Appetite for change - Accountancy Nieuws

Appetite for change - Accountancy Nieuws Appetite for change - Accountancy Nieuws
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Section 5What will new policies mean for business?Government actionon climate change willincrease the importanceof regulatory compliance,reputation managementand stakeholder relations36 Appetite for change. PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Government action on climate change will increasethe importance of regulatory compliance, reputationmanagement and stakeholder relations. Sectors thathave already been heavily impacted by climate change aremore likely to report that regulatory compliance, reputationmanagement and stakeholder relations influence theirenvironmental policies. These influences are likely to becomemore important among all industries as the impacts of climatechange widen.In this survey and in PricewaterhouseCoopers 2010CEO Survey, executives in the entertainment, media,communications, technology and financial services sectorswere some of the least likely to report a large impact on theway they conduct business as a result of climate change(see fig. 25 opposite). Executives in the energy, utility, miningand metal sectors were most likely to report that the climatechange and environmental debate had already affectedcorporate strategy.The power generation and transport sectors, for example, areexpected to contribute 70 per cent of the projected increasein world energy-related CO 2emissions to 2030. 22 Theyhave a triple role in climate change responses – increasingthe share of renewable or cleaner generation in their ownoperations, participating in new business ventures to developinnovative cleaner energy solutions and, also, promotingbetter energy efficiency and cleaner energy initiatives amongtheir customers.Figure 25Energy, utilities and mining firms are most affected by climate changeTelecommunications, Information,Communications, EntertainmentFinancial ServicesRetail, ConsumerAll sectorsIndustrial ProductsEnergy, Utilities, Mining0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%Report a ‘very big’ impactBase: Total (654); Telecommunications, Information, Communications, Entertainment(54); Financial Services (110); Retail, Consumer (118); All sectors (654); IndustrialProducts (203); Energy, Utilities, Mining (80)The power generation and transportsectors are expected to contribute70 per cent of the projectedincrease in world energy-related CO 2emissions to 203022Estimate by the International Energy Agency (IEA)Appetite for change. PricewaterhouseCoopers. 37

Section 5What will new policies mean <strong>for</strong> business?Government actionon climate <strong>change</strong> willincrease the importanceof regulatory compliance,reputation managementand stakeholder relations36 <strong>Appetite</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>change</strong>. PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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