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3.1 MAIN BRIDGEmain viewer display matrix includes omni-holographic displayelements and is thus capable of displaying three-dimensionalinformation.Behind the aft workstations is a 3.2 meter equipment bay,normally sealed to crew personnel. This equipment bayhouses three of the seven dedicated bridge computer opticalsubprocessors, and six of the twelve shared subprocessors.Also located in this equipment bay are several power, environmental,and optical data trunk connects. The remainingcomputer subprocessors are located in smaller equipmentbays integral to the aft stations, in the side bays port andstarboard of the command area, and in the deck structurebetween Conn and Ops and the main viewer.Other facilities located on Deck 1 include the captain'sready room and head, the aft observation lounge, and thecrew head adjoining the bridge itself. Both the bridge and thecaptain's ready room are equipped with food replicationterminals.Major connects to the bridge include two standard turboliftshafts, one emergency turboshaft, and four electroplasma power distribution waveguide conduits. Additionalconnects include four environmental support plenum groups,nine primary and two backup optical data network trunks, tworeplicator waveguide conduits, and three service crawlways.Because of the criticality of bridge systems, especially inemergency situations, the Main Bridge is designated as anemergency environmental support shelter, receiving prioritylife support from two special protected utilities trunks. Thesefeeds permit Class M conditions to be maintained for up toseventy-two hours even in the event of failure of both primaryand reserve environmental systems. Also provided within thebridge shell are two emergency atmospheric and powersupply modules, each capable of providing up to twenty-fourhours of atmosphere and lighting in the event of total environmentalsystems failure.The Main Bridge module is connected to the spaceframestructure with a series of 320 7.2 cm duranium fastening rods.These fasteners can be disengaged at major starbase layover,permitting disconnect and replacement of the entirebridge module. Torsion relief and vibration damping areprovided by a series of 17 mm microfoamed AGP semifiexibleceramic gaskets which form the mechanical interface betweenthe structures. The Main Bridge shell is constructed'The Enterprise bridge was one of the firstthings developed forStar Trek: The Next Generation. It was initially designed byAndrew Probert, then finalized and built under the direction ofproduction designer Herman Zimmerman. Working blueprintswere drafted by set designer Les Gobrugge. Since oursecond season, set design (including Enterprise interiors) hasbeen supervised by production designer Richard James, whowas honored with an Emmy award for his art direction in "Sinsof the Father."OtherstationsTacticalsystems3.1.2 Command intelligence links to major systems

3.1 MAIN BRIDGE3.1.3 Main Bridge\from an interlaced microfoamduranium filament shell gammaweldedto a tritanium truss structural framework. The innerenvironmental envelope is fabricated from low-density expandedceramic-polymercomposite segments, providing bothatmospheric integrity and thermal insulation.During the initial spaceworthiness tests of the originalUSS Galaxy prototype vessel, the standard Galaxy classbridge module was not yet fully operational. Instead, acustom-built module was used that was equipped with independentlife-support and sublight propulsion capabilities. Thisunit was used as a self-contained crew compartment duringthe initial shakedown and could have been ejected, carryingthe crew to safety in the event of a catastrophic failure of thespaceframe or propulsion system.It is anticipated that the current bridge configuration of theGalaxy class starship will remain relatively unchanged for anumber of years. Current planning calls for annual designreviews of the bridge and control systems, with major systemreplacements projected at twenty-year intervals.The concept of the replaceable bridge module originated during Star Trek V, when we were working with Herman Zimmermanon a new Enterprise bridge that was quite a bit different from the one seen in Star Trek IV. We rationalized that this was becausethe bridge, located at the top of the saucer, was a plug-in module designed for easy replacement. This would permit the ship'scontrol systems to be upgraded, thereby extending the useful lifetime of a starship, and would make it easier to customize aparticular ship for a specific type of mission. This concept also fits the fact that we've seen the main bridges of at least fourdifferent Miranda class starships, the Reliant (Star Trek II), the Saratoga (Star Trek IV), the Lantree ("Unnatural Selection"),and the Brattain ("Night Terrors"), each of which had a different bridge module.

3.1 MAIN BRIDGE3.1.3 Main Bridge\from an interlaced microfoamduranium filament shell gammaweldedto a tritanium truss structural framework. The innerenvironmental envelope is fabricated from low-density expandedceramic-polymercomposite segments, providing bothatmospheric integrity and thermal insulation.During the initial spaceworthiness tests of the originalUSS Galaxy prototype vessel, the standard Galaxy classbridge module was not yet fully operational. Instead, acustom-built module was used that was equipped with independentlife-support and sublight propulsion capabilities. Thisunit was used as a self-contained crew compartment duringthe initial shakedown and could have been ejected, carryingthe crew to safety in the event of a catastrophic failure of thespaceframe or propulsion system.It is anticipated that the current bridge configuration of theGalaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship will remain relatively unchanged for anumber of years. Current planning calls for annual designreviews of the bridge and control systems, with major systemreplacements projected at twenty-year intervals.The concept of the replaceable bridge module originated during Star Trek V, when we were working with Herman Zimmermanon a new Enterprise bridge that was quite a bit different from the one seen in Star Trek IV. We rationalized that this was becausethe bridge, located at the top of the saucer, was a plug-in module designed for easy replacement. This would permit the ship'scontrol systems to be upgraded, thereby extending the useful lifetime of a <strong>star</strong>ship, and would make it easier to customize aparticular ship for a specific type of mission. This concept also fits the fact that we've seen the main bridges of at least fourdifferent Miranda class <strong>star</strong>ships, the Reliant (Star Trek II), the Saratoga (Star Trek IV), the Lantree ("Unnatural Selection"),and the Brattain ("Night Terrors"), each of which had a different bridge module.

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