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A Mission Ops tech generally serves as relief OperationsManager when the duty Ops officer is away from station.3.9.1 Mission Operations aft station panelOTHER MISSION OPS DUTIESThis station is responsible for monitoring telemetry fromprimary mission Away Teams. This includes tricorder dataand any other mission-specific instrumentation.Mission Ops is also responsible for monitoring the activitiesof secondary missions to anticipate requirements andpossible conflicts. In cases where such conflicts impact onprimary missions in progress, Mission Ops is required to notifythe Operations Manager.During Alert and crisis situations, Mission Ops also assiststhe Security Officer, providing information on AwayTeams and secondary mission operations, with emphasis onpossible impact on security concerns.3.10 ENVIRONMENTThe Environmental Systems station permits monitoringand control of the life support systems aboard the Enterprise.Although this station is often unattended due to the highlyautomated nature of these systems, this station is of crucialimportance during crisis and Alert situations.This station is normally programmed to monitor statusand performance for atmosphere, temperature, gravity, inertialdamping, and shielding subsystems. Environment alsomonitors critical consumables such as oxygen and water.Finally, this station also oversees the function of the variousrecycling and reprocessing systems that insure a continuoussupply of breathable air, water, food, and other consumables.When unattended, this station's programming will alert Ops ofany situation requiring crew attention.During Alert and crisis situations, Environment serves asa deputy Operations Manager, monitoring and allocating lifesupport resources to maximize crew survivability. The EnvironmentalSystems Officer (when required on the bridge) isauthorized to initiate Yellow and Red Alert conditions and isresponsible for execution of survival scenarios such as evacuationto environmental shelter areas.3.10.1 Environmental Systems aft station panel

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