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5.5 WARP PROPULSION SYSTEM FUEL SUPPLYThe fuel supply for the warp propulsion system (WPS) iscontained within the primary deuterium tank (PDT) in theBattle Section. The PDT, which also feeds the IPS (impulsepropulsion system), is normally loaded with slush deuteriumat a temperature of -259°C, or 13.8K. The PDT is constructedof forced-matrix 2378 cortanium and stainless steel, withfoamed vac-whisker silicon-copper-duranite insulation laiddown in alternating parallel/biased layers and gamma-welded.Penetrations for supply vessels, vent lines, and sensorsare made by standard precision phaser cutters. There are atotal of four main fuel feed manifolds from the PDT to thematter reactant injector, eight cross-feed conduits to theSaucer Module auxiliary tanks, and four feeds to the mainimpulse engine.walls over time. The PDT leak rate has been measured at

5.6.1 Bussard ramscoop collection fieldTrajectory of interstellarhydrogen atom caught in magnetic fieldsMagnetic fields attractstray molecules of hydrogentoward collectors in warpengine caps5.6 BUSSARD RAMSCOOP FUEL REPLENISHMENTIn the event a deuterium tanker cannot reach a Galaxyclass starship, the capability exists to pull low-grade matterfrom the interstellar medium through a series of specializedhigh-energy magnetic coils known collectively as a Bussardramscoop. Named for the twentieth-century physicist andmathematician Robert W. Bussard, the ramscoop emanatesdirectional ionizing radiation and a shaped magnetic field toattract and compress the tenuous gas found within the MilkyWay galaxy. From this gas, which possesses an averagedensity of one atom per cubic centimeter, may be distilledsmall amounts of deuterium for contingency replenishmentof the matter supply. At high relativistic speeds, this gasaccumulation can be appreciable, though the technique isnot recommended for long periods for time-dilation reasons(See: 6.2). At warp velocities, however, extended emergencysupplies can be gathered. While matching supplies of antimattercannot be recovered from space in this manner, minuteamounts of antimatter can be generated by an onboardquantum charge reversal device (See: 5.7).each warp engine nacelle. It consists of three main assemblies,an ionizing beam emitter (IBE), magnetic field generator/collector(MFG/C), and continuouscyclefractionator(CCF).The curved nacelle endcap, the largest single cast structureof the spacecraft, is formed from reinforced polyduranide andis transparent to a narrow range of ionizing energies producedby the emitter. It is the function of the emitter to impart acharge to neutral particles in space for collection by themagnetic field. At warp velocities, the ionizing energies aretransitioned into subspace frequencies so that the beamcomponents can project out ahead of the starship, decay totheir normal states, and produce the desired effect.Behind and supporting the endcap is the MFC/G, aIt is an accepted fact that a starship in distress willcontinue to deplete its energy supplies; however, systemssuch as this have been included to afford at least a smalladditional chance at survival.A Bussard collector can be found at the forward end of5 Q 2 Bussard ramscoop

5.5 WARP PROPULSION SYSTEM FUEL SUPPLYThe fuel supply for the warp propulsion system (WPS) iscontained within the primary deuterium tank (PDT) in theBattle Section. The PDT, which also feeds the IPS (impulsepropulsion system), is normally loaded with slush deuteriumat a temperature of -259°C, or 13.8K. The PDT is constructedof forced-matrix 2378 cortanium and stainless steel, withfoamed vac-whisker silicon-copper-duranite insulation laiddown in alternating parallel/biased layers and gamma-welded.Penetrations for supply vessels, vent lines, and sensorsare made by standard precision phaser cutters. There are atotal of four main fuel feed manifolds from the PDT to thematter reactant injector, eight cross-feed conduits to theSaucer Module auxiliary tanks, and four feeds to the mainimpulse engine.walls over time. The PDT leak rate has been measured at

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