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SUSTAINING CHANGEIMPLEMENTATIONUnfortunately, we find many leaders walk away from training withthe following complaint: “This was a great day, but I don’t reallyknow how to apply it.” We think they ought to be saying: “This wasa great day and I know exactly what I am going to do to apply it inour company to achieve our results.” Implementation cannot beassumed. It must be planned.If people are not clear on what they’re going to start doing, as well aswhat they’re going to stop doing, by when, and how they’re goingto measure it, then it’s difficult to sustain change. Implementationand follow through have to be built into the process.A Few Words on OutsourcingMany training organizations claim to have the magic bullet for solving culture problems. When you seek outside help forimproving accountability, be sure to ask the following key questions:Who are the company’s clients? This question alone will not reveal the quality of a training process, but may provideinsight if the clients are respected, industry leaders.How long have they been conducting accountability training? Ask the company to back up their claims with examples.Speaking directly with their clients can be the greatest help in determining the impact of the training.Do you actually conduct the training? Ask to speak directly with the individual who would be conducting the training.Many training companies will outsource their sales and marketing efforts to people/companies who can “talk thetalk” but don’t truly understand “the walk.”Where do your methodologies originate from? Some companies that train on accountability do so with materials thatare in the public domain but don’t originate with that company. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of workingwith experts who not only understand the concepts of accountability, but also have a track record for operationalizingit within organizations.6©2009 Partners In Leadership. All Rights Reserved.www.partnersinleadership.com | www.ozprinciple.com | Phone: 1-800-504-6070

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