
franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1 franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1


5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER ¥highly complex atomic structure is based on simpler formsdiscovered in naturally occurring geological layers of certainplanetary systems. It was for many years deemed irreproducibleby known or predicted vapor-deposition methods, untilbreakthroughs in nuclear epitaxy and antieutectics allowedthe formation of pure, synthesized dilithium for starship andconventional powerplant use, through theta-matrix compositingtechniques utilizing gamma radiation bombardment.M/ARC POWER GENERATIONThe normal power-up sequence of the engine, as managedby the MCPC, is as follows:1. From a cold condition, the total system temperatureand pressure is brought up to 2,500,000K using a combinationof energy inputs from the electro plasma system (EPS) andthe MRI, and a "squeeze" from the upper magnetic constrictors.2. The first minute amounts of antimatter are injectedfrom below by the ARI. The lower MCS array squeezes theantimatter stream and matches its aim with the MRI above, sothat both streams land at exactly the same XYZ coordinateswithin the M/ARC. The largest reaction cross-section radiusis 9.3 cm, the smallest 2.1 cm. The stream cross-sections ofthe upper and lower MCS can vary, depending on the powerlevel setting.There are two distinct reaction modes. The first involvesthe generation of high levels of energy channeled to theelectro plasma system, much like a standard fusion reaction,to provide raw energy for ship function while at sublight. In theDCAF, the crystal alignment cradle positions the dilithium sothat the edge of two facets lies parallel to the matter/anti matterstreams, coincident with the core's XYZ B 0,0,125, where 125is the reactant cross section radius. The reaction is mediatedby the dilithium, forcing the upper limit of the resulting EMfrequencies down, below 10 20 hertz, and the lower limit up,above 10 12 hertz.The second mode makes full use of dilithium's ability tocause a partial suspension of the reaction, creating the criticalpulse frequency to be sent to the warp engine nacelles. In thismode the XYZ coordinates are driven by the three-axisadjustments made by the DCAF and place the exact mathematicalcollision point 20 angstroms above the upper dilithiumcrystal facet (See: 5.2.2). The optimum frequency range iscontinuously tuned for specific warp factors and fractionalwarp factors. Regardless of the mode employed, the annihilationeffect takes place at chamber centerpoint. The M/Aratio is stabilized at 25:1, and the engine is considered to beat "idle."3. The engine pressure is slowly brought up to 72,000kilopascals, roughly 715 times atmospheric pressure, and thenormal operating temperature at the reaction site is 2 x 10 12 K.The MRI and ARI nozzles are opened to permit more reac-5.2.5 Matter/antimatter reaction chamber (M/ARC)

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLY5.2.6 Diiithium crystals are used to regulate and control the matter-antimatter reaction.Compressed matter streamSecondary annihilation reactionsShaped diiithium crystalDiiithium crystal articulation frameCompressed antimatter streamtants to fill the vessel. The ratio is adjusted to 10:1 for powergeneration. This is also the base ratio for making Warp 1entry. The relative proportions of matter and antimatterchange as warp factors rise until Warp 8, where the ratiobecomes 1:1. Higher warp factors require greater amounts ofreactants, but no change in ratio.Other start-up modes are available, depending on thespecifics of the situation.POWER TRANSFER CONDUITSAs the entire engine system undergoes start-up, theenergetic plasma generated is split into two streams at nearlyright angles to the ship's centerline. The power transferconduits (PTC) are magnetically similar to the constrictorsegments, in that they constrain the plasma to the center ofeach channel and peristaltically force the plasma toward thewarp engine nacelles, where the warp field coils (WFC) utilizethe energy for propulsion.The PTC channels extend from Engineering aft, wherethey intercept the warp engine support pylons. Each channelis fabricated from six alternating layers of machined tritaniumand transparent aluminum borosilicate, which are phasetransitionwelded to produce a single pressure-resistant structure.The interfaces with the reaction chamber are explosiveshear-plane joints that can separate within 0.08 seconds inthe event the warp core must be jettisoned. The joints are setduring manufacture and cannot be reused.Taps for the electro plasma system (EPS) are located atthree places along the PTC, at 5,10, and 20 meters aft of theshear-plane joints. Taps for the EPS are available in threeprimary types, depending on their application. Type I accepts0.1 capacity flow for high-energy systems. Type II accepts0.01 input for experimental devices. Type III accepts relativelylow-power input for energy conversion applications.Oh, very well: The current warp values are presumably much faster than those achieved by the original Enterprise in the firstseries, but the "old" and the "new" Warp 1 are the same, the speed of light. The "old" Warp 6 is about Warp 5 on the new scale.The (then) amazing speed of Warp 14.1, achieved by the first Enterprise under extreme duress in "Is There in Truth NoBeauty?" now works out to around Warp 9.7, which the new ship achieved while fleeing Q during "Encounter at Farpoint."

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLY5.2.6 Diiithium crystals are used to regulate and control the matter-antimatter reaction.Compressed matter streamSecondary annihilation reactionsShaped diiithium crystalDiiithium crystal articulation frameCompressed antimatter streamtants to fill the vessel. The ratio is adjusted to 10:1 for powergeneration. This is also the base ratio for making Warp 1entry. The relative proportions of matter and antimatterchange as warp factors rise until Warp 8, where the ratiobecomes 1:1. Higher warp factors require greater amounts ofreactants, but no change in ratio.Other <strong>star</strong>t-up modes are available, depending on thespecifics of the situation.POWER TRANSFER CONDUITSAs the entire engine system undergoes <strong>star</strong>t-up, theenergetic plasma generated is split into two streams at nearlyright angles to the ship's centerline. The power transferconduits (PTC) are magnetically similar to the constrictorsegments, in that they constrain the plasma to the center ofeach channel and peristaltically force the plasma toward thewarp engine nacelles, where the warp field coils (WFC) utilizethe energy for propulsion.The PTC channels extend from Engineering aft, wherethey intercept the warp engine support pylons. Each channelis fabricated from six alternating layers of machined tritaniumand transparent aluminum borosilicate, which are phasetransitionwelded to produce a single pressure-resistant structure.The interfaces with the reaction chamber are explosiveshear-plane joints that can separate within 0.08 seconds inthe event the warp core must be jettisoned. The joints are setduring manufacture and cannot be reused.Taps for the electro plasma system (EPS) are located atthree places along the PTC, at 5,10, and 20 meters aft of theshear-plane joints. Taps for the EPS are available in threeprimary types, depending on their application. Type I accepts0.1 capacity flow for high-energy systems. Type II accepts0.01 input for experimental devices. Type III accepts relativelylow-power input for energy conversion applications.Oh, very well: The current warp values are presumably much faster than those achieved by the original Enterprise in the firstseries, but the "old" and the "new" Warp 1 are the same, the speed of light. The "old" Warp 6 is about Warp 5 on the new scale.The (then) amazing speed of Warp 14.1, achieved by the first Enterprise under extreme duress in "Is There in Truth NoBeauty?" now works out to around Warp 9.7, which the new ship achieved while fleeing Q during "Encounter at Farpoint."

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