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7.5 TRACTOR BEAMS7.5 TRACTOR REAMS7.5.2 Typical tractor emitterStarfleet missions sometimes require direct manipulationof relatively large objects in proximity to a starship. Suchoperations can take the form of towing another ship, modifyingthe speed or trajectory of a small asteroid, or holding a pieceof instrumentation at a fixed position relative to the ship. Theexecution of such missions generally requires the use oftractor beam remote manipulators.Tractor emitters employ superimposed subspace/gravitonforce beams whose interference patterns are focused ona remote target, resulting in significant spatial stress beingapplied on the target. By controlling the focal point andinterference patterns, it is possible to use this stress patternto draw an object toward the ship. Conversely, it is alsopossible to invert the interference patterns and move the focalpoint to actually push an object.EMITTERSTractor beam emitters are located at key positions on theship's exterior hull, permitting objects at almost any relativebearing to be manipulated. Key among these are the two maintractor beam emitters, located fore and aft along the keel of theEngineering Hull as well as a third main emitter located on theforward surface of the interconnecting dorsal. Additionalemitters are located near each shuttlebay for use in shuttlelanding maneuvers. Mooring tractor beam emitters, usedwhen the ship is in dock, are located at each reaction controlthrusterquad.The main tractor beam emitters are built around twovariable phase 16 MW graviton polarity sources, each feedingtwo 450 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers. Phaseaccuracy is within 2.7 arc-seconds per millisecond, necessaryfor precise interference pattern control. Secondary tractorbeam emitters have lesser performance ratings. Main tractorbeam emitters are directly mounted to primary structuralmembers of the ship's framework. This is because of thesignificant mechanical stress and inertiai potential imbalanceMain Shuttlebay emittersShuttlebay 2/3 emittersRCS quad mooring emitter •1 RCS quad mooring emitterForward dorsal emitterRCS quad mooring emitter• Main steerable emitter7.5.1 Tractor beam emitters

7.6 REPLICATOR SYSTEMScreated by tractor beam usage. Additional structural reinforcementand inertial potential cancellation is provided bytying the tractor emitter into the structural integrity field (SIF)network by means of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides.Effective tractor beam range varies with payload massand desired delta-y (change in relative velocity). Assuming anominal 5 m/sec 2 delta-v, the primary tractor emitters can beused with a payload approaching 7,500,000 metric tonnes atless than 1,000 meters. Conversely, that same delta- \/can beimparted to an object massing about one metric tonne atranges approaching 20,000 kilometers.The original design of the new Enterprise showed only onetractor beam emitter, at the base of the Engineering Section'sfantail. At the time the location made sense, since the mainapplication of tractor beams is to tow other ships. As the showprogressed, however, we had more than one episode in whichthat emitter location was not visible in ship exterior scenescalling for tractor beams to be used. As a result, our visualeffects staff has "added" a number of additional emitters to theship. With hindsight, the new emitters do seem to make sensegiven the fact that the Enterprise sometimes needs to moveobjects that are not directly below and astern. Our televisionstarship, like its imaginary counterpart, continues to evolve.7.6 REPLICATOR SYSTEMSRecent advances in transporter-based molecular synthesishave resulted in a number of significant spinofftechnologies. Chief among these are transporter-basedreplicators. These devices permit replication of virtually anyinanimate object with incredible fidelity and relatively lowenergy cost.There are two main replication systems on board theEnterprise. These are the food synthesizers and the hardwarereplicators. The food replicators are optimized for a finerdegree of resolution because of the necessity of accuratelyreplicating the chemical composition of foodstuffs. Hardwarereplicators, on the other hand, are generally tuned to a lowerresolution for greater energy efficiency and lower memorymatrix requirements. A number of specially modified foodreplication terminals are used in sickbay and in variousscience labs for synthesis of certain Pharmaceuticals andother scientific supplies.These replicator system headends are located on Deck12 in the Saucer Module and on Deck 34 in the EngineeringSection. These systems operate by using a phase-transitioncoil chamber in which a measured quantity of raw material isdematerialized in a manner similar to that of a standardtransporter. Instead of using a molecular imaging scanner todetermine the patterns of the raw stock, however, a quantumUser control padPhase transition chamberService access ports7.6.1 Food replicator terminal (typical)

7.5 TRACTOR BEAMS7.5 TRACTOR REAMS7.5.2 Typical tractor emitterStarfleet missions sometimes require direct manipulationof relatively large objects in proximity to a <strong>star</strong>ship. Suchoperations can take the form of towing another ship, modifyingthe speed or trajectory of a small asteroid, or holding a pieceof instrumentation at a fixed position relative to the ship. Theexecution of such missions generally requires the use oftractor beam remote manipulators.Tractor emitters employ superimposed subspace/gravitonforce beams whose interference patterns are focused ona remote target, resulting in significant spatial stress beingapplied on the target. By controlling the focal point andinterference patterns, it is possible to use this stress patternto draw an object toward the ship. Conversely, it is alsopossible to invert the interference patterns and move the focalpoint to actually push an object.EMITTERSTractor beam emitters are located at key positions on theship's exterior hull, permitting objects at almost any relativebearing to be manipulated. Key among these are the two maintractor beam emitters, located fore and aft along the keel of theEngineering Hull as well as a third main emitter located on theforward surface of the interconnecting dorsal. Additionalemitters are located near each shuttlebay for use in shuttlelanding maneuvers. Mooring tractor beam emitters, usedwhen the ship is in dock, are located at each reaction controlthrusterquad.The main tractor beam emitters are built around twovariable phase 16 MW graviton polarity sources, each feedingtwo 450 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers. Phaseaccuracy is within 2.7 arc-seconds per millisecond, necessaryfor precise interference pattern control. Secondary tractorbeam emitters have lesser performance ratings. Main tractorbeam emitters are directly mounted to primary structuralmembers of the ship's framework. This is because of thesignificant mechanical stress and inertiai potential imbalanceMain Shuttlebay emittersShuttlebay 2/3 emittersRCS quad mooring emitter •1 RCS quad mooring emitterForward dorsal emitterRCS quad mooring emitter• Main steerable emitter7.5.1 Tractor beam emitters

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