Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre


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stillhealthywith nosymptoms ofillness. Inow take myseventy-one year old mother tothe same class and she has also found animprovement inher severearthritic condition.Shouldanyone, likeJ.Y (January/Februaryissue), be searching for a good<strong>Qigong</strong> teacher I canrecommend thisparticular class.P. N.Sharing Good NewsDear Michael,I am a 68-year-old ladywho hassuffered fromME for over twentyyears now.Recentlymyolder sister gave meyour tape.I suffer with manycomplex symptomsand illnesses.A few of themare totalexhaustion, disorientation,sleeping disordersand irritable bowlsyndrome, water in faceand eyes and others too numerous tomention.This M.Eseemed tocoincide withmeweaningmyselfoffprescribedValiumafter a hysterectomy. I now think thisoriginated fromproblems causedbyafall asa child when I injuredmyhip and broke a legand wore acalliper for a while.This couldhave causedan imbalance.However, since I have been occasionallylisteningtoyour tape anddoing thefacial exercisesyou recommendI wasrelieved to be told, when I attended anopticians for eye tests, that the cataracts hadcleared. Ifeel you should know this, asit issomethingpositive to share. Iwas wonderingifthere was anyother advice thatwould helpme. Myimmune systemhas packedup andeverything doesnot seemto functionproperly. I just needsome lightexercise andrelaxation,nothingtoo demanding.M.J.Dear M.I am glad to hear that the exerciseshave helped your eyes to recover. To helpyour M.E you need to do some <strong>Qigong</strong> tobuild up your energy. When people sufferfrom M.E their energy drops to a very lowlevel and this is why they feel tired muchof the time.I recommend you do the exercisesdescribed below. These exercises are partof a set called Balancing Gong. I haveactually covered these exercises in somedetail in my book “<strong>Qigong</strong> for Health andVitality”, pages 60 to 81.Try doing these exercises verygently. At first just do one or two a fewtimes until you feel stronger, then do more.Afterwards do a little meditation. I amsure you will start to feel much better.M.T.Holding the Dantien.i. Stand naturallywith your feet as wide as yourshoulders. Keep your back straight, relaxyour shoulders and neck, keeping your headin an upright natural position. Fig i.ii. Men should place their left hand on theDantien and their right hand over their lefthand. Women should place their right handon the Dantien and their left hand over theirright hand. Relax your whole body. Fig ii.iii. Slowly bend your knees and breathe outthrough your nose, but keep your backstraight. Fig iii.iv. Slowly straighten your legs and breathe inthrough your nose.Up and Down with the DantienStand as in i. in the first exercise.i. Separate your hands so the palms faceupward and the fingertips point towards eachother. The hands should be level with theDantien. Fig i.ii. Slowly raise your hands from the Dantien tothe chest, as high as the Qihu points on theupper chest, do not lift up your shoulders,just open your chest. As you lift up breathein. Fig ii.iii. Turn your palms down so the Hegu points onthe hands face the Qihu points and loweryour hands back down to the Dantien whilebreathing out and bending your knees. Fig iii& Fig iv.Opening and Closing the Dantieni. Stand naturally with your hands facing theDantien (as if you were holding a small ball).Fig i.ii. Turnyourpalmsout (thumbspointingdown)and push your hands forwards and out.Meanwhile breathe in. Fig ii.iii. Turn your palms in and bring yourhands backin towards the Dantien (as if you weresqueezing the Qi into the Dantien); bendyour legs and breathe out. Fig iii.Dantien Gong (From Balancing Gong)Holding the Dantien.i ii iiiUp and Down with the Dantieni ii iii ivOpening and Closing the Dantieni ii iiiQi Magazine 6

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