusters of 3-5. It buds young and consistently. (Aberconway 1930) 8”- 10” thru 12”- 15” ∗Blue Boy (Blue Ensign x Purple Splendour) Sun or Part Shade Medium 5' Mid-May Violet 0°F. The openly funnel-shaped violet ball-shaped flowers have a dominant dark eye. The growth habit is somewhat upright, rounded and branches well with long and narrow smooth-textured dark green leaves that are held for 3 years. (Watson 1981) 6”- 8” thru 12”- 15” Blue Diamond (R. intrifast x R. augustinii) Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 3' Late April Blue -5°F. Small bright blue flowers are amassed on an upright, finely branched and compact plant with small dark green leaves. This plant has remained a favorite for many many years. It buds young and consistently. (Crosfield) 10”-12”, 12”- 15” ∗Blue Ensign (Unknown) Sun & Heat Medium 4' Early May Lilac Blue -20°F. The growth habit is rounded, compact and branches well. The smoothtextured dark green leaves also tend to leaf spot. The full-dome lilac blue flowers have a striking dark eye in the upper lobe, and continues to remain a crowd pleaser. (W. C. Slocock 1934) 8”- 10” thru 18”- 21” Blue Frost (A ponticum hybrid) Sun Medium 4' Mid-May Lavender Blue -10°F. The full-dome truss is edged with a light lavender-blue along with a golden eye that changes with age to a more orange tone. The well-shaped bushy plant has glossy dark green foliage. It buds young and consis- Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556 Email: 5

This century old plant is very sun and heat tolerant and should be used<br />

in a hedge, for it retains an ample production of rich deep green leaves<br />

that silhouette an upright moderate branching infrastructure. Rounded<br />

bunches of lavender flowers additionally animate this majestic plant.<br />

(Van Geerte, 1867) 10”- 12”, 15"- 18"<br />

Autumn Gold (R. discolor x Fabia)<br />

Sun of Part Shade Medium 5’ Late May Salmon 0°F.<br />

The growth habit is broad, somewhat upright and well branching with<br />

moss green foliage that is retained for 2 years. The salmon orange bloom<br />

is ra<strong>the</strong>r laxed in character. (Van Veen, Sr. 1956) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Avalanche (Loderi Grex x R. calophytum)<br />

Some Shade Tall 6’ Late March Fragrant White 0°F.<br />

This plant is a ra<strong>the</strong>r rare plant to locate, as most propagators face challenges<br />

in rooting it. We are at times successful. Large meduim green<br />

leaves are exhibited only one year on this plant, however this leafy canopy<br />

silhouettes a well-branching rounded promenade. Large flat-topped<br />

white blooms are beautifully highlighted by a red flare/freckling in <strong>the</strong><br />

throat. (Rothchild 1934) 10”- 12”<br />

Award (Anna x Margaret Dunn Group)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Late May White/Pink/Yellow 0°F.<br />

This dense, well-branching plant is wrapped in long, narrow matte green<br />

leaves that are somewhat cup shaped. An unique tricolor bloom of primary<br />

white, pink and yellow with a touch of green. (Delbert 1969) (Fall<br />

2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Azor (R. griersonianum x R. fortunei ssp. discolor)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Early June Salmon-Pink 0°F.<br />

This plant has a somewhat casual promenade, exhibiting large and<br />

pointed medium green leaves nicely sheltering this moderately branching<br />

upright superstructure. Salmon-pink blooms are carried in superb,<br />

airy, flat-topped trusses produced in great abundance. (Stevenson 1927)<br />

12”- 15”<br />

∗Azurro (Lee's Dark Purple x Purple Splendour)<br />

Sun & Heat Medium 5' Late May Red-Purple/Dark Eye -15°F.<br />

Abundantly produced rich green leaves, blanket this well-built plant,<br />

with dome-shaped deep purple blooms and a dark eye. An excellent plant<br />

for cooler regions of U.S. (Hachmann 1986) 8”- 10”, 15”- 18”<br />

∗Azurwolke (R. russatum x Blue Diamond)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 2' Mid-April Blue -8°F.<br />

This dense, rounded plant produces a bounty of small blooms covering<br />

attractive evergreen foliage. Excellent plant for rock gardens. (Hachmann<br />

1977) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Babylon (R. calophytum x R. praevernum)<br />

Some Shade Tall 6’ March White/Red Eye 0°F.<br />

This stately plant of great vigor with a somewhat open promenade is<br />

sequestered into a rounded silhouette, ornamented with a canopy of<br />

large, majestic jade green leaves attached to thick red stems. Magnificent<br />

white trusses are enriched with a distinctive red flare in <strong>the</strong> throat.<br />

(Reu<strong>the</strong> 1955) (Fall 2012) 10”- 12”<br />

Baden Baden (Essex Scarlet x R. forrestii var. repens)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Semi-Dwarf 3’ Early May Red -15°F.<br />

A compact and spreading plant that branches well. The plant holds <strong>the</strong><br />

smooth-textured, shiny emerald green foliage for 3 years. The bright red<br />

bells with a dark eye are held in clusters of 3-5. (Hobbie 1945) 12”- 15 ”<br />

Bambi (R. yakushimanum x Fabia Tangerine)<br />

Some Shade Semi-Dwarf 2’ Mid-May Salmon-Pink -15°F.<br />

A bounty of deep green leaves beautifully framework this amply furnished<br />

rounded plant. A prodigious array of buds open from red to bright<br />

salmon-pink ball-shaped clusters combined with slight nuances of yellow.<br />

(Wiseman, Waterer 1986) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Bambi x R. Proteoides<br />

Sun or Pt. Shade Semi Dwarf 18” Early May Cream/White -5°F.<br />

This lovely compact and dense plant is beautifully circumvented by<br />

amply produced small deep green leaves above, coupled with pale beige<br />

colored indumentum below. Small rounded cream to white blooms are<br />

highlighted by pale pink margins and faint red freckling within. 10”- 12”<br />

4<br />

Bambino (Britannia x (R. yakushimanum x Lem's Cameo))<br />

Some Shade Low 3' Early May Cream Pink-Edge 0°F.<br />

The medium-sized ball-shaped blooms have creamy yellow suffused<br />

pink flowers with ruffled pink edges, a red eye, and an irregular shaped<br />

calyx. This dense, compact and spreading plant has narrowly elliptic forest<br />

green leaves held for 3 years with no indumentum. Weevil like this<br />

plant. (Brockenbrough 1987) 15”- 18”<br />

Barbara Hall (Road Red (s) x Prelude)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Tall 6’ Mid-May Purplish/Pink -10°F.<br />

Vivid magenta-red buds open to display stunning purplish-red<br />

wavy-edged margins that transition to a moderate purple-pink<br />

throat eclipsed with a prominent deep red eye within and a peripheral<br />

of red v-shaped freckling. Deep red midveins also highlight<br />

<strong>the</strong>se ball-shaped blooms. Moderate green leaves are held for 3 years<br />

silhouetting a very dense, rounded plant. This plant is hardy to<br />

-20°F. and bud hardy to -10°F. (Bayport, Briggs, Weagle 2002) 10”-<br />

12”, 12”- 15”<br />

∗Bariton (A. Bedford x Purple Splendour)<br />

Sun Low 4' Mid-May Purple Black-Eye -15°F.<br />

A deep black-red eye and showy white an<strong>the</strong>rs accent handsome ballshaped<br />

trusses of violet-purple. The well-manicured, rounded plant is<br />

well clo<strong>the</strong>d with dense foliage. (Hachmann 1988) 6”- 8”, 12”- 15”<br />

Barto Alpine (Lapponicum Series hybrids)<br />

Sun Low 3’ Mid-April Lavender Blue -10°F.<br />

This low, densely growing compact plant is blanketed with small deep<br />

emerald green leaves displayed on an upright growing plant. Bright<br />

lavender-blue flowers are lavishly produced and beautifully presented<br />

Barto, Greer 1964) 15”- 18”<br />

∗Beauty of Littleworth (R. griffithianum hybrid) (Triploid)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Tall 6’ Late April Scented White -5°F.<br />

A very tall, upright and vigorous growing plant with large deep green<br />

smooth-textured leaves silhouette this moderately branching plant, that<br />

beautifully exhibits large scented white flowers with purple frecking.<br />

The plant buds as 6-8 year old, and blooms consistently <strong>the</strong>reafter.<br />

(Mangles 1884) 12”- 15”<br />

Belkanto® (Mrs. J. G. Millais x Golddekor)<br />

Sun or Part Shade Medium 5’ Mid-May Yellow-Orange -15°F.<br />

(‘Golddekor’ is a R. wardii hybrid) A wealth of peach colored buds open<br />

to stately, ball-shaped blooms of peachy-yellow with chartreuse freckling<br />

within. Matte deep olive-green leaves are elliptically rounded with<br />

a slight twist presented on thick stems that form an upright, well-branching<br />

plant. (Herbst 1988) 10”- 12”<br />

Bellefontaine (R. fortunei x R. smitnowii)<br />

Some Shade Tall 6’ Mid May Scented Pink White -17°F.<br />

This well-branching, upright plant exhibits sturdy purple-red stems<br />

superstructured with amply produced long dark green leaves with<br />

purple-red leaf petioles. Rosy-pink buds open to present large<br />

scented ball-shaped blooms of rose to opal white, nicely eclipsed with<br />

a red flare/eye within. (Pike, Craig) (Fall 2012) 6”- 8”<br />

Belle Heller (Catawbiense Album x white R. catawbiense seedling)<br />

Sun Medium 5' Early May White/ Gold Eye -10°F.<br />

The most notable feature of this plant is <strong>the</strong> lovely full-dome white<br />

trusses with a distinctively large yellow eye. The growth habit is<br />

rounded, broad and somewhat open with dark matte green leaves.<br />

(Shammarello 1958) 15”- 18”, 18”- 21”<br />

∗Berg's Queen Bee (R. yakushimanum x R. tsariense) formerly<br />

Queen Bee<br />

Sun or Part Shade Low 3' Late April Peach-Pink 0°F.<br />

An upright and spreading plant presents remarkable dark green foliage<br />

heavily embellished with cinnamon-colored indumentum. A profusion of<br />

pale peach-pink blooms are carried in superb, ball-shaped clusters of<br />

9-12. (Berg, Sinclair) 12”- 15”, 15”- 18”<br />

Berliner Liebe (El Alamein x R. insigne)<br />

Sun Medium 4’ Early May Rosy Red -10°F.<br />

Website: • Brinnon, WA 98320 • Ph: (800) 952-2404 • Fx: (360) 796-3556<br />


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