
franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1 franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1


Pacific bottlenose dolphins, respectively. This crew is overseenby two additional cetaceans, Orcinus orca takayai, orTakaya's Whale. All theoretical topics in navigation arestudied by these elite specialists, and their recommendationsfor system upgrades are implemented by Starfleet.NAVIGATIONThe whole of the galactic environment must be taken intoaccount in any discussion of guidance and navigation. TheMilky Way galaxy, with its populations of stars, gas and dustconcentrations, and numerous other exotic (and energetic)phenomena, encompasses a vast amount of low-densityspace through which Federation vessels travel. The continuingmission segments of the USS Enterprise will take it tovarious objects within this space, made possible by theonboard navigation systems.THE MILKY WAY GALAXYThe Milky Way galaxy would seem, by any scheme ofmapping, to be a record-keeping nightmare created to thwartall who would attempt to traverse it. Not only is the entire massrotating, but it is doing so at different rates, from its core to theouter spiral arms. Over time, even small-scale structureschange enough to be a problem in navigation and mapping.A common frame of reference is necessary, however, in orderto conduct exploration, establish trade routes, and performvarious other Starfleet operations, from colony transfers torescue missions. The mapping and galactic heading systemestablished by the Federation is shown in 3.12.1.Celestial objects become known by planetary deepspaceinstrument scans and starship surveys, and are recordedwithin Starfleet's central galactic condition database.Locations and proper motions of all major stars, nebulae, dustclouds, and other stable natural objects are stored anddistributed throughout the Federation. New objects arecatalogued as they are encountered, and updated databasesare regularly transmitted by subspace radio to Starfleet andallied Federation vessels.During stops at Federation outposts and starbases, alldetailed recordings of a ship's previous flight time are downloadedand sent on to Starfleet. Most of the information in thedatabase concerns the present condition of an object, with"present" defined as real clock time measured at StarfleetHeadquarters, San Francisco, Earth. The overall visual appearanceof the galaxy from Earth or any planet is, of course,unreliable due to the limitation of the speed of light; so manyadditional sources (such as faster subspace readings) areneeded to keep the database current. Where realtime objectinformation is unavailable, predicted conditions are listed.The main computers of the USS Enterprise apply thegalactic condition database to the task of plotting flight pathsbetween points in the galaxy. Objects lying along the flightFed TimebaseBeaconsSupemovaeSubspace radiorelaysEmissionnebulaeDistantStarfleet shipsSubspacephenomenaNearStarfleet shipsInstrumentedprobesQuasarsSensorplatformsStellar pairsArtificial navigational devices • Natural celestial objects used for navigation3.12.2 Navigational reference aids

.13 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICSpath, such as stellar systems or random large solid bodies,are avoided. At sublight as well as warp velocities, theexternal and internal sensors communicate with the computersand engine systems to perform constantly updated coursecorrections along the basic trajectory.DEFLECTION OF LOW-MASS PARTICLESLighter mass materials such as interstellar gas and dustgrains are translated away from the ship's flight path by themain navigational deflector. During low-sublight travel, anumber of nested parabolic deflector shields are projected bythe main emitter dish. These shields encounter distant oncomingparticles, imparting a radial velocity component tothem, effectively clearing the space ahead of the vehicle forashort time. Higher sublight velocities require the additionaluse of precision-aimed deflector beams directed at specifictargets in the projected flight path.Control of the deflector power output is available in anumber of modes, from simple deflection to predictive-adaptivesubspace/graviton; a series of high-speed algorithmsanalyzes the ship's velocity and the density of the interstellarmedium, and commands changes in the navigational deflectorsystem.3.13 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICSAll key operating systems and subsystems aboard theEnterprise have a number of preprogrammed diagnostic softwareand procedures for use when actual or potential malfunctionsare experienced. These various diagnostic protocolsare generally classified into five different levels, eachoffering a different degree of crew verification of automatedtests. Which type of diagnostic is used in a given situation willgenerally depend upon the criticality of a situation, and uponthe amount of time available for the test procedures.• Level 1 Diagnostic. This refers to the most comprehensivetype of system diagnostic, which is normally conductedon ship's systems. Extensive automated diagnosticroutines are performed, but a Level 1 diagnostic requires ateam of crew members to physically verify operation of systemmechanisms and to system readings, rather than dependingon the automated programs, thereby guarding against possiblemalfunctions in self-testing hardware and software.Level 1 diagnostics on major systems can take several hours,and in many cases the subject system must be taken off-linefor all tests to be performed.• Level 2 Diagnostic. This refers to a comprehensivesystem diagnostic protocol which, like a Level 1, involvesextensive automated routines, but requires crew verificationof fewer operational elements. This yields a somewhat lessreliable system analysis, but is a procedure that can be conductedin less than half the time of the more complex tests.• Level 3 Diagnostic. This protocol is similar to Level 1and 2 diagnostics but involves crew verification of only keymechanics and systems readings. Level 3 diagnostics areintended to be performed in ten minutes or less.• Level 4 Diagnostic. This automated procedure isintended for use whenever trouble is suspected with a givensystem. This protocol is similar to Level 5, but involves moresophisticated batteries of automated diagnostics. For mostsystems, Level 4 diagnostics can be performed in under 30seconds.• Level 5 Diagnostic. This automated procedure isintended for routine use to verify system performance. Level5 diagnostics, which usually require less than 2.5 seconds,are typically performed on most systems on at least a dailybasis, and are also performed during crisis situations whentime and system resources are carefully managed.

Pacific bottlenose dolphins, respectively. This crew is overseenby two additional cetaceans, Orcinus orca takayai, orTakaya's Whale. All theoretical topics in navigation arestudied by these elite specialists, and their recommendationsfor system upgrades are implemented by Starfleet.NAVIGATIONThe whole of the galactic environment must be taken intoaccount in any discussion of guidance and navigation. TheMilky Way galaxy, with its populations of <strong>star</strong>s, gas and dustconcentrations, and numerous other exotic (and energetic)phenomena, encompasses a vast amount of low-densityspace through which Federation vessels travel. The continuingmission segments of the USS Enterprise will take it tovarious objects within this space, made possible by theonboard navigation systems.THE MILKY WAY GALAXYThe Milky Way galaxy would seem, by any scheme ofmapping, to be a record-keeping nightmare created to thwartall who would attempt to traverse it. Not only is the entire massrotating, but it is doing so at different rates, from its core to theouter spiral arms. Over time, even small-scale structureschange enough to be a problem in navigation and mapping.A common frame of reference is necessary, however, in orderto conduct exploration, establish trade routes, and performvarious other Starfleet operations, from colony transfers torescue missions. The mapping and galactic heading systemestablished by the Federation is shown in 3.12.1.Celestial objects become known by planetary deepspaceinstrument scans and <strong>star</strong>ship surveys, and are recordedwithin Starfleet's central galactic condition database.Locations and proper motions of all major <strong>star</strong>s, nebulae, dustclouds, and other stable natural objects are stored anddistributed throughout the Federation. New objects arecatalogued as they are encountered, and updated databasesare regularly transmitted by subspace radio to Starfleet andallied Federation vessels.During stops at Federation outposts and <strong>star</strong>bases, alldetailed recordings of a ship's previous flight time are downloadedand sent on to Starfleet. Most of the information in thedatabase concerns the present condition of an object, with"present" defined as real clock time measured at StarfleetHeadquarters, San Francisco, Earth. The overall visual appearanceof the galaxy from Earth or any planet is, of course,unreliable due to the limitation of the speed of light; so manyadditional sources (such as faster subspace readings) areneeded to keep the database current. Where realtime objectinformation is unavailable, predicted conditions are listed.The main computers of the USS Enterprise apply thegalactic condition database to the task of plotting flight pathsbetween points in the galaxy. Objects lying along the flightFed TimebaseBeaconsSupemovaeSubspace radiorelaysEmissionnebulaeDistantStarfleet shipsSubspacephenomenaNearStarfleet shipsInstrumentedprobesQuasarsSensorplatformsStellar pairsArtificial navigational devices • Natural celestial objects used for navigation3.12.2 Navigational reference aids

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