
franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1 franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1


.Z HUM 11 tli/flhl I IMA 11 tii KtAU I liim ASStNIBLY5.2.3 Matter/antimatter reaction assembly (M/ARA)Matter reactant injector(Deck 30)Upper MCS capDeuterium control conduitMagnetic constriction segmentOuter thermal blanket •• Vertical tension memberPhase adjustment coilPower transfer conduit• Dilithium housing• Reaction chamber(Deck 36)Secondary valve blockPressure vessel toroid• Lower MCS capAntimatter reactant injector(Deck 42)one observable gauge of engine performance, as harmlesssecondary photons are emitted from the inner layers, providinga visible blue glow. The peristaltic action and energy levelof the constrictor coils can be readily seen by the ChiefEngineer and/or deputy personnel.As the streams of matter and antimatter are releasedfrom their respective nozzles, the constrictor coils compresseach stream in the Y axis and add between 200 and 300 mlsec velocity. This insures proper alignment and collisionenergy for them each to land on target within the M/ARC at theexact center of the chamber. It is at this spot that the M/Areaction is mediated by the dilithium crystal articulation frame.MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION CHAMBERThe matter/antimatter reaction chamber (M/ARC) consistsof two matched bell-shaped cavities which contain andredirect the primary reaction. The chamber measures 2.3meters in height and 2.5 meters in diameter. It is constructedfrom twelve layers of hafnium 6 excelion-infused carbonitrium,phase-transition welded under a pressure of 31,000kilopascals. The three outer layers are armored with acrossenitearkenide for 10x overpressure protection, as are allinterface joints to other pressure-bearing and energy-carryingparts of the system.The equatorial band of the chamber contains the housingfor the dilithium crystal articulation frame (DCAF). An ar-

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLY5.2.4 Matter/antimatter reaction injectorsFuel conditionerMatter injectorFusion preburnerMagnetic quench blockGas combinerNozzle headUpper MCS capLower MCS capNozzle headAntimatter injectorGas flow separatorAntideuterium sublimatorFuel conditionerMagnetic suspensionfuel tunnelmored hatch allows access to the DCAF for crystal replacementand adjustment. The DCAF consists of an EM-isolatedcradle to hold approximately 1200 cm 3 of dilithium crystal, plustwo redundant sets of three-axis crystal orientation linkages.The crystal must be manipulated with six degrees of freedomto achieve the proper angles and depths for reaction mediation.Connecting the equatorial band to the upper and lowerhalves of the chamber are twenty-four structural pins. Thesepins are hafnium 8 molyferrenite and are reinforced in tension,compression, and torsion, and are continuous with the enginestructural integrity field. Running along the center of theequatorial band are two layers of diffused transparent tritaniumborocarbonate for reaction energy visual monitoring.THE ROLE OF DILITHIUMThe key element in the efficient use of M/A reactions isthe dilithium crystal. This is the only material known toFederation science to be nonreactive with antimatter whensubjected to a high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) field inthe megawatt range, rendering it "porous" to antihydrogen.Dilithium permits the antihydrogen to pass directly through itscrystalline structure without actually touching it, owing to thefield dynamo effect created in the added iron atoms. Thelonger form of the crystal name is the forced-matrix formula26dilithium 21 diallosilicate 1:9:1 heptoferranide. This

.Z HUM 11 tli/flhl I IMA 11 tii KtAU I liim ASStNIBLY5.2.3 Matter/antimatter reaction assembly (M/ARA)Matter reactant injector(Deck 30)Upper MCS capDeuterium control conduitMagnetic constriction segmentOuter thermal blanket •• Vertical tension memberPhase adjustment coilPower transfer conduit• Dilithium housing• Reaction chamber(Deck 36)Secondary valve blockPressure vessel toroid• Lower MCS capAntimatter reactant injector(Deck 42)one observable gauge of engine performance, as harmlesssecondary photons are emitted from the inner layers, providinga visible blue glow. The peristaltic action and energy levelof the constrictor coils can be readily seen by the ChiefEngineer and/or deputy personnel.As the streams of matter and antimatter are releasedfrom their respective nozzles, the constrictor coils compresseach stream in the Y axis and add between 200 and 300 mlsec velocity. This insures proper alignment and collisionenergy for them each to land on target within the M/ARC at theexact center of the chamber. It is at this spot that the M/Areaction is mediated by the dilithium crystal articulation frame.MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION CHAMBERThe matter/antimatter reaction chamber (M/ARC) consistsof two matched bell-shaped cavities which contain andredirect the primary reaction. The chamber measures 2.3meters in height and 2.5 meters in diameter. It is constructedfrom twelve layers of hafnium 6 excelion-infused carbonitrium,phase-transition welded under a pressure of 31,000kilopascals. The three outer layers are armored with acrossenitearkenide for 10x overpressure protection, as are allinterface joints to other pressure-bearing and energy-carryingparts of the system.The equatorial band of the chamber contains the housingfor the dilithium crystal articulation frame (DCAF). An ar-

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