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ivCONTENTS8.4 Ship-to-Ship Communications8.5 Subspace Communications Network8.6 Universal Translator9.0 Transporter Systems9.1 Transporter Systems Introduction9.2 Transporter Systems Operation9.3 Other Transporter Functions9.4 Limitations of Use9.5 Transporter Evacuation10.0 Science and Remote SensingSystems10.1 Sensor Systems10.2 Long-Range Sensors10.3 Navigational Sensors10.4 Lateral Sensor Arrays10.5 Instrumented Probes10.6 Tricorder10.7 Science Department Ops11.0 Tactical Systems11.1 Phasers11.2 Phaser Operations11.3 Photon Torpedoes11.4 Photon Torpedo Operations11.5 Battle Bridge11.6 Tactical Policies11.7 Personal Phasers11.8 Deflector Shields11.9 Auto-Destruct Systems979910110210210310810910911011011111311411511912212312312612813013113313413814012.0 Environmental Systems 14212.1 Life Support and Environmental Control 14212.2 Atmospheric System 14212.3 Gravity Generation 14412.4 Emergency Environmental Systems 14512.5 Waste Management 14614.2 Shuttlebays14.3 Shuttlecraft14.4 Extravehicular Activity14.5 Captain's Yacht15.0 USS Enterprise Flight Operations15.1 Introduction to Flight Operations15.2 Mission Types15.3 Operating Modes15.4 Cruise Mode15.5 Yellow Alert15.6 Red Alert15.7 External Support Mode15.8 Separated Flight Mode15.9 Reduced Power Mode16.0 Emergency Operations16.1 Introduction to Emergency Operations16.2 Fire Suppression16.3 Emergency Medical Operations16.4 Lifeboats16.5 Rescue and Evac Operations17.0 Conclusion17.1 Projected Upgrades17.2 Future Directions: The Road to 1701-E17.3 Mission BackgroundAfterword by Rick Berman158160163164165165165166166167168169169170171171171172174176177177177179180Index, Key to Acronyms, and Unitsof Measure 18213. Support SystemsCrew SupportMedical SystemsMedical TricorderCrew Quarters SystemsFood Replication SystemTurbolift Personnel Transport SystemHolographic Environment Simulators14714714815115215315415614.014.1Auxiliary Spacecraft SystemsShuttlecraft Operations158158

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