Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 37 - Tse Qigong Centre


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<strong>Qigong</strong> she could withstand the situation andwork as well as the men.There was one particular gentlemannamed Chen Gwor An who worked with herand treated her very well. He was a man ofgood character but he did not know that YangMeijun was a girl. Over a period of time theybecame very good friends.Then for a couple of days Yang Meijundid not see him at work. She began to misshim and started to worry.Maybe it wascoincidence, maybe itwas fate but she went tosee an opera and thereshe discovered the mainactor was her missingwork partner! He wasacting in the play and hecould sing and dancewhich greatly surprisedher. When the operafinished she went to seehim. Chen Gwor An wasvery happy to see her, somuch so, that he invitedher to come and workwith him in the opera.Yang Meiljun wanted tobe with him wherever hewanted to go. So sheagreed to join eventhough the work was very simple.After some time her female characterslowly started to show and she wanted todress and behave like a lady again. Chen GworAn was very pleased to discover his bestfriend was a girl. Their relationship changed:from best friends they became lovers. Verysoon they were married and started a family.One year later they had their first child, ababy boy. They were a happy family.One night, around midnight ChenGwor An discovered his wife was missing!He was very worried and went out into theback yard in search of her. But all he foundwas a shadowon the roof! The shadow movedvery quickly, sometimes jumping up,sometimes jumping down, like a bird. As hegot closer his fear grew stronger. But thenhe realised it was his wife Yang Meijun! Herskill and movements greatly impressed him.He asked her “How did you learn such askill? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” YangMeijun realising her husband had discoveredher secret and said, “This is my family’s<strong>Qigong</strong> and I am not allowed to divulge it,that is why I did not let you know. Probablyit is fate that you have now found out, butthis is good, so if anything should happen inthe future you won’thave to worry aboutme or our son.” Afterthat night Chen GworAn got used to her skilland treated it as quitenormal.Around thistime the Japaneseinvasion of China wasgetting more serious.They had conqueredmany provinces andthe Second World Warwas breaking out. YangMeijun and herhusband joined thevolunteers to helpdefend against theJapanese invaders.Because of their workshe had more opportunities to travelespecially to the countryside. There shevisited many high level Daoist and Buddhistmonks and nuns. They all gave her a lot ofgreat help with her Dayan <strong>Qigong</strong>. OneDaoist told her of the principles ofacupuncture points and channels. He said,“Your body is like the universe.” There aremany orbits and tracks crossing it. Theseorbits are our acupuncture channels. Theybring the Qi to different areas to balance thebody and make the internal organs strong.“High level <strong>Qigong</strong>masters have strong Qiand spirit, you can see itin their faces!”This makes the body warm and function well.When we feel pain, or are stiff and unwell, itmeans the channels are blocked and need tobe smoothed. The acupuncture points are likethe planets spread out over the body. Theseallow the Qi to enter, pass through and leavethe body, so the Qi passes in and out. If onepoint is blocked this affects the whole systemand illness will occur. This valuableknowledge helped her in the future when shedeveloped her treatment skills.Yang Meijun also met a nun whocould meditate for hours and hours and whocould stop menstruating. This meant shecould transfer all her blood to Qi.Some of the monks she met did notsleep at night instead they sat on cushionsand meditated until daybreak so they neverlost their Jing.With the development of vital energyyou first get sexual energy ‘Jing’, for womenit is connected to their blood and for men totheir sperm. Jing will develop to become Qi.If you keep practising and maintain it, Qi willpromote ‘Shen’, this is ‘spirit’. and this willshow on the face. High level <strong>Qigong</strong> mastershave strong Qi and spirit, you can see it intheir faces!When the Shen develops it reachesanother, higher state: it becomes ‘Hiu’, thismeans ‘emptiness.’ Your potential will bedeveloped, the Sky eye will be opened, youcan see the colours of Qi, orpeoples channelsand their internal organs. You can transmitstrong Qi to cure sick people or use it tochange molecules and electrons. The ‘SkyDoor’ (Bai Hui point) will be opened andyou can receive messages from greatdistances.It takes a great deal of nutrition andrest to create Qi, blood and sperm. So‘ordinary’ people will become tired if theyrelease too much. Practising <strong>Qigong</strong> cancreate the vital energy needed to maintain ahealthy body.Once during the war Yang Meijunwas buried by the Japanese! Like many shepretended to be dead to escape the enemy.She held her breath, playing dead until theyhad left. She then emerged from the groundand dug somebody else out and saved theirlives. This she could do because of her Dayan<strong>Qigong</strong> practicetobe continued...byMichael <strong>Tse</strong>Qi Magazine 41

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