
franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1 franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1


2.7 SAUCER MODULE SEPARATION SYSTEMS2.7.5 Best-case atmospheric entry profile for Saucer ModuleMidcourse correction phase 1Planetary approach velocitymanagement or deorbit impulse firingMidcourse correction phase 2Airflow managementAPotential landing site imaging\Final approachContact and slideoutsuitability as landing sites will depend on the specific situation,computer recommendations, and command decisions.Naturally, many planetary types will possess environmentsso hostile to crew survival that remaining in orbit will bea preferable option, unless emergency landing is mandatedby tactical considerations.Prior to landing on a Class M planet (as only oneexample), the structural integrity field and inertial dampingfield would be set to high output, with the SIF also set to flexthe vehicle in small, controlled amounts for shock attenuation.The deflector grid will be set to a high output as well, with itsfield decay radius configured to optimize the Saucer Module'sfinal slideout distance while applying a controlled frictioneffect. During approach the computer would take atmosphericreadings and make adjustments along the descent,and command the deflector field to perform airflow andsteering changes. In the event computer control is limited, theFlight Control Officer (Conn) should be able to make manualattitude control inputs from his/her panel. The IDF would beconfigured to "jolt mode" during major impacts, if they exceedcertain preset translational limits. The deflector field is designedto protect the vehicle hull, though only up to thespecified load limits when the hull must make contact with theground. If the SIF, IDF, and deflector grid are all functioningduring slideout, they can add a great deal to minimizing impactforces.It is assumed that the vehicle would be a total loss insofaras ever being returned to operational service, due to theextreme loads placed upon it, which would result in deep, unrecoverablealloy damage. Postlanding mission rules call forfull security measures to protect the crew and vehicle whileawaiting Starfleet assistance. Numerous options have beendocumented, from simple waiting within Federation or alliedterritory, to total evacuation and vehicle destruct in areas controlledby Threat forces.

3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.1 MAIN BRIDGEPrimary operational control of the Galaxy class starshipis provided by the Main Bridge, located at the top of the SaucerModule on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises allprimary mission operations and coordinates all departmentalactivities.The central area of the Main Bridge provides seating andinformation displays for the commander and two other officers.Directly fore of the command area are the OperationsManager and the Flight Control Officer, both of whom face themain viewer.Directly aft of the command area is an elevated platformon which is located the tactical control station. Also located onthe platform are five workstations, nominally configured asScience I, Science II, Mission Operations (Ops), Environment,and Engineering.At the very front of the bridge chamber is located a large(4.8 x 2.5 meter) visual display panel. This main viewer isgenerally used to display the output of one of the forwardoptical scanners, but can easily be reset for any other visual,informational, or communications use. When in communicationsmode, the main viewer shares the use of a dedicatedsubprocessor, which permits near-instantaneous conversionand display of nearly any visual communications format. The3.1.1 Main Bridge location on Saucer Module

3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.1 MAIN BRIDGEPrimary operational control of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>shipis provided by the Main Bridge, located at the top of the SaucerModule on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises allprimary mission operations and coordinates all departmentalactivities.The central area of the Main Bridge provides seating andinformation displays for the commander and two other officers.Directly fore of the command area are the OperationsManager and the Flight Control Officer, both of whom face themain viewer.Directly aft of the command area is an elevated platformon which is located the tactical control station. Also located onthe platform are five workstations, nominally configured asScience I, Science II, Mission Operations (Ops), Environment,and Engineering.At the very front of the bridge chamber is located a large(4.8 x 2.5 meter) visual display panel. This main viewer isgenerally used to display the output of one of the forwardoptical scanners, but can easily be reset for any other visual,informational, or communications use. When in communicationsmode, the main viewer shares the use of a dedicatedsubprocessor, which permits near-instantaneous conversionand display of nearly any visual communications format. The3.1.1 Main Bridge location on Saucer Module

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